Example #1
	static void RunCodeUnderDiscoveryHost (Uri serviceUri, Uri dHostUri, Action<Uri,AnnouncementEndpoint,DiscoveryEndpoint> action)
		var aEndpoint = new UdpAnnouncementEndpoint (DiscoveryVersion.WSDiscoveryApril2005, new Uri ("soap.udp://"));
		var dbinding = new CustomBinding (new HttpTransportBindingElement ());
		var dAddress = new EndpointAddress (dHostUri);
		var dEndpoint = new DiscoveryEndpoint (dbinding, dAddress);

		var ib = new InspectionBehavior ();
		ib.RequestReceived += delegate (ref Message msg, IClientChannel
channel, InstanceContext instanceContext) {
			var mb = msg.CreateBufferedCopy (0x10000);
			msg = mb.CreateMessage ();
			Console.Error.WriteLine (mb.CreateMessage ());
			return null;
		ib.ReplySending += delegate (ref Message msg, object o) {
			var mb = msg.CreateBufferedCopy (0x10000);
			msg = mb.CreateMessage ();
			Console.Error.WriteLine (mb.CreateMessage ());

		dEndpoint.Behaviors.Add (ib);
		aEndpoint.Behaviors.Add (ib);

		action (serviceUri, aEndpoint, dEndpoint);
Example #2
	public static void Main ()
		var uri = new Uri ("soap.udp://");
		for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
		var binding = new UdpAnnouncementEndpoint (uri).Binding;
		IFooChannel proxy = new ChannelFactory<IFooChannel> (
			new EndpointAddress (uri)
			).CreateChannel ();
		proxy.Open ();
		proxy.SendMsg ("TEST FOR ECHO");
		public void DefaultValues ()
			var de = new UdpAnnouncementEndpoint ();
			Assert.AreEqual (DiscoveryVersion.WSDiscovery11, de.DiscoveryVersion, "#1");
			Assert.AreEqual (TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds (500), de.MaxAnnouncementDelay, "#2");
			Assert.IsNotNull (de.Contract, "#11"); // some version-dependent internal type.
			Assert.AreEqual ("http://docs.oasis-open.org/ws-dd/ns/discovery/2009/01", de.Contract.Namespace, "#11-2");
			Assert.AreEqual ("Client", de.Contract.Name, "#11-3");
			Assert.IsNotNull (de.Binding, "#12");
			TransportBindingElement tbe = null;
			Assert.IsTrue (de.Binding.CreateBindingElements ().Any (be => (tbe = be as TransportBindingElement) != null && tbe.Scheme == "soap.udp"), "#12-2");
			Assert.IsNotNull (de.Address, "#13");
			Assert.AreEqual (DiscoveryVersion.WSDiscovery11.AdhocAddress, de.Address.Uri, "#13-2");
			Assert.AreEqual (Socket.SupportsIPv4 ? UdpAnnouncementEndpoint.DefaultIPv4MulticastAddress : UdpAnnouncementEndpoint.DefaultIPv6MulticastAddress, de.ListenUri, "#14");
Example #4
	public static void Main ()
		ServiceHost host = new ServiceHost (typeof (Foo));
		var uri = new Uri ("soap.udp://");
		var binding = new UdpAnnouncementEndpoint (uri).Binding;
		binding.ReceiveTimeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds (5);
		binding.OpenTimeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds (20);
		host.AddServiceEndpoint ("IFoo",
			binding, uri);
		host.Description.Behaviors.Find<ServiceBehaviorAttribute> ()
			.IncludeExceptionDetailInFaults = true;
		host.Open ();
		Console.WriteLine ("Hit [CR] key to close ...");
		Console.ReadLine ();
		host.Close ();
		public void DefaultValues ()
			var de = new UdpAnnouncementEndpoint ();
			Assert.AreEqual (DiscoveryVersion.WSDiscovery11, de.DiscoveryVersion, "#1");
			Assert.AreEqual (TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds (500), de.MaxAnnouncementDelay, "#2");
			Assert.IsNotNull (de.Contract, "#11"); // some version-dependent internal type.
			Assert.AreEqual ("http://docs.oasis-open.org/ws-dd/ns/discovery/2009/01", de.Contract.Namespace, "#11-2");
			Assert.AreEqual ("Client", de.Contract.Name, "#11-3");
			Assert.IsNotNull (de.Binding, "#12");
			TransportBindingElement tbe = null;
			Assert.IsTrue (de.Binding.CreateBindingElements ().Any (be => (tbe = be as TransportBindingElement) != null && tbe.Scheme == "soap.udp"), "#12-2");
			Assert.IsNotNull (de.Address, "#13");
			Assert.AreEqual (DiscoveryVersion.WSDiscovery11.AdhocAddress, de.Address.Uri, "#13-2");
			Assert.AreEqual (Socket.SupportsIPv4 ? UdpAnnouncementEndpoint.DefaultIPv4MulticastAddress : UdpAnnouncementEndpoint.DefaultIPv6MulticastAddress, de.ListenUri, "#14");

