public List<GameObject> GetBody(DVector3 Pos, double Radius) { TL = null; TL = new List<GameObject>(); DVector3 AA_2, BB_2; AA_2.X = Pos.X + Radius; AA_2.Y = Pos.Y + Radius; AA_2.Z = Pos.Z + Radius; BB_2.X = Pos.X - Radius; BB_2.Y = Pos.Y - Radius; BB_2.Z = Pos.Z - Radius; int t = TestTwoAABB(AA_2, BB_2, Root.AA, Root.BB); if (t == 1) { TestIn(false, Root, Pos, Radius, AA_2, BB_2); } if (t == 2) { TestIn(true, Root, Pos, Radius, AA_2, BB_2); } //TestIn(false, Root, Pos, Radius); return TL; }
public KDtree(int MaxNestingLevel, List<GameObject> GameObjects) { this.MaxNestingLevel = MaxNestingLevel; DVector3 AA = new DVector3(); DVector3 BB = new DVector3(); for (int i = 0; i < GameObjects.Count; i++) { GameObject GO = GameObjects[i]; if (GO != null) { if (AA.X < GO.AABBMax.X) AA.X = GO.AABBMax.X; if (AA.Y < GO.AABBMax.Y) AA.Y = GO.AABBMax.Y; if (AA.Z < GO.AABBMax.Z) AA.Z = GO.AABBMax.Z; if (BB.X > GO.AABBMin.X) BB.X = GO.AABBMin.X; if (BB.Y > GO.AABBMin.Y) BB.Y = GO.AABBMin.Y; if (BB.Z > GO.AABBMin.Z) BB.Z = GO.AABBMin.Z; } } DVector3 TAA = AA + (AA - BB) * 0.1d; DVector3 TBB = BB + (BB - AA) * 0.1d; Root = new Node(null, TAA, TBB, MaxNestingLevel); for (int t = 0; t < GameObjects.Count; t++) { if (GameObjects[t] != null) Add(GameObjects[t], Root); } }
public static double AngleTwoVec(DVector3 vec1, DVector3 vec2) { vec1.Normalize(); vec2.Normalize(); //return Math.Acos(((vec1.X * vec2.X + vec1.Y * vec2.Y + vec1.Z * vec2.Z) / (Math.Sqrt(vec1.X * vec1.X + vec1.Y * vec1.Y + vec1.Z * vec1.Z) * Math.Sqrt(vec2.X * vec2.X + vec2.Y * vec2.Y + vec2.Z * vec2.Z)))); double t4 = (vec1.X * vec2.X + vec1.Y * vec2.Y + vec1.Z * vec2.Z) / (Math.Sqrt(vec1.X * vec1.X + vec1.Y * vec1.Y + vec1.Z * vec1.Z)) * (Math.Sqrt(vec2.X * vec2.X + vec2.Y * vec2.Y + vec2.Z * vec2.Z)); t4 = Math.Min(1, t4); t4 = Math.Max(-1, t4); return Math.Acos(t4); }
/// <summary> /// Угол между векторами в плоскости X /// </summary> /// <param name="vec1">Вектор1</param> /// <param name="vec2">Вектор2</param> /// <returns>Радианы</returns> public static float AngleTwoVecX(DVector3 vec_1, DVector3 vec_2) { DVector3 vec1_t = vec_1; DVector3 vec2_t = vec_2; vec1_t.Normalize(); vec2_t.Normalize(); float t = 1; if ((vec1_t.X * vec2_t.Z - vec2_t.X * vec1_t.Z) < 0) t = -1; vec1_t.Y = 1f; vec2_t.Y = 1f; return t * (float)Math.Acos(((vec1_t.X * vec2_t.X + vec1_t.Y * vec2_t.Y + vec1_t.Z * vec2_t.Z) / (Math.Sqrt(vec1_t.X * vec1_t.X + vec1_t.Y * vec1_t.Y + vec1_t.Z * vec1_t.Z) * Math.Sqrt(vec2_t.X * vec2_t.X + vec2_t.Y * vec2_t.Y + vec2_t.Z * vec2_t.Z)))); }
public static void CartesianToSpherical(DVector3 cart, out double lon, out double lat) { var radius = cart.Length(); if (radius == 0.0) { lon = 0; lat = 0; return; } lon = Math.Atan2(cart.X, cart.Z); lat = Math.Asin(cart.Y / radius); }
public GameObject(string MeshName) { Position = new DVector3(); MMC = ContentManager.LoadMultiMesh(MeshName); LocalAABBMin = Conversion.ToDoubleVector(MMC.LocalAABBMin); LocalAABBMax = Conversion.ToDoubleVector(MMC.LocalAABBMax); Transformation = DMatrix.CreateScale(1d)*DMatrix.CreateTranslation(Position) * DMatrix.CreateFromYawPitchRoll(0, 0, 0); RecalcAABB(); InitObj(); Lens = ContentManager.LoadTexture2D("Content/Textures/Lens"); }
