Example #1
        public MainWindow()
            //hardcoded vJoyFeeder class for testing, is this where we want to call the class?
            vJoyFeeder vj = new vJoyFeeder();


            //var server = new WebSocketServer("http://localhost:8080");

            //server.Start(socket =>
            //    socket.OnOpen = () => Console.WriteLine("Open!");
            //    socket.OnClose = () => Console.WriteLine("Close!");
            //    //socket.OnMessage = message => socket.Send(message);


            FleckLog.Level = LogLevel.Debug;
            var allSockets = new List<IWebSocketConnection>();
            var server = new WebSocketServer("localhost:8181");
            server.Start(socket =>
                socket.OnOpen = () =>
                socket.OnClose = () =>
                socket.OnMessage = message =>
                    // This is the only line of code that outputs to console. Each instruction given to parser will return a string, which
                    // can then be used in the windows APP UI.

                    allSockets.ToList().ForEach(s => s.Send("Echo: " + message));
                    allSockets.ToList().ForEach(s => s.Send("Return: " + vj.parseInstructionString(message)));

            var input = Console.ReadLine();
            while (input != "exit")
                foreach (var socket in allSockets.ToList())

                input = Console.ReadLine();
Example #2
        public Activity(UserDTO user)
            _userDTO = user;


                label1.Content = "Hej " + user.name + ", vælg en aktivitet:";

                var client = new RestClient("http://dkmkl-fusion-7/bookit");

                var request = new RestRequest("users/"+ user.userId +"/activities", Method.GET);

                request.AddHeader("Accept", "application/xml");

                // or automatically deserialize result
                // return content type is sniffed but can be explicitly set via RestClient.AddHandler();
                RestResponse<List<ActivityDTO>> response = client.Execute<List<ActivityDTO>>(request);

                if (response != null)
                    _activities = response.Data;
                    lstCustomers.ItemsSource = _activities.ToList();
            catch (Exception ex)
                lblError.Content = ex.Message;
Example #3
        public EditWindow(Service.Service service, int rowIndex, object selectedItem, DataGrid grid)
            this.selectedItem = selectedItem;
            this.service = service;
            this.rowIndex = rowIndex;
            this.grid = grid;
            this.grid.IsReadOnly = true;

            List<String> categories = new List<String>();
            categories.Add("Discount pris");
            categories.Add("Hverdags oste");
            categories.Add("Luxus oste");
            categories.Add("Eksklusive oste");
            categories.Add("Styk ost");

            comboBoxCategoryEdit.ItemsSource = categories.ToList();

            TxtName.Text = service.filldata(service.getProducts()).Rows[rowIndex]["name"].ToString();
            txtUnitprice.Text = service.filldata(service.getProducts()).Rows[rowIndex]["unitPrice"].ToString();
            txtCountAvailable.Text = service.filldata(service.getProducts()).Rows[rowIndex]["countAvailable"].ToString();
            txtCountry.Text = service.filldata(service.getProducts()).Rows[rowIndex]["country"].ToString();
            txtDescription.Text = service.filldata(service.getProducts()).Rows[rowIndex]["description"].ToString();
        public DatabasePresentationWindow()
            using (DatabaseContext siContext = new DatabaseContext())
                var query = (from Product in siContext.Product
                            select  Product).ToList();
                List<Product> comments = new List<Product>();

                foreach (var comment in query)
                productsDb.ItemsSource = comments.ToList();
            using (DatabaseContext siContext = new DatabaseContext())
                var query = (from Product in siContext.Product
                             select Product.Comments).ToList();
                List<CommentDb> comments = new List<CommentDb>();

                foreach (var comment in query)
                    if (comment.Count > 0)
                        foreach (var com in comment)
                            com.Comment = Regex.Replace(com.Comment, @"<[^>]+>|&nbsp;", "").Trim();
                commentData.ItemsSource = comments.ToList();
        public MainWindow()
            rep = new Repository();
            List<Course> courses = new List<Course>();
            courses = rep.getCourses();
            comboStandardId.Items.SourceCollection = courses.ToList();

Example #6
        public UserList(List<UserDTO> users)

            _users = users;
            if (_users != null)
                lstCustomers.ItemsSource = _users.ToList();
Example #7
 public void DataGridUpdateDate()
         using (BdModelContainer _context = new BdModelContainer())
             Lvod= _context.ВодителиSet.ToList();
             dGrid.ItemsSource = Lvod.ToList();
     catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Ошибка выгрузки таблицы" + ex.Message); }
Example #8
        public void runFleck()
            FleckLog.Level = LogLevel.Debug;
            var allSockets = new List<IWebSocketConnection>();
            var server = new WebSocketServer("localhost:8181");
            server.Start(socket =>
                socket.OnOpen = () =>
                socket.OnClose = () =>
                socket.OnMessage = message =>
                    // This is the only line of code that outputs to console. Each instruction given to parser will return a string, which
                    // can then be used in the windows APP UI.

                    allSockets.ToList().ForEach(s => s.Send("Echo: " + message));
                    allSockets.ToList().ForEach(s => s.Send("Return: " + vj.parseInstructionString(message)));

            var input = Console.ReadLine();
            while (input != "exit")
                foreach (var socket in allSockets.ToList())

                input = Console.ReadLine();
Example #9
        public CreateWindow(Service.Service service, DataGrid grid)
            this.grid = grid;
            this.service = service;
            this.grid.IsReadOnly = true;

