Example #1
 public static void InstantiateSecurityAttributes()
     var t = new SecurityTreatAsSafeAttribute();
     var u = new SecuritySafeCriticalAttribute();
     var v = new SecurityTransparentAttribute();
     var w = new SecurityCriticalAttribute();
     var x = new SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurityAttribute();
     var y = new UnverifiableCodeAttribute();
     var z = new AllowPartiallyTrustedCallersAttribute();
Example #2
        public static void exportTranspiledMethods()
            AssemblyName aName = new AssemblyName("RimWorldTranspiles");
            //PermissionSet requiredPermission = new PermissionSet(PermissionState.Unrestricted);
            AssemblyBuilder        ab                       = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.DefineDynamicAssembly(aName, AssemblyBuilderAccess.RunAndSave);
            ConstructorInfo        Constructor2             = typeof(SecurityPermissionAttribute).GetConstructors()[0];
            SecurityAction         requestMinimum           = SecurityAction.RequestMinimum;
            PropertyInfo           skipVerificationProperty = Property(typeof(SecurityPermissionAttribute), "SkipVerification");
            CustomAttributeBuilder sv2                      = new CustomAttributeBuilder(Constructor2, new object[] { requestMinimum },
                                                                                         new PropertyInfo[] { skipVerificationProperty }, new object[] { true });


            //System.Security.AllowPartiallyTrustedCallersAttribute Att = new System.Security.AllowPartiallyTrustedCallersAttribute();
            //ConstructorInfo Constructor1 = Att.GetType().GetConstructors()[0];
            //object[] ObjectArray1 = new object[0];
            //CustomAttributeBuilder AttribBuilder1 = new CustomAttributeBuilder(Constructor1, ObjectArray1);
            ModuleBuilder             modBuilder  = ab.DefineDynamicModule(aName.Name, aName.Name + ".dll");
            UnverifiableCodeAttribute ModAtt      = new System.Security.UnverifiableCodeAttribute();
            ConstructorInfo           Constructor = ModAtt.GetType().GetConstructors()[0];

            object[] ObjectArray = new object[0];
            CustomAttributeBuilder ModAttribBuilder = new CustomAttributeBuilder(Constructor, ObjectArray);

            Dictionary <string, TypeBuilder> typeBuilders    = new Dictionary <string, TypeBuilder>();
            IEnumerable <MethodBase>         originalMethods = Harmony.GetAllPatchedMethods();

            foreach (MethodBase originalMethod in originalMethods)
                Patches patches         = Harmony.GetPatchInfo(originalMethod);
                int     transpiledCount = patches.Transpilers.Count;
                if (transpiledCount == 0)
                if (originalMethod is MethodInfo methodInfo) // add support for constructors as well
                    Type   returnType     = methodInfo.ReturnType;
                    string typeTranspiled = originalMethod.DeclaringType.FullName + "_Transpiled";
                    if (!typeBuilders.TryGetValue(typeTranspiled, out TypeBuilder tb))
                        tb = modBuilder.DefineType(typeTranspiled, TypeAttributes.Public);
                        typeBuilders[typeTranspiled] = tb;
                    ParameterInfo[] parameterInfos = methodInfo.GetParameters();
                    List <Type>     types          = new List <Type>();

                    int parameterOffset = 1;
                    if (!methodInfo.Attributes.HasFlag(MethodAttributes.Static))
                        parameterOffset = 2;
                    foreach (ParameterInfo parameterInfo in parameterInfos)
                    MethodBuilder mb = tb.DefineMethod(originalMethod.Name, MethodAttributes.Public | MethodAttributes.Static, returnType, types.ToArray());
                    if (typeTranspiled.Equals("Verse.PawnGenerator_Transpiled") && !originalMethod.Name.Equals(""))
                    if (!methodInfo.Attributes.HasFlag(MethodAttributes.Static))
                        ParameterAttributes pa = new ParameterAttributes();
                        ParameterBuilder    pb = mb.DefineParameter(1, pa, methodInfo.DeclaringType.Name);

