/// <summary>
        /// The main window_ on loaded.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">
        /// The sender.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="e">
        /// The e.
        /// </param>
        private void MainWindow_OnLoaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            this.utility = new Utility(this);


            // result.ToList().ForEach(item => this.production_server_combobox.Items.Add(item));
 // 当分辨率发生变化时,重新设置各个LayerCanvas的参考点和分辨率,并重置偏移量
 private void SetOriginAndResolution(double newResolution, Utility.Point2D originPoint)
     _origin = originPoint;
     foreach (Layer layer in Layers)
         layer.LayerCanvas.Resolution = newResolution;
         layer.LayerCanvas.OriginX = originPoint.X;
         layer.LayerCanvas.OriginY = originPoint.Y;
 public void SetJobInfo(Utility.FAJobInfo jobInfo)
     if (jobInfo is Module.FATransferModule.TransferModuleJobInfo)
         JobInfo = (Module.FATransferModule.TransferModuleJobInfo)jobInfo;
 public void SetMotionInfo(Utility.MotionInfo info)
     ViewModel.MotionTitle = info.Title;
     ViewModel.ArtistName = info.Artist;
     TimeSpan t = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(info.Duration);
     if (info.Duration > -1)
         ViewModel.MotionDuration = string.Format("{0:D2}:{1:D2}", t.Minutes, t.Seconds);
     ViewModel.RatingValue = 0.6;
     MotionID = info.MotionID;
 public Point MapToScreen(Utility.Point2D point2D)
     if ((this._layerCollectionCanvas == null) || (point2D == null))
         return new Point(double.NaN, double.NaN);
         return this._layerCollectionCanvas.TransformToVisual(this).Transform(this.mapToPanLayer(point2D));
         return new Point(double.NaN, double.NaN);
 public void Pan(Utility.Rectangle2D bounds)
     //if (this.Layers != null && this.Layers.Count > 0)
     //    foreach (var item in Layers)
     //    {
     //        if (item != null)
     //        {
     //            UpdateLayer(item, bounds);
     //        }
     //    }
     //    if (ViewBoundsChanged != null)
     //    {
     //        ViewBoundsChanged(this, new ViewBoundsChanedEventArgs(new Utility.Rectangle2D(_viewBounds), new Utility.Rectangle2D(bounds)));
     //    }
        private void SetOriginAndResolution(double currentResolution, Utility.Point2D currentOrigin, bool resetTransforms)

 private void LoadLayerInView(bool useTransitions, Utility.Rectangle2D drawBounds, Layer layer)
     layer.ViewBounds = new Utility.Rectangle2D(drawBounds);
     layer.Resolution = _mapResolution;
 private void LoadLayersInView(bool useTransitions, Utility.Rectangle2D drawBounds)
     if (drawBounds != null)
         foreach (var layer in this.Layers)
             this.LoadLayerInView(useTransitions, drawBounds, layer);
 private Point mapToPanLayer(Utility.Point2D pt)
     if ((_origin != null) && !double.IsNaN(_mapResolution))
         return new Point((pt.X - _origin.X) / _mapResolution, (_origin.Y - pt.Y) / _mapResolution);
     return new Point(double.NaN, double.NaN);
 public void SetJobInfo(Utility.FAJobInfo jobInfo)
     if (jobInfo is Module.FALabelAttachModule.LabelAttachJobInfo)
         JobInfo = (Module.FALabelAttachModule.LabelAttachJobInfo)jobInfo;
Example #12
 public void SetInfo(Utility.MotionInfo info)
     ViewModel.ArtistName = info.Artist;
     ViewModel.MotionTitle = info.Title;
     MotionID = info.MotionID;
        //Creates an XML file with user verification code
        public XDocument writeXMLFile(string RandomNumber)
            string Speech = " Your Verification Code is: " + RandomNumber+". ";
            string SpeakerString = Speech;
            string superSpeakerString = SpeakerString + SpeakerString + SpeakerString + SpeakerString;

            Utility utility = new Utility();

            XDocument doc = new XDocument(new XDeclaration("1.0", "utf-8", "yes"));

            doc.Add(new XElement("Response",
                new XElement("Say", new XAttribute("voice", "alice"), superSpeakerString),
                new XElement ("Play", "http://demo.twilio.com/docs/classic.mp3")

            return doc;
 public void SetJobInfo(Utility.FAJobInfo jobInfo)
     if (jobInfo is Module.FABoxStackerModule.StackerJobInfo)
         JobInfo = (Module.FABoxStackerModule.StackerJobInfo)jobInfo;