            List<String> categories = new List<String>();
            categories.Add("Discount pris");
            categories.Add("Hverdags oste");
            categories.Add("Luxus oste");
            categories.Add("Eksklusive oste");
            categories.Add("Styk ost");

            comboBoxCategory.ItemsSource = categories.ToList();
        private void dataGrid1_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
            using (DatabaseContext siContext = new DatabaseContext())
                var query = (from Product in siContext.Product
                             select Product.Comments).ToList();
                List<CommentDb> comments = new List<CommentDb>();

                foreach (var comment in query)
                    if (comment.Count > 0)
                        foreach (var com in comment)
                            com.Comment = Regex.Replace(com.Comment, @"<[^>]+>|&nbsp;", "").Trim();
                commentData.ItemsSource = comments.ToList();
Example #11
        void twitter_DownloadStringCompleted(object senders, DownloadStringCompletedEventArgs e)
            int count = 0;
                List<TwitterItem> contentList = new List<TwitterItem>();
                JArray ja = new JArray();

                    ja = JArray.Parse("[ " + e.Result + " ]");
                    MessageBox.Show("Error getting data from twitter, The data was invalid", "Error", MessageBoxButton.OK);
                for (count = 0; count < ja.Count; count++)
                    for (int i = 0; i < ja[count]["results"].Count(); i++)
                        TwitterItem content = new TwitterItem();

                        content.ImageSource = ja[count]["results"][i]["profile_image_url"].ToString();
                        content.UserName = ja[count]["results"][i]["from_user"].ToString();
                        content.Message = ja[count]["results"][i]["text"].ToString();


                tweetList.ItemsSource = contentList.ToList(); 
                MessageBox.Show("A network error has occured, please try again!");
        public AnalysisView(string name)
            var bd = new Binding() { Source = MainWindow.Names };
            this.name.SetBinding(ComboBox.ItemsSourceProperty, bd);
            this.name.Text = name;
            Datas = new List<BattleData>();
            NowView = Datas.ToList();
            viewCount.ItemsSource = Enum.GetValues(typeof(ViewCount));
            viewCount.SelectedIndex = 0;
            tab.SelectedIndex = 0;
            var cv = new WinRatioConverter();
            winratiolist.Columns.Add(new DataGridTextColumn() { Binding = new Binding("Weapon") });
            foreach (var item in MainWindow.Stages.Concat(new[]{"すべて"}))
                var mb = new MultiBinding() { Converter=cv};
                mb.Bindings.Add(new Binding("Datas[" + item + "].WinRatio"));
                mb.Bindings.Add(new Binding("Datas[" + item + "].Count"));
                winratiolist.Columns.Add(new DataGridTextColumn() { Header = item,Binding = mb });

        private void CutSequenceCandidates(List<List<int>> candidatesK, int k)
            foreach (List<int> itemset in candidatesK.ToList())
                List<int[]> subsets = new List<int[]>();
                int[] subset = new int[k - 1];

                //I add manualy one subset which is k-1 last items
                for (int i = 0; i < k - 1; i++)
                    subset[i] = itemset[i + 1];

                //here I add the rest of possible subsets
                for (int i = 1; i < k; i++)
                    int index = 1;
                    subset = new int[k - 1];
                    subset[0] = itemset[0];
                    for (int j = 1; j < k; j++)
                        if (j != i)
                            subset[index] = itemset[j];

                //I've got all subsets. Now I'll check whether they are in the k-1 frequent
                bool areAllSubsetsFrequent = true;
                foreach (int[] ss in subsets)
                    bool isFrequentSubset = false;
                    foreach (List<int> fs in largeSequences[k - 2])
                        int i;
                        for (i = 0; i < k - 1; i++)
                            if (fs[i] != ss[i])
                        //if we didn't break the loop than value of i should equal to k-1
                        //which means that checked set was the same as some from frequent itemset
                        if (i == k - 1)
                            isFrequentSubset = true;
                    if (isFrequentSubset == false)
                        areAllSubsetsFrequent = false;
                if (areAllSubsetsFrequent == false)
Example #14
        private void GetCompanyExtOrgObj(List<SMT.Saas.Tools.OrganizationWS.T_HR_COMPANY> LstOldCompanys, List<SMT.Saas.Tools.OrganizationWS.T_HR_COMPANY> LstCompanys)
            if (LstCompanys.Count() > 0)
                LstCompanys.ToList().ForEach(child =>
                    ExtOrgObj objSecond = new ExtOrgObj();
                    objSecond.ObjectID = child.COMPANYID;
                    objSecond.ObjectName = child.CNAME;
                    objSecond.ObjectType = SMT.SaaS.FrameworkUI.OrgTreeItemTypes.Company;
                    var ExistEnts = from ext in entall
                                    where ext.ObjectID == child.COMPANYID
                                    && ext.ObjectType == SMT.SaaS.FrameworkUI.OrgTreeItemTypes.Company
                                    select ext;
                    if (ExistEnts.Count() == 0)
                    var ents = from childcompany in LstOldCompanys
                               where childcompany.T_HR_COMPANY2 != null && childcompany.T_HR_COMPANY2.COMPANYID == child.COMPANYID
                               select childcompany;
                    if (ents.Count() > 0)