                    foreach (ParameterInfo parameterInfo in parameterInfos)
                        ParameterAttributes pa = new ParameterAttributes();
                        if (parameterInfo.IsOut)
                            pa |= ParameterAttributes.Out;
                        if (parameterInfo.IsIn)
                            pa |= ParameterAttributes.In;
                        if (parameterInfo.IsLcid)
                            pa |= ParameterAttributes.Lcid;
                        if (parameterInfo.IsOptional)
                            pa |= ParameterAttributes.Optional;
                        if (parameterInfo.IsRetval)
                            pa |= ParameterAttributes.Retval;
                        if (parameterInfo.HasDefaultValue)
                            pa |= ParameterAttributes.HasDefault;
                        ParameterBuilder pb = mb.DefineParameter(parameterInfo.Position + parameterOffset, pa, parameterInfo.Name);
                        if (parameterInfo.HasDefaultValue && parameterInfo.DefaultValue != null)
                    ILGenerator il = mb.GetILGenerator();
                    //MethodCopier methodCopier = new MethodCopier(originalMethod, il);
                    //List<Label> endLabels = new List<Label>();
                    //_ = methodCopier.Finalize(null, endLabels, out var hasReturnCode);
                    //List<CodeInstruction> ciList = MethodCopier.GetInstructions(il, originalMethod, 9999);
                    MethodInfo methodInfo2 = UpdateWrapper(originalMethod, il);
                    //List<CodeInstruction> currentInstructions = PatchProcessor.GetCurrentInstructions(originalMethod);
                    //Dictionary<Label, Label> labels = new Dictionary<Label, Label>();

                    //MethodBody methodBody = methodInfo.GetMethodBody();
                    //IList<LocalVariableInfo> localvars = methodBody.LocalVariables;
                    //LocalBuilder[] localBuildersOrdered = new LocalBuilder[255];
                    //foreach (LocalVariableInfo localVar in localvars)
                    //    Type type = localVar.LocalType;
                    //    LocalBuilder newLocalBuilder = il.DeclareLocal(type);
                    //    localBuildersOrdered[localVar.LocalIndex] = newLocalBuilder;
                    //IList<ExceptionHandlingClause> exceptionHandlingClauses = methodBody.ExceptionHandlingClauses;

                    ////LocalBuilder[] localBuildersOrdered = new LocalBuilder[255];
                    ////int localBuildersOrderedMax = 0;
                    ////foreach (CodeInstruction currentInstruction in currentInstructions)
                    ////    object operand = currentInstruction.operand;
                    ////    if (operand is LocalBuilder localBuilder)
                    ////    {
                    ////        localBuildersOrdered[localBuilder.LocalIndex] = localBuilder;
                    ////        localBuildersOrderedMax = Math.Max(localBuildersOrderedMax, localBuilder.LocalIndex);
                    ////    }
                    ////Dictionary<LocalBuilder, LocalBuilder> localBuilders = new Dictionary<LocalBuilder, LocalBuilder>();
                    ////for (int i = 0; i <= localBuildersOrderedMax; i++)
                    ////    LocalBuilder localBuilderOrdered = localBuildersOrdered[i];
                    ////    if (localBuilderOrdered == null)
                    ////    {
                    ////        il.DeclareLocal(typeof(object));
                    ////    }
                    ////    else
                    ////    {
                    ////        LocalBuilder newLocalBuilder = il.DeclareLocal(localBuilderOrdered.LocalType);
                    ////        localBuilders.Add(localBuilderOrdered, newLocalBuilder);
                    ////    }

