Example #1
        public void TypeDiscoveryWithRenamedAttribute()
            // Compile the referenced assembly first.
            Compilation referencedCompilation = CompilationHelper.CreateReferencedLocationCompilation();

            // Emit the image of the referenced assembly.
            byte[] referencedImage = CompilationHelper.CreateAssemblyImage(referencedCompilation);
            MetadataReference[] additionalReferences = { MetadataReference.CreateFromImage(referencedImage) };

            string source = @"
            using System.Text.Json.Serialization;
            using ReferencedAssembly;

            using @JsonSerializable = System.Runtime.Serialization.CollectionDataContractAttribute ;
            using AliasedAttribute = System.Text.Json.Serialization.JsonSerializableAttribute;

            namespace HelloWorld

                internal partial class JsonContext : JsonSerializerContext

                public class MyType
                    public int PublicPropertyInt { get; set; }
                    public string PublicPropertyString { get; set; }
                    private int PrivatePropertyInt { get; set; }
                    private string PrivatePropertyString { get; set; }

                    public double PublicDouble;
                    public char PublicChar;
                    private double PrivateDouble;
                    private char PrivateChar;

                    public void MyMethod() { }
                    public void MySecondMethod() { }
                    public void UsePrivates()
                        PrivateDouble = 0;
                        PrivateChar = ' ';
                        double d = PrivateDouble;
                        char c = PrivateChar;

            Compilation compilation = CompilationHelper.CreateCompilation(source, additionalReferences);

            JsonSourceGenerator generator = new JsonSourceGenerator();

            Compilation newCompilation = CompilationHelper.RunGenerators(compilation, out var generatorDiags, generator);

            // Make sure compilation was successful.

            Dictionary <string, Type> types = generator.GetSerializableTypes();

            // Check base functionality of found types.
            Assert.Equal(2, types.Count);

            // Check for MyType.
            Type myType = types["HelloWorld.MyType"];

            Assert.Equal("HelloWorld.MyType", myType.FullName);

            // Check for received fields, properties and methods for MyType.
            string[] expectedFieldNamesMyType    = { "PublicChar", "PublicDouble" };
            string[] expectedPropertyNamesMyType = { "PublicPropertyInt", "PublicPropertyString" };
            string[] expectedMethodNamesMyType   = { "get_PrivatePropertyInt", "get_PrivatePropertyString", "get_PublicPropertyInt", "get_PublicPropertyString", "MyMethod", "MySecondMethod", "set_PrivatePropertyInt", "set_PrivatePropertyString", "set_PublicPropertyInt", "set_PublicPropertyString", "UsePrivates" };
            CheckFieldsPropertiesMethods(myType, expectedFieldNamesMyType, expectedPropertyNamesMyType, expectedMethodNamesMyType);

            // Check for NotMyType.
            Type notMyType = types["ReferencedAssembly.Location"];

            Assert.Equal("ReferencedAssembly.Location", notMyType.FullName);

            // Check for received fields, properties and methods for NotMyType.
            string[] expectedFieldNamesNotMyType    = { };
            string[] expectedPropertyNamesNotMyType = { "Address1", "Address2", "City", "Country", "Id", "Name", "PhoneNumber", "PostalCode", "State" };
            string[] expectedMethodNamesNotMyType   = { "get_Address1", "get_Address2", "get_City", "get_Country", "get_Id", "get_Name", "get_PhoneNumber", "get_PostalCode", "get_State",
                                                        "set_Address1",   "set_Address2", "set_City", "set_Country", "set_Id", "set_Name", "set_PhoneNumber", "set_PostalCode", "set_State" };
            CheckFieldsPropertiesMethods(notMyType, expectedFieldNamesNotMyType, expectedPropertyNamesNotMyType, expectedMethodNamesNotMyType);
Example #2
        public void CanGetAttributes()
            string source = @"
            using System;
            using System.Text.Json.Serialization;

            namespace HelloWorld
                internal partial class JsonContext : JsonSerializerContext

                public class MyType
                    public double PublicDouble;

                    public char PublicChar;

                    private double PrivateDouble;

                    private char PrivateChar;

                    public MyType() {{ }}

                    public MyType(double d) {{ PrivateDouble = d; }}

                    public int PublicPropertyInt { get; set; }

                    public string PublicPropertyString { get; set; }

                    private int PrivatePropertyInt { get; set; }

                    private string PrivatePropertyString { get; set; }

                    [Obsolete(""Testing"", true)]
                    public void MyMethod() { }

                    public void MySecondMethod() { }

            Compilation compilation = CompilationHelper.CreateCompilation(source);

            JsonSourceGenerator generator = new JsonSourceGenerator();