Example #15
 private void InsertCard(List<Ruban> comers, double xb, double yb)
     if (comers.Count > ORCHIS_CAP)
         comers.RemoveRange(0, comers.Count - ORCHIS_CAP);
         OrchisAni(onBoards.ToList(), EMPTY_LIST, comers.ToList(), xb, yb);
     else if (onBoards.Count + comers.Count > ORCHIS_CAP)
         int diff = onBoards.Count + comers.Count - ORCHIS_CAP;
         List<Ruban> take = onBoards.GetRange(0, diff).ToList();
         List<Ruban> leave = onBoards.GetRange(diff, onBoards.Count - diff).ToList();
         OrchisAni(take, leave, comers.ToList(), xb, yb);
         OrchisAni(EMPTY_LIST, onBoards.ToList(), comers.ToList(), xb, yb);
Example #16
        public List<SpareView> FilterSpares(
           int SearchFieldIndex,
           string SearchText,
           bool RemainsOnly,
           int GroupID,
           string BrandName)
            List<SpareView> ResultList = new List<SpareView>();
            int BrandID = 0;
            if (BrandName.Length > 0)
                BrandID = da.GetBrandIDByName(BrandName);

            if (GroupID == 0)
                ResultList = SpareContainer.Instance.Spares;
                if (GroupID > 0 && (!(BrandID > 0)))
                    if (GroupID > 0)
                        List<SpareView> tmps = SpareContainer.Instance.Spares.ToList();
                        List<SpareView> tmps1 = tmps.Where(x => x != null).ToList();
                        ResultList = tmps1.Where(x => (x.GroupID == GroupID)
                            || (x.spare_group1_id == GroupID)
                            || (x.spare_group2_id == GroupID)
                            || (x.spare_group3_id == GroupID)).ToList();
                    if (BrandID > 0)
                        if (GroupID > 0)
                            List<SpareView> tmps = SpareContainer.Instance.Spares.ToList();
                            List<SpareView> tmps1 = tmps.Where(x => x != null).ToList();
                            ResultList = tmps1.Where(x => ((x.GroupID == GroupID)
                            || (x.spare_group1_id == GroupID)
                            || (x.spare_group2_id == GroupID)
                            || (x.spare_group3_id == GroupID))
                            && (x.BrandID == BrandID)).ToList();

            //bool RemainsOnly,
            if (RemainsOnly)
                ResultList = ResultList.Where(i => i.QRest > 0).ToList();

            //int SearchFieldIndex,
            //string SearchText,
            if (SearchText.Length > 0)
                // разобрать в завимосости от выбранного для поиска поле
                switch (SearchFieldIndex)
                    case 0:// ПОИСК ПО КОДУ
                        ResultList = ResultList.Where(s => s.code != null).Where(s => s.code.ToLower().Contains(SearchText.ToLower())).ToList();

                    case 1:// ПОИСК ПО НАИМЕНОВАНИЮ
                        ResultList = ResultList.Where(s => s.name.ToLower().Contains(SearchText.ToLower())).ToList();

                    case 2:// ПОИСК ПО КОДУ ШАТЕ-М
                        ResultList = ResultList.Where(s => s.codeShatem != null).Where(s => s.codeShatem.ToLower().Contains(SearchText.ToLower())).ToList();

            return ResultList.ToList();
        protected async Task<bool> SaveContacts(MasterEntity entity)
            using (var c = NestedContainer)
                if(!ContactsList.Any(n => n.IsDirty)) return true;

                _proxy = Using<IDistributorServiceProxy>(c);
                ResponseBool response = new ResponseBool { Success = false };
                var itemsToSave = new List<ContactItem>();

                foreach (var item in ContactsList.Where(n => n.IsDirty))
                    var contactItem = new ContactItem
                        MasterId = item.Contact.Id,
                        DateOfBirth = item.Contact.DateOfBirth,
                        MaritalStatusMasterId = (int)item.Contact.MStatus,
                        BusinessPhone = item.Contact.BusinessPhone,
                        ChildrenNames = item.Contact.ChildrenNames,
                        City = item.Contact.City,
                        Company = item.Contact.Company,
                        ContactClassification = (int)item.Contact.ContactClassification,
                        ContactOwnerType = item.Contact.ContactOwnerType,
                        ContactOwnerMasterId = entity.Id,
                        DateCreated = item.Contact._DateCreated,
                        Email = item.Contact.Email,
                        Fax = item.Contact.Fax,
                        Firstname = item.Contact.Firstname,
                        HomePhone = item.Contact.HomePhone,
                        HomeTown = item.Contact.HomeTown,
                        JobTitle = item.Contact.JobTitle,
                        Lastname = item.Contact.Lastname,
                        MobilePhone = item.Contact.MobilePhone,
                        PhysicalAddress = item.Contact.PhysicalAddress,
                        PostalAddress = item.Contact.PostalAddress,
                        SpouseName = item.Contact.SpouseName,
                        WorkExtPhone = item.Contact.WorkExtPhone,
                        DateLastUpdated = DateTime.Now,
                        StatusId = (int)EntityStatus.Active,
                        IsNew = item.IsNew
                    if (item.Contact.ContactType != null) contactItem.ContactTypeMasterId = item.Contact.ContactType.Id;
                if (itemsToSave.Count > 0)
                    response = await _proxy.ContactsAddAsync(itemsToSave.ToList());
                    MessageBox.Show(response.ErrorInfo, "Agrimanagr: Manage contacts", MessageBoxButton.OK,
                else response.Success = true;

