Example #1
 public void Delete(HttpServerUtilityBase server, Image img)
     try { System.IO.File.Delete(server.MapPath(img.Large)); } catch {}
     try { System.IO.File.Delete(server.MapPath(img.Medium)); } catch {}
     try { System.IO.File.Delete(server.MapPath(img.Thumb)); } catch {}
Example #2
        public Image SaveImage(HttpServerUtilityBase server, HttpPostedFileBase file)
            string largeUploadFolder = server.MapPath("~/assets/images/large");
            string mediumUploadFolder = server.MapPath("~/assets/images/medium");
            string thumbUploadFolder = server.MapPath("~/assets/images/thumb");
            if (!Directory.Exists(largeUploadFolder)) Directory.CreateDirectory(largeUploadFolder);
            if (!Directory.Exists(mediumUploadFolder)) Directory.CreateDirectory(mediumUploadFolder);
            if (!Directory.Exists(thumbUploadFolder)) Directory.CreateDirectory(thumbUploadFolder);

            //The resizing settings can specify any of 30 commands.. See http://imageresizing.net for details.
            ResizeSettings largeSettings = new ResizeSettings("maxwidth=800&maxheight=800");
            ResizeSettings mediumSettings = new ResizeSettings("maxwidth=300&maxheight=300&scale=both");
            ResizeSettings thumbSettings = new ResizeSettings("width=100&height=100&crop=auto");

            //var uniqueName = System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            string uniqueName = PathUtils.RemoveExtension(file.FileName) + "_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy_HH-mm-ss");
            string largeFilePath = Path.Combine(largeUploadFolder, uniqueName);
            string mediumFilePath = Path.Combine(mediumUploadFolder, uniqueName);
            string thumbFilePath = Path.Combine(thumbUploadFolder, uniqueName);

            //Let the image builder add the correct extension based on the output file type (which may differ).
            var large = ImageBuilder.Current.Build(file, largeFilePath, largeSettings, false, true);
            var med = ImageBuilder.Current.Build(file, mediumFilePath, mediumSettings, false, true);
            var thumb = ImageBuilder.Current.Build(file, thumbFilePath, thumbSettings, false, true);

            Image img = new Image(PathUtils.RemoveExtension(file.FileName), ResolveRelativePath(server, large), ResolveRelativePath(server, med), ResolveRelativePath(server, thumb));
            return img;
        public Boolean delete_mvc_use_only(int id, HttpServerUtilityBase server_context)
                HinhAnh kq = this.get_by_id(id);
                if (kq == null) return false;
                //first delete file
                    String directory = "~/_Upload/HinhAnh/";
                    System.IO.File.Delete(server_context.MapPath(Path.Combine(directory, kq.duongdan)));
                    System.IO.File.Delete(server_context.MapPath(Path.Combine(directory, kq.duongdan_thumb)));

                catch (Exception ex)
                //delete in database
                return true;
             catch (Exception ex)
                 return false;
        public PRCImageCollection(HttpServerUtilityBase Server, string PRCRef)
            this.PRCRef = PRCRef;
            this.ServerPath = new DirectoryInfo(Server.MapPath(@"~\"));

            this.CarouselImagesDirectoryPath = new DirectoryInfo(this.ServerPath + "CarouselImages\\" + PRCRef);
            this.PropertyImagesDirectoryPath = new DirectoryInfo(this.ServerPath + "PropertyImages\\" + PRCRef);

            //get all directories and files and create PRCImages
            GetAllImagesFromADirectoryAndPlaceInACollection(CarouselImagesDirectoryPath, CarouselImageList, this.CarouselImagesExists);
            GetAllImagesFromADirectoryAndPlaceInACollection(PropertyImagesDirectoryPath, PropertyImageList, this.PropertyImagesExists);

            if (CarouselImageList.Count > 0)
                CarouselImagesExists = true;
                foreach (var image in CarouselImageList)

            if (PropertyImageList.Count > 0)
                PropertyImagesExists = true;
                foreach (var image in PropertyImageList)


        internal Firma SwtorzFirme(HttpServerUtilityBase server, HttpPostedFileBase uploadFile)
            string url = string.Empty;
            if (uploadFile != null && uploadFile.FileName != string.Empty)
                url = Path.Combine(server.MapPath("~/Images/firmy"), uploadFile.FileName);
                url = Path.Combine("../Images/firmy", uploadFile.FileName);

