Example #1
        bool checkSetting(bool result, PasswordBox passwordBox, string message)
            if (!result) {
                MessageBox.Show(message, resources["Connect"] as string, MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Warning);

            return result;
Example #2
 public override void OnApplyTemplate()
     _pswb = (PasswordBox)GetTemplateChild("pswb");
     if (_pswb != null)
     _pswb = (PasswordBox)GetTemplateChild("pswb");
 public bool CheckTextBox(PasswordBox box)
     if (box.Password.Length == 0)
         MessageBox.Show("Вы ввели не все данные.");
         return false;
     return true;
Example #4
 public override void OnApplyTemplate()
     _pswbOld = (PasswordBox)GetTemplateChild("pswbOld");
     if (_pswbOld != null)
     _pswbNew = (PasswordBox)GetTemplateChild("pswbNew");
Example #5
 public void SetFocus()
     Dispatcher.Invoke(() =>
         if (_activeControl == ActiveControl.TextBox)
     }, DispatcherPriority.Send);
Example #6
        public SparkleSetup ()
            Controller.ShowWindowEvent += delegate {
               Dispatcher.BeginInvoke ((Action) delegate {
                    Show ();
                    Activate ();
                    BringIntoView ();

            Controller.HideWindowEvent += delegate {
                Dispatcher.BeginInvoke ((Action) delegate {
                    Hide ();
            Controller.ChangePageEvent += delegate (PageType type, string [] warnings) {
                Dispatcher.BeginInvoke ((Action) delegate {
                    Reset ();

                    // TODO: Remove switch statement for ifs
                    switch (type) {
                    case PageType.Setup: {
                        Header      = "Welcome to SparkleShare!";
                        Description  = "First off, what’s your name and email?\n(Visible only to team members)";
                        TextBlock name_label = new TextBlock () {
                            Text = "Full Name:",
                            Width = 150,
                            TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Right,
                            FontWeight = FontWeights.Bold
                        string name = System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent ().Name;
                        name = name.Split ("\\".ToCharArray ()) [1];

                        TextBox name_box = new TextBox () {
                            Text  = name,
                            Width = 175
                        TextBlock email_label = new TextBlock () {
                            Text    = "Email:",
                            Width = 150,
                            TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Right,
                            FontWeight = FontWeights.Bold
                        TextBox email_box = new TextBox () {
                            Width = 175
                        Button cancel_button = new Button () {
                            Content = "Cancel"
                        Button continue_button = new Button () {
                            Content = "Continue",
                            IsEnabled = false
                        ContentCanvas.Children.Add (name_label);
                        Canvas.SetLeft (name_label, 180);
                        Canvas.SetTop (name_label, 200 + 3);
                        ContentCanvas.Children.Add (name_box);
                        Canvas.SetLeft (name_box, 340);
                        Canvas.SetTop (name_box, 200);
                        ContentCanvas.Children.Add (email_label);
                        Canvas.SetLeft (email_label, 180);
                        Canvas.SetTop (email_label, 230 + 3);
                        ContentCanvas.Children.Add (email_box);
                        Canvas.SetLeft (email_box, 340);
                        Canvas.SetTop (email_box, 230);
                        Buttons.Add (cancel_button);
                        Buttons.Add (continue_button);
                        Controller.UpdateSetupContinueButtonEvent += delegate (bool enabled) {
                            Dispatcher.BeginInvoke ((Action) delegate {
                                continue_button.IsEnabled = enabled;
                        name_box.TextChanged += delegate {
                            Controller.CheckSetupPage (name_box.Text, email_box.Text);
                        email_box.TextChanged += delegate {
                            Controller.CheckSetupPage (name_box.Text, email_box.Text);
                        cancel_button.Click += delegate {
                            Dispatcher.BeginInvoke ((Action) delegate {
                                Program.UI.StatusIcon.Dispose ();    
                                Controller.SetupPageCancelled ();
                        continue_button.Click += delegate {
                            Controller.SetupPageCompleted (name_box.Text, email_box.Text);
                        Controller.CheckSetupPage (name_box.Text, email_box.Text);