                return response.Success;
        void element_MediaOpened(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            if (this.element.IsLive)

            foreach (SegmentInfo segment in this.element.ManifestInfo.Segments)
                audioTracks = new List<StreamInfo>();
                textTracks = new List<StreamInfo>();
                IList<StreamInfo> streamInfoList = segment.AvailableStreams;
                List<StreamInfo> selectStreams = segment.SelectedStreams.ToList<StreamInfo>();

                foreach (StreamInfo stream in streamInfoList)
                    if (stream.Type == MediaStreamType.Video)
                        playingStream = stream;
                        tracks = stream.AvailableTracks.ToList<TrackInfo>();

                        ManifestEventArgs args = new ManifestEventArgs(tracks.ToList<Object>());
                        BitratesReady(this, args);
                    else if (stream.Type == MediaStreamType.Audio)
                    else if (stream.Type == MediaStreamType.Script && stream.Subtype == "CAPT")

                if (MediaOpened != null)
                    MediaOpened(sender, e);
                ManifestEventArgs audioArgs = new ManifestEventArgs(audioTracks.ToList<Object>());
                AudioTracksReady(this, audioArgs);

                ManifestEventArgs textArgs = new ManifestEventArgs(textTracks.ToList<Object>());
                TextTracksReady(this, textArgs);
Example #19
        private void DataGridUpdate()

            switch (SelectBut)
                case selectedButtons.HeroesBut:
                    List<PHero> Hp = new List<PHero>();
                    foreach (var item in new Repository().GetHeroesSource().ToList())
                        Hp.Add(new PHero { NameHeroes = item.NameHeroes, WeigthHero = item.WeigthHero });

                    dgrid.ItemsSource = Hp.ToList();

                case selectedButtons.QuestionsBut:
                    //    var a = (new Repository().GetQuestionsSource()).Select(d => new { d.NameQestion }).Distinct().ToList();
                    var a = new Repository().GetQuestionsSource();
                    List<PQuestions> Pq = new List<PQuestions>();
                    foreach(var ia in a.Select(d => new { d.NameQestion }).Distinct())
                        int summary = 0;
                        foreach(var ia2 in a)
                                summary = (int)ia2.OtvetSelected + summary;
                        Pq.Add(new PQuestions { NameQestion = ia.NameQestion, TotalWeight = summary });

                    dgrid.ItemsSource = Pq.ToList();

                case selectedButtons.DominatingBut:
                    dgrid.ItemsSource = (new Repository().GetQuestionsSource()).Select(d => new

                case selectedButtons.QuestionTree:

                case selectedButtons.HeroesLearnClear:
                  //  List<PHero> Hl = new List<PHero>();
                    foreach (var item in new Repository().GetHeroesSource().ToList())
                        Hl.Add(new PHero { NameHeroes = item.NameHeroes, WeigthHero = item.WeigthHero });

                    GridHeroLearnDataGrid1.ItemsSource = Hl.ToList();
        void element_ManifestReady(object sender, EventArgs e)
            foreach (SegmentInfo segment in this.element.ManifestInfo.Segments)
                audioTracks = new List<StreamInfo>();
                IList<StreamInfo> streamInfoList = segment.AvailableStreams;
                foreach (StreamInfo stream in streamInfoList)
                    if (stream.Type == MediaStreamType.Video)
                        playingStream = stream;
                        tracks = stream.AvailableTracks.ToList<TrackInfo>();

                        ManifestEventArgs args = new ManifestEventArgs( tracks.ToList<Object>() );
                        BitratesReady(this, args);
                    else if (stream.Type == MediaStreamType.Audio)
                ManifestEventArgs audioArgs = new ManifestEventArgs(audioTracks.ToList<Object>());
                AudioTracksReady(this, audioArgs);
Example #21
        public SelectMultiCardsDlg(List<int> cardList, List<int> cardList2, string prompt, string title, int? minValue, int? maxValue, string boxLabel, string boxLabel2)
            slider.Value = Prefs.GetGameSetting(Program.GameEngine.Definition, "sliderValue", 175);
            Title = title;
            this.Height = Math.Min(System.Windows.SystemParameters.PrimaryScreenHeight * 0.80, 860);
            this.Width = Math.Min(System.Windows.SystemParameters.PrimaryScreenWidth * 0.80, 860);
            promptLbl.Text = prompt;
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(prompt)) promptBox.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
            boxLbl.Text = boxLabel;
            boxLbl2.Text = boxLabel2;

            Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
                if (cardList == null) cardList = new List<int>();
                _min = minValue;
                _max = maxValue;
                allCards = cardList.ToList();
                if (cardList2 != null) allCards2 = cardList2.ToList();

                Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Action(() =>

                    allList.ItemsSource = allCards;
                    allList2.ItemsSource = allCards2;
                    if (allCards2 != null) // multi-box will always have drag/drop
                        if (_max == null)
                            _max = allCards.Count + allCards2.Count; // max value will be the total count of both lists
                        if (_min == null)
                            _min = 0; // min value will be the lowest value possible
                        if (_min > _max)
                            _min = _max; // prevent oddities where user set the min value higher than max
                        AllowSelect = (_min <= allCards.Count && allCards.Count <= _max);
                    else // only one box, check if drag/drop is allowed
                        if (_max == null)
                            _max = 1;
                        if (_min == null)
                            _min = 1;
                        if (_min > _max)
                            _min = _max; // prevent oddities where user set the min value higher than max
                        allList2.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; // hides the second box
                        box2GridRow.Height = new GridLength(0); // hides the second box
                        if (_max <= 0) // a maximum value of 0 means that we want to reorganize the group, not select cards from it
                            selectButton.IsEnabled = true;
                            AllowSelect = true;
                        else if (_min == 1 && _max == 1) // only allow a single choice
                            allList.PreviewMouseLeftButtonDown -= DragDropDown;
                            allList.SelectionChanged += CardSelected;
                            allList.MouseDoubleClick += SelectClicked; // double clicking the card will auto-confirm it
                        else //allow multiple choice
                            allList.PreviewMouseLeftButtonDown -= DragDropDown;
                            allList.SelectionChanged += CardSelected;
                            allList.SelectionMode = SelectionMode.Multiple;
                            if (_min == 0) AllowSelect = true;

        public CashDeskManagerAllDetails(List<rsp_CDM_GetCashierTransactionsDetails_New> lstTickets, DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate, string FooterText, int userNo, int RouteNo)


                lstCashierTransactionsDetails = lstTickets.ToList();
                dtTickets = lstTickets.ToDataSet<rsp_CDM_GetCashierTransactionsDetails_New>("DetailsView");

                if (!Security.SecurityHelper.HasAccess("BMC.Presentation.CashDeskManager.UserControls.CashDeskManagerAllDetails.lvViewAll.TicketValue"))

                    lstTickets.ForEach((x) => { if (x.Ticket.Trim().Length > 8) x.Ticket = x.Ticket.Trim().Remove(x.Ticket.Trim().Length - 4, 4) + "****"; });


                this.DataContext = lstTickets;
                this.StartDate = startDate;
                this.EndDate = endDate;
                this.sFooterText = FooterText;

                this.user = userNo;
                this.iRoute_No = RouteNo;

                objCashDeskManager = CashDeskManagerBusinessObject.CreateInstance();
            catch (Exception ex)
Example #23
        public void PositionIndicator(Chart chart, MouseEventArgs e, Double xValueAtMousePos, Double internalYValue)
            #region Set position for Indicator

            if (Chart.IndicatorEnabled)
                /*Double xOffset = Double.NaN, yOffset = Double.NaN;

                if (e != null)
                    Double x1 = e.GetPosition(Chart._toolTipCanvas).X;
                    Double x2 = e.GetPosition(Chart._plotAreaGrid).X;

                    Double y1 = e.GetPosition(Chart._toolTipCanvas).Y;
                    Double y2 = e.GetPosition(Chart._plotAreaGrid).Y;

                    xOffset = Math.Abs(x1 - x2);
                    yOffset = Math.Abs(y1 - y2);


                Double xx1 = (Double)Chart.PlotArea.GetValue(Canvas.LeftProperty);
                Double yy1 = (Double)Chart.PlotArea.GetValue(Canvas.TopProperty);

                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("XOffset=" + xOffset.ToString() + ", " + yOffset.ToString());
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("XOffset=" + xx1.ToString() + ", " + yy1.ToString());
                xOffset = xx1;
                yOffset = yy1;*/

                Double xOffset = (Double)Chart.PlotArea.GetValue(Canvas.LeftProperty);
                Double yOffset = (Double)Chart.PlotArea.GetValue(Canvas.TopProperty);

                // Find and set reference of the nearest DataPoint from mouse pointer position
                // and ignore all Datapoints where if nearestDataPoint is null of its parent
                List<DataPoint> listOfNearestDataPoints;

                if (e == null)
                    listOfNearestDataPoints = (from ds in chart.InternalSeries
                                               where !RenderHelper.IsAxisIndependentCType(ds) && !RenderHelper.IsCircularCType(ds)
                                               select ds.FindNearestDataPointFromValues(xValueAtMousePos, internalYValue))
                                               .Where(dp => (dp != null && dp.Parent._nearestDataPoint != null)).ToList();
                    listOfNearestDataPoints = (from ds in chart.InternalSeries
                                               where !RenderHelper.IsAxisIndependentCType(ds) && !RenderHelper.IsCircularCType(ds)
                                               select ds.FindNearestDataPointFromMousePointer(e))
                                               .Where(dp => (dp != null && dp.Parent._nearestDataPoint != null)).ToList();

                // Prepare ToolTips and Create a new list of nearest DataPoints
                List<DataPoint> selectedNearestDataPoints = new List<DataPoint>();

                // Prepare ToolTips and Create a new list of nearest DataPoints
                foreach (DataPoint nearestDataPoint in listOfNearestDataPoints)
                    DataSeries dataSeries = nearestDataPoint.Parent;

                    if (dataSeries.ToolTipElement != null)

                        //if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(dataSeries.ToolTipElement.Text))

                    // Setup ToolTip

                if (e != null)
                    xValueAtMousePos = RenderHelper.CalculateInternalXValueFromPixelPos(chart, chart.ChartArea.AxisX, e);

