Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns whether or not the stroke is within the drawing radius
        /// If it is not in the drawing radius, we start a new overlap collection
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="stroke"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private bool outsideDrawRadius(System.Windows.Ink.Stroke stroke)
            Point strokeCenter = new Point(stroke.GetBounds().X + stroke.GetBounds().Width / 2,
                                           stroke.GetBounds().Y + stroke.GetBounds().Height / 2);
            Point strokeCollCenter = new Point(overlapStrokes.GetBounds().X + overlapStrokes.GetBounds().Width / 2,
                                               overlapStrokes.GetBounds().Y + overlapStrokes.GetBounds().Height / 2);
            double distance = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(strokeCenter.X - strokeCollCenter.X, 2) + Math.Pow(strokeCenter.Y - strokeCollCenter.Y, 2));

            return(distance > DRAW_RADIUS);
Example #2
 public Graph(IDelegate _del, Stroke b)
     del = _del;
     box = b;
     bounds = box.GetBounds();
     box.StylusPoints = InkUtils.xkcd(InkUtils.box(bounds));
     box.DrawingAttributes.Color = Colors.Blue;
     analyzer = new InkAnalyzer();
     analyzer.ContextNodeCreated += ContextNodeCreated;
Example #3
		public void Stroke_Default_Bounds ()
			Stroke s = new Stroke ();

			Rect bounds = s.GetBounds ();
			Assert.AreEqual (-1.5, bounds.Top, "Top");
			Assert.AreEqual (-1.5, bounds.Left, "Left");
			Assert.AreEqual (3, bounds.Height, "Height");
			Assert.AreEqual (3, bounds.Width, "Width");
Example #4
        private bool CheckRemoveGate(Stroke stroke)
            Rect strokeBound = stroke.GetBounds();

            bool removeGate = false;

            List<Gate> removedGates = new List<Gate>();
            for(int i = 0; i < circuitInkCanvas.Children.Count; i++)
                UIElement gate = circuitInkCanvas.Children[i];
                if (gate is Gate)
                    Gate g = gate as Gate;

                    Rect grect = new Rect(g.Margin.Left + 40, g.Margin.Top + 40, g.Width - 40, g.Height - 40);

                    if (strokeBound.Contains(grect))
                        removeGate = true;
                }else if(gate is ConnectedWire)
                    ConnectedWire wire = gate as ConnectedWire;

                    //Debug.WriteLine("Stroke Rect Bound: " + strokeBound.ToString());
                    //Debug.WriteLine("Wire Origin is " + wire.Origin.ToString());
                    //Debug.WriteLine("Wire Destination is " + wire.Destination.ToString());

                    //Debug.WriteLine("Wire Outer Margin is " + wire.Outer.Margin.ToString());

                    HitTestResult result = null;
                    int count = 0;
                    foreach(StylusPoint pt in stroke.StylusPoints)
                        result = VisualTreeHelper.HitTest(wire, pt.ToPoint());
                        if(result != null)

                    //Debug.WriteLine("Count is " + count.ToString());
                    if(count >= 3)

                        //trigger remove wire
                        //From connectedWire to get terminal

                        Gates.Terminal t = new Gates.Terminal(wire.DestTerminalID.ID, wire.DestinationGate);

                        for (int j = 0; j < wire.DestinationGate.NumberOfInputs; j++)
                            Gates.Terminal t = new Gates.Terminal(j, wire.DestinationGate);

                            //Gates.Terminal t = new Gates.Terminal(j, wire.OriginGate);
                            if (t != null)

                        removeGate = true;
                foreach (Gate g in removedGates)
                return true;

            return false;
Example #5
        /// <summary>
        /// StrokeInfo
        /// </summary>
        internal StrokeInfo(Stroke stroke)
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(stroke != null);
            _stroke = stroke;
            _bounds = stroke.GetBounds();

            // Start listening to the stroke events
            _stroke.DrawingAttributesChanged += new PropertyDataChangedEventHandler(OnStrokeDrawingAttributesChanged);
            _stroke.StylusPointsReplaced += new StylusPointsReplacedEventHandler(OnStylusPointsReplaced);
            _stroke.StylusPoints.Changed += new EventHandler(OnStylusPointsChanged);
            _stroke.DrawingAttributesReplaced += new DrawingAttributesReplacedEventHandler(OnDrawingAttributesReplaced);
Example #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Custom Pen Drawing
        /// </summary>
        private static Drawing CreatePenDrawing(DrawingAttributes drawingAttributes, bool isHollow, bool isRightToLeft)
            // Create a single point stroke.
            StylusPointCollection stylusPoints = new StylusPointCollection();
            stylusPoints.Add(new StylusPoint(0f, 0f));

            DrawingAttributes da = new DrawingAttributes();
            da.Color = drawingAttributes.Color;
            da.Width = drawingAttributes.Width;
            da.Height = drawingAttributes.Height;
            da.StylusTipTransform = drawingAttributes.StylusTipTransform;
            da.IsHighlighter = drawingAttributes.IsHighlighter;
            da.StylusTip = drawingAttributes.StylusTip;

