Example #1
		// adapted from http://bugzilla.ximian.com/show_bug.cgi?id=52084
		public void GetIdElement () 
			XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument ();
			doc.LoadXml (signature);

			SignedXml v1 = new SignedXml ();
			v1.LoadXml (doc.DocumentElement);
			Assert.IsTrue (v1.CheckSignature (), "CheckSignature");

			XmlElement xel = v1.GetIdElement (doc, "MyObjectId");
			Assert.IsTrue (xel.InnerXml.StartsWith ("<ObjectListTag"), "GetIdElement");
Example #2
		public void GetIdElement_Null ()
			SignedXml sign = new SignedXml ();
			Assert.IsNull (sign.GetIdElement (null, "value"));
			Assert.IsNull (sign.GetIdElement (new XmlDocument (), null));
Example #3
        // What we want to do is pump the input throug the TransformChain and then
        // hash the output of the chain document is the document context for resolving relative references
        internal byte[] CalculateHashValue(XmlDocument document, CanonicalXmlNodeList refList)
            // refList is a list of elements that might be targets of references
            // Now's the time to create our hashing algorithm
            _hashAlgorithm = CryptoHelpers.CreateFromName <HashAlgorithm>(_digestMethod);
            if (_hashAlgorithm == null)
                throw new CryptographicException(SR.Cryptography_Xml_CreateHashAlgorithmFailed);

            // Let's go get the target.
            string      baseUri         = (document == null ? System.Environment.CurrentDirectory + "\\" : document.BaseURI);
            Stream      hashInputStream = null;
            WebResponse response        = null;
            Stream      inputStream     = null;
            XmlResolver resolver        = null;

            byte[] hashval = null;

                switch (_refTargetType)
                case ReferenceTargetType.Stream:
                    // This is the easiest case. We already have a stream, so just pump it through the TransformChain
                    resolver        = (SignedXml.ResolverSet ? SignedXml._xmlResolver : new XmlSecureResolver(new XmlUrlResolver(), baseUri));
                    hashInputStream = TransformChain.TransformToOctetStream((Stream)_refTarget, resolver, baseUri);

                case ReferenceTargetType.UriReference:
                    // Second-easiest case -- dereference the URI & pump through the TransformChain
                    // handle the special cases where the URI is null (meaning whole doc)
                    // or the URI is just a fragment (meaning a reference to an embedded Object)
                    if (_uri == null)
                        // We need to create a DocumentNavigator out of the XmlElement
                        resolver = (SignedXml.ResolverSet ? SignedXml._xmlResolver : new XmlSecureResolver(new XmlUrlResolver(), baseUri));
                        // In the case of a Uri-less reference, we will simply pass null to the transform chain.
                        // The first transform in the chain is expected to know how to retrieve the data to hash.
                        hashInputStream = TransformChain.TransformToOctetStream((Stream)null, resolver, baseUri);
                    else if (_uri.Length == 0)
                        // This is the self-referential case. First, check that we have a document context.
                        // The Enveloped Signature does not discard comments as per spec; those will be omitted during the transform chain process
                        if (document == null)
                            throw new CryptographicException(SR.Format(SR.Cryptography_Xml_SelfReferenceRequiresContext, _uri));

                        // Normalize the containing document
                        resolver = (SignedXml.ResolverSet ? SignedXml._xmlResolver : new XmlSecureResolver(new XmlUrlResolver(), baseUri));
                        XmlDocument docWithNoComments = Utils.DiscardComments(Utils.PreProcessDocumentInput(document, resolver, baseUri));
                        hashInputStream = TransformChain.TransformToOctetStream(docWithNoComments, resolver, baseUri);
                    else if (_uri[0] == '#')
                        // If we get here, then we are constructing a Reference to an embedded DataObject
                        // referenced by an Id = attribute. Go find the relevant object
                        bool   discardComments = true;
                        string idref           = Utils.GetIdFromLocalUri(_uri, out discardComments);
                        if (idref == "xpointer(/)")
                            // This is a self referencial case
                            if (document == null)
                                throw new CryptographicException(SR.Format(SR.Cryptography_Xml_SelfReferenceRequiresContext, _uri));

