Example #1
 public ForwardAxis(DoubleLinkAxis axis, bool isdesorself)
     this.isDss       = isdesorself;
     this.isAttribute = Asttree.IsAttribute(axis);
     this.topNode     = axis;
     this.rootNode    = axis;
     while (this.rootNode.Input != null)
         this.rootNode = (DoubleLinkAxis)(this.rootNode.Input);
     // better to calculate it out, since it's used so often, and if the top is self then the whole tree is self
     this.isSelfAxis = Asttree.IsSelf(this.topNode);
Example #2
 internal DoubleLinkAxis(Axis axis, DoubleLinkAxis inputaxis)
     this.next      = null;
     this._input    = inputaxis;
     this._urn      = axis.URN;
     this._prefix   = axis.Prefix;
     this._name     = axis.Name;
     this._nodetype = axis.Type;
     this._axistype = axis.TypeOfAxis;
     this.abbrAxis  = axis.abbrAxis;
     if (inputaxis != null)
         inputaxis.Next = this;
Example #3
        // equal & ! attribute then move
        // "a/b/c"     pointer from a move to b
        // return true if reach c and c is an element and c is the axis
        internal bool MoveToChild(string name, string URN, int depth, ForwardAxis parent)
            // an attribute can never be the same as an element
            if (Asttree.IsAttribute(this.curNode))

            // either moveToParent or moveToChild status will have to be changed into unmatch...
            if (this.isMatch)
                this.isMatch = false;
            if (!AxisStack.Equal(this.curNode.Name, this.curNode.URN, name, URN))
            if (this.curDepth == -1)
            else if (depth > this.curDepth)
            // matched ...
            if (this.curNode == parent.TopNode)
                this.isMatch = true;
            // move down this.curNode
            DoubleLinkAxis nowNode = (DoubleLinkAxis)(this.curNode.Next);

            if (Asttree.IsAttribute(nowNode))
                this.isMatch = true;                    // for attribute
            this.curNode = nowNode;
Example #4
        // only for debug
        public void PrintTree(StreamWriter msw)
            foreach (ForwardAxis axis in fAxisArray)
                msw.WriteLine("<Tree IsDss=\"{0}\" IsAttribute=\"{1}\">", axis.IsDss, axis.IsAttribute);
                DoubleLinkAxis printaxis = axis.TopNode;
                while (printaxis != null)
                    msw.WriteLine(" <node>");
                    msw.WriteLine("  <URN> {0} </URN>", printaxis.URN);
                    msw.WriteLine("  <Prefix> {0} </Prefix>", printaxis.Prefix);
                    msw.WriteLine("  <Name> {0} </Name>", printaxis.Name);
                    msw.WriteLine("  <NodeType> {0} </NodeType>", printaxis.Type);
                    msw.WriteLine("  <AxisType> {0} </AxisType>", printaxis.TypeOfAxis);
                    msw.WriteLine(" </node>");
                    printaxis = (DoubleLinkAxis)(printaxis.Input);
Example #5
 // "a/b/c"     pointer from b move to a
 // needn't change even tree structure changes
 internal void MoveToParent(int depth, ForwardAxis parent)
     // "a/b/c", trying to match b (current node), but meet the end of a, so move pointer to a
     if (depth == this.curDepth - 1)
         // really need to move the current node pointer to parent
         // what i did here is for seperating the case of IsDss or only IsChild
         // bcoz in the first case i need to expect "a" from random depth
         // -1 means it doesn't expect some specific depth (referecing the dealing to -1 in movetochild method
         // while in the second case i can't change the root depth which is 1.
         if ((this.curNode.Input == parent.RootNode) && (parent.IsDss))
             this.curNode   = parent.RootNode;
             this.rootDepth = this.curDepth = -1;
         else if (this.curNode.Input != null)        // else cur-depth --, cur-node change
             this.curNode = (DoubleLinkAxis)(this.curNode.Input);
     // "a/b/c", trying to match b (current node), but meet the end of x (another child of a)
     // or maybe i matched, now move out the current node
     // or move out after failing to match attribute
     // the node i m next expecting is still the current node
     else if (depth == this.curDepth)                // after matched or [2] failed in matching attribute
         if (this.isMatch)
             this.isMatch = false;
     return;                                         // this node is still what i am expecting
     // ignore
Example #6
        // don't return true or false, if it's invalid path, just throw exception during the process
        // for whitespace thing, i will directly trim the tree built here...
        public void CompileXPath(string xPath, bool isField, XmlNamespaceManager nsmgr)
            if ((xPath == null) || (xPath == string.Empty))
                throw new XmlSchemaException(Res.Sch_EmptyXPath);