            Stroke singleStroke = new Stroke(stylusPoints, da);
            // NTRAID#WINDOWS-1326403-2005/10/03-waynezen,
            // We should draw our cursor in the device unit since it's device dependent object.
            singleStroke.DrawingAttributes.Width = ConvertToPixel(singleStroke.DrawingAttributes.Width);
            singleStroke.DrawingAttributes.Height = ConvertToPixel(singleStroke.DrawingAttributes.Height);

            double maxLength = Math.Min(SystemParameters.PrimaryScreenWidth / 2, SystemParameters.PrimaryScreenHeight / 2);

            // NOTE: there are two ways to set the width / height of a stroke
            // 1) using .Width and .Height
            // 2) using StylusTipTransform and specifying a scale
            // these two can multiply and we need to prevent the size from ever going
            // over maxLength or under 1.0.  The simplest way to check if we're too big
            // is by checking the bounds of the stroke, which takes both into account
            Rect strokeBounds = singleStroke.GetBounds();
            bool outOfBounds = false;

            // Make sure that the cursor won't exceed the minimum or the maximum boundary.
            if ( DoubleUtil.LessThan(strokeBounds.Width, 1.0) )
                singleStroke.DrawingAttributes.Width = 1.0;
                outOfBounds = true;
            else if ( DoubleUtil.GreaterThan(strokeBounds.Width, maxLength) )
                singleStroke.DrawingAttributes.Width = maxLength;
                outOfBounds = true;

            if ( DoubleUtil.LessThan(strokeBounds.Height, 1.0) )
                singleStroke.DrawingAttributes.Height = 1.0;
                outOfBounds = true;
            else if ( DoubleUtil.GreaterThan(strokeBounds.Height, maxLength) )
                singleStroke.DrawingAttributes.Height = maxLength;
                outOfBounds = true;

            //drop the StylusTipTransform if we're out of bounds.  we might
            //consider trying to preserve any transform but this is such a rare
            //case (scaling over or under with a STT) that we don't care.
            if (outOfBounds)
                singleStroke.DrawingAttributes.StylusTipTransform = Matrix.Identity;

            if (isRightToLeft)
                //reverse left to right to right to left
                Matrix xf = singleStroke.DrawingAttributes.StylusTipTransform;
                xf.Scale(-1, 1);

                //only set the xf if it has an inverse or the STT will throw
                if (xf.HasInverse)
                    singleStroke.DrawingAttributes.StylusTipTransform = xf;

            DrawingGroup penDrawing = new DrawingGroup();
            DrawingContext dc = null;

                dc = penDrawing.Open();

                // Call the internal drawing method on Stroke to draw as hollow if isHollow == true
                if ( isHollow )
                    singleStroke.DrawInternal(dc, singleStroke.DrawingAttributes, isHollow);
                    // Invoke the public Draw method which will handle the Highlighter correctly.
                    singleStroke.Draw(dc, singleStroke.DrawingAttributes);
                if ( dc != null )

            return penDrawing;
 private void doMyStrokeRemovedExceptHistory(Stroke stroke)
     var sum = stroke.sum().checksum.ToString();
     var bounds = stroke.GetBounds();
     Commands.SendDirtyStroke.Execute(new MeTLLib.DataTypes.TargettedDirtyElement(Globals.location.currentSlide,Globals.me,target,stroke.tag().privacy,sum));
 private bool isStrokeContainedByPolygon(Stroke stroke, Rect currentShapeBounds)
     bool isContained = false;
     bool strokeContainedinBounds = false;
     var sBounds = stroke.GetBounds();
     foreach (Point p in new[]{
             new Point(sBounds.Left,sBounds.Top),
             new Point(sBounds.Right,sBounds.Top),
             new Point(sBounds.Left,sBounds.Bottom),
             new Point(sBounds.Right,sBounds.Bottom)})
         if (!strokeContainedinBounds && currentShapeBounds.Contains(p))
             strokeContainedinBounds = true;
     if (strokeContainedinBounds)
         var hitPointCount = 0;
         int speedFactor = 1;
         int tempIndex = 0;
         var hitPointThreshold = (stroke.StylusPoints.Count() / speedFactor) * .75;
         foreach (StylusPoint sp in stroke.StylusPoints)
             if (tempIndex == speedFactor)
                 tempIndex = 0;
                 var spPoint = new Point(sp.X, sp.Y);
                 if (polyHitTest(currentSelectionShape.Points.ToArray(), spPoint))
         if (hitPointCount > hitPointThreshold)
             isContained = true;
     return isContained;
Example #9
		public void Stroke_StylusPointCollection_Bounds ()
			StylusPointCollection spc = new StylusPointCollection ();
			spc.Add (new StylusPoint (1, 2));

			Stroke s = new Stroke (spc);
			Rect bounds = s.GetBounds ();
			Assert.AreEqual (-0.5, bounds.Left, "Left");
			Assert.AreEqual (0.5, bounds.Top, "Top");
			Assert.AreEqual (3, bounds.Height, "Height");
			Assert.AreEqual (3, bounds.Width, "Width");