                            // We should not discard comments here!!!
                            resolver        = (SignedXml.ResolverSet ? SignedXml._xmlResolver : new XmlSecureResolver(new XmlUrlResolver(), baseUri));
                            hashInputStream = TransformChain.TransformToOctetStream(Utils.PreProcessDocumentInput(document, resolver, baseUri), resolver, baseUri);

                        XmlElement elem = SignedXml.GetIdElement(document, idref);
                        if (elem != null)
                            _namespaces = Utils.GetPropagatedAttributes(elem.ParentNode as XmlElement);

                        if (elem == null)
                            // Go throw the referenced items passed in
                            if (refList != null)
                                foreach (XmlNode node in refList)
                                    XmlElement tempElem = node as XmlElement;
                                    if ((tempElem != null) && (Utils.HasAttribute(tempElem, "Id", SignedXml.XmlDsigNamespaceUrl)) &&
                                        (Utils.GetAttribute(tempElem, "Id", SignedXml.XmlDsigNamespaceUrl).Equals(idref)))
                                        elem = tempElem;
                                        if (_signedXml._context != null)
                                            _namespaces = Utils.GetPropagatedAttributes(_signedXml._context);

                        if (elem == null)
                            throw new CryptographicException(SR.Cryptography_Xml_InvalidReference);

                        XmlDocument normDocument = Utils.PreProcessElementInput(elem, resolver, baseUri);
                        // Add the propagated attributes
                        Utils.AddNamespaces(normDocument.DocumentElement, _namespaces);

                        resolver = (SignedXml.ResolverSet ? SignedXml._xmlResolver : new XmlSecureResolver(new XmlUrlResolver(), baseUri));
                        if (discardComments)
                            // We should discard comments before going into the transform chain
                            XmlDocument docWithNoComments = Utils.DiscardComments(normDocument);
                            hashInputStream = TransformChain.TransformToOctetStream(docWithNoComments, resolver, baseUri);
                            // This is an XPointer reference, do not discard comments!!!
                            hashInputStream = TransformChain.TransformToOctetStream(normDocument, resolver, baseUri);
                        throw new CryptographicException(SR.Cryptography_Xml_UriNotResolved, _uri);

                case ReferenceTargetType.XmlElement:
                    // We need to create a DocumentNavigator out of the XmlElement
                    resolver        = (SignedXml.ResolverSet ? SignedXml._xmlResolver : new XmlSecureResolver(new XmlUrlResolver(), baseUri));
                    hashInputStream = TransformChain.TransformToOctetStream(Utils.PreProcessElementInput((XmlElement)_refTarget, resolver, baseUri), resolver, baseUri);

                    throw new CryptographicException(SR.Cryptography_Xml_UriNotResolved, _uri);

                // Compute the new hash value
                hashInputStream = SignedXmlDebugLog.LogReferenceData(this, hashInputStream);
                hashval         = _hashAlgorithm.ComputeHash(hashInputStream);
                if (hashInputStream != null)
                if (response != null)
                if (inputStream != null)

Example #4
        private static void ValidateSignedInfo(SignedXml signedXml, XmlElement xmlElement)
            if(signedXml.SignedInfo.References.Count == 0)
                throw new InvalidSignatureException("No reference found in Xml signature, it doesn't validate the Xml data.");

            if(signedXml.SignedInfo.References.Count != 1)
                throw new InvalidSignatureException("Multiple references for Xml signatures are not allowed.");

            var reference = (Reference)signedXml.SignedInfo.References[0];
            var id = reference.Uri.Substring(1);

