public MainPageArticoloViewCell()
            var label = new Label ();
            label.FontSize = 22;
            label.VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center;
            label.HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand;
            label.SetBinding (Label.TextProperty, Articolo.FIELD_NAME_art_DESC);

            immagineArticolo = new Image ();
            immagineArticolo.HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.End;
            // immagineArticolo.SetBinding (Image.SourceProperty, Articolo.FIELD_NAME_ImageFullFileName);
            immagineArticolo.SetBinding (Image.SourceProperty, Articolo.FIELD_NAME_UrlImg);
            immagineArticolo.HeightRequest = immagineArticolo.WidthRequest = 40;

            StackLayout contenitore = new StackLayout (){
                HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,
                Orientation = StackOrientation.Horizontal,
                Padding = new Thickness(10),
                Children = {label, immagineArticolo}

            this.View = contenitore;

            var moreAction = new MenuItem { Text = "Sposta Img", Icon = "arrow.png" };
            moreAction.SetBinding (MenuItem.CommandParameterProperty, new Binding ("."));
            moreAction.Clicked += async (sender, e) => {
                var mi = ((MenuItem)sender);
                Debug.WriteLine("More Context Action clicked: " + mi.CommandParameter);

                await immagineArticolo.TranslateTo (-100, 0, 2000, Easing.CubicIn);
                // immagineArticolo.TranslationX = -100;
            var deleteAction = new MenuItem { Text = "Delete", IsDestructive = true }; // red background
            deleteAction.IsDestructive = true;
            deleteAction.SetBinding (MenuItem.CommandParameterProperty, new Binding ("."));
            deleteAction.Clicked += async (sender, e) => {
                var mi = ((MenuItem)sender);
                Debug.WriteLine("Delete Context Action clicked: " + mi.CommandParameter);
            // add to the ViewCell's ContextActions property
            ContextActions.Add (moreAction);
            ContextActions.Add (deleteAction);
Example #2
		private void myLoad ()

			this.rightPanelWDip = App.k_screenW * .11;

			//var span = MapSpan.FromCenterAndRadius (new Position (44.7201029, 11.1439078), Distance.FromMiles (0.4));
			MapSpan span = null;
			if (this.isGeneralMap == false) {
				span = MapSpan.FromCenterAndRadius (new Position (Convert.ToDouble (drCurrent.Latitude.Value), Convert.ToDouble (drCurrent.Longitude.Value)), 
					Distance.FromMiles (3.2));
				//0.4  3.2
			} else {
				span = MapSpan.FromCenterAndRadius (new Position (Convert.ToDouble (Global.currentPosition.Latitude), 
					Convert.ToDouble (Global.currentPosition.Longitude)), 
					Distance.FromMiles (3.2));
			map = new ExtendedMap (span) {
				VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand

			map.IsShowingUser = true;

			Pin item = new Pin ();
			item.Position = new Position (44.73, 11.15);

			item.Clicked += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) {
				Debug.WriteLine ("..");	
			item.Type = PinType.Place;

			item.Label = "some place";
			map.Pins.Add (item);// = items;

			List<ExtendedPin> mypins = new List<ExtendedPin> ();
			mypins.Add (new ExtendedPin () {
				Name = "Baboon",
				Location = new Location { Latitude = 44.73, Longitude = 11.15 },
				Details = "Baboons are African and Arabian Old World monkeys belonging to the genus Papio, part of the subfamily Cercopithecinae.",
				ImageUrl = ""

			mypins.Add (new ExtendedPin () {
				Name = "Capuchin Monkey",
				Location = new Location { Latitude = 44.73, Longitude = 11.25 },
				Details = "The capuchin monkeys are New World monkeys of the subfamily Cebinae. Prior to 2011, the subfamily contained only a single genus, Cebus.",
				ImageUrl = ""

			map.UpdatePins (mypins);
			mypins = new List<ExtendedPin> ();
			this.mapCategories = new List<Categories> ();
			Categories closeMap = new Categories () {
				IDCategory = 0,
				IDMacroCategory = 0,
				MapImageFullPath = "testRestCompressed.Resources.reset_mappa_60.png"
			this.mapCategories.Add (closeMap);

			if (this.isGeneralMap) {
				bindMap (0, null);
			} else {
				bindMap (0, null);

			foreach (POIs myPoi in this.mapPOIs) {
				var currentPlatform = DependencyService.Get<platformSpecific> ();
				var path = Path.Combine (currentPlatform.getLocalDatabasePath (), "C");
				//Categories c = Global.K_Categories.First (x => x.IDCategory == this.idCategory);
				List<Categories_POIs> cp = Global.K_Categories_POIs.Where (x => x.IDPOI == myPoi.IDPOI).ToList ();
				Categories c = Global.K_Categories.First (x => x.IDCategory == cp [0].IDCategory); //take the first category
				path = Path.Combine (path, c.Icon3);
				c.MapImageFullPath = path;
				if (this.mapCategories.Contains (c) == false)
					this.mapCategories.Add (c);
				mypins.Add (new ExtendedPin () {
					Name = myPoi.NameOfThePOI,
					Location = new Location () {
						Latitude = Convert.ToDouble (myPoi.Latitude.Value),
						Longitude = Convert.ToDouble (myPoi.Longitude.Value)
					Details = "",
					ImageUrl = path
			map.UpdatePins (mypins);

			map.ShowDetailCommand = new Command (m => ShowDetail ((IMapModel)m));

			if (Device.OS == TargetPlatform.iOS) {

				map.callBackItemSelected += delegate(IMapModel obj) {
					ShowDetail (obj);



			var cell = new DataTemplate (typeof(MapBarCell));