			// .NET has two endpoint behaviors: DiscoveryViaBehavior and UdpContractFilterBehavior. Not worthy of testing that though.
			// Assert.AreEqual (2, de.Behaviors.Count, "#15");
			// foreach (var eb in de.Behaviors) Console.Error.WriteLine (eb);
Example #6
	static void RunCodeUnderDiscoveryHost (Uri serviceUri, Uri dHostUri)
		// announcement service
		var aEndpoint = new UdpAnnouncementEndpoint (DiscoveryVersion.WSDiscoveryApril2005, new Uri ("soap.udp://"));
		// discovery service
		var dbinding = new CustomBinding (new HttpTransportBindingElement ());
		var dAddress = new EndpointAddress (dHostUri);
		var dEndpoint = new DiscoveryEndpoint (dbinding, dAddress);
		// Without this, .NET rejects the host as if it had no service.
		dEndpoint.IsSystemEndpoint = false;
		var ib = new InspectionBehavior ();
		ib.RequestReceived += delegate (ref Message msg, IClientChannel channel, InstanceContext instanceContext) {
			var mb = msg.CreateBufferedCopy (0x10000);
			msg = mb.CreateMessage ();
			Console.Error.WriteLine (mb.CreateMessage ());
			return null;
		ib.ReplySending += delegate (ref Message msg, object o) {
			var mb = msg.CreateBufferedCopy (0x10000);
			msg = mb.CreateMessage ();
			Console.Error.WriteLine (mb.CreateMessage ());

		dEndpoint.Behaviors.Add (ib);
		aEndpoint.Behaviors.Add (ib);

		// it internally hosts an AnnouncementService
		using (var inst = new AnnouncementBoundDiscoveryService (aEndpoint)) {
			var host = new ServiceHost (inst);
			host.AddServiceEndpoint (dEndpoint);
			host.Description.Behaviors.Find<ServiceDebugBehavior> ()
				.IncludeExceptionDetailInFaults = true;
			host.Open ();
			Console.WriteLine ("Type [CR] to quit...");
			Console.ReadLine ();
			host.Close ();
Example #7
		void RunCodeUnderDiscoveryHost2 (Uri serviceUri, Uri dHostUri, Action<Uri,AnnouncementEndpoint,DiscoveryEndpoint> action)
			// announcement service
			var aEndpoint = new UdpAnnouncementEndpoint (new Uri ("soap.udp://"));
			// discovery service
			var dbinding = new CustomBinding (new HttpTransportBindingElement ());
			var dAddress = new EndpointAddress (dHostUri);
			var dEndpoint = new DiscoveryEndpoint (dbinding, dAddress);
			// Without this, .NET rejects the host as if it had no service.
			dEndpoint.IsSystemEndpoint = false;

			// it internally hosts an AnnouncementService
			using (var inst = new AnnouncementBoundDiscoveryService (aEndpoint)) {
				var host = new ServiceHost (inst);
				host.AddServiceEndpoint (dEndpoint);
				try {
					host.Open ();
					action (serviceUri, aEndpoint, dEndpoint);
				} finally {
					host.Close ();