Example #1
        private void InitializeEditor()
            // Obtain line counts.
              conflictBlocks = new List<int>();
              lineCount = new int[content[0].Count];
              for (int i = 0; i < content[0].Count; i++) {
            lineCount[i] = Math.Max(content[0][i].lines.Count, content[1][i].lines.Count);
            if (content[0][i].type != BlockType.Normal) {

              int lines = lineCount.Sum();
              for (int i = 0; i < lines; i++) {
            grid.RowDefinitions.Insert(0, new RowDefinition { Height = GridLength.Auto });
            grid.RowDefinitions.Insert(0, new RowDefinition { Height = GridLength.Auto });
            conflictNav.RowDefinitions.Insert(0, new RowDefinition());

              // Only show the scroll helper if it's a long file.
              if (lines > 25) {
            conflictNav.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;

              // Create grid cells for text blocks.
              lineTexts = new List<RichTextBox>[2];
              lineNums = new List<TextBlock>[2];
              lineTextBackgrounds = new List<Border>[2];
              lineNumBackgrounds = new List<Border>[2];
              for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
            lineTexts[i] = new List<RichTextBox>();
            lineNums[i] = new List<TextBlock>();
            for (int j = 0; j < lines; j++) {
              var lineNum = new TextBlock { Style = GetStyle("lineNumber") };
              Panel.SetZIndex(lineNum, 5);
              Grid.SetRow(lineNum, 2 * j);
              Grid.SetColumn(lineNum, 2 * i);

              var text = new RichTextBox {
            Style = GetStyle("lineText"),
            HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Stretch
              Panel.SetZIndex(text, 5);
              Grid.SetRow(text, 2 * j);
              Grid.SetColumn(text, 1 + 2 * i);
              var doc = new FlowDocument();
              var p = new Paragraph();
              text.Document = doc;

              // Draw the actual text blocks.
              scrollNavBorders = new List<Border>();
              for (int side = 0; side < 2; side++) {
            int prevLine = 0;
            int lineNum = 1;
            lineNumBackgrounds[side] = new List<Border>();
            lineTextBackgrounds[side] = new List<Border>();
            for (int g = 0; g < content[side].Count; g++) {
              LineBlock lblock = content[side][g];
              for (int i = 0; i < lblock.lines.Count; i++) {
            Line line = lblock.lines[i];
            var p = (Paragraph)lineTexts[side][prevLine + i].Document.Blocks.First();
            foreach (Block b in line.blocks) {
              string text = b.text;
              if (text.EndsWith(SentenceFilter.SentenceDelim)) {
                text = text.Substring(0, text.Length - SentenceFilter.SentenceDelim.Length);
              var run = new Run(text);
              if (b.type != BlockType.Normal) {
                if (lblock.type == BlockType.Conflict || lblock.type == BlockType.Edited) {
                  b.type = lblock.type;
                run.Style = GetStyle("text" + b.type);
            lineNums[side][prevLine + i].Text = lineNum++.ToString();

              var numBorder = new Border();
              Panel.SetZIndex(numBorder, 3);
              Grid.SetRow(numBorder, 2 * prevLine);
              Grid.SetColumn(numBorder, side * 2);
              Grid.SetRowSpan(numBorder, 2 * lineCount[g]);

              var textBorder = new Border();
              Panel.SetZIndex(textBorder, 2);
              Grid.SetRow(textBorder, 2 * prevLine);
              Grid.SetColumn(textBorder, side * 2 + 1);
              Grid.SetRowSpan(textBorder, 2 * lineCount[g]);

              if (lblock.type != BlockType.Normal) {
            numBorder.Style = GetStyle("numBackground" + lblock.type);
            textBorder.Style = GetStyle("textBackground" + lblock.type);
            int cIndex = conflictBlocks.BinarySearch(g);
            for (int line = 0; line < lineCount[g]; line++) {
              TextBlock num = lineNums[side][prevLine + line];
              RichTextBox text = lineTexts[side][prevLine + line];
              num.Style = GetStyle("lineNum" + lblock.type);
              text.Style = GetStyle("lineText" + lblock.type);
              if (cIndex >= 0) {
                int mySide = side; // for lambda scoping
                text.PreviewMouseLeftButtonUp += (o, e) => { ChooseConflict(cIndex, mySide); SelectConflict(cIndex, false); };
                text.PreviewMouseDoubleClick += (o, e) => EditConflict(cIndex, mySide);
                // text.ContextMenu = new ContextMenu();
                text.MouseEnter += (o, e) => HoverConflict(cIndex, mySide, true);
                text.MouseLeave += (o, e) => HoverConflict(cIndex, mySide, false);

            if (side == 0) {
              var scrollBorder = new Border();
              Grid.SetRow(scrollBorder, prevLine);
              Grid.SetRowSpan(scrollBorder, lineCount[g]);
              scrollBorder.Style = GetStyle("scrollBorder" + (scrollNavBorders.Count == 0 ? "Active" : ""));
              scrollBorder.MouseUp += (o, e) => SelectConflict(cIndex);
              scrollBorder.ToolTip = String.Format("Conflict {0}/{1}", cIndex+1, conflictBlocks.Count);

              prevLine += lineCount[g];