                        if (name_box.Text.Equals ("")) 
                            name_box.Focus ();
                            email_box.Focus ();


                    case PageType.Invite: {
                        Header      = "You’ve received an invite!";
                           Description = "Do you want to add this project to SparkleShare?";
                        TextBlock address_label = new TextBlock () {
                            Text = "Address:",
                            Width = 150,
                            TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Right
                        TextBlock address_value = new TextBlock () {
                            Text  = Controller.PendingInvite.Address,
                            Width = 175,
                            FontWeight = FontWeights.Bold
                        TextBlock path_label = new TextBlock () {
                            Text  = "Remote Path:",
                            Width = 150,
                            TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Right
                        TextBlock path_value = new TextBlock () {
                            Width = 175,
                            Text = Controller.PendingInvite.RemotePath,
                            FontWeight = FontWeights.Bold
                        Button cancel_button = new Button () {
                            Content = "Cancel"
                        Button add_button = new Button () {
                            Content = "Add"

                        ContentCanvas.Children.Add (address_label);
                        Canvas.SetLeft (address_label, 180);
                        Canvas.SetTop (address_label, 200);
                        ContentCanvas.Children.Add (address_value);
                        Canvas.SetLeft (address_value, 340);
                        Canvas.SetTop (address_value, 200);
                        ContentCanvas.Children.Add (path_label);
                        Canvas.SetLeft (path_label, 180);
                        Canvas.SetTop (path_label, 225);
                        ContentCanvas.Children.Add (path_value);
                        Canvas.SetLeft (path_value, 340);
                        Canvas.SetTop (path_value, 225);
                        Buttons.Add (add_button);
                        Buttons.Add (cancel_button);
                        cancel_button.Click += delegate {
                            Controller.PageCancelled ();
                        add_button.Click += delegate {
                            Controller.InvitePageCompleted ();
                    case PageType.Add: {
                        Header = "Where’s your project hosted?";

                        ListView list_view = new ListView () {
                            Width  = 419,
                            Height = 195,
                            SelectionMode = SelectionMode.Single
                        GridView grid_view = new GridView () {
                            AllowsColumnReorder = false
                        grid_view.Columns.Add (new GridViewColumn ());
                        string xaml =    
                            "<DataTemplate xmlns=\"http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation\"" +
                            "  xmlns:x=\"http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml\">" +
                            "  <Grid>" +
                            "    <StackPanel Orientation=\"Horizontal\">" +
                            "      <Image Margin=\"5,0,0,0\" Source=\"{Binding Image}\" Height=\"24\" Width=\"24\"/>" +
                            "      <StackPanel>" +
                            "        <TextBlock Padding=\"10,4,0,0\" FontWeight=\"Bold\" Text=\"{Binding Name}\">" +
                            "        </TextBlock>" +
                            "        <TextBlock Padding=\"10,0,0,4\" Opacity=\"0.5\" Text=\"{Binding Description}\">" +
                            "        </TextBlock>" +
                            "      </StackPanel>" +
                            "    </StackPanel>" +
                            "  </Grid>" +

                        grid_view.Columns [0].CellTemplate = (DataTemplate) XamlReader.Parse (xaml);

                        Style header_style = new Style(typeof (GridViewColumnHeader));
                        header_style.Setters.Add (new Setter (GridViewColumnHeader.VisibilityProperty, Visibility.Collapsed));
                        grid_view.ColumnHeaderContainerStyle = header_style;
                        foreach (SparklePlugin plugin in Controller.Plugins) {
                            // FIXME: images are blurry
                            BitmapFrame image = BitmapFrame.Create (
                                new Uri (plugin.ImagePath)
                            list_view.Items.Add (
                                new {
                                    Name        = plugin.Name,
                                    Description = plugin.Description,
                                    Image       = image
                        list_view.View          = grid_view;
                        list_view.SelectedIndex = Controller.SelectedPluginIndex;
                        TextBlock address_label = new TextBlock () {
                            Text       = "Address:",
                            FontWeight = FontWeights.Bold
                        TextBox address_box = new TextBox () {
                            Width = 200,
                            Text  = Controller.PreviousAddress,
                            IsEnabled = (Controller.SelectedPlugin.Address == null)
                        TextBlock address_help_label = new TextBlock () {
                            Text       = Controller.SelectedPlugin.AddressExample,
                            FontSize   = 11,
                            Foreground = new SolidColorBrush (Color.FromRgb (128, 128, 128))
                        TextBlock path_label = new TextBlock () {
                            Text       = "Remote Path:",
                            FontWeight = FontWeights.Bold,
                            Width      = 200
                        TextBox path_box = new TextBox () {
                            Width = 200,
                            Text  = Controller.PreviousPath,
                            IsEnabled = (Controller.SelectedPlugin.Path == null)
                        TextBlock path_help_label = new TextBlock () {
                            Text       = Controller.SelectedPlugin.PathExample,
                            FontSize   = 11,
                            Width      = 200,
                            Foreground = new SolidColorBrush (Color.FromRgb (128, 128, 128))
                        Button cancel_button = new Button () {
                            Content = "Cancel"
                        Button add_button = new Button () {
                            Content = "Add"

