// Try to parse the change incrementally
        // Partial Parsing succeeds if:
        //  * A single span can be identified which owns the change (i.e. it doesn't overlap multiple spans)
        //  * The span which owns the change has logic to accept it
        // The performance of this method is crucial, since it occurs on the caller's thread (usually a UI thread).
        private PartialParseResult TryPartialParse(TextChange change) {
            PartialParseResult result = PartialParseResult.Rejected;
            if (CurrentParseTree != null && !_parseUnderway) {
                // Try the last change owner
                if (_lastChangeOwner != null && _lastChangeOwner.OwnsChange(change)) {
                    result = _lastChangeOwner.ApplyChange(change);
                    // If the last change was provisional, then the result of this span's attempt to parse partially goes
                    // Otherwise, accept the change if this span accepted it, but if it didn't, just do the standard search.
                    if (LastResultProvisional || result.HasFlag(PartialParseResult.Accepted)) {
                        return result;

                // Locate the span responsible for this change
                _lastChangeOwner = CurrentParseTree.LocateOwner(change);

                if (LastResultProvisional) {
                    // Last change owner couldn't accept this, so we must do a full reparse
                    result = PartialParseResult.Rejected;
                else if (_lastChangeOwner != null) {
                    result = _lastChangeOwner.ApplyChange(change);
                    if (result.HasFlag(PartialParseResult.AutoCompleteBlock)) {
                        _lastAutoCompleteSpan = _lastChangeOwner;

            return result;