            Firma firma = new Firma
                nazwa = nazwa,
                zdjecie = url,
                adres = new Adres
                    ulica = ulica,
                    numer_budynku = numer_budynku,
                    numer_lokalu = numer_lokalu,
                kontakt = new Kontakt
                    mail = mail,
                    numer_komurkowy = numer_komurkowy

            return firma;
Example #6
        public string CreateUserFolder(System.Web.HttpServerUtilityBase server)
            var virtualPath = Path.Combine(rootFolder, Path.Combine("Upload", UserID), prettyName);

            var path = server.MapPath(virtualPath);

            if (!Directory.Exists(path))
                foreach (var sourceFolder in foldersToCopy)
                    CopyFolder(server.MapPath(sourceFolder), path);
Example #7
 private static string SetCleanExtractFolder(HttpServerUtilityBase server, string mapPath,
     string cleanFileNameNoExtension)
     var extractFolder = server.MapPath(mapPath + cleanFileNameNoExtension);
     return extractFolder;
        private static string GetEntryPoint(HttpServerUtilityBase server, string filePath, string root)

            var fileName = PathHelpers.GetExactFilePath(filePath);
            var folder = server.MapPath(root);
            return PathHelpers.GetRequireRelativePath(folder, fileName);
Example #9
 private static string ResolveRelativePath(HttpServerUtilityBase server, string physicalPath)
     string relative = "~/assets/images";
     string physical = server.MapPath(relative);
     return physicalPath.Replace(physical, relative).Replace("\\", "/").Replace("~","");
Example #10
 public static void Init(HttpServerUtilityBase server)
     if (Current == null)
         _filePath = server.MapPath("~/App_Data/Settings.xml");
         Current = GetConnexion();
        public static ImageMetadata GetImageMetadata(HttpServerUtilityBase server, string imageUrl)
            string path = server.MapPath(imageUrl + ".meta");

            using (var reader = new StreamReader(path)) {
                return new ImageMetadata(imageUrl, reader);
Example #12
 /// <summary>
 /// Elimina un album e tutto il suo contenuto
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="Server">Server object per MapPath</param>
 /// <param name="name">Nome dell'album (e nome cartella)</param>
 public static void Del(HttpServerUtilityBase Server, string name)
     string path = Server.MapPath(BASE_PATH + "/" + name);
     if (Directory.Exists(path))
         Directory.Delete(path, true);
        public string Save(HttpServerUtilityBase server, HttpPostedFileBase file)
            string path = "/Images/" + file.FileName;
            string fullPath = server.MapPath(path);

            return path;
 public FileRepository(ISettingsProvider settingsProvider, HttpServerUtilityBase server)
     root = settingsProvider.GetSettings<Settings.FunnelWebSettings>().UploadPath;
     // If it's a virtual path then we can map it, otherwise we'll expect that it's a windows path
     if (root.StartsWith("~"))
         root = server.MapPath(root);
Example #15
 static string DebugVirtualPath(string filename, HttpServerUtilityBase server)
     return String.Format("/{0}", filename);
     // Use query string to break caching. This means the file's path
     // still matches the development file system.
     var absoluteFilename = server.MapPath("~/" + filename);
     var version = File.GetLastWriteTime(absoluteFilename).Ticks.ToString();
     return String.Format("/static/{0}./{1}", version, filename);
Example #16
 static string DebugVirtualPath(string filename, HttpServerUtilityBase server)
     // Use query string to break caching. This means the file's path
     // still matches the development file system.
     var absoluteFilename = server.MapPath("~/static/" + filename);
     var version = File.GetLastWriteTime(absoluteFilename).Ticks.ToString();
     var separator = (filename.Contains("?") ? "&" : "?");
     return "/static/" + filename + separator + "nocache=" + version;
Example #17
 public static void DeleteAvatar(Guid id, HttpServerUtilityBase server)
     string fileName = Path.GetFileName(id.ToString() + ".png");
     string fullPath = Path.Combine(server.MapPath("~/Data/Avatars"), fileName);
     FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(fullPath);
     if (fileInfo.Exists)
        /// <summary>
        /// 得到上传文件目录
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="applicationPath">应用程序路径</param>
        /// <param name="server">web请求服务</param>
        /// <param name="isOpen">是否需要对外开放,默认true</param>
        /// <returns>上传文件目录</returns>
        public static string CheckFileUpLoadDirectory(string applicationPath, System.Web.HttpServerUtilityBase server, UploadFileType type = UploadFileType.File)
            string dic = server.MapPath(applicationPath + "/UploadFile/" + GetFileUpLoadPath(type));

            if (!Directory.Exists(dic))
Example #19
        public static MvcHtmlString Menu(this HtmlHelper helper)
            server = helper.ViewContext.RequestContext.HttpContext.Server;
            request = helper.ViewContext.RequestContext.HttpContext.Request;
            urlHelper = new UrlHelper(helper.ViewContext.RequestContext);
            routeDictionary = helper.ViewContext.RequestContext.RouteData.Values;
            HtmlHelper htmlHelper = new HtmlHelper(helper.ViewContext, helper.ViewDataContainer);

