private void dataGridView_CellValidating(DataGridView dataGridView, DataGridViewCellValidatingEventArgs e)
     if (dataGridView.Rows[e.RowIndex].IsNewRow) return;
     if (dataGridView.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[e.ColumnIndex].ReadOnly)
     if (e.ColumnIndex == 1)
         if (e.FormattedValue.ToString() == StarQualityList[12])
     if (e.ColumnIndex == 2)
         int quality;
         bool isValidQuality = Int32.TryParse(e.FormattedValue.ToString(), out quality);
         if (!isValidQuality || quality < -1 || quality > Item.MaxQuality)
             dataGridView.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[2].ErrorText =
                 "Quality value must be a valid number between -1 and 300";
             dataGridView.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[2].ErrorText = null;
     if (e.ColumnIndex == 3)
         int quantity;
         bool isValidQuantity = Int32.TryParse(e.FormattedValue.ToString(), out quantity);
         if (!isValidQuantity || quantity < 1 || quantity > 99)
             dataGridView.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[3].ErrorText =
                 "Amount must be a valid number between 1 and 99";
             dataGridView.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[3].ErrorText = null;
Example #2
        private void spillBag(DataGridView dgv, int bag)
            var pouch = Pouches[bag];
            var itemcount = Pouches[bag].Items.Length;
            string[] itemarr = Main.HaX ? (string[])itemlist.Clone() : getItems(pouch.LegalItems);


            DataGridViewComboBoxColumn dgvItemVal = new DataGridViewComboBoxColumn
                DisplayStyle = DataGridViewComboBoxDisplayStyle.Nothing,
                DisplayIndex = 0,
                Width = 135,
                FlatStyle = FlatStyle.Flat
            DataGridViewColumn dgvIndex = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn();
                dgvIndex.HeaderText = "CNT";
                dgvIndex.DisplayIndex = 1;
                dgvIndex.Width = 45;
                dgvIndex.DefaultCellStyle.Alignment = DataGridViewContentAlignment.MiddleCenter;
            foreach (string t in itemarr)
                dgvItemVal.Items.Add(t); // add only the Item Names


            dgv.Rows.Add(itemcount > 0 ? itemcount : itemarr.Length);

            string itemname = "";
            string err = "";
            for (int i = 0; i < pouch.Items.Length; i++)
                int itemvalue = pouch.Items[i].Index;
                if (itemvalue >= itemlist.Length)
                    Util.Error("Unknown item detected.", "Item ID: " + itemvalue, "Item is after: " + itemname);
                    dgv.Rows[i].Cells[0].Value = itemarr[0];
                    dgv.Rows[i].Cells[1].Value = 0;
                itemname = itemlist[itemvalue];

                int itemarrayval = Array.IndexOf(itemarr, itemname);
                if (itemarrayval == -1)
                    dgv.Rows[i].Cells[0].Value = itemarr[0];
                    dgv.Rows[i].Cells[1].Value = 0;

                    err += itemname + ", ";
                    dgv.Rows[i].Cells[0].Value = itemname;
                    dgv.Rows[i].Cells[1].Value = pouch.Items[i].Count;
            if (err.Length > 0)
                Util.Alert($"The following items have been removed from {Pouches[bag].Type} pouch.", err,
                    "If you save changes, the item(s) will no longer be in the pouch.");
Example #3
		[Test] // Xamarin bug 5419
		public void EditingControlShowingTest_Bound ()
			using (DataGridView _dataGridView = new DataGridView ()) {
				DataGridViewComboBoxColumn _nameComboBoxColumn;
				DataGridViewTextBoxColumn _firstNameTextBoxColumn;
				DataGridViewCheckBoxColumn _chosenCheckBoxColumn;

				_dataGridView.AutoGenerateColumns = false;

				// Add the event-handler.
					+= new DataGridViewEditingControlShowingEventHandler

				// No columns have been found in the event-handler yet.
				editingControlShowingTest_FoundColumns = 0;

				// _nameComboBoxColumn
				_nameComboBoxColumn = new DataGridViewComboBoxColumn ();
				_nameComboBoxColumn.HeaderText = "Name";
				_nameComboBoxColumn.DataPropertyName = "Name";
				_dataGridView.Columns.Add (_nameComboBoxColumn);

				// _firstNameTextBoxColumn
				_firstNameTextBoxColumn = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn ();
				_firstNameTextBoxColumn.AutoSizeMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnMode.Fill;
				_firstNameTextBoxColumn.HeaderText = "First Name";
				_firstNameTextBoxColumn.DataPropertyName = "FirstName";
				_dataGridView.Columns.Add (_firstNameTextBoxColumn);

				// _chosenCheckBoxColumn
				_chosenCheckBoxColumn = new DataGridViewCheckBoxColumn ();
				_chosenCheckBoxColumn.HeaderText = "Chosen";
				_chosenCheckBoxColumn.DataPropertyName = "Chosen";
				_chosenCheckBoxColumn.FalseValue = "false";
				_chosenCheckBoxColumn.TrueValue = "true";
				_dataGridView.Columns.Add (_chosenCheckBoxColumn);

