public static void Main(string[] args) { // Change the console window Terminal term = new Terminal(); term.Title = "Terminal Window Title"; term.DisplayMode = (int)ConsoleDisplayModeForSet.CONSOLE_FULLSCREEN_MODE; //Console.WriteLine("Terminal Title: {0}", term.Title); term.WriteLine("Terminal Window Title - has been set"); COORD fontSize = term.FontSize; Console.WriteLine("Terminal Font Size: X = {0}, Y = {1}", fontSize.X, fontSize.Y); Console.WriteLine("mouse buttons: {0}", term.MouseButtons); // Instantiate a machine Machine aMachine = new Machine(); // Print some properties Console.WriteLine("Name: {0}", aMachine.ShortName); Console.WriteLine("Domain: {0}", aMachine.DomainName); Environment environ = new Environment(); Console.WriteLine("Command Line: {0}", environ.CommandLine); // Get the name of the process image that this process is running //Process aProc = new Process(); //PrintProcess(aProc); //PrintAllProcesses(); PrintAllDrives(); //PrintVolumes(); Console.ReadLine(); }
public void Process__bubbles_processed_dive_before_saving_dive() { var accessed = 0; var parserMock = new Mock<IImageParser>(); var pixels = new[] { new Pixel(2, 3), new Pixel(3, 4), new Pixel(5, 4) }; parserMock.Setup(d => d.ReadDocument()).Returns(pixels); var dives = new[] { new Dive(15, 50, 23, ""), new Dive(24, 20, 33, "") }; var dr = new Mock<IDiveRepository>(); dr.Setup(inp => inp.LoadDives()).Returns(dives); var sf = new Mock<ISampleFactory>(); var processed = new[] { new ProcessedDive(dives[0]), new ProcessedDive(dives[0]) }; sf.Setup(inp => inp.Create(It.IsAny<IEnumerable<Pixel>>(), dives[0])).Returns(processed[0]); sf.Setup(inp => inp.Create(It.IsAny<IEnumerable<Pixel>>(), dives[1])).Returns(processed[1]); Func<DlImageParsr.Model.Dive, IImageParser> facFunc = d => { return parserMock.Object; }; var machine = new Machine(dr.Object, sf.Object, facFunc); machine.BeforeSavingDive += (dive) => accessed += dive.DiveLogId; machine.Process(); accessed.Should().BeGreaterOrEqualTo(25); }
public RemotingHostServer(Machine machine, int port, string name) : base(machine) { this.port = port; = name; // TODO review this name, get machine name this.hostname = "localhost"; // According to // in order to have ObjRef accessible from client code BinaryServerFormatterSinkProvider serverProv = new BinaryServerFormatterSinkProvider(); serverProv.TypeFilterLevel = System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.TypeFilterLevel.Full; BinaryClientFormatterSinkProvider clientProv = new BinaryClientFormatterSinkProvider(); IDictionary props = new Hashtable(); props["port"] = port; TcpChannel channel = new TcpChannel(props, clientProv, serverProv); if (!registered) { ChannelServices.RegisterChannel(channel, false); registered = true; } // end of "according" // TODO review other options to publish an object this.objref = RemotingServices.Marshal(this, name); }
public object Apply(Machine machine, ValueEnvironment environment, object[] arguments) { object name = arguments[0]; object result = machine.Evaluate(name, environment); Type type = null; if (!(result is Type)) { if (name is INamed || name is string) type = Utilities.GetType(name); if (type == null) throw new ArgumentException("New should receive a type name"); } else type = (Type)result; object[] parameters = new object[arguments.Length - 1]; for (int k = 1; k < arguments.Length; k++) parameters[k - 1] = machine.Evaluate(arguments[k], environment); return Activator.CreateInstance(type, parameters); }
public void TestReport() { ArrayList line = new ArrayList(); line.Add(new Machine("mixer", "left")); Machine extruder = new Machine("extruder", "center"); extruder.Put("paste"); line.Add(extruder); Machine oven = new Machine("oven", "right"); oven.Put("chips"); line.Add(oven); Robot robot = new Robot(); robot.MoveTo(extruder); robot.Pick(); StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(); RobotReport.Report(writer, line, robot); String expected = "FACTORY REPORT\n" + "Machine mixer\nMachine extruder\n" + "Machine oven bin=chips\n\n" + "Robot location=extruder bin=paste\n" + "========\n"; Assert.That(writer.ToString(), Is.EqualTo(expected)); }
