XPath is a language used to select parts of an XML document. The System.Xml.XPath namespace provides classes for navigating and querying XML documents using XPath expressions.
XPathNavigator.Select method allows selection of a set of nodes based on an XPath expression.
Code example:
To select all the "item" elements in an XML document using XPathNavigator Select method, use the following code:
``` csharp
using System.Xml.XPath;
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); // create an XML document instance
doc.LoadXml("Item 1Item 2"); // load the XML document with sample data
XPathNavigator nav = doc.CreateNavigator(); // create a navigator for the document
XPathNodeIterator nodes = nav.Select("//item"); // select all the "item" nodes using XPath
while (nodes.MoveNext()) // loop through the selected nodes
Console.WriteLine(nodes.Current.Value); // output the node value
In this example, we loaded an XML document with two "item" elements. We then created an XPathNavigator instance for the document and used its Select method to select all the "item" nodes using the XPath expression "//item". We then looped through the selected nodes using a XPathNodeIterator and outputted their values.
Package library:
The System.Xml.XPath namespace is part of the .NET Framework class library, which is included in the .NET development platform provided by Microsoft.
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