Example #1
        private void AddMinimum(
            WSD.ServiceDescription wsdl,
            string contractName,
            OperationDescriptionCollection operations,
            ServiceEndpoint endpoint)
            // Absolut minimum in order to provide a WSDL
            var portType =
                new WSD.PortType
                Name = contractName

            var address =
                new WSD.Soap12AddressBinding
                Location = endpoint.Address.ToString()
            var port =
                new WSD.Port
                Name = contractName

            var service =
                new WSD.Service
                Name = wsdl.Name

Example #2
		public Operation ()
			faults = new OperationFaultCollection (this);
			messages = new OperationMessageCollection (this);
			parameterOrder = null;
			portType = null;
			extensions = new ServiceDescriptionFormatExtensionCollection (this);
        /// <include file='doc\ServiceDescriptions.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="ServiceDescriptionCollection.GetPortType"]/*' />
        /// <devdoc>
        ///    <para>[To be supplied.]</para>
        /// </devdoc>
        public PortType GetPortType(XmlQualifiedName name)
            PortType portType = GetServiceDescription(name).PortTypes[name.Name];

            if (portType == null)
                throw ItemNotFound(name, "portType");
		public Operation ()
			faults = new OperationFaultCollection (this);
			messages = new OperationMessageCollection (this);
#if !NET_2_0
			name = String.Empty;
			parameterOrder = null;
			portType = null;
Example #5
        Operation FindOperation(PortType portType, string name)
            foreach (Operation oper in portType.Operations) {
                if (oper.Messages.Input.Name != null) {
                    if (oper.Messages.Input.Name == name) return oper;
                    if (oper.Name == name) return oper;

            return null;
 internal WsdlContractConversionContext(ContractDescription contract, PortType wsdlPortType)
     this.contract = contract;
     this.wsdlPortType = wsdlPortType;
     this.wsdlOperations = new Dictionary<OperationDescription, Operation>();
     this.operationDescriptions = new Dictionary<Operation, OperationDescription>();
     this.wsdlOperationMessages = new Dictionary<MessageDescription, OperationMessage>();
     this.messageDescriptions = new Dictionary<OperationMessage, MessageDescription>();
     this.wsdlOperationFaults = new Dictionary<FaultDescription, OperationFault>();
     this.faultDescriptions = new Dictionary<OperationFault, FaultDescription>();
     this.operationBindings = new Dictionary<Operation, Collection<OperationBinding>>();
Example #7
		public void TestAddPortType ()
			const string portTypeName = "testPortType";
			PortType p = new PortType ();
			p.Name = portTypeName;
			ptc.Add (p);

			Assert.AreEqual (1, ptc.Count);
			Assert.AreEqual (p, ptc[portTypeName]);
 /// <include file='doc\ServiceDescriptions.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="ServiceDescriptionCollection.GetPortType"]/*' />
 /// <devdoc>
 ///    <para>[To be supplied.]</para>
 /// </devdoc>
 public PortType GetPortType(XmlQualifiedName name)
     ServiceDescription sd = GetServiceDescription(name);
     PortType portType = null;
     while (portType == null && sd != null)
         portType = sd.PortTypes[name.Name];
         sd = sd.Next;
     if (portType == null) throw ItemNotFound(name, "message");
     return portType;
Example #9
		public Operation ()
			faults = new OperationFaultCollection (this);
			messages = new OperationMessageCollection (this);
#if !NET_2_0
			name = String.Empty;
			parameterOrder = null;
			portType = null;
#if NET_2_0
			extensions = new ServiceDescriptionFormatExtensionCollection (this);
Example #10
        public Operation()
            faults   = new OperationFaultCollection(this);
            messages = new OperationMessageCollection(this);
#if !NET_2_0
            name = String.Empty;
            parameterOrder = null;
            portType       = null;
#if NET_2_0
            extensions = new ServiceDescriptionFormatExtensionCollection(this);
        internal WsdlContractConversionContext(ContractDescription contract, WsdlNS.PortType wsdlPortType)
            _contract     = contract;
            _wsdlPortType = wsdlPortType;

            _wsdlOperations        = new Dictionary <OperationDescription, WsdlNS.Operation>();
            _operationDescriptions = new Dictionary <WsdlNS.Operation, OperationDescription>();
            _wsdlOperationMessages = new Dictionary <MessageDescription, WsdlNS.OperationMessage>();
            _messageDescriptions   = new Dictionary <WsdlNS.OperationMessage, MessageDescription>();
            _wsdlOperationFaults   = new Dictionary <FaultDescription, WsdlNS.OperationFault>();
            _faultDescriptions     = new Dictionary <WsdlNS.OperationFault, FaultDescription>();
            _operationBindings     = new Dictionary <WsdlNS.Operation, Collection <WsdlNS.OperationBinding> >();
 ServiceEndpointCollection ImportWsdlPortType(XmlQualifiedName portTypeQName, WsdlImporter importer)
     foreach (WsdlNS.ServiceDescription wsdl in importer.WsdlDocuments)
         if (wsdl.TargetNamespace == portTypeQName.Namespace)
             WsdlNS.PortType wsdlPortType = wsdl.PortTypes[portTypeQName.Name];
             if (wsdlPortType != null)
                 ServiceEndpointCollection endpoints = importer.ImportEndpoints(wsdlPortType);
     return(new ServiceEndpointCollection());
Example #13
        public PortType GetPortType(XmlQualifiedName name)
            ServiceDescription serviceDescription = this.GetServiceDescription(name);
            PortType           type = null;

            while ((type == null) && (serviceDescription != null))
                type = serviceDescription.PortTypes[name.Name];
                serviceDescription = serviceDescription.Next;
            if (type == null)
                throw this.ItemNotFound(name, "message");
        public override void Check(ConformanceCheckContext ctx, PortType value)
            ArrayList names = new ArrayList();

            foreach (Operation o in value.Operations)
                if (names.Contains(o.Name))
                    ctx.ReportRuleViolation(value, BasicProfileRules.R2304);
        Message FindMessage(ConformanceCheckContext ctx, MessageBinding mb)
            PortType pt = ctx.Services.GetPortType(mb.OperationBinding.Binding.Type);

            foreach (Operation op in pt.Operations)
                if (op.IsBoundBy(mb.OperationBinding))
                    OperationMessage om;
                    if (mb is InputBinding)
                        om = op.Messages.Input;
                    else if (mb is OutputBinding)
                        om = op.Messages.Output;
                    else if (mb is FaultBinding)
                        om = op.Faults [mb.Name];
                    if (om != null)
 public void Remove(PortType portType)
 public int Add(PortType portType)
 public int IndexOf(PortType portType)
Example #19
        internal static bool IsSoapBinding(PortType portType, ServiceDescription servDesc)
            if (portType.ServiceDescription.Bindings != null && portType.ServiceDescription.Bindings.Count > 0)
                foreach (Binding binding in portType.ServiceDescription.Bindings)
                    // Make sure this is the right binding
                    if (binding.Type.Name == portType.Name)
                        // If this is the soap12 binding set the style and break;
                        if (binding.Extensions.Find(typeof(Soap12Binding)) != null ||
                            binding.Extensions.Find(typeof(SoapBinding)) != null)
                            return true;

            return false;
        internal bool GenerateCode(CodeNamespace codeNamespace, ImportContext importContext, Hashtable exportContext)
            bindingCount = 0;
            anyPorts     = false;

            this.codeNamespace = codeNamespace;

            Hashtable supportedBindings   = new Hashtable();
            Hashtable unsupportedBindings = new Hashtable();