				// .NET requires that all possible values for combo-boxes in a column
				// are added to the column.
				_nameComboBoxColumn.Items.Add ("de Icaza");
				_nameComboBoxColumn.Items.Add ("Toshok");
				_nameComboBoxColumn.Items.Add ("Harper");
				_nameComboBoxColumn.Items.Add ("Boswell");

				// Set up the contents of the data-grid.
				BindingList<EcstRecord> boundData = new BindingList<EcstRecord> ();
				boundData.Add (new EcstRecord ("de Icaza", "Miguel", true));
				boundData.Add (new EcstRecord ("Toshok", "Chris", false));
				boundData.Add (new EcstRecord ("Harper", "Jackson", false));
				boundData.Add (new EcstRecord ("Boswell", "Steven", true));
				_dataGridView.DataSource = boundData;

				// For data binding to work, there needs to be a Form, apparently.
				Form form = new Form ();
				form.ShowInTaskbar = false;
				form.Controls.Add (_dataGridView);
				form.Show ();

				// Make sure the data-source took.
				// (Without the Form, instead of having four rows, the data grid
				// only has one row, and all its cell values are null.)
				Assert.AreEqual (boundData.Count, _dataGridView.Rows.Count, "1-6");
				// Edit a combo-box cell.
				_dataGridView.CurrentCell = _dataGridView.Rows[3].Cells[0];
				Assert.AreEqual (true, _dataGridView.Rows[3].Cells[0].Selected, "1-7");
				Assert.AreEqual (true, _dataGridView.BeginEdit (false), "1-8");

				// Edit a text-box cell.
				_dataGridView.CurrentCell = _dataGridView.Rows[0].Cells[1];
				Assert.AreEqual (false, _dataGridView.Rows[3].Cells[0].Selected, "1-9");
				Assert.AreEqual (true, _dataGridView.Rows[0].Cells[1].Selected, "1-10");
				Assert.AreEqual (true, _dataGridView.BeginEdit (false), "1-11");

				// Edit a check-box cell.
				_dataGridView.CurrentCell = _dataGridView.Rows[3].Cells[2];
				Assert.AreEqual (false, _dataGridView.Rows[0].Cells[1].Selected, "1-12");
				Assert.AreEqual (true, _dataGridView.Rows[3].Cells[2].Selected, "1-13");
				Assert.AreEqual (true, _dataGridView.BeginEdit (false), "1-14");

				// Make sure the event-handler was called each time.
				// (DataGridViewCheckBoxCell isn't derived from Control, so the
				// EditingControlShowing event doesn't get called for it.)
				Assert.AreEqual (3, editingControlShowingTest_FoundColumns, "1-14");

				// Get rid of the form.
Example #4
		[Test] // Xamarin bug 5419
		public void EditingControlShowingTest_Unbound ()
			using (DataGridView _dataGridView = new DataGridView ()) {
				DataGridViewComboBoxColumn _nameComboBoxColumn;
				DataGridViewTextBoxColumn _firstNameTextBoxColumn;
				DataGridViewCheckBoxColumn _chosenCheckBoxColumn;

				// Add the event-handler.
					+= new DataGridViewEditingControlShowingEventHandler
				// No columns have been found in the event-handler yet.
				editingControlShowingTest_FoundColumns = 0;

				// _nameComboBoxColumn
				_nameComboBoxColumn = new DataGridViewComboBoxColumn ();
				_nameComboBoxColumn.HeaderText = "Name";
				_dataGridView.Columns.Add (_nameComboBoxColumn);

				// _firstNameTextBoxColumn
				_firstNameTextBoxColumn = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn ();
				_firstNameTextBoxColumn.AutoSizeMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnMode.Fill;
				_firstNameTextBoxColumn.HeaderText = "First Name";
				_dataGridView.Columns.Add (_firstNameTextBoxColumn);

				// _chosenCheckBoxColumn
				_chosenCheckBoxColumn = new DataGridViewCheckBoxColumn ();
				_chosenCheckBoxColumn.HeaderText = "Chosen";
				_dataGridView.Columns.Add (_chosenCheckBoxColumn);

				// .NET requires that all possible values for combo-boxes in a column
				// are added to the column.
				_nameComboBoxColumn.Items.Add ("de Icaza");
				_nameComboBoxColumn.Items.Add ("Toshok");
				_nameComboBoxColumn.Items.Add ("Harper");
				_nameComboBoxColumn.Items.Add ("Boswell");

				// Set up the contents of the data-grid.
				_dataGridView.Rows.Add ("de Icaza", "Miguel", true);
				_dataGridView.Rows.Add ("Toshok", "Chris", false);
				_dataGridView.Rows.Add ("Harper", "Jackson", false);
				_dataGridView.Rows.Add ("Boswell", "Steven", true);
				// Edit a combo-box cell.
				_dataGridView.CurrentCell = _dataGridView.Rows[3].Cells[0];
				Assert.AreEqual (true, _dataGridView.Rows[3].Cells[0].Selected, "1-6");
				Assert.AreEqual (true, _dataGridView.BeginEdit (false), "1-7");

