Inheritance: ScrollProperties
Example #1
        public ScrollableControl()
            SetStyle(ControlStyles.ContainerControl, true);
            SetStyle(ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint, false);

            auto_scroll           = false;
            force_hscroll_visible = false;
            force_vscroll_visible = false;
            auto_scroll_margin    = new Size(0, 0);
            auto_scroll_min_size  = new Size(0, 0);
            scroll_position       = new Point(0, 0);
            dock_padding          = new DockPaddingEdges(this);
            SizeChanged          += new EventHandler(Recalculate);
            VisibleChanged       += new EventHandler(VisibleChangedHandler);
            LocationChanged      += new EventHandler(LocationChangedHandler);
            ParentChanged        += new EventHandler(ParentChangedHandler);
            HandleCreated        += new EventHandler(AddScrollbars);


#if NET_2_0
            horizontalScroll = new HScrollProperties(this);
            verticalScroll   = new VScrollProperties(this);
Example #2
		public ScrollableControl() {
			SetStyle(ControlStyles.ContainerControl, true);
			SetStyle(ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint, false);

			auto_scroll = false;
			force_hscroll_visible = false;
			force_vscroll_visible = false;
			auto_scroll_margin = new Size(0, 0);
			auto_scroll_min_size = new Size(0, 0);
			scroll_position = new Point(0, 0);
			SizeChanged +=new EventHandler(Recalculate);
			VisibleChanged += new EventHandler (VisibleChangedHandler);
			LocationChanged += new EventHandler (LocationChangedHandler);
			ParentChanged += new EventHandler (ParentChangedHandler);
			HandleCreated += new EventHandler (AddScrollbars);

			CreateScrollbars ();

			horizontalScroll = new HScrollProperties (this);
			verticalScroll = new VScrollProperties (this);

 public ScrollableControl()
     _horizontalScroll = new HScrollProperties(this);
     _verticalScroll   = new VScrollProperties(this);
Example #4
		/// <summary>
		/// ctor
		/// </summary>
		public ScrollableView()
			_hscroll = new HScrollProperties(this);
			_vscroll = new VScrollProperties(this);
		private bool IsValuesComboBoxVisible(HScrollProperties hprops)
			int iVerticalScrollBarWidth = (m_bvList.ScrollBar.Visible) ? SystemInformation.VerticalScrollBarWidth : 0;
			int iHorizontalScrollBarHeight = (hprops.Visible) ? SystemInformation.HorizontalScrollBarHeight : 0;

			if (m_valuesCombo.Top < (m_listPanel.Top + m_bvList.BrowseView.Top))
				return false;  // too high
			if (m_valuesCombo.Bottom > (m_listPanel.Bottom - iHorizontalScrollBarHeight))
				return false; // too low
			if (m_valuesCombo.Right > (m_listPanel.Right - iVerticalScrollBarWidth + 1))
				return false; // too far to the right
			if (m_valuesCombo.Left < m_listPanel.Left)
				return false; // too far to the left
			return true;
        public ScrollableControl()

            _horizontalScroll = new HScrollProperties(this);
            _verticalScroll = new VScrollProperties(this);