            // look for ports with bindings
            foreach (ServiceDescription serviceDescription in ServiceDescriptions)
                foreach (Service service in serviceDescription.Services)
                    foreach (Port port in service.Ports)
                        Binding binding = ServiceDescriptions.GetBinding(port.Binding);
                        if (supportedBindings.Contains(binding))
                        PortType portType = ServiceDescriptions.GetPortType(binding.Type);
                        MoveToBinding(service, port, binding, portType);
                        if (IsBindingSupported())
                            anyPorts = true;
                            supportedBindings.Add(binding, binding);
                        else if (binding != null)
                            unsupportedBindings[binding] = binding;

            // no ports, look for bindings
            if (bindingCount == 0)
                foreach (ServiceDescription serviceDescription in ServiceDescriptions)
                    foreach (Binding binding in serviceDescription.Bindings)
                        if (unsupportedBindings.Contains(binding))
                        PortType portType = ServiceDescriptions.GetPortType(binding.Type);
                        MoveToBinding(binding, portType);
                        if (IsBindingSupported())

            // give up if no bindings
            if (bindingCount == 0)
                // if we generated comments return true so that the comments get written
                return(codeNamespace.Comments.Count > 0);

            this.importContext = importContext;
            this.exportContext = exportContext;

            foreach (ServiceDescription serviceDescription in ServiceDescriptions)
                if (anyPorts)
                    foreach (Service service in serviceDescription.Services)
                        foreach (Port port in service.Ports)
                            Binding  binding  = ServiceDescriptions.GetBinding(port.Binding);
                            PortType portType = ServiceDescriptions.GetPortType(binding.Type);
                            MoveToBinding(service, port, binding, portType);
                            if (IsBindingSupported() && !supportedBindings.Contains(binding))
                                supportedBindings.Add(binding, binding);
                    foreach (Binding binding in serviceDescription.Bindings)
                        PortType portType = ServiceDescriptions.GetPortType(binding.Type);
                        MoveToBinding(binding, portType);
                        if (IsBindingSupported())

 /// <include file='doc\ServiceDescription.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="PortTypeCollection.IndexOf"]/*' />
 /// <devdoc>
 ///    <para>[To be supplied.]</para>
 /// </devdoc>
 public int IndexOf(PortType portType) {
     return List.IndexOf(portType);
 internal OperationCollection(PortType portType) : base(portType) { }
Example #23
        public void ConstructorTest()
            const string Url = "http://microsoft.com";
            const string OperationName = "TestOperationName";
            const string InputMessageName = "TestMessageInputName";
            const string OutputMessageName = "TestMessageOutputName";
            const string InputMessagePartName = "TestMessageInputPartName";
            const string OutputMessagePartName = "TestMessageOutputPartName";
            const string XmlSchemaName = "TestXmlSchemaName";
            const string XmlSchemaTypeName = "TestXmlSchemaTypeName";

            var webRequest = Mock.Create<HttpWebRequest>();
            var response = Mock.Create<WebResponse>();
            var stream = Mock.Create<Stream>();
            var serviceDescription = Mock.Create<ServiceDescription>();
            var operation = new Operation { Name = OperationName };
            var portType = new PortType { Name = "TestHttpPost" };
            var types = new Types();
            var xmlSchema = new XmlSchema();
            var item = new XmlSchemaElement();
            var complexType = new XmlSchemaComplexType();
            var sequence = new XmlSchemaSequence();
            var xmlSchemaType = new XmlQualifiedName(XmlSchemaTypeName);
            var childElement = new XmlSchemaElement { Name = XmlSchemaName, SchemaTypeName = xmlSchemaType };

            Mock.Arrange(() => WebRequest.Create(Arg.IsAny<Uri>())).Returns(webRequest);
            Mock.Arrange(() => webRequest.GetResponse()).Returns(response);
            Mock.Arrange(() => response.GetResponseStream()).Returns(stream);
            Mock.Arrange(() => ServiceDescription.Read(Arg.IsAny<Stream>())).Returns(serviceDescription);
            Mock.Arrange(() => serviceDescription.PortTypes).ReturnsCollection(new List<PortType> { portType });
            Mock.Arrange(() => portType.Operations).ReturnsCollection(new List<Operation> { operation });
            Mock.Arrange(() => operation.Messages.Input.Message.Name).Returns(InputMessageName);
            Mock.Arrange(() => operation.Messages.Output.Message.Name).Returns(OutputMessageName);
            Mock.Arrange(() => serviceDescription.Messages[InputMessageName].Parts[0].Element.Name).Returns(InputMessagePartName);
            Mock.Arrange(() => serviceDescription.Messages[OutputMessageName].Parts[0].Element.Name).Returns(OutputMessagePartName);
            Mock.Arrange(() => serviceDescription.Types).Returns(types);
            Mock.Arrange(() => types.Schemas[0]).Returns(xmlSchema);
            Mock.Arrange(() => xmlSchema.Items).Returns(new XmlSchemaObjectCollection { item });
            Mock.Arrange(() => item.Name).Returns(OutputMessagePartName);
            Mock.Arrange(() => item.SchemaType).Returns(complexType);
            Mock.Arrange(() => complexType.Particle).Returns(sequence);
            Mock.Arrange(() => sequence.Items).Returns(new XmlSchemaObjectCollection { childElement });


            var instance = WebServiceInfo.OpenWsdl(Url);

            Assert.AreEqual(XmlSchemaTypeName, instance.WebMethods.First().InputParameters.First().Type);
		public ContractDescription ImportContract (PortType wsdlPortType)
			foreach (IWsdlImportExtension extension in wsdl_extensions) {
				extension.BeforeImport (wsdl_documents, xmlschemas, policies);

			ContractDescription cd = new ContractDescription (wsdlPortType.Name, wsdlPortType.ServiceDescription.TargetNamespace);

			foreach (Operation op in wsdlPortType.Operations) {
				OperationDescription op_descr = new OperationDescription (op.Name, cd);

				foreach (OperationMessage opmsg in op.Messages) {
					/* OperationMessageCollection */
					MessageDescription msg_descr;
					MessageDirection dir = MessageDirection.Input;
					string action = "";

					if (opmsg.GetType () == typeof (OperationInput))
						dir = MessageDirection.Input;
					else if (opmsg.GetType () == typeof (OperationOutput))
						dir = MessageDirection.Output;
					/* FIXME: OperationFault--> OperationDescription.Faults ? */

					if (opmsg.ExtensibleAttributes != null) {
						for (int i = 0; i < opmsg.ExtensibleAttributes.Length; i++) {
							if (opmsg.ExtensibleAttributes [i].LocalName == "Action" &&
								opmsg.ExtensibleAttributes [i].NamespaceURI == "http://www.w3.org/2006/05/addressing/wsdl")
								/* addressing:Action */
								action = opmsg.ExtensibleAttributes [i].Value;
							/* FIXME: other attributes ? */

					msg_descr = new MessageDescription (action, dir);
					/* FIXME: Headers ? */

					op_descr.Messages.Add (msg_descr);

				cd.Operations.Add (op_descr);