				// Edit a text-box cell.
				_dataGridView.CurrentCell = _dataGridView.Rows[0].Cells[1];
				Assert.AreEqual (false, _dataGridView.Rows[3].Cells[0].Selected, "1-8");
				Assert.AreEqual (true, _dataGridView.Rows[0].Cells[1].Selected, "1-9");
				Assert.AreEqual (true, _dataGridView.BeginEdit (false), "1-10");

				// Edit a check-box cell.
				_dataGridView.CurrentCell = _dataGridView.Rows[3].Cells[2];
				Assert.AreEqual (false, _dataGridView.Rows[0].Cells[1].Selected, "1-11");
				Assert.AreEqual (true, _dataGridView.Rows[3].Cells[2].Selected, "1-12");
				Assert.AreEqual (true, _dataGridView.BeginEdit (false), "1-13");

				// Make sure the event-handler was called each time.
				// (DataGridViewCheckBoxCell isn't derived from Control, so the
				// EditingControlShowing event doesn't get called for it.)
				Assert.AreEqual (3, editingControlShowingTest_FoundColumns, "1-14");

Example #5
        private void CellValidate(DataGridView grd, DataGridViewCellValidatingEventArgs e)
            if (e.RowIndex > -1 && (e.ColumnIndex == 3 || e.ColumnIndex == 4 || e.ColumnIndex == 5))
                if (e.FormattedValue.ToString() == "") { return; }
                double outDb = 0;
                if (double.TryParse(e.FormattedValue.ToString(), out outDb))
                    e.Cancel = false;
                    e.Cancel = true;

                if (outDb < 0)
                    e.Cancel = true;
Example #6
        private void CellValidate(DataGridView grd, DataGridViewCellValidatingEventArgs e)
            if (e.RowIndex > -1 && e.ColumnIndex == 4)
                if (e.FormattedValue.ToString() == "") { return; }
                int outDb = 0;
                if (Int32.TryParse(e.FormattedValue.ToString(), out outDb))
                    e.Cancel = false;
                    e.Cancel = true;

                if (outDb <= 0 || outDb > Int32.Parse(grd.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[3].Value.ToString()))
                    e.Cancel = true;
Example #7
        private DataGridView getDGV(InventoryPouch pouch)
            // Add DataGrid
            DataGridView dgv = new DataGridView
                Dock = DockStyle.Fill,
                Text = pouch.Type.ToString(),
                Name = DGVPrefix + pouch.Type,

                AllowUserToAddRows = false,
                AllowUserToDeleteRows = false,
                AllowUserToResizeRows = false,
                AllowUserToResizeColumns = false,
                RowHeadersVisible = false,
                //ColumnHeadersVisible = false,
                MultiSelect = false,
                ShowEditingIcon = false,

                EditMode = DataGridViewEditMode.EditOnEnter,
                ColumnHeadersBorderStyle = DataGridViewHeaderBorderStyle.Single,
                ColumnHeadersHeightSizeMode = DataGridViewColumnHeadersHeightSizeMode.AutoSize,
                SelectionMode = DataGridViewSelectionMode.CellSelect,
                CellBorderStyle = DataGridViewCellBorderStyle.None,

            int c = 0;
            DataGridViewComboBoxColumn dgvItemVal = new DataGridViewComboBoxColumn
                HeaderText = "Item",
                DisplayStyle = DataGridViewComboBoxDisplayStyle.Nothing,
                DisplayIndex = c++,
                Width = 135,
                FlatStyle = FlatStyle.Flat
            DataGridViewColumn dgvIndex = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn();
                dgvIndex.HeaderText = "Count";
                dgvIndex.DisplayIndex = c++;
                dgvIndex.Width = 45;
                dgvIndex.DefaultCellStyle.Alignment = DataGridViewContentAlignment.MiddleCenter;

            if (HasFreeSpace)
                DataGridViewCheckBoxColumn dgvFree = new DataGridViewCheckBoxColumn
                    HeaderText = "Free",
                    DisplayIndex = c++,
                    Width = 40,
                    FlatStyle = FlatStyle.Flat
            if (HasFreeSpace)
                DataGridViewCheckBoxColumn dgvNew = new DataGridViewCheckBoxColumn
                    HeaderText = "NEW",
                    DisplayIndex = c++,
                    Width = 40,
                    FlatStyle = FlatStyle.Flat

            var itemcount = pouch.Items.Length;
            string[] itemarr = Main.HaX ? (string[])itemlist.Clone() : getItems(pouch.LegalItems);

            var combo = dgv.Columns[0] as DataGridViewComboBoxColumn;
            foreach (string t in itemarr)
                combo.Items.Add(t); // add only the Item Names

            dgv.Rows.Add(itemcount > 0 ? itemcount : itemarr.Length);

            return dgv;