                        CheckBox history_check_box = new CheckBox ()
                            Content   = "Fetch prior revisions",
                            IsChecked = Controller.FetchPriorHistory
                        history_check_box.Click += delegate {
                            Controller.HistoryItemChanged (history_check_box.IsChecked.Value);
                        ContentCanvas.Children.Add (history_check_box);
                        Canvas.SetLeft (history_check_box, 185);
                        Canvas.SetBottom (history_check_box, 12);
                        ContentCanvas.Children.Add (list_view);
                        Canvas.SetTop (list_view, 70);
                        Canvas.SetLeft (list_view, 185);
                        ContentCanvas.Children.Add (address_label);
                        Canvas.SetTop (address_label, 285);
                        Canvas.SetLeft (address_label, 185);
                        ContentCanvas.Children.Add (address_box);
                        Canvas.SetTop (address_box, 305);
                        Canvas.SetLeft (address_box, 185);
                        ContentCanvas.Children.Add (address_help_label);
                        Canvas.SetTop (address_help_label, 330);
                        Canvas.SetLeft (address_help_label, 185);
                        ContentCanvas.Children.Add (path_label);
                        Canvas.SetTop (path_label, 285);
                        Canvas.SetRight (path_label, 30);
                        ContentCanvas.Children.Add (path_box);
                        Canvas.SetTop (path_box, 305);
                        Canvas.SetRight (path_box, 30);
                        ContentCanvas.Children.Add (path_help_label);
                        Canvas.SetTop (path_help_label, 330);
                        Canvas.SetRight (path_help_label, 30);
                        TaskbarItemInfo.ProgressValue = 0.0;
                        TaskbarItemInfo.ProgressState = TaskbarItemProgressState.None;
                        Buttons.Add (add_button);
                        Buttons.Add (cancel_button);
                        address_box.Focus ();
                        address_box.Select (address_box.Text.Length, 0);

                        Controller.ChangeAddressFieldEvent += delegate (string text,
                            string example_text, FieldState state) {

                            Dispatcher.BeginInvoke ((Action) delegate {
                                address_box.Text        = text;
                                address_box.IsEnabled   = (state == FieldState.Enabled);
                                address_help_label.Text = example_text;

                        Controller.ChangePathFieldEvent += delegate (string text,
                            string example_text, FieldState state) {

                            Dispatcher.BeginInvoke ((Action) delegate {
                                path_box.Text        = text;
                                path_box.IsEnabled   = (state == FieldState.Enabled);
                                path_help_label.Text = example_text;
                        Controller.UpdateAddProjectButtonEvent += delegate (bool button_enabled) {
                            Dispatcher.BeginInvoke ((Action) delegate {
                                add_button.IsEnabled = button_enabled;
                        list_view.SelectionChanged += delegate {
                            Controller.SelectedPluginChanged (list_view.SelectedIndex);
                        list_view.KeyDown += delegate {
                            Controller.SelectedPluginChanged (list_view.SelectedIndex);

                        Controller.CheckAddPage (address_box.Text, path_box.Text, list_view.SelectedIndex);
                        address_box.TextChanged += delegate {
                            Controller.CheckAddPage (address_box.Text, path_box.Text, list_view.SelectedIndex);
                        path_box.TextChanged += delegate {
                            Controller.CheckAddPage (address_box.Text, path_box.Text, list_view.SelectedIndex);
                        cancel_button.Click += delegate {
                            Controller.PageCancelled ();

                        add_button.Click += delegate {
                            Controller.AddPageCompleted (address_box.Text, path_box.Text);
                    case PageType.Syncing: {
                        Header      = "Adding project ‘" + Controller.SyncingFolder + "’…";
                        Description = "This may take a while for large projects.\nIsn’t it coffee-o’clock?";

                        Button finish_button = new Button () {
                            Content   = "Finish",
                            IsEnabled = false

                        Button cancel_button = new Button () {
                            Content = "Cancel"