			WsdlContractConversionContext context = new WsdlContractConversionContext (cd, wsdlPortType);
			foreach (IWsdlImportExtension extension in wsdl_extensions)
				extension.ImportContract (this, context);

			return cd;
Example #25
		internal void SetParent (PortType portType)
			this.portType = portType;
Example #26
 internal OperationCollection(PortType portType) : base(portType)
		protected override bool CanImportOperation (PortType portType, Operation op)
			// FIXME: implement
			return true;
		protected override bool CanImportOperation (PortType portType, Operation op)
			foreach (OperationMessage om in op.Messages) {
				var msg = FindMessage (om);
				if (msg == null)
					return false;
				foreach (MessagePart part in msg.Parts) {
					if (part.Name == "parameters" && !part.Element.IsEmpty) {
						var xe = schema_set_in_use.GlobalElements [part.Element] as XmlSchemaElement;
						if (xe == null || !dc_importer.CanImport (schema_set_in_use, xe))
							return false;
						return false;
			return true;
		protected abstract bool CanImportOperation (PortType portType, Operation op);
Example #30
        void ClasifySchemas(ArrayList importInfo)
            // I don't like this, but I could not find any other way of clasifying
            // schemas between encoded and literal.

            xmlSchemas  = new XmlSchemas();
            soapSchemas = new XmlSchemas();

            foreach (ImportInfo info in importInfo)
                foreach (Service service in info.ServiceDescription.Services)
                    foreach (Port port in service.Ports)
                        this.iinfo = info;
                        this.port  = port;
                        binding    = ServiceDescriptions.GetBinding(port.Binding);
                        if (binding == null)
                        portType = ServiceDescriptions.GetPortType(binding.Type);
                        if (portType == null)

                        foreach (OperationBinding oper in binding.Operations)
                            operationBinding = oper;
                            operation        = FindPortOperation();
                            if (operation == null)

                            foreach (OperationMessage omsg in operation.Messages)
                                Message msg = ServiceDescriptions.GetMessage(omsg.Message);
                                if (msg == null)

                                if (omsg is OperationInput)
                                    inputMessage = msg;
                                    outputMessage = msg;

                            if (GetMessageEncoding(oper.Input) == SoapBindingUse.Encoded)
                                AddMessageSchema(soapSchemas, oper.Input, inputMessage);
                                AddMessageSchema(xmlSchemas, oper.Input, inputMessage);

                            if (oper.Output != null)
                                if (GetMessageEncoding(oper.Output) == SoapBindingUse.Encoded)
                                    AddMessageSchema(soapSchemas, oper.Output, outputMessage);
                                    AddMessageSchema(xmlSchemas, oper.Output, outputMessage);

            XmlSchemas defaultList = xmlSchemas;

            if (xmlSchemas.Count == 0 && soapSchemas.Count > 0)
                defaultList = soapSchemas;

            // Schemas not referenced by any message
            foreach (XmlSchema sc in Schemas)
                if (!soapSchemas.Contains(sc) && !xmlSchemas.Contains(sc))
                    if (ImportsEncodedNamespace(sc))
		public ServiceEndpointCollection ImportEndpoints (
			PortType portType)
			throw new NotImplementedException ();
 /// <include file='doc\ServiceDescription.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="PortTypeCollection.Add"]/*' />
 /// <devdoc>
 ///    <para>[To be supplied.]</para>
 /// </devdoc>
 public int Add(PortType portType) {
     return List.Add(portType);
Example #33
        /// <summary>
        /// Parses the action attribute based on rules of Web Services Addressing 1.0 - WSDL Binding specification
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="portType">A Web Service port type collection.</param>
        /// <param name="operation">A specific port type operation.</param>
        /// <param name="inAction">A string used to return the action uri.</param>
        /// <param name="outAction">A string used to return the out action uri.</param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Action rules:
        /// If portType/operation/Input or output has addressing:Action attribute use it
        /// else If soap/binding/operation has a soap12:operation element containing a soapAction atribute use it
        /// else if portType/operation/input has a name attribute - Action = target namespace/port_type_name/input|output name
        /// else Action = target namespace/port_type_name/message_type_name + Request or Response or Solicit
        private void GetAction(PortType portType, Operation operation, string targetNamespace, ref string inAction, ref string outAction)
            // If portType/operation/Input or output has addressing:Action attribute use it
            if (operation.Messages.Input != null && operation.Messages.Input.ExtensibleAttributes != null)
                foreach (XmlAttribute attribute in operation.Messages.Input.ExtensibleAttributes)
                    if (attribute.LocalName == "Action" && (attribute.NamespaceURI == "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2004/08/addressing" || attribute.NamespaceURI == "http://www.w3.org/2006/05/addressing/wsdl"))
                        inAction = attribute.Value;
            if (operation.Messages.Output != null && operation.Messages.Output.ExtensibleAttributes != null)
                foreach (XmlAttribute attribute in operation.Messages.Output.ExtensibleAttributes)
                    if (attribute.LocalName == "Action" && (attribute.NamespaceURI == "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2004/08/addressing" || attribute.NamespaceURI == "http://www.w3.org/2006/05/addressing/wsdl"))
                        outAction = attribute.Value;

            // If in or out action is null then:
            // If soap/binding/operation has a soap12:operation element containing an Action attribute use it
            string soapAction = GetSoapAction(portType, operation.Name);
            inAction = (inAction == null && soapAction != null) ? soapAction : inAction;
            outAction = (outAction == null && soapAction != null) ? soapAction : outAction;

            if(!targetNamespace.EndsWith("/")) targetNamespace += "/";

            // If in or out action is null then:
            // if portType/operation/input has a name attribute - Action = target namespace/port type name/input|output name
            if (inAction == null)
                if (operation.Messages.Input != null && operation.Messages.Input.Name != null)
                    inAction = targetNamespace + operation.PortType.Name + "/" + operation.Messages.Input.Name;
            if (outAction == null)
                if (operation.Messages.Output != null && operation.Messages.Output.Name != null)
                    outAction = targetNamespace + operation.PortType.Name + "/" + operation.Messages.Output.Name;

            // If in or out action is null then:
            // Action = target namespace/port type name/operation name + Request or Response or Solicit
            if (inAction == null && operation.Messages.Input != null && operation.Messages.Input.Message != null)
                int index = operation.Messages.Input.Message.Name.IndexOf(":");
                string inMessagetypeName = index == -1 ? operation.Messages.Input.Message.Name : operation.Messages.Input.Message.Name.Substring(index);
                inAction = targetNamespace + operation.PortType.Name + "/" + operation.Name; // + "Request";
            if (outAction == null && operation.Messages.Output != null && operation.Messages.Output.Message != null)
                int index = operation.Messages.Output.Message.Name.IndexOf(":");
                string outMessagetypeName = index == -1 ? operation.Messages.Output.Message.Name : operation.Messages.Output.Message.Name.Substring(index);
                outAction = targetNamespace + operation.PortType.Name + "/" + operation.Name + "Response";
 /// <include file='doc\ServiceDescription.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="PortTypeCollection.Remove"]/*' />
 /// <devdoc>
 ///    <para>[To be supplied.]</para>
 /// </devdoc>
 public void Remove(PortType portType) {
Example #35
 /// <summary>
 /// Helper method used to parse a soap bindings element looking for an operation
 /// with an Action property that defines the soapAction.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="portType">Service port type collection.</param>
 /// <returns>Soap action if found.</returns>
 private string GetSoapAction(PortType portType, string operationName)
     string soapAction = null;
     Binding soapBinding = null;
     if (portType.ServiceDescription.Bindings != null)
         foreach (Binding binding in portType.ServiceDescription.Bindings)
             // If this is the soap12 binding break;
             if (binding.Extensions.Find(typeof(Soap12Binding)) != null)
                 if (binding.Type.Name == portType.Name)
                     soapBinding = binding;
         if (soapBinding != null)
             foreach (OperationBinding operationBinding in soapBinding.Operations)
                 if (operationBinding.Name == operationName)
                     Soap12OperationBinding soapActionBinding = (Soap12OperationBinding)operationBinding.Extensions.Find(typeof(Soap12OperationBinding));
                     if (soapActionBinding != null)
                         soapAction = soapActionBinding.SoapAction;
                         return soapAction;
     return null;
Example #36
        bool ImportBindingContent(ServiceDescription desc, TypeStubInfo typeInfo, string url, BindingInfo binfo)
            serviceDescription = desc;