            var idElement = signedXml.GetIdElement(xmlElement.OwnerDocument, id);
            if(idElement != xmlElement)
                throw new InvalidSignatureException("Incorrect reference on Xml signature. The reference must be to the root element of the element containing the signature.");

            foreach (Transform transform in reference.TransformChain)
                if (!allowedTransforms.Contains(transform.Algorithm))
                    throw new InvalidSignatureException(
                        "Transform \"" + transform.Algorithm + "\" found in Xml signature SHOULD NOT be used with SAML2.");
Example #5
        // What we want to do is pump the input throug the TransformChain and then
        // hash the output of the chain
        // document is the document context for resolving relative references
        internal byte[] CalculateHashValue(XmlDocument document, CanonicalXmlNodeList refList)
            // refList is a list of elements that might be targets of references
            // Now's the time to create our hashing algorithm
            m_hashAlgorithm = (HashAlgorithm)CryptoConfig.CreateFromName(DigestMethod);
            if (m_hashAlgorithm == null)
                throw new CryptographicException(SecurityResources.GetResourceString("Cryptography_Xml_CreateHashAlgorithmFailed"));

            string strBaseUri = (document == null ? null : document.BaseURI);
            // For interop w/ Petteri & IBM -- may not be required by the spec
            //if (m_transforms.Count == 0) {
            //if (DataObject != null && DataObject.Data != null) {
            //AddTransform(new W3cCanonicalization());

            // Let's go get the target.
            Stream      hashInputStream;
            WebRequest  theRequest  = null;
            WebResponse theResponse = null;
            Stream      inputStream = null;
            XmlResolver resolver    = null;

            switch (m_refTargetType)
            case ReferenceTargetType.Stream:
                // This is the easiest case.  We already have a stream, so just pump it through
                // the TransformChain
                resolver        = (m_signedXml.ResolverSet ? m_signedXml.m_xmlResolver : new XmlSecureResolver(new XmlUrlResolver(), strBaseUri));
                hashInputStream = m_transformChain.TransformToOctetStream((Stream)m_refTarget, resolver, strBaseUri);

            case ReferenceTargetType.UriReference:
                // Second-easiest case -- dereference the URI & pump through the TransformChain
                // handle the special cases where the URI is null (meaning whole doc)
                // or the URI is just a fragment (meaning a reference to an embedded Object)
                if (m_strUri == "")
                    // This is the self-referential case.
                    // The Enveloped Signature does not discard comments as per spec; those will be omitted during the transform chain process
                    // First, check that we have a document context.
                    if (document == null)
                        throw new CryptographicException(String.Format(SecurityResources.GetResourceString("Cryptography_Xml_SelfReferenceRequiresContext"), m_strUri));

                    // Normalize the containing document
                    resolver = (m_signedXml.ResolverSet ? m_signedXml.m_xmlResolver : new XmlSecureResolver(new XmlUrlResolver(), strBaseUri));
                    XmlDocument docWithNoComments = CanonicalXml.DiscardComments(SignedXml.PreProcessDocumentInput(document, resolver, strBaseUri));
                    hashInputStream = m_transformChain.TransformToOctetStream(docWithNoComments, resolver, strBaseUri);
                else if (m_strUri[0] == '#')
                    // If we get here, then we are constructing a Reference to an embedded DataObject
                    // referenced by an Id= attribute.  Go find the relevant object
                    String idref            = m_strUri.Substring(1);
                    bool   bDiscardComments = true;

                    // Deal with XPointer of types #xpointer(/) and #xpointer(id("ID")). Other XPointer support isn't handled here and is anyway optional
                    if (idref == "xpointer(/)")
                        // This is a self referencial case
                        if (document == null)
                            throw new CryptographicException(String.Format(SecurityResources.GetResourceString("Cryptography_Xml_SelfReferenceRequiresContext"), m_strUri));

