Example #1
		public void StarRowsWithChild2_NoSpan_ExplicitSize_InTree ()
			// Check what happens when there are two explicit rows and no explicit column
			Grid grid = new Grid {
				Width = 75,
				Height = 75,
				HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center,
				VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Bottom,
			var poker = new SettablePanel {
				Grid = grid,
				MeasureArg = Infinity
			grid.AddRows (new GridLength (1, GridUnitType.Star), new GridLength (1, GridUnitType.Star));
			grid.Children.Add (new MyContentControl (50, 50));

			CreateAsyncTest (poker,
				() => {
					Assert.AreEqual (new Size (75, 75), grid.DesiredSize, "#1");
					grid.CheckRowHeights ("#2", 37.5, 37.5);
					poker.MeasureArg = new Size (100, 100);
					poker.InvalidateSubtree ();
				}, () => {
					Assert.AreEqual (new Size (75, 75), grid.DesiredSize, "#3");
					grid.CheckRowHeights ("#4", 37.5, 37.5);
Example #2
		public void StarRowsWithChild2_NoSpan_ExplicitSize ()
			// Check what happens when there are two explicit rows and no explicit column
			Grid grid = new Grid {
				Width = 75,
				Height = 75,
				HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center,
				VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Bottom,
			grid.AddRows (new GridLength (1, GridUnitType.Star), new GridLength (1, GridUnitType.Star));
			grid.Children.Add (new MyContentControl (50, 50));

			// Initial values
			Assert.AreEqual (new Size (0, 0), grid.DesiredSize, "#1");
			grid.CheckRowHeights ("#2", 0, 0);

			// After measure
			grid.Measure (Infinity);
			grid.Arrange (new Rect (0, 0, grid.DesiredSize.Width, grid.DesiredSize.Height));
			Assert.AreEqual (new Size (75, 75), grid.DesiredSize, "#3");
			grid.CheckRowHeights ("#4", 37.5, 37.5);

			// Measure again
			grid.Measure (new Size (100, 100));
			grid.Arrange (new Rect (0, 0, grid.DesiredSize.Width, grid.DesiredSize.Height));
			Assert.AreEqual (new Size (75, 75), grid.DesiredSize, "#5");
			grid.CheckRowHeights ("#6", 37.5, 37.5);
Example #3
		public void StarRowsWithChild2_InTree ()
			// Check what happens when there are two explicit rows and no explicit column
			Grid grid = new Grid ();
			var poker = new SettablePanel {
				Grid = grid,
				MeasureArg = Infinity,
			grid.AddRows (new GridLength (1, GridUnitType.Star), new GridLength (1, GridUnitType.Star));
			grid.Children.Add (new MyContentControl (50, 50));

			CreateAsyncTest (poker,
				() => {
					Assert.AreEqual (new Size (50, 50), grid.DesiredSize, "#1");
					grid.CheckRowHeights ("#2", 50, 0);
					poker.MeasureArg = new Size (100, 100);
					poker.InvalidateSubtree ();
				}, () => {
					Assert.AreEqual (new Size (50, 50), grid.DesiredSize, "#3");
					grid.CheckRowHeights ("#4", 50, 0);
Example #4
		public void AutoAndFixedRows3 ()
			Grid grid = new Grid { Width = 10, Height = 10 };
			grid.AddColumns (new GridLength (50), new GridLength (50));
			grid.AddRows (new GridLength (20), new GridLength (20));

			grid.AddChild (new MyContentControl (50, 50), 0, 1, 2, 1);

			CreateAsyncTest (grid,
				() => {
					grid.CheckRowHeights ("#1", 20, 20);
					grid.RowDefinitions.Insert (0, new RowDefinition { Height = GridLength.Auto });
				}, () => {
					grid.CheckRowHeights ("#2", 0, 50, 20);
					grid.RowDefinitions [1].MaxHeight = 35;
				}, () => {
					grid.CheckRowHeights ("#3", 15, 35, 20);
					grid.RowDefinitions [1].MaxHeight = 20;
					grid.ChangeRowSpan (0, 4);
				}, () => {
					grid.CheckRowHeights ("#4", 0, 20, 30);
					grid.AddRows (new GridLength (20));
				}, () => {
					grid.CheckRowHeights ("#5", 0, 20, 20, 20);
Example #5
		public void StarRowsWithChild2 ()
			// Check what happens when there are two explicit rows and no explicit column
			Grid grid = new Grid ();
			grid.AddRows (new GridLength (1, GridUnitType.Star), new GridLength (1, GridUnitType.Star));
			grid.Children.Add (new MyContentControl (50, 50));