            //TalentMISDbContext db = new TalentMISDbContext();
            //string current_account = helper.ViewContext.RequestContext.HttpContext.User.Identity.Name;
            //Account account = db.Accounts.FirstOrDefault(x => x.UserName.Trim().ToUpper() == current_account.Trim().ToUpper());
            //string roleCode = account.RoleCode;
            string roleCode = ((CurrentUser)helper.ViewContext.RequestContext.HttpContext.Session["CurrentUser"]).RoleCode;

            //string xmlPath = server.MapPath(url.Content("~/Menu.xml"));//当禁用Cookie时会话标识会嵌入URL中,此时该行代码结果就不正确了!(夏春涛)
            string webRootPath = server.MapPath("/");
            string xmlPath = webRootPath.TrimEnd('\\') + "\\Menu.xml";
            XDocument doc = XDocument.Load(xmlPath);
            var xmlNav = doc.Root;

            var nav1Items = xmlNav
                    .Where(p => p.Attribute("roles").Value.Trim() == "" ||

            foreach (var nav1 in nav1Items)
                var nav2List = nav1.Elements("NavItem").ToList();
                foreach (var nav2 in nav2List)
                    if (nav2.Attribute("roles").Value.Trim() == "")//任意角色均可访问的二级菜单
                    bool isPermitted = nav2.Attribute("roles").Value.ToUpper().Contains(roleCode.Trim().ToUpper());
                    if (!isPermitted)//用户角色不再许可范围内
                            .Where(p => p.Attribute("code").Value.Trim().ToUpper() == nav2.Attribute("code").Value.Trim().ToUpper())

            nav1Items.Where(p => p.Elements().Count() == 0).Remove();
            MvcHtmlString result = htmlHelper.Partial("Menu", nav1Items);
            return result;
Example #20
        public IEnumerable<string> GetAllImages(HttpServerUtilityBase server)
            if (server != null)
                var files = Directory.GetFiles(server.MapPath("~/Images/"));

                return files.Select(file => "/Images/" + Path.GetFileName(file)).ToArray();

            return new string[0];
Example #21
 protected void DeleteImage(string virtualPath, HttpServerUtilityBase server)
     if (virtualPath != null)
         string path = server.MapPath("~") + virtualPath;
         var file = new FileInfo(path);
         if (file.Exists)
Example #22
        public static async Task DeleteRecord(this AppDbContext context, int id, HttpServerUtilityBase server)
            var record = await context.Records.FindAsync(id);
            var path = server.MapPath(record.FilePath);

            if (File.Exists(path))

            await context.SaveChangesAsync();
        public static String GuardarFicheroDisco(HttpPostedFileBase fichero,HttpServerUtilityBase server)
            var id=Guid.NewGuid();
            String nombre = null;
            if (fichero != null && fichero.ContentLength > 0)

                var ext = fichero.FileName.Substring(fichero.FileName.LastIndexOf(".") + 1);
                nombre = $"{id}.{ext}";
            return nombre;
Example #24
 public static void CreateClientFolders(this Client client, string applicationPath, HttpServerUtilityBase server)
     if (client == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("client");
     if (server == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("server");
     string path = server.MapPath(client.ClientVirtualDirectoryToMap(applicationPath));
        public ImageRepository(HttpServerUtilityBase server, IDirectoryService directory, string rootPath)
            string path = server.MapPath(rootPath);
            var files = directory.EnumerateFiles(path, "*.jpg");

            foreach (var file in files) {

                string imageUrl = VirtualPathUtility.Combine(VirtualPathUtility.AppendTrailingSlash(rootPath), Path.GetFileName(file));
                string metaPath = file + ".meta";
                using (var reader = directory.GetReader(metaPath)) {
                    _images.Add(new ImageMetadata(imageUrl, reader));
        //le paso dos objetos el ifchero y la ruta que es el server
        public static String GuardarFicheroDisco(HttpPostedFileBase fichero,HttpServerUtilityBase server)
            var id=Guid.NewGuid();// guid es un identificador unico para ponerle un nombre unico al fichero
            //var n = DateTime.Now.Ticks; coje la firma horaria del servidor es otra forma de nombrar unicamente al fichero
            String nombre = null;
            if (fichero!=null && fichero.ContentLength>0)
                var ext = fichero.FileName.Substring(fichero.FileName.LastIndexOf(".") + 1);//Con esto tengo la extension del fichero para no tener problemas a la hora de abrir los ficheros
                nombre = $"{id}.{ext}";//unes la extensión al nombre del fichero

                fichero.SaveAs(server.MapPath("/ficheros")+"/"+nombre);//guarda el fichero en esa ruta del disco duro del servidor
            return nombre;
        public ExtrasImage(HttpServerUtilityBase Server, string extraLegacyReference, string imageDirectory)

            BookingExtraID = 0;
            ExtraLegacyReference = extraLegacyReference;
            FullImageName = "";
            ImageFullFilePath = "";
            ImageDescription = "";
            ImageDirectory = "";
            IsMainImage = false;