                    //foreach (CodeInstruction currentInstruction in currentInstructions)
                    //    bool endFinally = false;
                    //    foreach (Label label in currentInstruction.labels)
                    //    {
                    //        if (!labels.TryGetValue(label, out Label translatedLabel))
                    //        {
                    //            translatedLabel = il.DefineLabel();
                    //            labels[label] = translatedLabel;
                    //        }
                    //        il.MarkLabel(translatedLabel);
                    //    }

                    //    //int i = il.ILOffset;
                    //    //foreach (ExceptionHandlingClause Clause in exceptionHandlingClauses)
                    //    //{
                    //    //    if (Clause.Flags != ExceptionHandlingClauseOptions.Clause &&
                    //    //       Clause.Flags != ExceptionHandlingClauseOptions.Finally)
                    //    //        continue;

                    //    //    // Look for an ending of an exception block first!
                    //    //    if (Clause.HandlerOffset + Clause.HandlerLength == i)
                    //    //        il.EndExceptionBlock();

                    //    //    // If this marks the beginning of a try block, emit that
                    //    //    if (Clause.TryOffset == i)
                    //    //        il.BeginExceptionBlock();

                    //    //    // Also check for the beginning of a catch block
                    //    //    if (Clause.HandlerOffset == i && Clause.Flags == ExceptionHandlingClauseOptions.Clause)
                    //    //        il.BeginCatchBlock(Clause.CatchType);

                    //    //    // Lastly, check for a finally block
                    //    //    if (Clause.HandlerOffset == i && Clause.Flags == ExceptionHandlingClauseOptions.Finally)
                    //    //        il.BeginFinallyBlock();
                    //    //}

                    //    foreach (ExceptionBlock block in currentInstruction.blocks)
                    //    {
                    //        switch (block.blockType) {
                    //            case ExceptionBlockType.BeginExceptionBlock:
                    //                {
                    //                    il.BeginExceptionBlock();
                    //                    break;
                    //                }
                    //            case ExceptionBlockType.BeginCatchBlock:
                    //                {
                    //                    il.BeginCatchBlock(block.catchType);
                    //                    break;
                    //                }
                    //            case ExceptionBlockType.BeginExceptFilterBlock:
                    //                {
                    //                    il.BeginExceptFilterBlock();
                    //                    break;
                    //                }
                    //            case ExceptionBlockType.BeginFaultBlock:
                    //                {
                    //                    il.BeginFaultBlock();
                    //                    break;
                    //                }
                    //            case ExceptionBlockType.BeginFinallyBlock:
                    //                {
                    //                    il.BeginFinallyBlock();
                    //                    break;
                    //                }
                    //            case ExceptionBlockType.EndExceptionBlock:
                    //                {
                    //                    //il.EndExceptionBlock();
                    //                    endFinally = true;
                    //                    break;
                    //                }
                    //            default:
                    //                {
                    //                    Log.Error("Unknown ExceptionBlock");
                    //                    break;
                    //                }
                    //        }
                    //    }