public SunxiHighSpeedTimer(Machine machine, long frequency) { irqEnableRegister = new DoubleWordRegister(this); irqStatusRegister = new DoubleWordRegister(this); timers = new SunxiHighSpeedTimerUnit[4]; interruptFlags = new IFlagRegisterField[4]; enableFlags = new IFlagRegisterField[4]; for(var i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { var j = i; timers[i] = new SunxiHighSpeedTimerUnit(machine, frequency); timers[i].LimitReached += () => OnTimerLimitReached(j); interruptFlags[i] = irqStatusRegister.DefineFlagField(i, FieldMode.WriteOneToClear, name: "Tx_IRQ_PEND"); enableFlags[i] = irqEnableRegister.DefineFlagField(i, name: "Tx_INT_EN"); } var innerConnections = new Dictionary<int, IGPIO>(); for(var i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { innerConnections[i] = new GPIO(); } Connections = new ReadOnlyDictionary<int, IGPIO>(innerConnections); }
public void DoIt() { var machine = new Machine(_stateFactory, _persister); machine.Configure(p => p .Setup<StateA>(x => x.Reached5) .Setup<StateA>(x => x.Reaced10) .TransitionTo<StateB>() .TransitionTo<StateC>()); machine.Configure(p => p .Setup<StateB>(x => x.Reached15) .Setup<StateC>(x => x.Reached20) .TransitionTo<StateD>()); string descriptions = machine.GetDescriptions(); var fooData = new FooData(); fooData.Id = Guid.NewGuid(); for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) { machine.Process(fooData); App.Worker.Increase(); } }
public void InterruptTest() { var machine = new Machine (); var efm32ggi2ccontroller = new EFM32GGI2CController (machine); machine.SystemBus.Register(efm32ggi2ccontroller, new BusRangeRegistration(0x4000A000, 0x400)); efm32ggi2ccontroller.Reset (); // Enable I2C controller efm32ggi2ccontroller.WriteDoubleWord (0x0, 0x1); // Enable all interrupts, bits 0-16 efm32ggi2ccontroller.WriteDoubleWord (0x34, 0x1FFFF); // Clear all interrupts efm32ggi2ccontroller.WriteDoubleWord (0x30, 0x1FFFF); Assert.AreEqual (efm32ggi2ccontroller.ReadDoubleWord (0x28), 0x0); // Set Start, ACK, NACK interrupt flags uint interruptMask = 0x1 | 0x40 | 0x80; efm32ggi2ccontroller.WriteDoubleWord (0x2C, interruptMask); // Check the result on interrupt register Assert.AreEqual (efm32ggi2ccontroller.ReadDoubleWord (0x28), interruptMask); // Clear all interrupts efm32ggi2ccontroller.WriteDoubleWord (0x30, 0x1FFFF); Assert.AreEqual (efm32ggi2ccontroller.ReadDoubleWord (0x28), 0x0); // Send start command and check that start interrupt is flagged efm32ggi2ccontroller.WriteDoubleWord (0x4, 0x1); Assert.AreEqual (efm32ggi2ccontroller.ReadDoubleWord (0x28) & 0x1, 0x1); }
public EnumerableBehavior(IBehavior behavior, IBehavior superclass, Machine machine) : base(behavior, superclass, machine, typeof(IEnumerable)) { string dosource = @" do: aBlock | enumerator | enumerator := self !GetEnumerator. [enumerator !MoveNext] whileTrue: [ aBlock value: enumerator !Current ] "; string selectsource = @" select: aBlock | enumerator list | enumerator := self !GetEnumerator. list := @System.Collections.ArrayList !new. [enumerator !MoveNext] whileTrue: [ | item | item := enumerator !Current. (aBlock value: item) ifTrue: [ list add: item ] ]. ^list "; Parser parser = new Parser(dosource); this.DefineInstanceMethod(parser.CompileInstanceMethod(this)); parser = new Parser(selectsource); this.DefineInstanceMethod(parser.CompileInstanceMethod(this)); this.DefineInstanceMethod(new FunctionalMethod("includes:", this, this.IncludesMethod)); }
public void CreateNotCurrentMachine() { Machine machine = new Machine(false); Assert.IsTrue(machine != Machine.Current); Assert.IsNotNull(machine.Environment); }