            // Look for an unused name

            int    n    = 0;
            string name = binfo.Name;
            bool   found;

                found = false;
                foreach (Binding bi in desc.Bindings)
                    if (bi.Name == name)
                        found = true; n++; name = binfo.Name + n; break;
            }while (found);

            // Create the binding

            binding      = new Binding();
            binding.Name = name;
            binding.Type = new XmlQualifiedName(binding.Name, binfo.Namespace);
#if NET_2_0
            if (binfo.WebServiceBindingAttribute != null && binfo.WebServiceBindingAttribute.EmitConformanceClaims)
                XmlDocument doc           = new XmlDocument();
                XmlElement  docElement    = doc.CreateElement("wsdl", "documentation", "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/");
                XmlElement  claimsElement = doc.CreateElement("wsi", "Claim", "http://ws-i.org/schemas/conformanceClaim/");
                claimsElement.Attributes.Append(doc.CreateAttribute("conformsTo")).Value = "http://ws-i.org/profiles/basic/1.1";
                binding.DocumentationElement = docElement;

            portType      = new PortType();
            portType.Name = binding.Name;


            foreach (SoapExtensionReflector reflector in extensionReflectors)
                reflector.ReflectionContext = this;

            foreach (MethodStubInfo method in typeInfo.Methods)
                methodStubInfo = method;

                string metBinding = ReflectMethodBinding();
                if (typeInfo.GetBinding(metBinding) != binfo)

                operation               = new Operation();
                operation.Name          = method.OperationName;
                operation.Documentation = method.MethodAttribute.Description;

                // FIXME: SOAP 1.1 and SOAP 1.2 should share
                // the same message definitions.

                inputMessage      = new Message();
                inputMessage.Name = method.Name + ProtocolName + "In";

                outputMessage      = new Message();
                outputMessage.Name = method.Name + ProtocolName + "Out";

                OperationInput inOp = new OperationInput();
                if (method.Name != method.OperationName)
                    inOp.Name = method.Name;
                inOp.Message = new XmlQualifiedName(inputMessage.Name, ServiceDescription.TargetNamespace);

                OperationOutput outOp = new OperationOutput();
                if (method.Name != method.OperationName)
                    outOp.Name = method.Name;
                outOp.Message = new XmlQualifiedName(outputMessage.Name, ServiceDescription.TargetNamespace);


                if (!ReflectMethod())
#if NET_2_0
                    // (It is somewhat hacky) If we don't
                    // add input/output Messages, update
                    // portType/input/@message and
                    // porttype/output/@message.
                    Message dupIn = Parent.MappedMessagesIn [method.MethodInfo];
                    inOp.Message = new XmlQualifiedName(dupIn.Name, ServiceDescription.TargetNamespace);
                    Message dupOut = Parent.MappedMessagesOut [method.MethodInfo];
                    outOp.Message = new XmlQualifiedName(dupOut.Name, ServiceDescription.TargetNamespace);

                foreach (SoapExtensionReflector reflector in extensionReflectors)
                    reflector.ReflectionContext = this;


            if (portType.Operations.Count > 0)
Example #37
 public virtual void Check(ConformanceCheckContext ctx, PortType value)
        void ReflectBinding(ReflectedBinding reflectedBinding)
            string bindingName      = reflectedBinding.bindingAttr.Name;
            string bindingNamespace = reflectedBinding.bindingAttr.Namespace;

            if (bindingName.Length == 0)
                bindingName = Service.Name + ProtocolName;
            if (bindingNamespace.Length == 0)
                bindingNamespace = ServiceDescription.TargetNamespace;

            if (reflectedBinding.bindingAttr.Location.Length > 0)
                // If a URL is specified for the WSDL, file, then we just import the
                // binding from there instead of generating it in this WSDL file.
                portType = null;
                binding  = null;
                bindingServiceDescription = GetServiceDescription(bindingNamespace);
                CodeIdentifiers bindingNames = new CodeIdentifiers();
                foreach (Binding b in bindingServiceDescription.Bindings)

                bindingName = bindingNames.AddUnique(bindingName, binding);

                portType      = new PortType();
                binding       = new Binding();
                portType.Name = bindingName;
                binding.Name  = bindingName;
                binding.Type  = new XmlQualifiedName(portType.Name, bindingNamespace);

            if (portNames == null)
                portNames = new CodeIdentifiers();
                foreach (Port p in Service.Ports)

            port         = new Port();
            port.Binding = new XmlQualifiedName(bindingName, bindingNamespace);
            port.Name    = portNames.AddUnique(bindingName, port);


            foreach (LogicalMethodInfo method in reflectedBinding.methodList)

                operation               = new Operation();
                operation.Name          = method.Name;
                operation.Documentation = methodAttr.Description;

                operationBinding      = new OperationBinding();
                operationBinding.Name = operation.Name;

                inputMessage   = null;
                outputMessage  = null;
                headerMessages = null;

                if (ReflectMethod())
                    if (inputMessage != null)
                    if (outputMessage != null)
                    if (headerMessages != null)
                        foreach (Message headerMessage in headerMessages)

Example #39
 internal void SetParent(PortType portType)
     this.portType = portType;
 void MoveToBinding(Binding binding, PortType portType)
     MoveToBinding(null, null, binding, portType);
Example #41
        public static System.Web.Services.Description.PortType Senasaport(System.Web.Services.Description.PortType Puertito)

 public bool Contains(PortType portType)
 void MoveToBinding(Binding binding, PortType portType) {
     MoveToBinding(null, null, binding, portType);
 public void Insert(int index, PortType portType)
     base.List.Insert(index, portType);
 void MoveToBinding(Service service, Port port, Binding binding, PortType portType) {
     this.service = service;
     this.port = port;
     this.portType = portType;
     this.binding = binding;
     this.encodedBinding = false;
Example #46
        void ImportPortBinding(bool multipleBindings)
            if (port != null)
                if (multipleBindings)
                    className = binding.Name;
                    className = service.Name;
                className = binding.Name;

            className = classNames.AddUnique(CodeIdentifier.MakeValid(className), port);
            className = className.Replace("_x0020_", ""); // MS.NET seems to do this

                portType = ServiceDescriptions.GetPortType(binding.Type);
                if (portType == null)
                    throw new Exception("Port type not found: " + binding.Type);