                DataPoint nearestDataPoint1 = RenderHelper.GetNearestDataPointAlongXAxis(selectedNearestDataPoints, chart.ChartArea.AxisX, xValueAtMousePos);

                // Sorted list of nearest DataPoints ascending order of visualPosition along y-axis
                List<DataPoint> finalSetOfDataPoints = new List<DataPoint>();

                if (nearestDataPoint1 != null)
                    finalSetOfDataPoints = (from dataPoint in selectedNearestDataPoints
                                            where dataPoint.InternalXValue == nearestDataPoint1.InternalXValue
                                            orderby dataPoint._visualPosition.Y ascending
                                            select dataPoint)
                                            .TakeWhile(dp => dp.Parent.HideToolTip()).ToList();

                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("NearestDataPoints Count : " + finalSetOfDataPoints.Count);

                // System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("YValue : " + finalSetOfDataPoints[0].YValue);

                // Clear all unwated temporary list
                listOfNearestDataPoints = null;
                selectedNearestDataPoints = null;

                //  System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("NearestDataPoints Count : " + listOfNearestDataPoints.Count);

                if (finalSetOfDataPoints.Count > 0)

                    //_axisIndicatorElement.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
                    _verticalLineIndicator.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
                    _axisCallOutContainer.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
                    _axisIndicatorBorderElement.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;

                    ArrangeToolTips4DataSeries(finalSetOfDataPoints.ToList(), xOffset, yOffset);

                    foreach (DataPoint dp in finalSetOfDataPoints)
                        DataSeries dataSeries = dp.Parent;

                        Double offset = AxisX.GetScrollBarValueFromOffset(AxisX.CurrentScrollScrollBarOffset);
                        offset = GetScrollingOffsetOfAxis(AxisX, offset);

                        if (AxisX.AxisOrientation == AxisOrientation.Vertical)
                            if (dp._visualPosition.Y - offset > PlotAreaCanvas.Height
                                || dp._visualPosition.Y - offset < 0)

                            if (dp._visualPosition.X - offset > PlotAreaCanvas.Width
                                  || dp._visualPosition.X - offset < 0)


                    if (Chart._toolTipCanvas.Clip != null)
                        Rect clipRect = new Rect(0, -PLANK_DEPTH, Chart.ActualWidth, Chart.ActualHeight + PLANK_DEPTH);
                        RectangleGeometry clipRectangle = Chart._toolTipCanvas.Clip as RectangleGeometry;

                        if (!clipRectangle.Rect.Equals(clipRect))
                            clipRectangle.Rect = clipRect;
                        RectangleGeometry clipRectangle = new RectangleGeometry();
                        clipRectangle.Rect = new Rect(0, -PLANK_DEPTH, Chart.ActualWidth, Chart.ActualHeight + PLANK_DEPTH);
                        Chart._toolTipCanvas.Clip = clipRectangle;

		private void ProcessItemsSource()
			if (null == _ui_icLeft || null == _ui_icRight)
			List<object> aItems = new List<object>((IEnumerable<object>)aItemsSource);
			if (null != aItemsSelected)
				List<object> aSelected = new List<object>(((IEnumerable<object>)aItemsSelected).Where(o => aItems.Contains(o)));
				aItems = aItems.Where(o => !aSelected.Contains(o)).ToList();
				_ui_icRight.ItemsSource = aSelected.ToList();
			_ui_icLeft.ItemsSource = _ui_Search.aItemsSourceInitial = aItems.ToList();
			_ui_icRight.Tag = null;
        //, List<SubCalendarEvent> usedSubCalendarEvensts)
        List<List<List<SubCalendarEvent>>> generateTreeCallsToSnugArray(List<SubCalendarEvent> AvailableSubCalendarEvents, List<TimeLine> AllTimeLines, int TimeLineIndex, List<List<SubCalendarEvent>> SubCalendarEventsPopulatedIntoTimeLineIndex_SoFar, Dictionary<TimeLine, List<SubCalendarEvent>> DictionaryOfTimelineAndSubcalendarEvents)
                * Name: jerome Biotidara
                * Description: This function is responsible for generating the snug possibilities for a list containing all timelines it takes 5 elements as its parameters.
                    -AvailableSubCalendarEvents ->The remaining List of subcalendar events.
                    -AllTimeLines->A list of the Timelines that needto be populated with the desired snug possibility
                    -TimeLineIndex->An Index keeping track of what timeline the funciton is current working on
                    -FullTimeLineWithSnugListOfSubcalendarEvents->is a list containing A list of subcalendarEvents for each TimeLine
             *      -PertainingSnugPossibilityForTimieline-> is a list of snugpossibilities that apply to a TimeLine in a TimeLineIndex
             *      -DictionaryOfTimelineAndSubcalendarEvents-> A dictionary of TimeLine and interferring subcalendarevents

            //if (ListOfAllSnugPossibilitiesInRespectiveTImeLines_hack.Count >= maxHackConstant)
                //return ListOfAllSnugPossibilitiesInRespectiveTImeLines_hack;

            if (AvailableSubCalendarEvents.Count > MaxNumberOfInterferringSubcalEvents)
                MaxNumberOfInterferringSubcalEvents = AvailableSubCalendarEvents.Count;
            if (TimeLineIndex > LargestTimeIndex)
                LargestTimeIndex = TimeLineIndex;
            if (TimeLineIndex == 8)
                int Haha = 1;
                Haha += 1;