public TegraTimer(Machine machine) { IRQ = new GPIO(); sync = new object(); clockSource = machine.ObtainClockSource(); Reset(); }
public NS16550(Machine machine, bool wideRegisters = false) { this.machine = machine; mode32 = wideRegisters; IRQ = new GPIO(); Reset(); }
protected override object Evaluate(string text, Machine machine) { Parser parser = new Parser(text); Block block = parser.CompileBlock(); Process process = new Process(block, null, machine); return process.Execute(); }
public FT5336(Machine machine, bool isRotated = false) { this.machine = machine; this.isRotated = isRotated; IRQ = new GPIO(); Reset(); }
public CadenceUart(Machine machine) { this.machine = machine; buffer = new Queue<byte>(); Reset(); IRQ = new GPIO(); }
public Host(Machine machine) { this.machine = machine; this.machine.Host = this; if (Machine.Current != null) Machine.Current.RegisterHost(this); }
public void InitTest() { var machine = new Machine (); var efm32ggi2ccontroller = new EFM32GGI2CController (machine); machine.SystemBus.Register(efm32ggi2ccontroller, new BusRangeRegistration(0x4000A000, 0x400)); efm32ggi2ccontroller.Reset (); Assert.AreEqual (efm32ggi2ccontroller.ReadDoubleWord (0x00), 0); // Enable I2C controller efm32ggi2ccontroller.WriteDoubleWord (0x0, 0x1); Assert.AreEqual (efm32ggi2ccontroller.ReadDoubleWord (0x00), 0x1); // Need check reset of interrupt flags before reading rx data (0x1C) // as this will trigger RXUF if enabled Assert.AreEqual (efm32ggi2ccontroller.ReadDoubleWord (0x28), 0); // Check I2Cn_IEN before enabling interrupts Assert.AreEqual (efm32ggi2ccontroller.ReadDoubleWord (0x34), 0); // Enable all interrupts, bits 0-16 efm32ggi2ccontroller.WriteDoubleWord (0x34, 0x1FFFF); Assert.AreEqual (efm32ggi2ccontroller.ReadDoubleWord (0x08), 0); Assert.AreEqual (efm32ggi2ccontroller.ReadDoubleWord (0x0C), 0); Assert.AreEqual (efm32ggi2ccontroller.ReadDoubleWord (0x10), 0); Assert.AreEqual (efm32ggi2ccontroller.ReadDoubleWord (0x14), 0); Assert.AreEqual (efm32ggi2ccontroller.ReadDoubleWord (0x18), 0); Assert.AreEqual (efm32ggi2ccontroller.ReadDoubleWord (0x1C), 0); Assert.AreEqual (efm32ggi2ccontroller.ReadDoubleWord (0x20), 0); // IF - RXUF Assert.AreEqual (efm32ggi2ccontroller.ReadDoubleWord (0x28), 0x2000); Assert.AreEqual (efm32ggi2ccontroller.ReadDoubleWord (0x34), 0x1FFFF); Assert.AreEqual (efm32ggi2ccontroller.ReadDoubleWord (0x38), 0); }
public LEUART(Machine machine) { this.machine = machine; queueLock = new object(); IRQ = new GPIO(); Reset(); }
public object Apply(Machine machine, ValueEnvironment environment, object[] arguments) { object result = null; ValueEnvironment newenv = null; foreach (object argument in arguments) { if (newenv == null) { newenv = new ValueEnvironment(environment); if (argument != null) { if (!(argument is ICollection)) throw new InvalidOperationException("Let must receive a list as first argument"); Utilities.EvaluateBindings(machine, newenv, (ICollection)argument); } } else result = machine.Evaluate(argument, newenv); } return result; }
public ExecutionContext(Machine machine, IObject self, Block block, object[] arguments) : this(block, arguments) { // this.self = receiver; // TODO review this.machine = machine; this.self = self; }
public void Execute(Machine machine, Stack<object> stack, Scope scope, Instruction instr) { int length; string name; switch (instr) { default: throw new VMException("Something just went horribly wrong. Variable instructlet is not supposed to receive {0}", instr.ToString()); case Instruction.SetVar: length = (int)machine.TakeByte(); name = machine.TakeBytes(length).AsString(); machine.ExecuteNextInstructlet(); scope.SetVariable(name, stack.Pop()); break; case Instruction.GetVar: length = (int)machine.TakeByte(); name = machine.TakeBytes((int)length).AsString(); stack.Push(scope.GetVariable(name)); break; } }