public static bool LineIntersection(DVector3 lineOrigin, DVector3 lineEnd, double radius, out DVector3[] intersectionPoints) { intersectionPoints = new DVector3[0]; double sphereRadius = radius; DVector3 sphereCenter = DVector3.Zero; var lineDir = new DVector3(lineEnd.X - lineOrigin.X, lineEnd.Y - lineOrigin.Y, lineEnd.Z - lineOrigin.Z); lineDir.Normalize(); DVector3 w = lineOrigin - sphereCenter; double a = DVector3.Dot(lineDir, lineDir); // 1.0f; double b = 2 * DVector3.Dot(lineDir, w); double c = DVector3.Dot(w, w) - sphereRadius * sphereRadius; double d = b * b - 4.0f * a * c; if (d < 0) return false; if (d == 0.0) { double x1 = (-b - Math.Sqrt(d)) / (2.0 * a); intersectionPoints = new DVector3[1]; intersectionPoints[0] = lineOrigin + lineDir * x1; return true; } if (d > 0.0f) { double sqrt = Math.Sqrt(d); double x1 = (-b - sqrt) / (2.0 * a); double x2 = (-b + sqrt) / (2.0 * a); intersectionPoints = new DVector3[2]; intersectionPoints[0] = lineOrigin + lineDir * x1; intersectionPoints[1] = lineOrigin + lineDir * x2; return true; } return false; }
public void MoveFreeSurfaceCamera(DVector3 direction) { velocityDirection = direction; }
public void Update(GameTime gameTime) { UpdateProjectionMatrix(); CameraPosition = DVector3.Transform(new DVector3(0, 0, CameraDistance), Rotation); ViewMatrix = DMatrix.LookAtRH(CameraPosition, DVector3.Zero, DVector3.UnitY); ViewMatrixWithTranslation = ViewMatrix; ViewMatrix.TranslationVector = DVector3.Zero; FinalCamPosition = CameraPosition; if (CameraState == CameraStates.ViewToPoint) { var mat = CalculateBasisOnSurface(); DVector3 lookAtPoint = mat.Up * EarthRadius; double length = CameraDistance - EarthRadius; var quat = DQuaternion.RotationAxis(DVector3.UnitY, ViewToPointYaw) * DQuaternion.RotationAxis(DVector3.UnitX, ViewToPointPitch); var qRot = DMatrix.RotationQuaternion(quat); var matrix = qRot * mat; var pointOffset = DVector3.Transform(new DVector3(0, 0, length), matrix); var camPoint = new DVector3(pointOffset.X, pointOffset.Y, pointOffset.Z) + lookAtPoint; FinalCamPosition = camPoint; ViewMatrix = DMatrix.LookAtRH(camPoint, lookAtPoint, mat.Up); ViewMatrixWithTranslation = ViewMatrix; ViewMatrix.TranslationVector = DVector3.Zero; } else if (CameraState == CameraStates.FreeSurface) { var mat = CalculateBasisOnSurface(); #region Input // Update surface camera yaw and pitch //if (input.IsKeyDown(Keys.RightButton)) { // FreeSurfaceYaw += input.RelativeMouseOffset.X*0.0003; // FreeSurfacePitch -= input.RelativeMouseOffset.Y*0.0003; // // input.IsMouseCentered = false; // input.IsMouseHidden = true; //} //else { // input.IsMouseCentered = false; // input.IsMouseHidden = false; //} //if (Game.Keyboard.IsKeyDown(Input.Keys.Left)) FreeSurfaceYaw -= gameTime.ElapsedSec * 0.7; //if (Game.Keyboard.IsKeyDown(Input.Keys.Right)) FreeSurfaceYaw += gameTime.ElapsedSec * 0.7; //if (Game.Keyboard.IsKeyDown(Input.Keys.Up)) FreeSurfacePitch -= gameTime.ElapsedSec * 0.7; //if (Game.Keyboard.IsKeyDown(Input.Keys.Down)) FreeSurfacePitch += gameTime.ElapsedSec * 