			// Initial values
			Assert.AreEqual (new Size (0, 0), grid.DesiredSize, "#1");
			grid.CheckRowHeights ("#2", 0, 0);

			// After measure
			grid.Measure (Infinity);
			grid.Arrange (new Rect (0, 0, grid.DesiredSize.Width, grid.DesiredSize.Height));
			Assert.AreEqual (new Size (50, 50), grid.DesiredSize, "#3");
			grid.CheckRowHeights ("#4", 50, 0);

			// Measure again
			grid.Measure (new Size (100, 100));
			grid.Arrange (new Rect (0, 0, grid.DesiredSize.Width, grid.DesiredSize.Height));
			Assert.AreEqual (new Size (50, 50), grid.DesiredSize, "#5");
			grid.CheckRowHeights ("#6", 50, 0);
Example #6
		public void AutoRows4 ()
			// See how rowspan = 3 affects this with 5 rows.
			Grid grid = new Grid ();

			grid.AddColumns (new GridLength (50), new GridLength (50));
			grid.AddRows (GridLength.Auto, GridLength.Auto, GridLength.Auto, GridLength.Auto, GridLength.Auto);

			// Give first child a rowspan of 2
			grid.AddChild (new LayoutPoker { Width = 50, Height = 50 }, 0, 0, 1, 1);
			grid.AddChild (new LayoutPoker { Width = 50, Height = 60 }, 0, 1, 3, 1);

			CreateAsyncTest (grid,
				() => {
					// If an element spans across multiple rows and one of those rows
					// is already large enough to contain that element, it puts itself
					// entirely inside that row
					grid.CheckRowHeights ("#1", 53.33, 3.33, 3.33, 0, 0);
					grid.ChangeRow (1, 1);
				}, () => {
					// An 'auto' row which has no children whose rowspan/colspan
					// *ends* in that row has a height of zero
					grid.CheckRowHeights ("#2", 50, 20, 20, 20, 0);
					grid.ChangeRow (1, 2);
				}, () => {
					// If an element which spans multiple rows is the only element in
					// the rows it spans, it divides evenly between the rows it spans
					grid.CheckRowHeights ("#3", 50, 0, 20, 20, 20);

					grid.ChangeRow (1, 0);
					grid.ChangeRow (0, 1);
				}, () => {
					// If there are two auto rows beside each other and an element spans those
					// two rows, the total height is averaged between the two rows.
					grid.CheckRowHeights ("#4", 3.33, 53.33, 3.33, 0, 0);
Example #7
		public void AutoRows5 ()
			Grid grid = new Grid ();

			grid.AddColumns (new GridLength (50));
			grid.AddRows (GridLength.Auto, GridLength.Auto, GridLength.Auto, GridLength.Auto, GridLength.Auto);

			grid.AddChild (new LayoutPoker { Width = 50, Height = 50 }, 0, 0, 3, 1);
			grid.AddChild (new LayoutPoker { Width = 50, Height = 60 }, 1, 0, 3, 1);

			// When calculating the heights of automatic rows, the children added to the grid
			// distribute their height in the opposite order in which they were added.
			CreateAsyncTest (grid,
				() => {
					// Here the element with height 60 distributes its height first
					grid.CheckRowHeights ("#1", 3.33, 23.33, 23.33, 20, 0);
					grid.ChangeRow (1, 1);

					grid.ChangeRow (0, 1);
					grid.ChangeRow (1, 0);
				}, () => {
					// Reversing the rows does not stop the '60' element from
					// Distributing its height first
					grid.CheckRowHeights ("#2", 20, 23.33, 23.33, 3.33, 0);

					// Now reverse the order in which the elements are added so that
					// the '50' element distributes first.
					grid.Children.Clear ();
					grid.AddChild (new LayoutPoker { Width = 50, Height = 60 }, 1, 0, 3, 1);
					grid.AddChild (new LayoutPoker { Width = 50, Height = 50 }, 0, 0, 3, 1);

				}, () => {
					grid.CheckRowHeights ("#3", 16.66, 25.55, 25.55, 8.88, 0);
					grid.ChangeRow (1, 1);

					grid.ChangeRow (0, 1);
					grid.ChangeRow (1, 0);
				}, () => {
					grid.CheckRowHeights ("#4", 16.66, 25.55, 25.55, 8.88, 0);
Example #8
		public void AutoRows2 ()
			// Start off with two elements in the first row with the smaller element having rowspan = 2
			// and see how rowspan affects the rendering.
			Grid grid = new Grid ();

			grid.AddColumns (new GridLength (50), new GridLength (50));
			grid.AddRows (GridLength.Auto, GridLength.Auto, GridLength.Auto);

			grid.AddChild (new LayoutPoker { Width = 50, Height = 50 }, 0, 0, 2, 1);
			grid.AddChild (new LayoutPoker { Width = 50, Height = 60 }, 0, 1, 1, 1);