                        // We should not discard comments here!!!
                        resolver        = (m_signedXml.ResolverSet ? m_signedXml.m_xmlResolver : new XmlSecureResolver(new XmlUrlResolver(), strBaseUri));
                        hashInputStream = m_transformChain.TransformToOctetStream(SignedXml.PreProcessDocumentInput(document, resolver, strBaseUri), resolver, strBaseUri);
                        goto end;
                    else if (idref.StartsWith("xpointer(id("))
                        int startId = idref.IndexOf("id(");
                        int endId   = idref.IndexOf(")");
                        if (endId < 0 || endId < startId + 3)
                            throw new CryptographicException(SecurityResources.GetResourceString("Cryptography_Xml_InvalidReference"));
                        idref            = idref.Substring(startId + 3, endId - startId - 3);
                        idref            = idref.Replace("\'", "");
                        idref            = idref.Replace("\"", "");
                        bDiscardComments = false;

                    XmlElement elem = m_signedXml.GetIdElement(document, idref);

                    if (elem == null)
                        // Go throw the referenced items passed in
                        if (refList != null)
                            foreach (XmlNode node in refList)
                                XmlElement tempElem = node as XmlElement;
                                if ((tempElem != null) && (tempElem.HasAttribute("Id")) && (tempElem.GetAttribute("Id").Equals(idref)))
                                    elem = tempElem;

                    if (elem == null)
                        throw new CryptographicException(SecurityResources.GetResourceString("Cryptography_Xml_InvalidReference"));

                    // Add the propagated attributes, clone the element first
                    XmlElement elemClone = elem.Clone() as XmlElement;
                    if (m_namespaces != null)
                        foreach (XmlNode attrib in m_namespaces)
                            string name = ((attrib.Prefix != String.Empty) ? attrib.Prefix + ":" + attrib.LocalName : attrib.LocalName);
                            // Skip the attribute if one with the same qualified name already exists
                            if (elemClone.HasAttribute(name) || (name.Equals("xmlns") && elemClone.NamespaceURI != String.Empty))
                            XmlAttribute nsattrib = (XmlAttribute)elemClone.OwnerDocument.CreateAttribute(name);
                            nsattrib.Value = attrib.Value;

                    if (bDiscardComments)
                        // We should discard comments before going into the transform chain
                        resolver = (m_signedXml.ResolverSet ? m_signedXml.m_xmlResolver : new XmlSecureResolver(new XmlUrlResolver(), strBaseUri));
                        XmlDocument docWithNoComments = CanonicalXml.DiscardComments(SignedXml.PreProcessElementInput(elemClone, resolver, strBaseUri));
                        hashInputStream = m_transformChain.TransformToOctetStream(docWithNoComments, resolver, strBaseUri);
                        // This is an XPointer reference, do not discard comments!!!
                        resolver        = (m_signedXml.ResolverSet ? m_signedXml.m_xmlResolver : new XmlSecureResolver(new XmlUrlResolver(), strBaseUri));
                        hashInputStream = m_transformChain.TransformToOctetStream(SignedXml.PreProcessElementInput(elemClone, resolver, strBaseUri), resolver, strBaseUri);
                    theRequest = WebRequest.Create(m_strUri);
                    if (theRequest == null)
                        goto default;
                    theResponse = theRequest.GetResponse();
                    if (theResponse == null)
                        goto default;
                    inputStream = theResponse.GetResponseStream();
                    if (inputStream == null)
                        goto default;
                    resolver        = (m_signedXml.ResolverSet ? m_signedXml.m_xmlResolver : new XmlSecureResolver(new XmlUrlResolver(), m_strUri));
                    hashInputStream = m_transformChain.TransformToOctetStream(inputStream, resolver, m_strUri);

            case ReferenceTargetType.XmlElement:
                // We need to create a DocumentNavigator out of the XmlElement
                resolver        = (m_signedXml.ResolverSet ? m_signedXml.m_xmlResolver : new XmlSecureResolver(new XmlUrlResolver(), strBaseUri));
                hashInputStream = m_transformChain.TransformToOctetStream(SignedXml.PreProcessElementInput((XmlElement)m_refTarget, resolver, strBaseUri), resolver, strBaseUri);

                throw new CryptographicException();