0.7; //FreeSurfaceYaw = DMathUtil.Clamp(FreeSurfaceYaw, -DMathUtil.PiOverTwo, DMathUtil.PiOverTwo); if (FreeSurfaceYaw > DMathUtil.TwoPi) FreeSurfaceYaw -= DMathUtil.TwoPi; if (FreeSurfaceYaw < -DMathUtil.TwoPi) FreeSurfaceYaw += DMathUtil.TwoPi; // Calculate free cam rotation matrix if (!freezeFreeCamRotation) freeSurfaceRotation = DQuaternion.RotationAxis(DVector3.UnitY, FreeSurfaceYaw) * DQuaternion.RotationAxis(DVector3.UnitX, FreeSurfacePitch); var quat = freeSurfaceRotation; var qRot = DMatrix.RotationQuaternion(quat); var matrix = qRot * mat; var velDir = matrix.Forward * velocityDirection.X + mat.Up * velocityDirection.Y + matrix.Right * velocityDirection.Z; if (velDir.Length() != 0) { velDir.Normalize(); } #endregion double fac = ((CameraDistance - EarthRadius) - Parameters.MinDistVelocityThreshold) / (Parameters.MaxDistVelocityThreshold - Parameters.MinDistVelocityThreshold); fac = DMathUtil.Clamp(fac, 0.0, 1.0); FreeSurfaceVelocityMagnitude = DMathUtil.Lerp(Parameters.MinVelocityFreeSurfCam, Parameters.MaxVelocityFreeSurfCam, fac); // Update camera position FinalCamPosition = FreeSurfacePosition = FreeSurfacePosition + velDir * FreeSurfaceVelocityMagnitude * gameTime.ElapsedSec; CameraPosition = FinalCamPosition; velocityDirection = DVector3.Zero; //Calculate view matrix ViewMatrix = DMatrix.LookAtRH(FinalCamPosition, FinalCamPosition + matrix.Forward, matrix.Up); ViewMatrixWithTranslation = ViewMatrix; ViewMatrix.TranslationVector = DVector3.Zero; // Calculate new yaw and pitch CameraDistance = CameraPosition.Length(); var newLonLat = GetCameraLonLat(); Yaw = newLonLat.X; Pitch = -newLonLat.Y; } ViewMatrixFloat = DMatrix.ToFloatMatrix(ViewMatrix); ProjMatrixFloat = DMatrix.ToFloatMatrix(ProjMatrix); //var viewDir = CameraPosition / CameraPosition.Length(); }
private void TestIn(bool Pol, Node N, DVector3 Pos, double Radius, DVector3 AA, DVector3 BB) { if (!Pol) { for (int tx = 0; tx < N.ListBSSO.Count; tx++ ) { if (N.ListBSSO[tx] != null) { int t = TestTwoSphere(Pos, Radius, N.ListBSSO[tx].Position, Math.Max((N.ListBSSO[tx].Position - N.ListBSSO[tx].AABBMax).Length(), (N.ListBSSO[tx].Position - N.ListBSSO[tx].AABBMin).Length())); if (t == 1 || t == 2) TL.Add(N.ListBSSO[tx]); } } } else { TL.AddRange(N.ListBSSO); } if (N.Children.Count > 0) { int tt; bool B = false; Node N_ = N.Children[0]; tt = TestTwoAABB(AA, BB, N_.AA, N_.BB); if (tt == 1) { B = false; TestIn(false, N_, Pos, Radius, AA, BB); } if (tt == 2) { B = true; TestIn(true, N_, Pos, Radius, AA, BB); } N_ = N.Children[1]; tt = TestTwoAABB(AA, BB, N_.AA, N_.BB); if (tt == 1) { TestIn(false, N_, Pos, Radius, AA, BB); } if (tt == 2) { TestIn(true, N_, Pos, Radius, AA, BB); } } }
public void ToggleFreeSurfaceCamera() { if (CameraState == CameraStates.FreeSurface) { //CameraState = CameraStates.TopDown; } else { CameraState = CameraStates.FreeSurface; FreeSurfacePosition = CameraPosition; } }
void SetState(SurfaceCameraState state) { CameraPosition = FreeSurfacePosition = state.FreeSurfacePosition; CameraDistance = CameraPosition.Length(); FreeSurfaceYaw = state.FreeSurfaceYaw; FreeSurfacePitch = state.FreeSurfacePitch; freeSurfaceRotation = state.FreeRotation; var newLonLat = GetCameraLonLat(); Yaw = newLonLat.X; Pitch = -newLonLat.Y; }