			// Start off with both elements at row 1, and the smaller element having rowspan = 2
			CreateAsyncTest (grid,
				() => {
					// If an element spans across multiple rows and one of those rows
					// is already large enough to contain that element, it puts itself
					// entirely inside that row
					grid.CheckRowHeights ("#1", 60, 0, 0);

					grid.ChangeRow (1, 1);
				}, () => {
					// An 'auto' row which has no children whose rowspan/colspan
					// *ends* in that row has a height of zero
					grid.CheckRowHeights ("#2", 0, 60, 0);
					grid.ChangeRow (1, 2);
				}, () => {
					// If an element which spans multiple rows is the only element in
					// the rows it spans, it divides evenly between the rows it spans
					grid.CheckRowHeights ("#2", 25, 25, 60);
					grid.ChangeRow (1, 0);
					grid.ChangeRow (0, 1);
				}, () => {
					grid.CheckRowHeights ("#2", 60, 25, 25);
Example #9
		public void AutoRows3 ()
			// Start off with two elements in the first row with the larger element having rowspan = 2
			// and see how rowspan affects the rendering.
			Grid grid = new Grid ();

			grid.AddColumns (new GridLength (50), new GridLength (50));
			grid.AddRows (GridLength.Auto, GridLength.Auto, GridLength.Auto);

			grid.AddChild (new LayoutPoker { Width = 50, Height = 50 }, 0, 0, 1, 1);
			grid.AddChild (new LayoutPoker { Width = 50, Height = 60 }, 0, 1, 2, 1);

			CreateAsyncTest (grid,
				() => {
					grid.CheckRowHeights ("#1", 55, 5, 0);
					grid.ChangeRow (1, 1);
				}, () => {
					grid.CheckRowHeights ("#2", 50, 30, 30);
					grid.ChangeRow (1, 2);
				}, () => {
					grid.CheckRowHeights ("#3", 50, 0, 60);
					grid.ChangeRow (1, 0);
					grid.ChangeRow (0, 1);
				}, () => {
					grid.CheckRowHeights ("#3", 5, 55, 0);
Example #10
		public void AutoRows ()
			// This checks that rows expand to be large enough to hold the largest child
			Grid grid = new Grid ();

			grid.AddColumns (new GridLength (50), new GridLength (50));
			grid.AddRows (GridLength.Auto, GridLength.Auto);

			grid.AddChild (new LayoutPoker { Width = 50, Height = 50 }, 0, 0, 1, 1);
			grid.AddChild (new LayoutPoker { Width = 50, Height = 60 }, 0, 1, 1, 1);

			CreateAsyncTest (grid,
				() => {
					grid.CheckRowHeights ("#1", 60, 0);
					Grid.SetRow ((FrameworkElement) grid.Children [1], 1);
				}, () => {
					grid.CheckRowHeights ("#2", 50, 60);
Example #11
		public void RowspanAutoTest ()
			// This test demonstrates the following rules:
			// 1) Elements with RowSpan/ColSpan == 1 distribute their height first
			// 2) The rest of the elements distribute height in LIFO order
			Grid grid = new Grid ();
			grid.AddRows (GridLength.Auto, GridLength.Auto, GridLength.Auto);
			grid.AddColumns (new GridLength (50));

			var child50 = new MyContentControl (50, 50);
			var child60 = new MyContentControl (50, 60);

			grid.AddChild (child50, 0, 0, 1, 1);
			grid.AddChild (child60, 0, 0, 1, 1);

			CreateAsyncTest (grid,
				() => {
					// Check the initial values
					grid.CheckRowHeights ("#1", 60, 0, 0);

					// Now make the smaller element use rowspan = 2
					Grid.SetRowSpan (child50, 2);
				}, () => {
					grid.CheckRowHeights ("#2", 60, 0, 0);

					// Then make the larger element us rowspan = 2
					Grid.SetRowSpan (child50, 1);
					Grid.SetRowSpan (child60, 2);
				}, () => {
					grid.CheckRowHeights ("#3", 55, 5, 0);

					// Swap the order in which they are added to the grid
					grid.Children.Clear ();
					grid.AddChild (child60, 0, 0, 2, 0);
					grid.AddChild (child50, 0, 0, 1, 0);
				}, () => {
					// Swapping the order has no effect here
					grid.CheckRowHeights ("#4", 55, 5, 0);