            List<List<List<SubCalendarEvent>>> ListOfAllSnugPossibilitiesInRespectiveTImeLines = new System.Collections.Generic.List<System.Collections.Generic.List<System.Collections.Generic.List<SubCalendarEvent>>>();
            if (AllTimeLines.Count < 1)
                return null;

            if ((TimeLineIndex >= AllTimeLines.Count) && (AvailableSubCalendarEvents.Count > 0))
                LogInfo += ("Couldnt Find For this timeLine timeLine\n");

            if ((TimeLineIndex >= AllTimeLines.Count) || (AvailableSubCalendarEvents.Count < 1))
                if (TimeLineIndex < AllTimeLines.Count)
                    LogInfo += ("Weird Exit\n");

                return ListOfAllSnugPossibilitiesInRespectiveTImeLines;

            List<TimeSpanWithID> MySubcalendarEventTimespans = new System.Collections.Generic.List<TimeSpanWithID>();

            List<SubCalendarEvent> MyPertinentSubcalendarEvents = Utility.ListPartOfList(AvailableSubCalendarEvents, DictionaryOfTimelineAndSubcalendarEvents[AllTimeLines[TimeLineIndex]]);
            List<SubCalendarEvent> ConstrainedToList = ConstrainedList(AllTimeLines[TimeLineIndex], MyPertinentSubcalendarEvents);
            MyPertinentSubcalendarEvents = Utility.NotInList_NoEffect(MyPertinentSubcalendarEvents, ConstrainedToList);//this removes the constrained Items from the Subcalendar list

            foreach (SubCalendarEvent MySubcalendarevent in MyPertinentSubcalendarEvents)
                MySubcalendarEventTimespans.Add(new TimeSpanWithID(MySubcalendarevent.ActiveDuration, new EventID(MySubcalendarevent.ID)));

            List<TimeSpanWithID> ConstrainedMySubcalendarEventTimespans = new System.Collections.Generic.List<TimeSpanWithID>();
            foreach (SubCalendarEvent MyConstrainedSubcalendarevent in ConstrainedToList)
                ConstrainedMySubcalendarEventTimespans.Add(new TimeSpanWithID(MyConstrainedSubcalendarevent.ActiveDuration, new EventID(MyConstrainedSubcalendarevent.ID)));

            TimeSpan TotalimeOccupieByConstrained = SubCalendarEvent.TotalActiveDuration(ConstrainedToList);

            Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();


            // ...

            SnugArray MySnugArray = new SnugArray(new List<TimeSpanWithID>(), MySubcalendarEventTimespans, AllTimeLines[TimeLineIndex].TimelineSpan - TotalimeOccupieByConstrained);
            //SnugArray MySnugArray = new SnugArray(ConstrainedMySubcalendarEventTimespans, MySubcalendarEventTimespans, AllTimeLines[TimeLineIndex].TimelineSpan);

            List<List<TimeSpanWithID>> AllSnugPossibilities = MySnugArray.MySnugPossibleEntries;
             AllSnugPossibilities looks like this
             * {{43,23,54},{43,54,23},{23,43,54}...} where each digit is a time span and remember it generates every permutation.
            List<List<SubCalendarEvent>> SubcalendarMyList = BuildListMatchingTimelineAndSubCalendarEvent(AllSnugPossibilities, MyPertinentSubcalendarEvents, ConstrainedToList);

             the function BuildListMatchingTimelineAndSubCalendarEvent builds a list of Subcalendar events for each timespan.
             * assuming subCal0 has TimeSpan =43
             * assuming subCal1 has TimeSpan =23
             * assuming subCal2 has TimeSpan =54
             * assuming subCal3 has TimeSpan =43
             * assuming subCal4 has TimeSpan =23
             * assuming subCal5 has TimeSpan =23
             * SubcalendarMyList will have the array {{{SubCal0,Subcal3},{subCal1,subCal4,subCal5},{subCal2}},{{SubCal0,Subcal3},{subCal2},{subCal1,subCal4,subCal5}},{{subCal1,subCal4,subCal5},{SubCal0,Subcal3},{subCal2}}...}
            //List<List<SubCalendarEvent>> SerialIzedListOfSubCalendarEvents = SerializeListOfMatchingSubcalendarEvents(SubcalendarMyList);
            List<List<SubCalendarEvent>> SerialIzedListOfSubCalendarEvents = SubcalendarMyList;
            List<SubCalendarEvent> AvailableSubCalendarEventsAfterRemovingAssingedSnugElements = new List<SubCalendarEvent>();

            if (SerialIzedListOfSubCalendarEvents.Count > 0)

                foreach (List<SubCalendarEvent> AlreadyAssignedSubCalendarEvent in SerialIzedListOfSubCalendarEvents)
                    AvailableSubCalendarEventsAfterRemovingAssingedSnugElements = Utility.NotInList(AvailableSubCalendarEvents.ToList(), AlreadyAssignedSubCalendarEvent);

                    SubCalendarEventsPopulatedIntoTimeLineIndex_SoFar[TimeLineIndex] = AlreadyAssignedSubCalendarEvent;
                    if (checkSumOfTimeEvent(SubCalendarEventsPopulatedIntoTimeLineIndex_SoFar) >= MaxNumberOfInterferringSubcalEvents)
                        //if (ListOfAllSnugPossibilitiesInRespectiveTImeLines_hack.Count >= maxHackConstant)
                            //return ListOfAllSnugPossibilitiesInRespectiveTImeLines_hack;