                CodeTypeDeclaration codeClass = BeginClass();
                codeTypeDeclaration = codeClass;
                AddCodeType(codeClass, port != null ? port.Documentation : null);
                codeClass.Attributes = MemberAttributes.Public;

                if (service != null && service.Documentation != null && service.Documentation != "")
                    AddComments(codeClass, service.Documentation);

                if (Style == ServiceDescriptionImportStyle.Client)
                    CodeAttributeDeclaration att = new CodeAttributeDeclaration("System.Diagnostics.DebuggerStepThroughAttribute");
                    AddCustomAttribute(codeClass, att, true);

                    att = new CodeAttributeDeclaration("System.ComponentModel.DesignerCategoryAttribute");
                    AddCustomAttribute(codeClass, att, true);
                    codeClass.TypeAttributes = System.Reflection.TypeAttributes.Abstract | System.Reflection.TypeAttributes.Public;

                if (binding.Operations.Count == 0)
                    warnings |= ServiceDescriptionImportWarnings.NoMethodsGenerated;

                foreach (OperationBinding oper in binding.Operations)
                    operationBinding = oper;
                    operation        = FindPortOperation();
                    if (operation == null)
                        throw new Exception("Operation " + operationBinding.Name + " not found in portType " + PortType.Name);

                    inputMessage  = null;
                    outputMessage = null;

                    foreach (OperationMessage omsg in operation.Messages)
                        Message msg = ServiceDescriptions.GetMessage(omsg.Message);
                        if (msg == null)
                            throw new Exception("Message not found: " + omsg.Message);

                        if (omsg is OperationInput)
                            inputMessage = msg;
                            outputMessage = msg;

                    CodeMemberMethod method = GenerateMethod();

                    if (method != null)
                        methodName = method.Name;
                        if (operation.Documentation != null && operation.Documentation != "")
                            AddComments(method, operation.Documentation);
#if NET_2_0
                        if (Style == ServiceDescriptionImportStyle.Client)
                            AddAsyncMembers(method.Name, method);

#if NET_2_0
                if (Style == ServiceDescriptionImportStyle.Client)

            catch (InvalidOperationException ex)
                warnings |= ServiceDescriptionImportWarnings.NoCodeGenerated;
        public override void Check(ConformanceCheckContext ctx, Binding value)
            SoapBinding sb = (SoapBinding)value.Extensions.Find(typeof(SoapBinding));

            if (sb == null)

            if (sb.Transport == null || sb.Transport == "")
                ctx.ReportRuleViolation(value, BasicProfileRules.R2701);

            if (sb.Transport != "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/http")
                ctx.ReportRuleViolation(value, BasicProfileRules.R2702);

            LiteralType type = GetLiteralBindingType(value);

            if (type == LiteralType.NotLiteral)
                ctx.ReportRuleViolation(value, BasicProfileRules.R2706);
            else if (type == LiteralType.Inconsistent)
                ctx.ReportRuleViolation(value, BasicProfileRules.R2705);

            // Collect all parts referenced from this type

            Hashtable parts = new Hashtable();
            PortType  port  = ctx.Services.GetPortType(value.Type);

            foreach (Operation op in port.Operations)
                foreach (OperationMessage om in op.Messages)
                    Message msg = ctx.Services.GetMessage(om.Message);
                    foreach (MessagePart part in msg.Parts)
                        parts [part] = part; // do not use Add() - there could be the same MessagePart instance.

            foreach (OperationBinding ob in value.Operations)
                if (ob.Input != null)
                    CheckMessageBinding(ctx, parts, ob.Input);
                if (ob.Output != null)
                    CheckMessageBinding(ctx, parts, ob.Output);
                foreach (FaultBinding fb in ob.Faults)
                    CheckMessageBinding(ctx, parts, fb);

            if (parts.Count > 0)
                ctx.ReportRuleViolation(value, BasicProfileRules.R2209);

            // check existence of corresponding operation in portType for each binding operation
            if (CheckCorrespondingOperationsForBinding(ctx, value, port))
                ctx.ReportRuleViolation(value, BasicProfileRules.R2718);

            // check duplicate operation signature.
            ArrayList sigs = new ArrayList();

            foreach (OperationBinding ob in value.Operations)
                if (sigs.Contains(ob.Name))
                    ctx.ReportRuleViolation(value, BasicProfileRules.R2710);

            // check namespace declarations.
            switch (type)
            case LiteralType.Document:
            case LiteralType.Rpc:
                CheckSoapBindingExtensions(ctx, value, type);
 internal void SetParent(PortType parent) {
     this.parent = parent;
        bool CheckCorrespondingOperationsForBinding(ConformanceCheckContext ctx, Binding value, PortType port)
            if (value.Operations.Count != port.Operations.Count)
            foreach (OperationBinding b in value.Operations)
                Operation op = port.Operations.Find(b.Name);
                if (op == null)

                bool msg, bind;
                // input
                msg  = op.Messages.Input != null;
                bind = b.Input != null;
                if (msg != bind)
                // output
                msg  = op.Messages.Output != null;
                bind = b.Output != null;
                if (msg != bind)
                // faults
                foreach (FaultBinding fb in b.Faults)
                    if (op.Messages.Find(fb.Name) == null)
 /// <include file='doc\ServiceDescription.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="PortTypeCollection.Insert"]/*' />
 /// <devdoc>
 ///    <para>[To be supplied.]</para>
 /// </devdoc>
 public void Insert(int index, PortType portType) {
     List.Insert(index, portType);
		List<IWsdlExportExtension> ExportContractInternal (ContractDescription contract)
			QName qname = new QName (contract.Name, contract.Namespace);
			if (ExportedContracts.ContainsKey (qname))
				throw new ArgumentException (String.Format (
					"A ContractDescription with Namespace : {0} and Name : {1} has already been exported.", 
					contract.Namespace, contract.Name));

			WSServiceDescription sd = GetServiceDescription (contract.Namespace);

			List<IWsdlExportExtension> extensions = new List<IWsdlExportExtension> ();
			foreach (IWsdlExportExtension extn in contract.Behaviors.FindAll<IWsdlExportExtension> ())
				extensions.Add (extn);

			XmlDocument xdoc = new XmlDocument ();

			PortType ws_port = new PortType ();
			ws_port.Name = contract.Name;

			foreach (OperationDescription sm_op in contract.Operations) {
				Operation ws_op = new Operation ();
				ws_op.Name = sm_op.Name;

				foreach (MessageDescription sm_md in sm_op.Messages) {
					OperationMessage ws_opmsg;
					WSMessage ws_msg = new WSMessage ();
					MessagePart ws_msgpart;
					if (sm_md.Direction == MessageDirection.Input) {
						ws_opmsg = new OperationInput ();
						ws_msg.Name = String.Concat (ws_port.Name, "_", ws_op.Name, "_", "InputMessage");
						ws_msgpart = ExportMessageBodyDescription (sm_md.Body, ws_op.Name, sd.TargetNamespace);
					} else {
						ws_opmsg = new OperationOutput ();
						ws_msg.Name = String.Concat (ws_port.Name, "_", ws_op.Name, "_", "OutputMessage");
						ws_msgpart = ExportMessageBodyDescription (sm_md.Body, ws_op.Name + "Response", sd.TargetNamespace);
					ws_msg.Parts.Add (ws_msgpart);	

					/* FIXME: Faults */

					XmlAttribute attr = xdoc.CreateAttribute ("wsaw", "Action", "http://www.w3.org/2006/05/addressing/wsdl");
					attr.Value = sm_md.Action;
					ws_opmsg.ExtensibleAttributes = new XmlAttribute [] { attr };
					//FIXME: Set .Input & .Output

					ws_opmsg.Message = new QName (ws_msg.Name, sd.TargetNamespace);
					ws_op.Messages.Add (ws_opmsg);
					sd.Messages.Add (ws_msg);

				ws_port.Operations.Add (ws_op);

				foreach (IWsdlExportExtension extn in sm_op.Behaviors.FindAll<IWsdlExportExtension> ())
					extensions.Add (extn);