            // Compute the new hash value
            byte[] hashval = m_hashAlgorithm.ComputeHash(hashInputStream);

            // Close the response to free resources, before returning
            if (theResponse != null)
            if (inputStream != null)

        /// <summary>
        /// Verifies the signature.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="xml">The XML.</param>
        /// <returns>The issuer certificate</returns>
        protected virtual X509Certificate2 VerifySignature(XElement xml)
            Contract.Requires(xml != null);
            Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<X509Certificate2>() != null);

            if ((Configuration == null) || (Configuration.IssuerTokenResolver == null))
                throw new SecurityTokenException("No issuer token resolver configured");

            var xmlElement = xml.ToXmlElement();
            var signedXml = new SignedXml(xmlElement);
            // find signature
            XmlNodeList nodeList = xmlElement.GetElementsByTagName("Signature");

            // throw an exception if no signature was found.
            if (nodeList.Count <= 0)
                throw new CryptographicException("Verification failed: No Signature was found in the document.");

            // throw an exception if more than one signature was found.
            if (nodeList.Count > 1)
                throw new CryptographicException("Verification failed: More that one signature was found for the document.");

            // load the <signature> node.  

            // resolve the issuer certificate
            byte[] thumbprint = Convert.FromBase64String(GetIssuerThumbprint(signedXml));
            var identifier = new X509ThumbprintKeyIdentifierClause(thumbprint);
            var issuerKey = Configuration.IssuerTokenResolver.ResolveToken(identifier) as X509SecurityToken;

            // check the signature
            var referenceUri = ((Reference)signedXml.SignedInfo.References[0]).Uri;

            if (!signedXml.CheckSignature(issuerKey.Certificate, true)
                || (referenceUri != "" && signedXml.GetIdElement(xmlElement.OwnerDocument, referenceUri) != xmlElement))
                throw new CryptographicException("Signature verification failed");

            if (issuerKey.Certificate != null)
                return issuerKey.Certificate;
                throw new CryptographicException("No issuer certificate found");
Example #7
        public void LoadXml(XmlElement value)
            if (value is null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(value));

            _id   = Utils.GetAttribute(value, "Id", SignedXml.XmlDsigNamespaceUrl);
            _uri  = Utils.GetAttribute(value, "URI", SignedXml.XmlDsigNamespaceUrl);
            _type = Utils.GetAttribute(value, "Type", SignedXml.XmlDsigNamespaceUrl);
            if (!Utils.VerifyAttributes(value, new string[] { "Id", "URI", "Type" }))
                throw new CryptographicException(SR.Cryptography_Xml_InvalidElement, "Reference");

            XmlNamespaceManager nsm = new XmlNamespaceManager(value.OwnerDocument.NameTable);

            nsm.AddNamespace("ds", SignedXml.XmlDsigNamespaceUrl);

            // Transforms
            bool hasTransforms = false;

            TransformChain = new TransformChain();
            XmlNodeList transformsNodes = value.SelectNodes("ds:Transforms", nsm);