            // firstly i still need to have an ArrayList to store tree only...
            // can't new ForwardAxis right away
            string[]  xpath    = xPath.Split('|');
            ArrayList AstArray = new ArrayList(xpath.Length);

            this.fAxisArray = new ArrayList(xpath.Length);

            // throw compile exceptions
            // can i only new one builder here then run compile several times??
            try {
                foreach (string value in xpath)
                    // default ! isdesorself (no .//)
                    Axis ast = (Axis)(XPathParser.ParseXPathExpresion(value));
            catch {
                throw  new XmlSchemaException(Res.Sch_ICXpathError, xPath);

            Axis stepAst;

            foreach (Axis ast in AstArray)
                // Restricted form
                // field can have an attribute:

                // throw exceptions during casting
                if ((stepAst = ast) == null)
                    throw new XmlSchemaException(Res.Sch_ICXpathError, xPath);

                Axis top = stepAst;

                // attribute will have namespace too
                // field can have top attribute
                if (IsAttribute(stepAst))
                    if (!isField)
                        throw new XmlSchemaException(Res.Sch_SelectorAttr, xPath);
                        SetURN(stepAst, nsmgr);
                        try {
                            stepAst = (Axis)(stepAst.Input);
                        catch {
                            throw new XmlSchemaException(Res.Sch_ICXpathError, xPath);

                // field or selector
                while ((stepAst != null) && (IsNameTest(stepAst) || IsSelf(stepAst)))
                    // trim tree "." node, if it's not the top one
                    if (IsSelf(stepAst) && (ast != stepAst))
                        top.Input = stepAst.Input;
                        top = stepAst;
                        // set the URN
                        if (IsNameTest(stepAst))
                            SetURN(stepAst, nsmgr);
                    try {
                        stepAst = (Axis)(stepAst.Input);
                    catch {
                        throw new XmlSchemaException(Res.Sch_ICXpathError, xPath);

                // the rest part can only be .// or null
                // trim the rest part, but need compile the rest part first
                top.Input = null;
                if (stepAst == null)        // top "." and has other element beneath, trim this "." node too
                    if (IsSelf(ast) && (ast.Input != null))
                        this.fAxisArray.Add(new ForwardAxis(DoubleLinkAxis.ConvertTree((Axis)(ast.Input)), false));
                        this.fAxisArray.Add(new ForwardAxis(DoubleLinkAxis.ConvertTree(ast), false));
                if (!IsDescendantOrSelf(stepAst))
                    throw new XmlSchemaException(Res.Sch_ICXpathError, xPath);
                try {
                    stepAst = (Axis)(stepAst.Input);
                catch {
                    throw new XmlSchemaException(Res.Sch_ICXpathError, xPath);
                if ((stepAst == null) || (!IsSelf(stepAst)) || (stepAst.Input != null))
                    throw new XmlSchemaException(Res.Sch_ICXpathError, xPath);

                // trim top "." if it's not the only node
                if (IsSelf(ast) && (ast.Input != null))
                    this.fAxisArray.Add(new ForwardAxis(DoubleLinkAxis.ConvertTree((Axis)(ast.Input)), true));
                    this.fAxisArray.Add(new ForwardAxis(DoubleLinkAxis.ConvertTree(ast), true));
Example #7
 // constructor
 internal AxisElement(DoubleLinkAxis node, int depth)
     this.curNode   = node;
     this.rootDepth = this.curDepth = depth;
     this.isMatch   = false;