                        ProgressBar progress_bar = new ProgressBar () {
                            Width  = 414,
                            Height = 15,
                            Value  = Controller.ProgressBarPercentage

                        TextBlock progress_label = new TextBlock () {
                            Width = 414,
                            Text = "Preparing to fetch files…",
                            TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Right

                        ContentCanvas.Children.Add (progress_bar);
                        ContentCanvas.Children.Add (progress_label);

                        Canvas.SetLeft (progress_bar, 185);
                        Canvas.SetTop (progress_bar, 150);

                        Canvas.SetLeft (progress_label, 185);
                        Canvas.SetTop (progress_label, 175);
                        TaskbarItemInfo.ProgressState = TaskbarItemProgressState.Normal;
                        Buttons.Add (cancel_button);
                        Controller.UpdateProgressBarEvent += delegate (double percentage, string speed) {
                            Dispatcher.BeginInvoke ((Action) delegate {
                                progress_bar.Value = percentage;    
                                TaskbarItemInfo.ProgressValue = percentage / 100;
                                progress_label.Text = speed;
                        cancel_button.Click += delegate {
                            Controller.SyncingCancelled ();
                    case PageType.Error: {
                        Header      = "Oops! Something went wrong…";
                        Description = "Please check the following:";

                        TextBlock help_block = new TextBlock () {
                            TextWrapping = TextWrapping.Wrap,
                            Width        = 310    

                        TextBlock bullets_block = new TextBlock () {
                            Text = "•\n\n\n•"

                        help_block.Inlines.Add (new Bold (new Run (Controller.PreviousUrl)));
                        help_block.Inlines.Add (" is the address we’ve compiled. Does this look alright?\n\n");
                        help_block.Inlines.Add ("Is this computer’s Client ID known by the host?");

                        if (warnings.Length > 0) {
                            bullets_block.Text += "\n\n•";
                            help_block.Inlines.Add ("\n\nHere’s the raw error message:");

                            foreach (string warning in warnings) {
                                help_block.Inlines.Add ("\n");
                                help_block.Inlines.Add (new Bold (new Run (warning)));

                        Button cancel_button = new Button () {
                            Content = "Cancel"
                        Button try_again_button = new Button () {
                            Content = "Try again…"

                        ContentCanvas.Children.Add (bullets_block);
                        Canvas.SetLeft (bullets_block, 195);
                        Canvas.SetTop (bullets_block, 100);
                        ContentCanvas.Children.Add (help_block);
                        Canvas.SetLeft (help_block, 210);
                        Canvas.SetTop (help_block, 100);
                        TaskbarItemInfo.ProgressValue = 1.0;
                        TaskbarItemInfo.ProgressState = TaskbarItemProgressState.Error;
                        Buttons.Add (try_again_button);
                        Buttons.Add (cancel_button);
                        cancel_button.Click += delegate {
                            Controller.PageCancelled ();
                        try_again_button.Click += delegate {
                            Controller.ErrorPageCompleted ();

                    case PageType.CryptoSetup: {
                        // TODO: Merge crypto pages
                        Header      = "Set up file encryption";
                        Description = "Please a provide a strong password that you don’t use elsewhere.";

                        TextBlock password_label = new TextBlock () {
                            Text       = "Password:"******"Show password",
                            IsChecked = false
                        TextBlock info_label = new TextBlock () {
                            Text         = "This password can’t be changed later, and your files can’t be recovered if it’s forgotten.",
                            TextWrapping = TextWrapping.Wrap,
                            Width        = 315

                        Image warning_image = new Image () {
                            Source = Imaging.CreateBitmapSourceFromHIcon (Drawing.SystemIcons.Information.Handle,
                                Int32Rect.Empty, BitmapSizeOptions.FromEmptyOptions ())