			//Add Imports for <types
			XmlSchema xs_import = new XmlSchema ();
			xs_import.TargetNamespace = String.Concat (
					contract.Namespace.EndsWith ("/") ? "" : "/",
			foreach (XmlSchema schema in GeneratedXmlSchemas.Schemas ()) {
				XmlSchemaImport imp = new XmlSchemaImport ();
				imp.Namespace = schema.TargetNamespace;
				xs_import.Includes.Add (imp);
			sd.Types.Schemas.Add (xs_import);

			sd.PortTypes.Add (ws_port);
			ExportedContracts [qname] = contract;

			WsdlContractConversionContext context = new WsdlContractConversionContext (contract, ws_port);
			foreach (IWsdlExportExtension extn in extensions)
				extn.ExportContract (this, context);

			return extensions;
 /// <include file='doc\ServiceDescription.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="PortTypeCollection.Contains"]/*' />
 /// <devdoc>
 ///    <para>[To be supplied.]</para>
 /// </devdoc>
 public bool Contains(PortType portType) {
     return List.Contains(portType);
        private void ProcessWsdl()
            string           wsdlText;
            string           portType;
            string           bindingName;
            string           address;
            string           spnIdentity       = null;
            string           upnIdentity       = null;
            string           dnsIdentity       = null;
            EndpointIdentity identity          = null;
            string           serializer        = null;
            string           contractNamespace = null;
            string           bindingNamespace  = null;

            propertyTable.TryGetValue(MonikerHelper.MonikerAttribute.Wsdl, out wsdlText);
            propertyTable.TryGetValue(MonikerHelper.MonikerAttribute.Contract, out portType);
            propertyTable.TryGetValue(MonikerHelper.MonikerAttribute.Binding, out bindingName);
            propertyTable.TryGetValue(MonikerHelper.MonikerAttribute.Address, out address);
            propertyTable.TryGetValue(MonikerHelper.MonikerAttribute.SpnIdentity, out spnIdentity);
            propertyTable.TryGetValue(MonikerHelper.MonikerAttribute.UpnIdentity, out upnIdentity);
            propertyTable.TryGetValue(MonikerHelper.MonikerAttribute.DnsIdentity, out dnsIdentity);
            propertyTable.TryGetValue(MonikerHelper.MonikerAttribute.Serializer, out serializer);
            propertyTable.TryGetValue(MonikerHelper.MonikerAttribute.BindingNamespace, out bindingNamespace);
            propertyTable.TryGetValue(MonikerHelper.MonikerAttribute.ContractNamespace, out contractNamespace);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(wsdlText))
                throw Fx.AssertAndThrow("Wsdl should not be null at this point");
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(portType) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(bindingName) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(address))
                throw DiagnosticUtility.ExceptionUtility.ThrowHelperError(new MonikerSyntaxException(SR.GetString(SR.ContractBindingAddressCannotBeNull)));

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(spnIdentity))
                if ((!string.IsNullOrEmpty(upnIdentity)) || (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dnsIdentity)))
                    throw DiagnosticUtility.ExceptionUtility.ThrowHelperError(new MonikerSyntaxException(SR.GetString(SR.MonikerIncorrectServerIdentity)));
                identity = EndpointIdentity.CreateSpnIdentity(spnIdentity);
            else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(upnIdentity))
                if ((!string.IsNullOrEmpty(spnIdentity)) || (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dnsIdentity)))
                    throw DiagnosticUtility.ExceptionUtility.ThrowHelperError(new MonikerSyntaxException(SR.GetString(SR.MonikerIncorrectServerIdentity)));
                identity = EndpointIdentity.CreateUpnIdentity(upnIdentity);
            else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dnsIdentity))
                if ((!string.IsNullOrEmpty(spnIdentity)) || (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(upnIdentity)))
                    throw DiagnosticUtility.ExceptionUtility.ThrowHelperError(new MonikerSyntaxException(SR.GetString(SR.MonikerIncorrectServerIdentity)));
                identity = EndpointIdentity.CreateDnsIdentity(dnsIdentity);
                identity = null;

            bool removeXmlSerializerImporter = false;

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(serializer))
                if ("xml" != serializer && "datacontract" != serializer)
                    throw DiagnosticUtility.ExceptionUtility.ThrowHelperError(new MonikerSyntaxException(SR.GetString(SR.MonikerIncorectSerializer)));

                if ("xml" == serializer)
                    useXmlSerializer = true;
                    removeXmlSerializerImporter = true; // specifying datacontract will explicitly remove the Xml importer
                // if this parameter is not set we will simply use indigo defaults

            TextReader reader = new StringReader(wsdlText);

                    WsdlNS.ServiceDescription wsdl = WsdlNS.ServiceDescription.Read(reader);

                    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(contractNamespace))
                        contractNamespace = wsdl.TargetNamespace;

                    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(bindingNamespace))
                        bindingNamespace = wsdl.TargetNamespace;

                    WsdlNS.ServiceDescriptionCollection wsdlDocs = new WsdlNS.ServiceDescriptionCollection();
                    XmlSchemaSet schemas = new XmlSchemaSet();
                    foreach (XmlSchema schema in wsdl.Types.Schemas)

                    MetadataSet  mds = new MetadataSet(WsdlImporter.CreateMetadataDocuments(wsdlDocs, schemas, null));
                    WsdlImporter importer;

                    if (useXmlSerializer)
                        importer = CreateXmlSerializerImporter(mds);
                        if (removeXmlSerializerImporter)
                            importer = CreateDataContractSerializerImporter(mds);
                            importer = new WsdlImporter(mds);

                    XmlQualifiedName contractQname = new XmlQualifiedName(portType, contractNamespace);
                    XmlQualifiedName bindingQname  = new XmlQualifiedName(bindingName, bindingNamespace);

                    WsdlNS.PortType wsdlPortType = wsdlDocs.GetPortType(contractQname);
                    contractDescription = importer.ImportContract(wsdlPortType);

                    WsdlNS.Binding wsdlBinding = wsdlDocs.GetBinding(bindingQname);
                    Binding        binding     = importer.ImportBinding(wsdlBinding);

                    EndpointAddress endpointAddress = new EndpointAddress(new Uri(address), identity, (AddressHeaderCollection)null);

                    serviceEndpoint = new ServiceEndpoint(contractDescription, binding, endpointAddress);

                    ComPlusWsdlChannelBuilderTrace.Trace(TraceEventType.Verbose, TraceCode.ComIntegrationWsdlChannelBuilderLoaded,
                                                         SR.TraceCodeComIntegrationWsdlChannelBuilderLoaded, bindingQname, contractQname, wsdl, contractDescription, binding, wsdl.Types.Schemas);
                catch (Exception e)
                    if (Fx.IsFatal(e))

                    throw DiagnosticUtility.ExceptionUtility.ThrowHelperError(new MonikerSyntaxException(SR.GetString(SR.FailedImportOfWsdl, e.Message)));
                IDisposable disposee = reader;
 /// <include file='doc\ServiceDescription.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="PortTypeCollection.CopyTo"]/*' />
 /// <devdoc>
 ///    <para>[To be supplied.]</para>
 /// </devdoc>
 public void CopyTo(PortType[] array, int index) {
     List.CopyTo(array, index);
        WsdlNS.PortType CreateWsdlPortType(ContractDescription contract)
            XmlQualifiedName wsdlPortTypeQName = WsdlNamingHelper.GetPortTypeQName(contract);