			//cell.SetBinding (TextCell.TextProperty, "Name");
			//cell.SetBinding (TextCell.DetailProperty, new Binding ("Position", stringFormat: "{0}"));
			//cell.SetBinding (ImageCell.ImageSourceProperty, "MapImageFullPath");

			l = new ListView {
				ItemsSource = this.mapCategories.OrderBy (x => x.IDMacroCategory),
				ItemTemplate = cell,
				RowHeight = 45,
				HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.CenterAndExpand,
				BackgroundColor = Color.Black,
				SeparatorVisibility = SeparatorVisibility.None,
			l.ItemTapped += async delegate(object sender, ItemTappedEventArgs e) {
				l.SelectedItem = null;
				Int32 www = 0;
				Int32 catID = (e.Item as Categories).IDCategory;
				if (catID == 0) {
					if (this.isGeneralMap)
						catID = 0;
						catID = -1;
				bindMap (catID, this.drCurrent);
				Debug.WriteLine ("Catid: " + catID);

			leftPanel = new StackLayout () {
				//BackgroundColor = Color.Red,
				HeightRequest = App.k_screenHMinusNavigationBarBottomBar,
				WidthRequest = Device.OnPlatform (App.k_screenW /*- ((App.k_screenW / 100) * 11)*/, App.k_screenW, App.k_screenW),
				Children = { map }

			img = new Image () {
				Source = ImageSource.FromResource ("testRestCompressed.Resources.barraMappa.png"),
				//WidthRequest = 20,
				//HeightRequest = 20
				//BackgroundColor = Color.Yellow,

			var mytap = new TapGestureRecognizer ();
			img.GestureRecognizers.Add (mytap);

			mytap.Tapped += async delegate {
				if (!iscollapsed) {
					if (Device.OS == TargetPlatform.Android) {
						await rightPanel.TranslateTo (this.rightPanelWDip, 0, 250, Easing.Linear);
						iscollapsed = true;
					if (Device.OS == TargetPlatform.iOS) {
						rightPanel.TranslateTo (this.rightPanelWDip, 0, 250, Easing.Linear);
						img.TranslateTo (this.rightPanelWDip, 0, 250, Easing.Linear);
						iscollapsed = true;
				} else {
					if (Device.OS == TargetPlatform.Android) {
						await rightPanel.TranslateTo (0, 0, 250, Easing.Linear);
						iscollapsed = false;
					if (Device.OS == TargetPlatform.iOS) {
						rightPanel.TranslateTo (0, 0, 250, Easing.Linear);
						img.TranslateTo (0, 0, 250, Easing.Linear);
						iscollapsed = false;


			ListView l = new ListView ();
			l.ItemsSource = new string[] {"uno", "due", "uno", "due", "uno", "due", "uno", "due", "uno", "due", "uno", "due", "uno", "due", "uno", "due", "uno", "due", "uno"
				, "due"
			l.BackgroundColor = Color.Yellow;

			rightPanel = new AbsoluteLayout () {
				//BackgroundColor = Color.Red,
//				WidthRequest = App.k_screenW,
				WidthRequest = Device.OnPlatform ((App.k_screenW / 100) * 11, App.k_screenW, App.k_screenW),
				HeightRequest = App.k_screenHMinusNavigationBarBottomBar,
//				Children =  { img, l }
			if (Device.OS == TargetPlatform.Android) {
				rightPanel.Children.Add (img);
				rightPanel.Children.Add (l);

			if (Device.OS == TargetPlatform.iOS) {
				rightPanel.Children.Add (l, new Point (0, 0));
				AbsoluteLayout.SetLayoutFlags (l, AbsoluteLayoutFlags.All);
				AbsoluteLayout.SetLayoutBounds (l, new Rectangle (0, 0, 1.0, 1.0));

			if (Device.OS == TargetPlatform.Android) {
				AbsoluteLayout.SetLayoutFlags (l, AbsoluteLayoutFlags.All);
				AbsoluteLayout.SetLayoutBounds (l, new Rectangle (1.0, 0, 0.11, 1.0));

				AbsoluteLayout.SetLayoutFlags (img, AbsoluteLayoutFlags.All);
				AbsoluteLayout.SetLayoutBounds (img, new Rectangle (0.879, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1));

			//0.879 = .89-(.1-0.089) ....0.089 is 89% of 0.1 hat is the image width
			this.mainPanel = new AbsoluteLayout ();
			mainPanel.Children.Add (leftPanel, new Point (0, 0));
			if (Device.OS == TargetPlatform.Android) {
				mainPanel.Children.Add (rightPanel, new Point (0, 0));
			if (Device.OS == TargetPlatform.iOS) {
				mainPanel.Children.Add (rightPanel);

				AbsoluteLayout.SetLayoutFlags (rightPanel, AbsoluteLayoutFlags.All);
				AbsoluteLayout.SetLayoutBounds (rightPanel, new Rectangle (1.0, 0, 0.11, 1.0));
				mainPanel.Children.Add (img);
				AbsoluteLayout.SetLayoutFlags (img, AbsoluteLayoutFlags.All);
				AbsoluteLayout.SetLayoutBounds (img, new Rectangle (0.879, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1));

			if (Device.OS == TargetPlatform.Android) {
				Content = this.mainPanel;
			if (Device.OS == TargetPlatform.iOS) {
				rightPanel.BackgroundColor = Color.Transparent;
				this.mainPanel.RaiseChild (leftPanel);
				this.leftPanel.WidthRequest -= 70;
				//this.mainPanel.RaiseChild (leftPanel);
				rightPanel.BackgroundColor = Color.Red;
				Content = this.mainPanel;
				img.IsVisible = false;
			this.leftPanel.IsVisible = false;
			this.rightPanel.IsVisible = false;