                        show_password_checkbox.Checked += delegate {
                            visible_password_box.Text       = password_box.Password;
                            visible_password_box.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
                            password_box.Visibility         = Visibility.Hidden;
                        show_password_checkbox.Unchecked += delegate {
                            password_box.Password           = visible_password_box.Text;
                            password_box.Visibility         = Visibility.Visible;
                            visible_password_box.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden;
                        password_box.PasswordChanged += delegate {
                            Controller.CheckCryptoSetupPage (password_box.Password);
                        visible_password_box.TextChanged += delegate {
                            Controller.CheckCryptoSetupPage (visible_password_box.Text);
                        Button continue_button = new Button () {
                            Content = "Continue",
                            IsEnabled = false
                        continue_button.Click += delegate {
                            if (show_password_checkbox.IsChecked == true)
                                Controller.CryptoSetupPageCompleted (visible_password_box.Text);
                                Controller.CryptoSetupPageCompleted (password_box.Password);
                        Button cancel_button = new Button () {
                            Content = "Cancel"
                        cancel_button.Click += delegate {
                            Controller.CryptoPageCancelled ();
                        Controller.UpdateCryptoSetupContinueButtonEvent += delegate (bool button_enabled) {
                            Dispatcher.BeginInvoke ((Action) delegate {
                                continue_button.IsEnabled = button_enabled;
                        ContentCanvas.Children.Add (password_label);
                        Canvas.SetLeft (password_label, 270);
                        Canvas.SetTop (password_label, 180);
                        ContentCanvas.Children.Add (password_box);
                        Canvas.SetLeft (password_box, 335);
                        Canvas.SetTop (password_box, 180);
                        ContentCanvas.Children.Add (visible_password_box);
                        Canvas.SetLeft (visible_password_box, 335);
                        Canvas.SetTop (visible_password_box, 180);
                        ContentCanvas.Children.Add (show_password_checkbox);
                        Canvas.SetLeft (show_password_checkbox, 338);
                        Canvas.SetTop (show_password_checkbox, 208);

                        ContentCanvas.Children.Add (info_label);
                        Canvas.SetLeft (info_label, 240);
                        Canvas.SetTop (info_label, 300);
                        ContentCanvas.Children.Add (warning_image);
                        Canvas.SetLeft (warning_image, 193);
                        Canvas.SetTop (warning_image, 300);
                        Buttons.Add (continue_button);
                        Buttons.Add (cancel_button);

                        password_box.Focus ();

                    case PageType.CryptoPassword: {
                        Header      = "This project contains encrypted files";
                        Description = "Please enter the password to see their contents.";
                        TextBlock password_label = new TextBlock () {
                            Text       = "Password:"******"Show password",
                            IsChecked = false
                        show_password_checkbox.Checked += delegate {
                            visible_password_box.Text = password_box.Password;
                            visible_password_box.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
                            password_box.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden;
                        show_password_checkbox.Unchecked += delegate {
                            password_box.Password = visible_password_box.Text;
                            password_box.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
                            visible_password_box.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden;
                        password_box.PasswordChanged += delegate {
                            Controller.CheckCryptoPasswordPage (password_box.Password);
                        visible_password_box.TextChanged += delegate {
                            Controller.CheckCryptoPasswordPage (visible_password_box.Text);
                        Button continue_button = new Button () {
                            Content = "Continue",
                            IsEnabled = false
                        continue_button.Click += delegate {
                            if (show_password_checkbox.IsChecked == true)
                                Controller.CryptoPasswordPageCompleted (visible_password_box.Text);
                                Controller.CryptoPasswordPageCompleted (password_box.Password);
                        Button cancel_button = new Button () {
                            Content = "Cancel"
                        cancel_button.Click += delegate {
                            Controller.CryptoPageCancelled ();
                        Controller.UpdateCryptoPasswordContinueButtonEvent += delegate (bool button_enabled) {
                            Dispatcher.BeginInvoke ((Action) delegate {
                                continue_button.IsEnabled = button_enabled;
                        ContentCanvas.Children.Add (password_label);
                        Canvas.SetLeft (password_label, 270);
                        Canvas.SetTop (password_label, 180);
                        ContentCanvas.Children.Add (password_box);
                        Canvas.SetLeft (password_box, 335);
                        Canvas.SetTop (password_box, 180);
                        ContentCanvas.Children.Add (visible_password_box);
                        Canvas.SetLeft (visible_password_box, 335);
                        Canvas.SetTop (visible_password_box, 180);
                        ContentCanvas.Children.Add (show_password_checkbox);
                        Canvas.SetLeft (show_password_checkbox, 338);
                        Canvas.SetTop (show_password_checkbox, 208);
                        Buttons.Add (continue_button);
                        Buttons.Add (cancel_button);

                        password_box.Focus ();

                    case PageType.Finished: {
                        Header      = "Your shared project is ready!";
                        Description = "You can find the files in your SparkleShare folder.";
                        Button finish_button = new Button () {
                            Content = "Finish"
                        Button show_files_button = new Button () {
                            Content = "Show files…"