            WsdlNS.ServiceDescription wsdl = GetOrCreateWsdl(wsdlPortTypeQName.Namespace);
            WsdlNS.PortType wsdlPortType = new WsdlNS.PortType();
            wsdlPortType.Name = wsdlPortTypeQName.Name;
            if (wsdl.PortTypes[wsdlPortType.Name] != null)
                throw DiagnosticUtility.ExceptionUtility.ThrowHelperError(new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.DuplicateContractQNameNameOnExport, contract.Name, contract.Namespace)));
            NetSessionHelper.AddUsingSessionAttributeIfNeeded(wsdlPortType, contract);

            return wsdlPortType;
Example #56
		public void InitializePortType()
			portType = new PortType();
        void ReflectBinding(ReflectedBinding reflectedBinding)
            string bindingName      = XmlConvert.EncodeLocalName(reflectedBinding.bindingAttr.Name);
            string bindingNamespace = reflectedBinding.bindingAttr.Namespace;

            if (bindingName.Length == 0)
                bindingName = Service.Name + ProtocolName;
            if (bindingNamespace.Length == 0)
                bindingNamespace = ServiceDescription.TargetNamespace;
            WsiProfiles claims = WsiProfiles.None;

            if (reflectedBinding.bindingAttr.Location.Length > 0)
                // If a URL is specified for the WSDL, file, then we just import the
                // binding from there instead of generating it in this WSDL file.
                portType = null;
                binding  = null;
                bindingServiceDescription = GetServiceDescription(bindingNamespace);
                CodeIdentifiers bindingNames = new CodeIdentifiers();
                foreach (Binding b in bindingServiceDescription.Bindings)

                bindingName = bindingNames.AddUnique(bindingName, binding);

                portType      = new PortType();
                binding       = new Binding();
                portType.Name = bindingName;
                binding.Name  = bindingName;
                binding.Type  = new XmlQualifiedName(portType.Name, bindingNamespace);
                claims        = reflectedBinding.bindingAttr.ConformsTo & this.ConformsTo;
                if (reflectedBinding.bindingAttr.EmitConformanceClaims && claims != WsiProfiles.None)
                    ServiceDescription.AddConformanceClaims(binding.GetDocumentationElement(), claims);

            if (portNames == null)
                portNames = new CodeIdentifiers();
                foreach (Port p in Service.Ports)

            port         = new Port();
            port.Binding = new XmlQualifiedName(bindingName, bindingNamespace);
            port.Name    = portNames.AddUnique(bindingName, port);


            if (reflectedBinding.methodList != null && reflectedBinding.methodList.Count > 0)
                foreach (LogicalMethodInfo method in reflectedBinding.methodList)

                    operation      = new Operation();
                    operation.Name = XmlConvert.EncodeLocalName(method.Name);
                    if (methodAttr.Description != null && methodAttr.Description.Length > 0)
                        operation.Documentation = methodAttr.Description;

                    operationBinding      = new OperationBinding();
                    operationBinding.Name = operation.Name;

                    inputMessage   = null;
                    outputMessage  = null;
                    headerMessages = null;

                    if (ReflectMethod())
                        if (inputMessage != null)
                        if (outputMessage != null)
                        if (headerMessages != null)
                            foreach (Message headerMessage in headerMessages)
            if (binding != null && claims == WsiProfiles.BasicProfile1_1 && ProtocolName == "Soap")
                BasicProfileViolationCollection warnings = new BasicProfileViolationCollection();
                WebServicesInteroperability.AnalyzeBinding(binding, bindingServiceDescription, ServiceDescriptions, warnings);
                if (warnings.Count > 0)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(Res.GetString(Res.WebWsiViolation, ServiceType.FullName, warnings.ToString()));
Example #58
		bool ImportBindingContent (ServiceDescription desc, TypeStubInfo typeInfo, string url, BindingInfo binfo)
			serviceDescription = desc;
			// Look for an unused name
			int n=0;
			string name = binfo.Name;
			bool found;
				found = false;
				foreach (Binding bi in desc.Bindings)
					if (bi.Name == name) { found = true; n++; name = binfo.Name+n; break; }
			while (found);
			// Create the binding
			binding = new Binding ();
			binding.Name = name;
			binding.Type = new XmlQualifiedName (binding.Name, binfo.Namespace);
			if (binfo.WebServiceBindingAttribute != null && binfo.WebServiceBindingAttribute.EmitConformanceClaims) {
				XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument ();
				XmlElement docElement = doc.CreateElement ("wsdl", "documentation", "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/");
				XmlElement claimsElement = doc.CreateElement ("wsi", "Claim", "http://ws-i.org/schemas/conformanceClaim/");
				claimsElement.Attributes.Append (doc.CreateAttribute ("conformsTo")).Value = "http://ws-i.org/profiles/basic/1.1";
				docElement.AppendChild (claimsElement);
				binding.DocumentationElement = docElement;
			portType = new PortType ();
			portType.Name = binding.Name;

			BeginClass ();

			foreach (SoapExtensionReflector reflector in extensionReflectors)
				reflector.ReflectionContext = this;
				reflector.ReflectDescription ();

			foreach (MethodStubInfo method in typeInfo.Methods)
				methodStubInfo = method;
				string metBinding = ReflectMethodBinding ();
				if (typeInfo.GetBinding (metBinding) != binfo) continue;
				operation = new Operation ();
				operation.Name = method.OperationName;
				operation.Documentation = method.MethodAttribute.Description;

				// FIXME: SOAP 1.1 and SOAP 1.2 should share
				// the same message definitions.

				inputMessage = new Message ();
				inputMessage.Name = method.Name + ProtocolName + "In";
				ServiceDescription.Messages.Add (inputMessage);
				outputMessage = new Message ();
				outputMessage.Name = method.Name + ProtocolName + "Out";
				ServiceDescription.Messages.Add (outputMessage);

				OperationInput inOp = new OperationInput ();
				if (method.Name != method.OperationName) inOp.Name = method.Name;
				Operation.Messages.Add (inOp);
				inOp.Message = new XmlQualifiedName (inputMessage.Name, ServiceDescription.TargetNamespace);
				OperationOutput outOp = new OperationOutput ();
				if (method.Name != method.OperationName) outOp.Name = method.Name;
				Operation.Messages.Add (outOp);
				outOp.Message = new XmlQualifiedName (outputMessage.Name, ServiceDescription.TargetNamespace);
				portType.Operations.Add (operation);
				ImportOperationBinding ();
				if (!ReflectMethod ()) {
					// (It is somewhat hacky) If we don't
					// add input/output Messages, update
					// portType/input/@message and
					// porttype/output/@message.
					Message dupIn = Parent.MappedMessagesIn [method.MethodInfo];
					ServiceDescription.Messages.Remove (inputMessage);
					inOp.Message = new XmlQualifiedName (dupIn.Name, ServiceDescription.TargetNamespace);
					Message dupOut = Parent.MappedMessagesOut [method.MethodInfo];
					ServiceDescription.Messages.Remove (outputMessage);
					outOp.Message = new XmlQualifiedName (dupOut.Name, ServiceDescription.TargetNamespace);

				foreach (SoapExtensionReflector reflector in extensionReflectors)
					reflector.ReflectionContext = this;
					reflector.ReflectMethod ();
			EndClass ();
			if (portType.Operations.Count > 0)
				desc.Bindings.Add (binding);
				desc.PortTypes.Add (portType);
				return true;
				return false;
Example #59
        internal static bool AnalyzeBinding(Binding binding, ServiceDescription description, ServiceDescriptionCollection descriptions, BasicProfileViolationCollection violations)
            bool        flag     = false;
            bool        flag2    = false;
            SoapBinding binding2 = (SoapBinding)binding.Extensions.Find(typeof(SoapBinding));