                    //    OpCode opcode = currentInstruction.opcode;
                    //    object operand = currentInstruction.operand;
                    //    switch (operand)
                    //    {
                    //        case null:
                    //            {
                    //                il.Emit(opcode);
                    //                break;
                    //            }
                    //        case byte operandCasted:
                    //            {
                    //                il.Emit(opcode, operandCasted);
                    //                break;
                    //            }
                    //        case sbyte operandCasted:
                    //            {
                    //                il.Emit(opcode, operandCasted);
                    //                break;
                    //            }
                    //        case short operandCasted:
                    //            {
                    //                il.Emit(opcode, operandCasted);
                    //                break;
                    //            }
                    //        case int operandCasted:
                    //            {
                    //                il.Emit(opcode, operandCasted);
                    //                break;
                    //            }
                    //        case MethodInfo operandCasted:
                    //            {
                    //                il.Emit(opcode, operandCasted);
                    //                break;
                    //            }
                    //        case SignatureHelper operandCasted:
                    //            {
                    //                il.Emit(opcode, operandCasted);
                    //                break;
                    //            }
                    //        case ConstructorInfo operandCasted:
                    //            {
                    //                il.Emit(opcode, operandCasted);
                    //                break;
                    //            }
                    //        case Type operandCasted:
                    //            {
                    //                il.Emit(opcode, operandCasted);
                    //                break;
                    //            }
                    //        case long operandCasted:
                    //            {
                    //                il.Emit(opcode, operandCasted);
                    //                break;
                    //            }
                    //        case float operandCasted:
                    //            {
                    //                il.Emit(opcode, operandCasted);
                    //                break;
                    //            }
                    //        case double operandCasted:
                    //            {
                    //                il.Emit(opcode, operandCasted);
                    //                break;
                    //            }
                    //        case Label operandCasted:
                    //            {
                    //                if (!labels.TryGetValue(operandCasted, out Label translatedLabel))
                    //                {
                    //                    translatedLabel = il.DefineLabel();
                    //                    labels[operandCasted] = translatedLabel;
                    //                }
                    //                il.Emit(opcode, translatedLabel);
                    //                break;
                    //            }
                    //        case Label[] operandCasted:
                    //            {
                    //                List<Label> newLabels = new List<Label>();
                    //                foreach (Label operandCasted1 in operandCasted)
                    //                {
                    //                    if (!labels.TryGetValue(operandCasted1, out Label translatedLabel))
                    //                    {
                    //                        translatedLabel = il.DefineLabel();
                    //                        labels[operandCasted1] = translatedLabel;
                    //                    }
                    //                    newLabels.Add(translatedLabel);
                    //                }
                    //                il.Emit(opcode, newLabels.ToArray());
                    //                break;
                    //            }
                    //        case FieldInfo operandCasted:
                    //            {
                    //                il.Emit(opcode, operandCasted);
                    //                break;
                    //            }
                    //        case string operandCasted:
                    //            {
                    //                il.Emit(opcode, operandCasted);
                    //                break;
                    //            }
                    //        case LocalBuilder operandCasted:
                    //            {
                    //                il.Emit(opcode, localBuildersOrdered[operandCasted.LocalIndex]);
                    //                break;
                    //            }
                    //        default:
                    //            {
                    //                Log.Error("UNKNOWN OPERAND");
                    //                break;
                    //            }
                    //    }
                    //    if (endFinally)
                    //    {
                    //        il.EndExceptionBlock();
                    //        //endFinally = true;
                    //    }
            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, TypeBuilder> tb in typeBuilders)
            ab.Save(aName.Name + ".dll");

            //ReImport DLL and create detour
            Assembly loadedAssembly = Assembly.UnsafeLoadFrom(aName.Name + ".dll");
            IEnumerable <TypeInfo>    transpiledTypes = loadedAssembly.DefinedTypes;
            Dictionary <string, Type> tTypeDictionary = new Dictionary <string, Type>();

            foreach (TypeInfo transpiledType in transpiledTypes)
                tTypeDictionary.Add(transpiledType.FullName, transpiledType.AsType());

            foreach (MethodBase originalMethod in originalMethods)
                Patches patches         = Harmony.GetPatchInfo(originalMethod);
                int     transpiledCount = patches.Transpilers.Count;
                if (transpiledCount > 0)
                    if (originalMethod is MethodInfo methodInfo) // add support for constructors as well
                        Type            transpiledType = tTypeDictionary[originalMethod.DeclaringType.FullName + "_Transpiled"];
                        ParameterInfo[] parameterInfos = methodInfo.GetParameters();
                        List <Type>     types          = new List <Type>();

                        if (!methodInfo.Attributes.HasFlag(MethodAttributes.Static))
                        foreach (ParameterInfo parameterInfo in parameterInfos)
                        MethodInfo replacement = Method(transpiledType, originalMethod.Name, types.ToArray());
                        Memory.DetourMethod(originalMethod, replacement);