                        if (warnings.Length > 0) {
                            Image warning_image = new Image () {
                                Source = Imaging.CreateBitmapSourceFromHIcon (Drawing.SystemIcons.Information.Handle,
                                    Int32Rect.Empty, BitmapSizeOptions.FromEmptyOptions ())
                            TextBlock warning_block = new TextBlock () {
                                Text         = warnings [0],
                                Width        = 310,
                                TextWrapping = TextWrapping.Wrap
                            ContentCanvas.Children.Add (warning_image);
                            Canvas.SetLeft (warning_image, 193);
                            Canvas.SetTop (warning_image, 100);
                            ContentCanvas.Children.Add (warning_block);
                            Canvas.SetLeft (warning_block, 240);
                            Canvas.SetTop (warning_block, 100);
                        TaskbarItemInfo.ProgressValue = 0.0;
                        TaskbarItemInfo.ProgressState = TaskbarItemProgressState.None;

                        Buttons.Add (show_files_button);
                        Buttons.Add (finish_button);

                        finish_button.Click += delegate {
                            Controller.FinishPageCompleted ();

                        show_files_button.Click += delegate {
                            Controller.ShowFilesClicked ();

                    case PageType.Tutorial: {
                        switch (Controller.TutorialPageNumber) {
                            case 1: {
                                Header      = "What’s happening next?";
                                Description = "SparkleShare creates a special folder on your computer " +
                                    "that will keep track of your projects.";
                                WPF.Image slide_image = new WPF.Image () {
                                    Width  = 324,
                                    Height = 200
                                slide_image.Source = SparkleUIHelpers.GetImageSource ("tutorial-slide-1");
                                Button skip_tutorial_button = new Button () {
                                    Content = "Skip tutorial"
                                Button continue_button = new Button () {
                                    Content = "Continue"
                                ContentCanvas.Children.Add (slide_image);
                                Canvas.SetLeft (slide_image, 228);
                                Canvas.SetTop (slide_image, 130);
                                Buttons.Add (skip_tutorial_button);
                                Buttons.Add (continue_button);
                                skip_tutorial_button.Click += delegate {
                                    Controller.TutorialSkipped ();
                                continue_button.Click += delegate {
                                    Controller.TutorialPageCompleted ();
                            case 2: {
                                Header      = "Sharing files with others";
                                Description = "All files added to your project folders are synced automatically with " +
                                    "the host and your team members.";
                                Button continue_button = new Button () {
                                    Content = "Continue"
                                WPF.Image slide_image = new WPF.Image () {
                                    Width  = 324,
                                    Height = 200
                                slide_image.Source = SparkleUIHelpers.GetImageSource ("tutorial-slide-2");
                                ContentCanvas.Children.Add (slide_image);
                                Canvas.SetLeft (slide_image, 228);
                                Canvas.SetTop (slide_image, 130);
                                Buttons.Add (continue_button);
                                continue_button.Click += delegate {
                                    Controller.TutorialPageCompleted ();
                            case 3: {
                                Header      = "The status icon helps you";
                                Description = "It shows the syncing progress, provides easy access to " +
                                    "your projects, and lets you view recent changes.";
                                Button continue_button = new Button () {
                                    Content = "Continue"
                                WPF.Image slide_image = new WPF.Image () {
                                    Width  = 324,
                                    Height = 200
                                slide_image.Source = SparkleUIHelpers.GetImageSource ("tutorial-slide-3");
                                ContentCanvas.Children.Add (slide_image);
                                Canvas.SetLeft (slide_image, 228);
                                Canvas.SetTop (slide_image, 130);
                                Buttons.Add (continue_button);                                
                                continue_button.Click += delegate {
                                    Controller.TutorialPageCompleted ();
                            case 4: {
                                Header      = "Here’s your unique Client ID";
                                Description = "You’ll need it whenever you want to link this computer to a host. " +
                                    "You can also find it in the status icon menu.";

                                TextBox link_code_text_box = new TextBox () {
                                    Text         = Program.Controller.CurrentUser.PublicKey,
                                    Width        = 250,
                                    MaxLines     = 1,
                                    TextWrapping = TextWrapping.NoWrap,
                                    IsEnabled    = false

                                Button copy_button = new Button () {
                                    Content = "Copy",
                                    Width   = 60

                                Button finish_button = new Button () {
                                    Content = "Finish"
                                CheckBox check_box = new CheckBox () {
                                    Content   = "Add SparkleShare to startup items",
                                    IsChecked = true
                                ContentCanvas.Children.Add (link_code_text_box);
                                Canvas.SetLeft (link_code_text_box, 235);
                                Canvas.SetTop (link_code_text_box, 190);