                    ListOfAllSnugPossibilitiesInRespectiveTImeLines.AddRange(generateTreeCallsToSnugArray(AvailableSubCalendarEventsAfterRemovingAssingedSnugElements, AllTimeLines, TimeLineIndex + 1, SubCalendarEventsPopulatedIntoTimeLineIndex_SoFar.ToList(), DictionaryOfTimelineAndSubcalendarEvents));
                    //ListOfAllSnugPossibilitiesInRespectiveTImeLines = MyHolder.ToList();
                AvailableSubCalendarEventsAfterRemovingAssingedSnugElements = Utility.NotInList(AvailableSubCalendarEvents.ToList(), new List<SubCalendarEvent>());//Hack this can be optimized... the whole "notinlist" call can be optimized as a call to AvailableSubCalendarEvents. Review to see if references to func are affected.
                ListOfAllSnugPossibilitiesInRespectiveTImeLines.AddRange(generateTreeCallsToSnugArray(AvailableSubCalendarEventsAfterRemovingAssingedSnugElements, AllTimeLines, TimeLineIndex + 1, SubCalendarEventsPopulatedIntoTimeLineIndex_SoFar.ToList(), DictionaryOfTimelineAndSubcalendarEvents));

            if (AvailableSubCalendarEventsAfterRemovingAssingedSnugElements.Count < 1)

            return ListOfAllSnugPossibilitiesInRespectiveTImeLines;
        private void PaintAllEvents()
            int eventsCount = 0;

            if (_scheduler != null && _scheduler.Events != null)

                IEnumerable<Event> eventList = TodayEvents
                                                .Where(ev => ev.EventInfo.StartEvent.Date == ev.EventInfo.EndEvent.Date)
                                                .OrderBy(ev => ev.EventInfo.IsCanceled)
                                                .ThenBy(ev => ev.EventInfo.StartEvent);


                double columnWidth = EventsGrid.ColumnDefinitions[1].Width.Value;

                foreach (Event e in eventList)
                    List<Event> concurrentEvents = new List<Event>();
                    GetConcurrentEvents(e, concurrentEvents);
                    concurrentEvents = concurrentEvents
                                        .OrderBy(ev => ev.EventInfo.StartEvent)
                                        .ThenBy(ev => ev.EventInfo.EndEvent)

                    double marginTop = _oneHourHeight * ((e.EventInfo.StartEvent.Hour + (e.EventInfo.StartEvent.Minute / 60.0)) - _minHour);
                    double width = columnWidth / (concurrentEvents.Count());
                    double marginLeft = width * concurrentEvents.ToList().FindIndex(ev => ev.Id == e.Id);

                    EventUserControl wEvent = new EventUserControl(e);
                    wEvent.Width = width;
                    wEvent.Height = e.EventInfo.EndEvent.Subtract(e.EventInfo.StartEvent).TotalHours * _oneHourHeight;
                    wEvent.Margin = new Thickness(marginLeft, marginTop, 0, 0);
                    wEvent.BorderElement.BorderThickness = new Thickness(_eventSelected == e.Id ? _selectedEventBorderThickness : 1.0);

                    wEvent.MouseLeftButtonDown += ((object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs ea) =>
                        ea.Handled = true;

                        SelectEvent(sender as EventUserControl);

                        OnEventMouseLeftButtonDown(sender, wEvent.Event);

                    wEvent.MouseRightButtonDown += ((object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs ea) =>
                        SelectEvent(sender as EventUserControl);

                        ContextMenu cm = this.FindResource("SchedulerContextMenu") as ContextMenu;

                        if (UserLoggedIn.IsAdmin == false)
                            foreach (var item in cm.Items)
                                if (item is MenuItem && (item as MenuItem).Tag.ToString() == "VIEW_EVENT_STATUS_CHANGES")
                                    cm.Items.Remove(item as MenuItem);

                        cm.Tag = e;
                        cm.IsOpen = (e.EventInfo.IsCanceled == false && e.EventInfo.IsCompleted == false) || UserLoggedIn.IsAdmin;


            dayLabel.Content = _currentDay.ToString("D") + " (Citas: " + eventsCount + ")";
        private void productSelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
            using (DatabaseContext siContext = new DatabaseContext())
                if (productsDb.SelectedItem is Product)

                var item = (Product)productsDb.SelectedItem;
                   var getProduct = from Product in siContext.Product where Product.Model.Equals(item.Model) select Product.Comments;
                    List<CommentDb> comments = new List<CommentDb>();

                    foreach (var comment in getProduct)
                        if (comment.Count > 0)
                            foreach (var com in comment)
                                com.Comment = Regex.Replace(com.Comment, @"<[^>]+>|&nbsp;", "").Trim();
                    commentData.ItemsSource = comments.ToList();
                    commentData.ItemsSource = new List<Product>();

Example #28
 public void DataGridUpdateDate()
         using (BdModelContainer _context = new BdModelContainer())
             Lput = _context.Путевые_листыSet.ToList();
             dGrid.ItemsSource = Lput.ToList();
     catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Ошибка выгрузки таблицы: " + ex.Message); }