public CoreClrAnalyzerAssemblyLoader()
            _loadContext = AssemblyLoadContext.GetLoadContext(typeof(CoreClrAnalyzerAssemblyLoader).GetTypeInfo().Assembly);

            _loadContext.Resolving += (context, name) =>
                Debug.Assert(ReferenceEquals(context, _loadContext));
                return Load(name.FullName);
Example #2
            public LoadContextWrapper(AssemblyLoadContext assemblyLoadContext)
                _assemblyLoadContext = assemblyLoadContext;

                var typeInfo = _assemblyLoadContext.GetType().GetTypeInfo();
                var loaderFileMethod = typeInfo.GetDeclaredMethod("LoadFile");
                var loadStreamMethod = typeInfo.GetDeclaredMethod("LoadStream");

                _loadFile = (Func<string, Assembly>)loaderFileMethod.CreateDelegate(typeof(Func<string, Assembly>), _assemblyLoadContext);
                _loadStream = (Func<Stream, Stream, Assembly>)loadStreamMethod.CreateDelegate(typeof(Func<Stream, Stream, Assembly>), _assemblyLoadContext);
Example #3
    public static void LoadLazyAssemblyInALC(string asm_base64, string pdb_base64)
        var context = new System.Runtime.Loader.AssemblyLoadContext("testContext", true);

        byte[] asm_bytes = Convert.FromBase64String(asm_base64);
        byte[] pdb_bytes = null;
        if (pdb_base64 != null)
            pdb_bytes = Convert.FromBase64String(pdb_base64);

        loadedAssembly = context.LoadFromStream(new System.IO.MemoryStream(asm_bytes), new System.IO.MemoryStream(pdb_bytes));
        Console.WriteLine($"Loaded - {loadedAssembly}");
 // This will be used to set the AssemblyLoadContext for DefaultContext, for the AppDomain,
 // by a host. Once set, the runtime will invoke the LoadFromAssemblyName method against it to perform
 // assembly loads for the DefaultContext.
 // This method will throw if the Default AssemblyLoadContext is already set or the Binding model is already locked.
 public static void InitializeDefaultContext(AssemblyLoadContext context)
     if (context == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(context));
     // Try to override the default assembly load context
     if (!AssemblyLoadContext.OverrideDefaultAssemblyLoadContextForCurrentDomain(context.m_pNativeAssemblyLoadContext))
         throw new InvalidOperationException(Environment.GetResourceString("AppDomain_BindingModelIsLocked"));
     // Update the managed side as well.
     s_DefaultAssemblyLoadContext = context;
Example #5
 private static void Assembly_Unloading(Runtime.Loader.AssemblyLoadContext obj)
Example #6
 public HomeController(AssemblyLoadContext accessor)
     _accessor = accessor;
        private Assembly Load(AssemblyLoadContext loadContext, AssemblyName assemblyName)
            lock (_guard)
                // Try and grab assembly using standard load
                Assembly assembly = AppContextLoad(assemblyName);
                if (assembly != null)
                    return assembly;

                string fullName = assemblyName.FullName;

                if (_namesToAssemblies.TryGetValue(fullName, out assembly))
                    return assembly;

                AssemblyIdentity requestedIdentity;
                if (!AssemblyIdentity.TryParseDisplayName(fullName, out requestedIdentity))
                    return null;

                foreach (var candidatePath in _dependencyPaths)
                    if (IsAssemblyAlreadyLoaded(candidatePath) ||
                        !FileMatchesAssemblyName(candidatePath, requestedIdentity.Name))

                    var candidateIdentity = TryGetAssemblyIdentity(candidatePath);

                    if (requestedIdentity.Equals(candidateIdentity))
                        return LoadAndCache(candidatePath);

                return null;
        /// <summary>
        /// The handler for the Resolving event
        /// </summary>
        private Assembly Resolve(AssemblyLoadContext loadContext, AssemblyName assemblyName)
            // Probe the assembly cache
            Assembly asmLoaded;
            if (TryGetAssemblyFromCache(assemblyName, out asmLoaded))
                return asmLoaded;

            // Prepare to load the assembly
            lock (s_syncObj)
                // Probe the cache again in case it's already loaded
                if (TryGetAssemblyFromCache(assemblyName, out asmLoaded))
                    return asmLoaded;