                                ContentCanvas.Children.Add (copy_button);
                                Canvas.SetLeft (copy_button, 490);
                                Canvas.SetTop (copy_button, 190);

                                ContentCanvas.Children.Add (check_box);
                                Canvas.SetLeft (check_box, 185);
                                Canvas.SetBottom (check_box, 12);

                                Buttons.Add (finish_button);
                                check_box.Click += delegate { Controller.StartupItemChanged (check_box.IsChecked.Value); };
                                finish_button.Click += delegate { Controller.TutorialPageCompleted (); };
                                copy_button.Click += delegate { Controller.CopyToClipboardClicked(); };

                    ShowAll ();
Example #7
        private void addInputType(InputType inputType)
            if (inputType.Type == InputType.INPUT_TYPE_PASSWORD)
                PasswordBox passwordBox = new PasswordBox();
                passwordBox.Password = inputType.Value;
                passwordBox.LostFocus += new RoutedEventHandler(TextChanged_Clicked);
                passwordBox.KeyDown += OnKeyDownHandler;
            } else if (inputType.Type == InputType.INPUT_TYPE_DATE)
                DatePicker datePicker = new DatePicker();
                datePicker.Header = inputType.Name;
                datePicker.Value = toDateTime(inputType.Value);
                datePicker.ValueChanged += Date_Changed;

            } else
                TextBox textBox = new TextBox();
                textBox.Text = inputType.Value;
                InputScope Keyboard = new InputScope();
                InputScopeName ScopeName = new InputScopeName();
                switch (inputType.Type)
                    case InputType.INPUT_TYPE_DATE:
                        ScopeName.NameValue = InputScopeNameValue.Date;
                    case InputType.INPUT_TYPE_AMOUNT:
                        ScopeName.NameValue = InputScopeNameValue.CurrencyAmount;
                    case InputType.INPUT_TYPE_EMAIL:
                        ScopeName.NameValue = InputScopeNameValue.EmailUserName;
                    case InputType.INPUT_TYPE_NUMBER:
                        ScopeName.NameValue = InputScopeNameValue.Number;
                    case InputType.INPUT_TYPE_PASSWORD:
                        ScopeName.NameValue = InputScopeNameValue.Password;
                    case InputType.INPUT_TYPE_PHONE:
                        ScopeName.NameValue = InputScopeNameValue.TelephoneNumber;
                    case InputType.INPUT_TYPE_URL:
                        ScopeName.NameValue = InputScopeNameValue.Url;
                    case InputType.INPUT_TYPE_STRING:
                        ScopeName.NameValue = InputScopeNameValue.Text;
                textBox.InputScope = Keyboard;
                textBox.LostFocus += new RoutedEventHandler(TextChanged_Clicked);
                textBox.KeyDown += OnKeyDownHandler;
        public void procedureAuthenticateLocally()
            if (client.SessionVariables.IsAuthenticated)
            //string endpoint = "";
            string ip = client.IP;// endpoint.Substring(0, endpoint.IndexOf(':'));

            if (myTcpServer.Blocked.Contains(ip))
                return; // should soon die. This is the clientveiw list being destroyed before the clienttbale in tcpserver
            Action acceptClient = () =>
                HttpAuth.allowClient(client, "Default");
                HttpResponse response = new HttpResponse(HttpResponse.ConnectionStatus.FOUND, "keep-alive", null);
                response.addHeader("Content-Length", "0");
                response.addHeader("Location", "/controllers");
                App.Log.logEvent(response.ToString(), Event.EVENT_FLAGS.DEBUG);
                catch (IOException ex)
                    App.Log.logEvent("IOException serving page to : " + client.ToString() + "\r\n Stack:" + ex.StackTrace, Event.EVENT_FLAGS.IMPORTANT | Event.EVENT_FLAGS.CRITICAL);