public static extern int TangoSupport_fitPlaneModelNearPointMatrixTransform( TangoXYZij pointCloud, TangoCameraIntrinsics cameraIntrinsics, ref DMatrix4x4 matrix, ref Vector2 uvCoordinates, out DVector3 intersectionPoint, [Out, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray, SizeConst = 4)] double[] planeModel);
public List<GameObject> GetBodyInCamera(DVector3 Position, BoundingFrustum LocalCameraBoundingFrustum) { //TL = null; TL = new List<GameObject>(); this.Position = Position; TestInCam(false, Root, LocalCameraBoundingFrustum); //return TL; List<GameObject> T = new List<GameObject> { }; for (int t = 0; t < TL.Count; t++ ) { if (TestFrustum(new BoundingBox(Conversion.ToVector3(TL[t].AABBMin - Position), Conversion.ToVector3(TL[t].AABBMax - Position)), LocalCameraBoundingFrustum) > 0) { T.Add(TL[t]); } } return T; }
public DVector2 GetCameraLonLat() { var nearPoint = new DVector3((CameraPosition.X / CameraDistance), (CameraPosition.Y / CameraDistance), (CameraPosition.Z / CameraDistance)); var farPoint = new DVector3(0, 0, 0); DVector3[] res; DVector2 ret = DVector2.Zero; if (GeoHelper.LineIntersection(nearPoint, farPoint, 1.0, out res)) { if (res.Length > 0) { GeoHelper.CartesianToSpherical(res[0], out ret.X, out ret.Y); } } return ret; }
public Node(Node parent, DVector3 AA, DVector3 BB, int nestingLevel) { Parent = parent; this.AA = AA; this.BB = BB; NestingLevel = nestingLevel; ListBSSO = new List<GameObject>(); Children = new List<Node>(); }
public override List<Gis.SelectedItem> Select(DVector3 nearPoint, DVector3 farPoint) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
private int TestTwoSphere(DVector3 Pos, double Radius, DVector3 Pos_2, double Radius_2) { double Dist = (Pos - Pos_2).Length(); double Sum = Radius + Radius_2; if (Dist > Sum) return 0; if (Dist < Radius_2) return 2; return 1; }
private int TestTwoAABB(DVector3 AA, DVector3 BB, DVector3 AA_2, DVector3 BB_2) { if (AA.X < BB_2.X || BB.X > AA_2.X) return 0; if (AA.Y < BB_2.Y || BB.Y > AA_2.Y) return 0; if (AA.Z < BB_2.Z || BB.Z > AA_2.Z) return 0; if (AA.X >= AA_2.X && BB.X <= BB_2.X && AA.Y >= AA_2.Y && BB.Y <= BB_2.Y && AA.Z >= AA_2.Z && BB.Z <= BB_2.Z) return 2; return 1; //0 - нет //1 - частично //2 - полностью }
public List<GameObject> GetRay(DVector3 Start, DVector3 Stop) { List<GameObject> TLInd = new List<GameObject> { }; TestIntercept(TLInd, Root, Start, Stop - Start); return TLInd; }
public void GetRayFromScreenPoint(float x, float y, out DVector3 near, out DVector3 far) { var w = Viewport.Width; var h = Viewport.Height; var nearPoint = new DVector3(x, y, Parameters.FrustumZNear); var farPoint = new DVector3(x, y, Parameters.FrustumZFar); var vm = ViewMatrixWithTranslation; var mVP = vm * ProjMatrix; near = DVector3.Unproject(nearPoint, 0, 0, w, h, Parameters.FrustumZNear, Parameters.FrustumZFar, mVP); far = DVector3.Unproject(farPoint, 0, 0, w, h, Parameters.FrustumZNear, Parameters.FrustumZFar, mVP); }