            Compilation outCompilation = CompilationHelper.RunGenerators(compilation, out ImmutableArray <Diagnostic> generatorDiags, generator);

            // Check base functionality of found types.
            Dictionary <string, Type> types = generator.GetSerializableTypes();

            Assert.Equal(1, types.Count);
            Type foundType = types.First().Value;

            Assert.Equal("HelloWorld.MyType", foundType.FullName);

            // Check for ConstructorInfoWrapper attribute usage.
            (string, string[])[] receivedCtorsWithAttributeNames = foundType.GetConstructors().Select(ctor => (ctor.DeclaringType.FullName, ctor.GetCustomAttributesData().Cast <CustomAttributeData>().Select(attributeData => attributeData.AttributeType.Name).ToArray())).ToArray();
Example #3
        public void TypeDiscoveryPrimitivePOCO()
            string source = @"
            using System.Text.Json.Serialization;

            namespace HelloWorld
                internal partial class JsonContext : JsonSerializerContext

                public class MyType
                    public int PublicPropertyInt { get; set; }
                    public string PublicPropertyString { get; set; }
                    private int PrivatePropertyInt { get; set; }
                    private string PrivatePropertyString { get; set; }

                    public double PublicDouble;
                    public char PublicChar;
                    private double PrivateDouble;
                    private char PrivateChar;

                    public void MyMethod() { }
                    public void MySecondMethod() { }

                    public void UsePrivates()
                        PrivateDouble = 0;
                        PrivateChar = ' ';
                        double d = PrivateDouble;
                        char c = PrivateChar;

            Compilation compilation = CompilationHelper.CreateCompilation(source);

            JsonSourceGenerator generator = new JsonSourceGenerator();

            Compilation newCompilation = CompilationHelper.RunGenerators(compilation, out ImmutableArray <Diagnostic> generatorDiags, generator);

            // Make sure compilation was successful.

            Dictionary <string, Type> types = generator.GetSerializableTypes();

            // Check base functionality of found types.
            Assert.Equal(1, types.Count);
            Type myType = types["HelloWorld.MyType"];

            Assert.Equal("HelloWorld.MyType", myType.FullName);

            // Check for received fields, properties and methods in created type.
            string[] expectedPropertyNames = { "PublicPropertyInt", "PublicPropertyString", };
            string[] expectedFieldNames    = { "PublicChar", "PublicDouble" };
            string[] expectedMethodNames   = { "get_PrivatePropertyInt", "get_PrivatePropertyString", "get_PublicPropertyInt", "get_PublicPropertyString", "MyMethod", "MySecondMethod", "set_PrivatePropertyInt", "set_PrivatePropertyString", "set_PublicPropertyInt", "set_PublicPropertyString", "UsePrivates" };
            CheckFieldsPropertiesMethods(myType, expectedFieldNames, expectedPropertyNames, expectedMethodNames);
Example #4
        public void MetadataLoadFilePathHandle()
            // Create a MetadataReference from new code.
            string referencedSource = @"
            namespace ReferencedAssembly
                public class ReferencedType
                    public int ReferencedPublicInt;
                    public double ReferencedPublicDouble;     

            // Compile the referenced assembly first.
            Compilation referencedCompilation = CompilationHelper.CreateCompilation(referencedSource);

            // Emit the image of the referenced assembly.
            byte[] referencedImage;
            using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
                var emitResult = referencedCompilation.Emit(ms);
                if (!emitResult.Success)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException();
                referencedImage = ms.ToArray();

            string source = @"
            using System.Text.Json.Serialization;
            using ReferencedAssembly;

            namespace HelloWorld
                internal partial class JsonContext : JsonSerializerContext

                public class MyType
                    public void MyMethod() { }
                    public void MySecondMethod() { }

            MetadataReference[] additionalReferences = { MetadataReference.CreateFromImage(referencedImage) };

            // Compilation using the referenced image should fail if out MetadataLoadContext does not handle.
            Compilation compilation = CompilationHelper.CreateCompilation(source, additionalReferences);

            JsonSourceGenerator generator = new JsonSourceGenerator();

            Compilation newCompilation = CompilationHelper.RunGenerators(compilation, out ImmutableArray <Diagnostic> generatorDiags, generator);

            // Make sure compilation was successful.
            Assert.Empty(generatorDiags.Where(diag => diag.Severity.Equals(DiagnosticSeverity.Error)));
            Assert.Empty(newCompilation.GetDiagnostics().Where(diag => diag.Severity.Equals(DiagnosticSeverity.Error)));

            // Should find both types since compilation above was successful.
            Assert.Equal(2, generator.GetSerializableTypes().Count);