                new Action(() =>
                PasswordBox pass = new System.Windows.Controls.PasswordBox()
                    FlowDirection = FlowDirection.LeftToRight, Foreground = Brushes.White, CaretBrush = Brushes.White, Margin = new Thickness(10, 0, 0, 0), Height = 20, Width = 200
                TextBlock lblpass = new System.Windows.Controls.TextBlock()
                    FlowDirection = System.Windows.FlowDirection.LeftToRight, TextWrapping = System.Windows.TextWrapping.NoWrap, HorizontalAlignment = System.Windows.HorizontalAlignment.Left, Margin = new Thickness(10, 0, 0, 0), VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center, Style = (Style)App.MainWin.FindResource("HeadingWhiteShadowBold"), Text = "Please enter your password then hit enter to ALLOW:", Foreground = Brushes.Gold
                MessageBox thisMessageBox = new MessageBox("A device: " + client.EndPoint + " is trying to authenticate. Give permission to access Controllers?", "Local Authentication");

                pass.KeyDown += delegate(object sender, System.Windows.Input.KeyEventArgs e)
                    if (e.Key == System.Windows.Input.Key.Enter)
                        byte[] passtry = new System.Security.Cryptography.SHA256Managed().ComputeHash(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(pass.Password));
                        if (App.Config.password.SequenceEqual(passtry))
                            lblpass.Foreground = Brushes.Red;
                            lblpass.Text       = "Incorrect password. Please try again.";
                //lblpass.KeyDown += Allow_Try;

                thisMessageBox.addButton("Deny Once", Deny_Click);
                thisMessageBox.addButton("Block Device", delegate()
                if (App.Config.username == null || App.Config.username == "")
                    thisMessageBox.addButton("Accept", acceptClient, true);
                    lblpass.Text = "Log in to password protect this prompt.";
                thisMessageBox.Width = 720;

                //MessageBox thisMessageBox = new MessageBox();
                //thisMessageBox.addButton("Deny", Deny_Click);
                //thisMessageBox.addButton("Allow", Allow_Click);
            //if (System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("A device: " + client.IP + " is trying to authenticate. Give permission to access Controllers?","Local Authentication",System.Windows.MessageBoxButton.YesNo) == System.Windows.MessageBoxResult.Yes)
            //    HttpAuth.authenticateClient(client);
            //    client.SessionVariables.IsAuthenticated = false;
Example #9
 public void Focus()
     setFocusOnLoad = (!passwordBox.Focus() && !passwordBox.IsLoaded);
Example #10
        public PasswordBox()
            passwordBox         = new System.Windows.Controls.PasswordBox();
            passwordBox.Padding = new System.Windows.Thickness(5);
            passwordBox.VerticalContentAlignment = System.Windows.VerticalAlignment.Center;
            passwordBox.Tag              = this;
            passwordBox.PasswordChanged += (o, e) =>
                if (passwordBox.Password == currentValue)
                    // password boxes have a peculiar behavior where the cursor is pushed to the beginning
                    // when used in a two-way binding.  to compensate, we need to force the cursor to the end.
                    var select = passwordBox.GetType().GetMethod("Select", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
                    if (select != null)
                        select.Invoke(passwordBox, new object[] { currentValue.Length, 0 });

                if (!(expression == null || expression.IsMatch(passwordBox.Password)))
                    passwordBox.Password = currentValue;
                    var select = passwordBox.GetType().GetMethod("Select", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
                    if (select != null)
                        select.Invoke(passwordBox, new object[] { currentValue.Length, 0 });

                string oldValue = currentValue;
                currentValue = passwordBox.Password;

                var phandler = PropertyChanged;
                if (phandler != null)
                    phandler(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs("Password"));
                    phandler(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs("StringValue"));

                var handler = PasswordChanged;
                if (handler != null)
                    handler(Pair ?? this, new ValueChangedEventArgs <string>(oldValue, currentValue));

            passwordBox.PreviewKeyDown += (o, e) =>
                if (e.Key == System.Windows.Input.Key.Return)
                    var handler = ReturnKeyPressed;
                    if (handler != null)
                        var args = new EventHandledEventArgs();
                        handler(pair ?? this, args);
                        e.Handled = args.IsHandled;

            passwordBox.Loaded += (o, e) =>
                if (setFocusOnLoad)

            passwordBox.GotFocus += (o, e) =>
                var phandler = PropertyChanged;
                if (phandler != null)
                    phandler(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs("IsFocused"));

                var handler = GotFocus;
                if (handler != null)
                    handler(pair ?? this, EventArgs.Empty);

            passwordBox.LostFocus += (o, e) =>
                var phandler = PropertyChanged;
                if (phandler != null)
                    phandler(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs("IsFocused"));

                var handler = LostFocus;
                if (handler != null)
                    handler(pair ?? this, EventArgs.Empty);