            if ((binding2 == null) || (binding2.GetType() != typeof(SoapBinding)))
            SoapBindingStyle style = (binding2.Style == SoapBindingStyle.Default) ? SoapBindingStyle.Document : binding2.Style;

            if (binding2.Transport.Length == 0)
                violations.Add("R2701", System.Web.Services.Res.GetString("BindingMissingAttribute", new object[] { binding.Name, description.TargetNamespace, "transport" }));
            else if (binding2.Transport != "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/http")
                violations.Add("R2702", System.Web.Services.Res.GetString("BindingInvalidAttribute", new object[] { binding.Name, description.TargetNamespace, "transport", binding2.Transport }));
            PortType  portType  = descriptions.GetPortType(binding.Type);
            Hashtable hashtable = new Hashtable();

            if (portType != null)
                foreach (Operation operation in portType.Operations)
                    if (operation.Messages.Flow == OperationFlow.Notification)
                        violations.Add("R2303", System.Web.Services.Res.GetString("OperationFlowNotification", new object[] { operation.Name, binding.Type.Namespace, binding.Type.Namespace }));
                    if (operation.Messages.Flow == OperationFlow.SolicitResponse)
                        violations.Add("R2303", System.Web.Services.Res.GetString("OperationFlowSolicitResponse", new object[] { operation.Name, binding.Type.Namespace, binding.Type.Namespace }));
                    if (hashtable[operation.Name] != null)
                        violations.Add("R2304", System.Web.Services.Res.GetString("Operation", new object[] { operation.Name, binding.Type.Name, binding.Type.Namespace }));
                        OperationBinding binding3 = null;
                        foreach (OperationBinding binding4 in binding.Operations)
                            if (operation.IsBoundBy(binding4))
                                if (binding3 != null)
                                    violations.Add("R2304", System.Web.Services.Res.GetString("OperationBinding", new object[] { binding3.Name, binding3.Parent.Name, description.TargetNamespace }));
                                binding3 = binding4;
                        if (binding3 == null)
                            violations.Add("R2718", System.Web.Services.Res.GetString("OperationMissingBinding", new object[] { operation.Name, binding.Type.Name, binding.Type.Namespace }));
                            hashtable.Add(operation.Name, operation);
            Hashtable        wireSignatures = new Hashtable();
            SoapBindingStyle style2         = SoapBindingStyle.Default;

            foreach (OperationBinding binding5 in binding.Operations)
                SoapBindingStyle style3 = style;
                string           name   = binding5.Name;
                if (name != null)
                    if (hashtable[name] == null)
                        violations.Add("R2718", System.Web.Services.Res.GetString("PortTypeOperationMissing", new object[] { binding5.Name, binding.Name, description.TargetNamespace, binding.Type.Name, binding.Type.Namespace }));
                    Operation            operation2 = FindOperation(portType.Operations, binding5);
                    SoapOperationBinding binding6   = (SoapOperationBinding)binding5.Extensions.Find(typeof(SoapOperationBinding));
                    if (binding6 != null)
                        if (style2 == SoapBindingStyle.Default)
                            style2 = binding6.Style;
                        flag  |= style2 != binding6.Style;
                        style3 = (binding6.Style != SoapBindingStyle.Default) ? binding6.Style : style;
                    if (binding5.Input != null)
                        SoapBodyBinding binding7 = FindSoapBodyBinding(true, binding5.Input.Extensions, violations, style3 == SoapBindingStyle.Document, binding5.Name, binding.Name, description.TargetNamespace);
                        if ((binding7 != null) && (binding7.Use != SoapBindingUse.Encoded))
                            Message message = (operation2 == null) ? null : ((operation2.Messages.Input == null) ? null : descriptions.GetMessage(operation2.Messages.Input.Message));
                            if (style3 == SoapBindingStyle.Rpc)
                                CheckMessageParts(message, binding7.Parts, false, binding5.Name, binding.Name, description.TargetNamespace, wireSignatures, violations);
                                flag2 = flag2 || ((binding7.Parts != null) && (binding7.Parts.Length > 1));
                                int num = (binding7.Parts == null) ? 0 : binding7.Parts.Length;
                                CheckMessageParts(message, binding7.Parts, true, binding5.Name, binding.Name, description.TargetNamespace, wireSignatures, violations);
                                if (((num == 0) && (message != null)) && (message.Parts.Count > 1))
                                    violations.Add("R2210", System.Web.Services.Res.GetString("OperationBinding", new object[] { binding5.Name, binding.Name, description.TargetNamespace }));
                    if (binding5.Output != null)
                        SoapBodyBinding binding8 = FindSoapBodyBinding(false, binding5.Output.Extensions, violations, style3 == SoapBindingStyle.Document, binding5.Name, binding.Name, description.TargetNamespace);
                        if ((binding8 != null) && (binding8.Use != SoapBindingUse.Encoded))
                            Message message2 = (operation2 == null) ? null : ((operation2.Messages.Output == null) ? null : descriptions.GetMessage(operation2.Messages.Output.Message));
                            if (style3 == SoapBindingStyle.Rpc)
                                CheckMessageParts(message2, binding8.Parts, false, binding5.Name, binding.Name, description.TargetNamespace, null, violations);
                                flag2 = flag2 || ((binding8.Parts != null) && (binding8.Parts.Length > 1));
                                int num2 = (binding8.Parts == null) ? 0 : binding8.Parts.Length;
                                CheckMessageParts(message2, binding8.Parts, true, binding5.Name, binding.Name, description.TargetNamespace, null, violations);
                                if (((num2 == 0) && (message2 != null)) && (message2.Parts.Count > 1))
                                    violations.Add("R2210", System.Web.Services.Res.GetString("OperationBinding", new object[] { binding5.Name, binding.Name, description.TargetNamespace }));
                    foreach (FaultBinding binding9 in binding5.Faults)
                        foreach (ServiceDescriptionFormatExtension extension in binding9.Extensions)
                            if (extension is SoapFaultBinding)
                                SoapFaultBinding item = (SoapFaultBinding)extension;
                                if (item.Use == SoapBindingUse.Encoded)
                                    violations.Add("R2706", MessageString(item, binding5.Name, binding.Name, description.TargetNamespace, false, null));
                                    if ((item.Name == null) || (item.Name.Length == 0))
                                        violations.Add("R2721", System.Web.Services.Res.GetString("FaultBinding", new object[] { binding9.Name, binding5.Name, binding.Name, description.TargetNamespace }));
                                    else if (item.Name != binding9.Name)
                                        violations.Add("R2754", System.Web.Services.Res.GetString("FaultBinding", new object[] { binding9.Name, binding5.Name, binding.Name, description.TargetNamespace }));
                                    if ((item.Namespace != null) && (item.Namespace.Length > 0))
                                        violations.Add((style3 == SoapBindingStyle.Document) ? "R2716" : "R2726", MessageString(item, binding5.Name, binding.Name, description.TargetNamespace, false, null));
                    if (hashtable[binding5.Name] == null)
                        violations.Add("R2718", System.Web.Services.Res.GetString("PortTypeOperationMissing", new object[] { binding5.Name, binding.Name, description.TargetNamespace, binding.Type.Name, binding.Type.Namespace }));
            if (flag2)
                violations.Add("R2201", System.Web.Services.Res.GetString("BindingMultipleParts", new object[] { binding.Name, description.TargetNamespace, "parts" }));
            if (flag)
                violations.Add("R2705", System.Web.Services.Res.GetString("Binding", new object[] { binding.Name, description.TargetNamespace }));