Example #1
        protected void Wizard1_ActiveStepChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)

            //get the listview in the wizard
            System.Web.UI.WebControls.ListView list = (Wizard1.FindControl("sideBarList") as System.Web.UI.WebControls.ListView);
            //get the ul in the listview and change its cssclass according to the activestepindex of wizard
            HtmlGenericControl ul = list.FindControl("ul") as HtmlGenericControl;

            if (Wizard1.ActiveStepIndex == 0)
                ul.Attributes.Add("class", "sidebar1");
                Wizard wizard = Wizard1;

                //get the wizardstep
                WizardStep wizardStep1 = Wizard1.FindControl("WizardStep1") as WizardStep;
                //get the div control in the wizardstep and change its class
                HtmlGenericControl step1 = wizardStep1.FindControl("step1") as HtmlGenericControl;
                step1.Attributes.Add("class", "step1 ");
                ul.Attributes.Add("class", "sidebar2");
                WizardStep         wizardStep2 = Wizard1.FindControl("WizardStep2") as WizardStep;
                HtmlGenericControl step2       = wizardStep2.FindControl("step2") as HtmlGenericControl;
                step2.Attributes.Add("class", "step2");