HandleWorkRequest() private method

private HandleWorkRequest ( WorkItem work ) : void
work WorkItem
return void
        [System.Security.SecurityCritical]  // auto-generated
        public virtual IMessage SyncProcessMessage(IMessage reqMsg)
            // 1. Create a work item
            WorkItem work = new WorkItem(reqMsg,
                                         null /* replySink */);

            // 2. Notify the property to handle the WorkItem
            // The work item may get put in a Queue or may execute directly
            // if the domain is free.

            // 3. Pick up retMsg from the WorkItem and return
            [System.Security.SecurityCritical]  // auto-generated
            public virtual IMessage SyncProcessMessage(IMessage reqMsg)
                // We handle this as a regular new Sync workItem
                // 1. Create a work item
                WorkItem work = new WorkItem(reqMsg,
                                             null /* replySink */);

                // 2. Notify the property to handle the WorkItem
                // The work item may get put in a Queue or may execute right away.

                if (!_property.IsReEntrant)
                    // Remove the async lcid we had added to the call out list.
                    //DBGConsole.WriteLine(Thread.CurrentThread.GetHashCode()+"] NR: InterceptionSink::SyncPM Removing async call-out lcid: " + ((LogicalCallContext)reqMsg.Properties[Message.CallContextKey]).RemotingData.LogicalCallID);

                // 3. Pick up retMsg from the WorkItem and return