            if (transformsNodes != null && transformsNodes.Count != 0)
                if (transformsNodes.Count > 1)
                    throw new CryptographicException(SR.Cryptography_Xml_InvalidElement, "Reference/Transforms");
                hasTransforms = true;
                XmlElement transformsElement = transformsNodes[0] as XmlElement;
                if (!Utils.VerifyAttributes(transformsElement, (string[])null))
                    throw new CryptographicException(SR.Cryptography_Xml_InvalidElement, "Reference/Transforms");
                XmlNodeList transformNodes = transformsElement.SelectNodes("ds:Transform", nsm);
                if (transformNodes != null)
                    if (transformNodes.Count != transformsElement.SelectNodes("*").Count)
                        throw new CryptographicException(SR.Cryptography_Xml_InvalidElement, "Reference/Transforms");
                    if (transformNodes.Count > Utils.MaxTransformsPerReference)
                        throw new CryptographicException(SR.Cryptography_Xml_InvalidElement, "Reference/Transforms");
                    foreach (XmlNode transformNode in transformNodes)
                        XmlElement transformElement = transformNode as XmlElement;
                        string     algorithm        = Utils.GetAttribute(transformElement, "Algorithm", SignedXml.XmlDsigNamespaceUrl);
                        if (algorithm == null || !Utils.VerifyAttributes(transformElement, "Algorithm"))
                            throw new CryptographicException(SR.Cryptography_Xml_UnknownTransform);
                        Transform transform = CryptoHelpers.CreateFromName <Transform>(algorithm);
                        if (transform == null)
                            throw new CryptographicException(SR.Cryptography_Xml_UnknownTransform);
                        // let the transform read the children of the transformElement for data
                        // Hack! this is done to get around the lack of here() function support in XPath
                        if (transform is XmlDsigEnvelopedSignatureTransform &&
                            _uri != null && (_uri.Length == 0 || _uri[0] == '#'))
                            // Walk back to the Signature tag. Find the nearest signature ancestor
                            // Signature-->SignedInfo-->Reference-->Transforms-->Transform
                            XmlNode signatureTag = transformElement.SelectSingleNode("ancestor::ds:Signature[1]", nsm);

                            // Resolve the reference to get starting point for position calculation.
                            XmlNode referenceTarget =
                                _uri.Length == 0
                                ? transformElement.OwnerDocument
                                : SignedXml.GetIdElement(transformElement.OwnerDocument, Utils.GetIdFromLocalUri(_uri, out bool _));

                            XmlNodeList signatureList = referenceTarget?.SelectNodes(".//ds:Signature", nsm);
                            if (signatureList != null)
                                int position = 0;
                                foreach (XmlNode node in signatureList)
                                    if (node == signatureTag)
                                        ((XmlDsigEnvelopedSignatureTransform)transform).SignaturePosition = position;

            // DigestMethod
            XmlNodeList digestMethodNodes = value.SelectNodes("ds:DigestMethod", nsm);

            if (digestMethodNodes == null || digestMethodNodes.Count == 0 || digestMethodNodes.Count > 1)
                throw new CryptographicException(SR.Cryptography_Xml_InvalidElement, "Reference/DigestMethod");
            XmlElement digestMethodElement = digestMethodNodes[0] as XmlElement;

            _digestMethod = Utils.GetAttribute(digestMethodElement, "Algorithm", SignedXml.XmlDsigNamespaceUrl);
            if (_digestMethod == null || !Utils.VerifyAttributes(digestMethodElement, "Algorithm"))
                throw new CryptographicException(SR.Cryptography_Xml_InvalidElement, "Reference/DigestMethod");

            // DigestValue
            XmlNodeList digestValueNodes = value.SelectNodes("ds:DigestValue", nsm);

            if (digestValueNodes == null || digestValueNodes.Count == 0 || digestValueNodes.Count > 1)
                throw new CryptographicException(SR.Cryptography_Xml_InvalidElement, "Reference/DigestValue");
            XmlElement digestValueElement = digestValueNodes[0] as XmlElement;

            _digestValue = Convert.FromBase64String(Utils.DiscardWhiteSpaces(digestValueElement.InnerText));
            if (!Utils.VerifyAttributes(digestValueElement, (string[])null))
                throw new CryptographicException(SR.Cryptography_Xml_InvalidElement, "Reference/DigestValue");
            // Verify that there aren't any extra nodes that aren't allowed
            int expectedChildNodeCount = hasTransforms ? 3 : 2;

            if (value.SelectNodes("*").Count != expectedChildNodeCount)
                throw new CryptographicException(SR.Cryptography_Xml_InvalidElement, "Reference");

            // cache the Xml
            _cachedXml = value;