public override List<Gis.SelectedItem> Select(DVector3 nearPoint, DVector3 farPoint) { DVector3[] rayHitPoints; var ret = new List<Gis.SelectedItem>(); if (!GeoHelper.LineIntersection(nearPoint, farPoint, GeoHelper.EarthRadius, out rayHitPoints)) return ret; var rayLonLatRad = GeoHelper.CartesianToSpherical(rayHitPoints[0]); //var OneGradusLengthKmInv = 1.0 / (Math.Cos(rayLonLatRad.Y)*GeoHelper.EarthOneDegreeLengthOnEquatorMeters/1000.0); for (int i = 0; i < PointsCountToDraw; i++) { int ind = PointsDrawOffset + i; var point = PointsCpu[ind]; var size = point.Tex0.Z * 0.5; var pointLonLat = new DVector2(point.Lon, point.Lat); var dist = GeoHelper.DistanceBetweenTwoPoints(pointLonLat, rayLonLatRad); if (dist <= size) { ret.Add(new SelectedItem { Distance = dist, PointIndex = ind }); } } return ret; }
public Vector2 CartesianToScreen(DVector3 cartPos) { var p = DVector3.Project(cartPos, Viewport.X, Viewport.Y, Viewport.Width, Viewport.Height, Parameters.FrustumZNear, Parameters.FrustumZFar, ViewMatrixWithTranslation * ProjMatrix); return new Vector2((float)p.X, (float)p.Y); }
public override List<Gis.SelectedItem> Select(DVector3 nearPoint, DVector3 farPoint) { return null; }
public void PlayAnimation(GameTime gameTime) { if(cameraAnimTrackStates == null) return; freezeFreeCamRotation = true; var state = cameraAnimTrackStates[curStateInd]; curTime += 0.016f; //gameTime.ElapsedSec; if (curTime < state.WaitTime || curStateInd >= cameraAnimTrackStates.Count - 1) { SetState(state); if (curStateInd >= cameraAnimTrackStates.Count - 1) StopAnimation(); return; } float time = curTime - state.WaitTime; float amount = time/state.TransitionTime; float factor = MathUtil.SmoothStep(amount); factor = MathUtil.Clamp(factor, 0.0f, 1.0f); var nextState = cameraAnimTrackStates[curStateInd+1]; var curPos = DVector3.Lerp(state.FreeSurfacePosition, nextState.FreeSurfacePosition, factor); var curFreeRot = DQuaternion.Slerp(state.FreeRotation, nextState.FreeRotation, factor); freeSurfaceRotation = curFreeRot; CameraPosition = FreeSurfacePosition = curPos; var newLonLat = GetCameraLonLat(); Yaw = newLonLat.X; Pitch = -newLonLat.Y; if (curTime > state.WaitTime + state.TransitionTime) { curStateInd++; curTime = 0; } }
public static DVector2 CartesianToSpherical(DVector3 cart) { double lon, lat; CartesianToSpherical(cart, out lon, out lat); return new DVector2(lon, lat); }
/// <summary> /// Fits a plane to a point cloud near a user-specified location. This /// occurs in two passes. First, all points in cloud within /// <c>maxPixelDistance</c> to <c>uvCoordinates</c> after projection are kept. Then a /// plane is fit to the subset cloud using RANSAC. After the initial fit /// all inliers from the original cloud are used to refine the plane /// model. /// </summary> /// <returns> /// Common.ErrorType.TANGO_SUCCESS on success, /// Common.ErrorType.TANGO_INVALID on invalid input, and /// Common.ErrorType.TANGO_ERROR on failure. /// </returns> /// <param name="pointCloud"> /// The point cloud. Cannot be null and must have at least three points. /// </param> /// <param name="pointCount"> /// The number of points to read from the point cloud. /// </param> /// <param name="timestamp">The timestamp of the point cloud.