public void Run(ICommandInteraction writer, [Values("set", "add", "rem")] LiteralToken action, StringToken name) { switch(action.Value) { case "add": var machine = new Machine(); EmulationManager.Instance.CurrentEmulation.AddMachine(machine, name.Value); if(GetCurrentMachine() == null) { SetCurrentMachine(machine); } break; case "set": try { SetCurrentMachine(EmulationManager.Instance.CurrentEmulation[name.Value]); } catch(KeyNotFoundException) { writer.WriteError(string.Format("Machine {0} not found.", name.Value)); } break; case "rem": var machineToRemove = EmulationManager.Instance.CurrentEmulation[name.Value]; EmulationManager.Instance.CurrentEmulation.RemoveMachine(name.Value); if(GetCurrentMachine() == machineToRemove) { SetCurrentMachine(null); } break; } }
public GaislerMIC(Machine machine, uint totalNumberCPUs = 1) { this.numberOfProcessors = totalNumberCPUs; if(totalNumberCPUs > maxNumberOfProcessors) { this.Log(LogLevel.Warning, "Registration with unsupported number of CPUs, defaulting to maximum {0:X]", maxNumberOfProcessors); this.numberOfProcessors = maxNumberOfProcessors; } registers = new deviceRegisters(); registers.MultiprocessorStatus |= (((numberOfProcessors-1) << 28) & 0xF0000000); // Set Broadcast Available bit in MultiprocessorStatus register if ncpu > 1 if(this.numberOfProcessors > 1) { registers.MultiprocessorStatus |= (1u << 27); } irqs = new GPIO[numberOfProcessors]; resets = new GPIO[numberOfProcessors]; runs = new GPIO[numberOfProcessors]; set_nmi_interrupt = new bool[numberOfProcessors]; for(var i = 0; i < numberOfProcessors; i++) { irqs[i] = new GPIO(); resets[i] = new GPIO(); runs[i] = new GPIO(); interrupts[i] = new Dictionary<int, int>(); set_nmi_interrupt[i] = false; } Connections = new IGPIORedirector((int)numberOfProcessors, HandleIRQConnect); Reset(); }
public object Apply(Machine machine, ValueEnvironment environment, object[] arguments) { ICollection argumentNames; IExpression body; if (arguments[0] is Symbol) { if (arguments.Length > 1 && arguments[1] != null && !(arguments[1] is IPersistentVector)) return this.ApplyMultiFunction(machine, environment, arguments); Symbol symbol = (Symbol)arguments[0]; argumentNames = (ICollection)arguments[1]; this.CheckArgumentNames(argumentNames); body = Utilities.ToExpression(arguments[2]); return new DefinedFunction(symbol.Name, argumentNames, body); } if (arguments.Length > 1 && arguments[0] != null && !(arguments[0] is IPersistentVector)) return this.ApplyMultiFunction(machine, environment, arguments); argumentNames = (ICollection)arguments[0]; this.CheckArgumentNames(argumentNames); body = Utilities.ToExpression(arguments[1]); return new DefinedFunction(null, argumentNames, body); }
public STM32_UART(Machine machine) { this.machine = machine; IRQ = new GPIO(); charFifo = new Queue<byte>(); Reset(); }
public Host() { this.machine = new Machine(false); this.machine.Host = this; if (Machine.Current != null) Machine.Current.RegisterHost(this); }
public void Setup() { this.machine = new Machine(); this.manager = new TransactionManager(this.machine); this.obj = new BaseObject(null, new object[] { 1, 2, 3 }); this.trobj = new TransactionalObject(this.obj, new TransactionManager(this.machine)); }
public STM32F4GPIOPort(Machine machine, uint modeResetValue = 0, uint outputSpeedResetValue = 0, uint pullUpPullDownResetValue = 0) : base(machine, 16) { this.modeResetValue = modeResetValue; this.outputSpeedResetValue = outputSpeedResetValue; this.pullUpPullDownResetValue = pullUpPullDownResetValue; Reset(); }
public void Execute(Machine machine, Stack<object> stack, Scope scope, Instruction instr) { int length = (int)machine.TakeByte(); string name = machine.TakeBytes(length * sizeof(char)).AsString(); scope.GetFunction(name).Call(machine); }
public SynopsysEthernetMAC(Machine machine) : base(machine) { MAC = EmulationManager.Instance.CurrentEmulation.MACRepository.GenerateUniqueMAC(); IRQ = new GPIO(); Link = new NetworkLink(this); Reset(); }