            ServerPath = new DirectoryInfo(Server.MapPath(@"~\"));
            ImagesDirectoryPath = new DirectoryInfo(this.ServerPath + "ExtraImages\\" + extraLegacyReference);

Example #28
        internal SkinTranslations(HttpServerUtilityBase serverUtility, string skin, CultureInfo culture)
            string path = serverUtility.MapPath(String.Format("~/Skins/{0}/config/translations.{1}.ini", skin, culture.TwoLetterISOLanguageName));
            while (!File.Exists(path) && culture.Parent != null && culture.Parent != culture)
                culture = culture.Parent;
                path = serverUtility.MapPath(String.Format("~/Skins/{0}/config/translations.{1}.ini", skin, culture.TwoLetterISOLanguageName));

            if (File.Exists(path))
                var iniFile = new IniFile(path);
                var sections = iniFile.GetSections();
                if (sections.ContainsKey(SECTION_NAME))
                    translations = iniFile.GetSection(SECTION_NAME);

                Log.Error("Translation file {0} doesn't contain required section {1}", path, SECTION_NAME);

            translations = new Dictionary<string, string>();
Example #29
        public AlbumModel(HttpServerUtilityBase Server, string Name)
            if (!ExistsAlbum(Server)) throw new Exception("No Albums!");

            if (Name == null)
                string fullDir = Directory.GetDirectories(Server.MapPath(BASE_PATH))[0];
                Name = (new DirectoryInfo(fullDir)).Name;

            this.Path = Server.MapPath(BASE_PATH + "/" + Name);
            Imgs = new List<ImageModel>();

            if (Directory.Exists(Path))
                foreach (string file in Directory.GetFiles(Path, "*.jpg"))
                    string appPath = Server.MapPath("~");
                    string fileUrl = string.Format("{0}", file.Replace(appPath, "").Replace("\\", "/"));
                    Imgs.Add(new ImageModel(Name, file, fileUrl));
        public static byte[] GetPhotoPreviewBuff(HttpServerUtilityBase server)
            _LastAccessUTC = DateTime.UtcNow;

            var buff = default(byte[]);
            lock (_syncBuff)
                buff = _AvailableBuffNo == 1 ? _PhotoPreviewBuff1 : _PhotoPreviewBuff2;
            if (buff == null)
                return System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(server.MapPath("~/App_Data/_blank.png"));
            return buff;
 public void SaveFile(AdminUploadViewModel model, HttpServerUtilityBase server, int adminId, KnowledgeChannelEntities db)
     var file = model.Resource.ResourceFile;
     if (file.ContentLength > 0) {
         var admin = db.Teachers.Where(x => x.TeacherID == adminId).SingleOrDefault();
         var fileName = Path.GetFileName(file.FileName);
         var folderName = Path.Combine(server.MapPath("~/FileResources"), "KnowledgeChannel");
         var folderNameTosave = Path.Combine("FileResources", "KnowledgeChannel");
         if (!Directory.Exists(folderName)) {
         var pathFileServer = Path.Combine(folderName, fileName);
         var pathDatabase = Path.Combine(folderNameTosave, fileName);
         SaveInDatabase(model, pathDatabase, adminId, db);
Example #32
        private string ResizeSaveImage(int fileIndex, int width, int height, string oldImageName, int categoryid, HttpRequestBase requestFile, HttpServerUtilityBase server, HttpContextBase httpContext)
            string imageName = "";
            string salt = GenerateSalt();

            ImageFormat format = GetImageFormat(requestFile.Files[fileIndex].FileName);
            byte[] firstImageBytes = GetResizedImage(requestFile.Files[fileIndex].InputStream, format, width, height);
            string firstImagePath = server.MapPath("~/Images/" + categoryid + "_" + salt + "_" + width + "X" + height + "_" + System.IO.Path.GetFileName(requestFile.Files[fileIndex].FileName));
            System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes(firstImagePath, firstImageBytes);

            //delete old image file
            if (oldImageName != null)
                string fileToDelete = httpContext.Server.MapPath("~") + oldImageName.Replace("~", "");

            return imageName = "~\\Images\\" + categoryid + "_" + salt + "_" + width + "X" + height + "_" + System.IO.Path.GetFileName(requestFile.Files[fileIndex].FileName);
Example #33
        /// <summary>
        /// 得到照片上传文件目录
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="applicationPath">应用程序路径</param>
        /// <param name="server">web请求服务</param>
        /// <param name="uploadPath">要上传的目录 </param>
        /// <returns>返回值 照片上传文件目录</returns>
        public static string CheckPicUpLoadDirectory(string applicationPath, System.Web.HttpServerUtilityBase server, string uploadPath)
            string dic = server.MapPath(applicationPath + uploadPath);