</param> /// <param name="cameraIntrinsics"> /// The camera intrinsics for the color camera. Cannot be null. /// </param> /// <param name="matrix"> /// Transformation matrix of the color camera with respect to the Unity /// World frame. /// </param> /// <param name="uvCoordinates"> /// The UV coordinates for the user selection. This is expected to be /// between (0.0, 0.0) and (1.0, 1.0). /// </param> /// <param name="intersectionPoint"> /// The output point in depth camera coordinates that the user selected. /// </param> /// <param name="plane">The plane fit.</param> public static int FitPlaneModelNearClick( Vector3[] pointCloud, int pointCount, double timestamp, TangoCameraIntrinsics cameraIntrinsics, ref Matrix4x4 matrix, Vector2 uvCoordinates, out Vector3 intersectionPoint, out Plane plane) { GCHandle pointCloudHandle = GCHandle.Alloc(pointCloud, GCHandleType.Pinned); TangoXYZij pointCloudXyzIj = new TangoXYZij(); pointCloudXyzIj.timestamp = timestamp; pointCloudXyzIj.xyz_count = pointCount; = pointCloudHandle.AddrOfPinnedObject(); DMatrix4x4 doubleMatrix = new DMatrix4x4(matrix); // Unity has Y pointing screen up; Tango camera has Y pointing // screen down. Vector2 uvCoordinatesTango = new Vector2(uvCoordinates.x, 1.0f - uvCoordinates.y); DVector3 doubleIntersectionPoint = new DVector3(); double[] planeArray = new double[4]; int returnValue = TangoSupportAPI.TangoSupport_fitPlaneModelNearPointMatrixTransform( pointCloudXyzIj, cameraIntrinsics, ref doubleMatrix, ref uvCoordinatesTango, out doubleIntersectionPoint, planeArray); if (returnValue != Common.ErrorType.TANGO_SUCCESS) { intersectionPoint = new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); plane = new Plane(new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), 0.0f); } else { intersectionPoint = doubleIntersectionPoint.ToVector3(); Vector3 normal = new Vector3((float)planeArray[0], (float)planeArray[1], (float)planeArray[2]); float distance = (float)planeArray[3] / normal.magnitude; plane = new Plane(normal, distance); } pointCloudHandle.Free(); return returnValue; }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="lon"></param> /// <param name="lat"></param> /// <param name="radius"></param> /// <param name="cart"></param> public static void SphericalToCartesian(double lon, double lat, float radius, out DVector3 cart) { cart = DVector3.Zero; double x, y, z; SphericalToCartesian(lon, lat, radius, out x, out y, out z); cart.X = x; cart.Y = y; cart.Z = z; }
public static int TangoSupport_fitPlaneModelNearPointMatrixTransform( TangoXYZij pointCloud, TangoCameraIntrinsics cameraIntrinsics, ref DMatrix4x4 matrix, ref Vector2 uvCoordinates, out DVector3 intersectionPoint, double[] planeModel) { intersectionPoint = new DVector3(); return Common.ErrorType.TANGO_SUCCESS; }
private int SphereInAABB(DVector3 AA, DVector3 BB, DVector3 Pos, float Radius) { DVector3 AA_2, BB_2; AA_2.X = Pos.X + Radius; AA_2.Y = Pos.Y + Radius; AA_2.Z = Pos.Z + Radius; BB_2.X = Pos.X - Radius; BB_2.Y = Pos.Y - Radius; BB_2.Z = Pos.Z - Radius; return TestTwoAABB(AA, BB, AA_2, BB_2); }