                // Search the specified assembly in probing paths, and load it through 'LoadFromAssemblyPath' if the file exists and matches the requested AssemblyName.
                // If the CultureName of the requested assembly is not NullOrEmpty, then it's a resources.dll and we need to search corresponding culture sub-folder.
                bool isAssemblyFileFound = false, isAssemblyFileMatching = false;
                string asmCultureName = assemblyName.CultureName ?? string.Empty;
                string asmFilePath = null;

                for (int i = 0; i < _probingPaths.Count; i++)
                    string probingPath = _probingPaths[i];
                    string asmCulturePath = Path.Combine(probingPath, asmCultureName);
                    for (int k = 0; k < _extensions.Length; k++)
                        string asmFileName = assemblyName.Name + _extensions[k];
                        asmFilePath = Path.Combine(asmCulturePath, asmFileName);

                        if (File.Exists(asmFilePath))
                            isAssemblyFileFound = true;
                            AssemblyName asmNameFound = GetAssemblyName(asmFilePath);
                            if (IsAssemblyMatching(assemblyName, asmNameFound))
                                isAssemblyFileMatching = true;

                    if (isAssemblyFileFound && isAssemblyFileMatching)

                // We failed to find the assembly file; or we found the file, but the assembly file doesn't match the request.
                // In this case, return null so that other Resolving event handlers can kick in to resolve the request.
                if (!isAssemblyFileFound || !isAssemblyFileMatching)
                    return null;

                asmLoaded = asmFilePath.EndsWith(".ni.dll", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
                                ? loadContext.LoadFromNativeImagePath(asmFilePath, null)
                                : loadContext.LoadFromAssemblyPath(asmFilePath);
                if (asmLoaded != null)
                    // Add the loaded assembly to the cache
                    s_assemblyCache.TryAdd(assemblyName.Name, asmLoaded);

            // Raise AssemblyLoad event
            return asmLoaded;
Example #9
 public AssemblyLoader()
     Context = new CustomAssemblyLoadContext();
Example #10
        // This method is invoked by the VM when using the host-provided assembly load context
        // implementation.
        private static IntPtr ResolveUnmanagedDll(String unmanagedDllName, IntPtr gchManagedAssemblyLoadContext)
            AssemblyLoadContext context = (AssemblyLoadContext)(GCHandle.FromIntPtr(gchManagedAssemblyLoadContext).Target);

Example #11
 public AlekseyDelegateALC(System.Runtime.Loader.AssemblyLoadContext d)
     Console.WriteLine("Created a1");
     this.d = d;
Example #12
        // This method is invoked by the VM when using the host-provided assembly load context
        // implementation.
        private static Assembly Resolve(IntPtr gchManagedAssemblyLoadContext, AssemblyName assemblyName)
            AssemblyLoadContext context = (AssemblyLoadContext)(GCHandle.FromIntPtr(gchManagedAssemblyLoadContext).Target);

        // This method is invoked by the VM to resolve a native library using the ResolvingUnmanagedDll event
        // after trying all other means of resolution.
        private static IntPtr ResolveUnmanagedDllUsingEvent(string unmanagedDllName, Assembly assembly, IntPtr gchManagedAssemblyLoadContext)
            AssemblyLoadContext context = (AssemblyLoadContext)(GCHandle.FromIntPtr(gchManagedAssemblyLoadContext).Target) !;

            return(context.GetResolvedUnmanagedDll(assembly, unmanagedDllName));
Example #14
        private static void MonoResolveUnmanagedDllUsingEvent(string unmanagedDllName, Assembly assembly, IntPtr gchManagedAssemblyLoadContext, ref IntPtr dll)
            AssemblyLoadContext context = GetAssemblyLoadContext(gchManagedAssemblyLoadContext);

            dll = context.GetResolvedUnmanagedDll(assembly, unmanagedDllName);
Example #15
        private static void MonoResolveUnmanagedDll(string unmanagedDllName, IntPtr gchManagedAssemblyLoadContext, ref IntPtr dll)
            AssemblyLoadContext context = GetAssemblyLoadContext(gchManagedAssemblyLoadContext);

            dll = context.LoadUnmanagedDll(unmanagedDllName);
Example #16
        // Invoked by Mono to resolve requests to load satellite assemblies.
        private static Assembly?MonoResolveUsingResolveSatelliteAssembly(IntPtr gchALC, string assemblyName)
            AssemblyLoadContext context = GetAssemblyLoadContext(gchALC);

            return(context.ResolveSatelliteAssembly(new AssemblyName(assemblyName)));