					// Then give both rowspan = 2
					Grid.SetRowSpan (child50, 2);
				}, () => {
					grid.CheckRowHeights ("#5", 30, 30, 0);

					// Finally give the larger element rowspan = 3
					Grid.SetRowSpan (child60, 3);
				}, () => {
					grid.CheckRowHeights ("#6", 28.333, 28.333, 3.333);

					// Swap the order in which the elements are added again
					grid.Children.Clear ();
					grid.AddChild (child50, 0, 0, 2, 0);
					grid.AddChild (child60, 0, 0, 3, 0);
				}, () => {
					grid.CheckRowHeights ("#7", 25, 25, 20);
Example #12
		public void MeasureAutoAndFixedRows ()
			Grid grid = new Grid { };

			grid.AddColumns (new GridLength (50), new GridLength (50));
			grid.AddRows (new GridLength (20), new GridLength (20));
			grid.AddChild (new MyContentControl (50, 50), 0, 1, 2, 1);

			grid.Measure (Infinity);
			grid.CheckRowHeights ("#1", 20, 20);
			grid.CheckMeasureSizes ("#2", new Size (50, 40));
			Assert.AreEqual (new Size (100, 40), grid.DesiredSize, "#3");

			grid.RowDefinitions [0].Height = new GridLength (30);
			grid.Measure (Infinity);
			grid.CheckRowHeights ("#4", 30, 20);
			grid.CheckMeasureSizes ("#5", new Size (50, 50));
			Assert.AreEqual (new Size (100, 50), grid.DesiredSize, "#6");

			grid.RowDefinitions.Insert (0, new RowDefinition { Height = GridLength.Auto });
			grid.Measure (Infinity);
			grid.CheckRowHeights ("#7", double.PositiveInfinity, 30, 20);
			grid.CheckMeasureSizes ("#8", new Size (50, double.PositiveInfinity));
			Assert.AreEqual (new Size (100, 70), grid.DesiredSize, "#9");

			grid.Children.Clear ();
			grid.AddChild (new MyContentControl (50, 150), 0, 1, 2, 1);
			grid.Measure (Infinity);
			grid.CheckDesired ("#13", new Size (50, 150));
			grid.CheckRowHeights ("#10", double.PositiveInfinity, 30, 20);
			grid.CheckMeasureSizes ("#11", new Size (50, double.PositiveInfinity));
			grid.CheckMeasureResult ("#12", new Size (50, 150));
			Assert.AreEqual (new Size (100, 170), grid.DesiredSize, "#12");
Example #13
		public void MeasureAutoRows4 ()
			Grid grid = new Grid ();

			grid.AddColumns (new GridLength (50), new GridLength (50));
			grid.AddRows (GridLength.Auto, GridLength.Auto, GridLength.Auto, GridLength.Auto, GridLength.Auto);

			grid.AddChild (new MyContentControl (50, 30), 0, 1, 3, 1);
			grid.AddChild (new MyContentControl (50, 90), 0, 1, 1, 1);
			grid.AddChild (new MyContentControl (50, 50), 0, 1, 2, 1);

			grid.AddChild (new MyContentControl (50, 70), 1, 1, 4, 1);
			grid.AddChild (new MyContentControl (50, 120), 1, 1, 2, 1);
			grid.AddChild (new MyContentControl (50, 30), 2, 1, 3, 1);

			grid.AddChild (new MyContentControl (50, 10), 3, 1, 1, 1);
			grid.AddChild (new MyContentControl (50, 50), 3, 1, 2, 1);
			grid.AddChild (new MyContentControl (50, 80), 3, 1, 2, 1);

			grid.AddChild (new MyContentControl (50, 20), 4, 1, 1, 1);

			CreateAsyncTest (grid, () => {
				grid.CheckRowHeights ("#1", 90, 60, 60, 35, 45);
Example #14
		public void MeasureAutoRows3 ()
			Grid grid = new Grid ();

			grid.AddColumns (new GridLength (50), new GridLength (50));
			grid.AddRows (GridLength.Auto, GridLength.Auto, GridLength.Auto);

			grid.AddChild (new MyContentControl (50, 50), 0, 1, 2, 1);
			grid.AddChild (new MyContentControl (50, 60), 1, 1, 1, 1);
			grid.AddChild (new MyContentControl (50, 70), 0, 1, 3, 1);

			CreateAsyncTest (grid, () => {
				grid.CheckRowHeights ("#1", 3.33, 63.33, 3.33);