internal bool FinishBind(ref InstanceHandleReference reference, ref long instanceVersion, ref List <InstanceHandleReference> handlesPendingResolution)
            Fx.Assert(reference != null, "Bind not in progress in FinishBind.");
            Fx.Assert(reference.InstanceHandle != null, "Reference already canceled in FinishBind.");
            Fx.Assert(object.ReferenceEquals(this, reference.InstanceHandle.Owner), "FinishBind called on the wrong owner for a handle.");
            Fx.Assert(reference is LockResolutionMarker, "Must have started reclaim in order to finish it.");

            lock (HandlesLock)
                LockResolutionMarker marker = (LockResolutionMarker)reference;
                Fx.AssertAndThrow(marker.IsComplete, "Called FinishBind prematurely.");
                if (marker.NonConflicting)
                    instanceVersion = marker.InstanceVersion;

                    if (marker.Reason != null)
                        throw Fx.Exception.AsError(marker.Reason);
                    Fx.Assert(marker.ConflictingHandle != null, "Should either have a conflicting handle or a reason in the conflicting case.");
                    marker.InstanceHandle.ConflictingHandle = marker.ConflictingHandle;
                    CancelReference(ref reference, ref handlesPendingResolution);
        internal bool FinishBind(ref InstanceHandleReference reference, ref long instanceVersion, ref List <InstanceHandleReference> handlesPendingResolution)
            bool flag2;

            lock (this.HandlesLock)
                LockResolutionMarker marker = (LockResolutionMarker)reference;
                Fx.AssertAndThrow(marker.IsComplete, "Called FinishBind prematurely.");
                if (marker.NonConflicting)
                    instanceVersion = marker.InstanceVersion;
                    flag2           = true;
                        if (marker.Reason != null)
                            throw Fx.Exception.AsError(marker.Reason);
                        marker.InstanceHandle.ConflictingHandle = marker.ConflictingHandle;
                        flag2 = false;
                        this.CancelReference(ref reference, ref handlesPendingResolution);
 private void ProcessInProgressHandles(ref List <InstanceHandleReference> handlesPendingResolution)
     while (this.InProgressHandles.Count > 0)
         InstanceHandleReference handleRef = this.InProgressHandles.Peek();
         if (handleRef.InstanceHandle != null)
             Queue <InstanceHandleReference> queue;
             if (handleRef.InstanceHandle.Id == Guid.Empty)
             if (!this.InProgressHandlesPerInstance.TryGetValue(handleRef.InstanceHandle.Id, out queue))
                 if (this.CheckOldestReference(handleRef, ref handlesPendingResolution))
                     queue = new Queue <InstanceHandleReference>(2);
                     this.InProgressHandlesPerInstance.Add(handleRef.InstanceHandle.Id, queue);
        internal void FaultBind(ref InstanceHandleReference reference, ref List <InstanceHandleReference> handlesPendingResolution, Exception reason)
            Fx.Assert(reference != null, "Bind not in progress in FaultBind.");
            Fx.Assert(reference.InstanceHandle != null, "Reference already canceled in FaultBind.");
            Fx.Assert(object.ReferenceEquals(this, reference.InstanceHandle.Owner), "FaultBind called on the wrong owner for a handle.");

            lock (HandlesLock)
                LockResolutionMarker marker = reference as LockResolutionMarker;
                if (marker != null && !marker.IsComplete)
                        // Nothing to do here - following the patterns of dealing with handlesPendingResolution and setting NotifyMarkerComplete in a finally.
                        marker.Reason = reason ?? new OperationCanceledException(SRCore.HandleFreed);

                        if (handlesPendingResolution == null)
                            handlesPendingResolution = new List <InstanceHandleReference>(1);
 internal void CancelBind(ref InstanceHandleReference reference, ref List<InstanceHandleReference> handlesPendingResolution)
     lock (this.HandlesLock)
         this.CancelReference(ref reference, ref handlesPendingResolution);
        // Must be called with HandlesLock held.
        // This process the top-level InProgressHandles queue, demuxing entries into the per-instance queues and completing markers.
        void ProcessInProgressHandles(ref List <InstanceHandleReference> handlesPendingResolution)
            while (InProgressHandles.Count > 0)
                InstanceHandleReference handleRef = InProgressHandles.Peek();
                if (handleRef.InstanceHandle != null)
                    if (handleRef.InstanceHandle.Id == Guid.Empty)

                    Queue <InstanceHandleReference> acceptingQueue;
                    if (!InProgressHandlesPerInstance.TryGetValue(handleRef.InstanceHandle.Id, out acceptingQueue))
                        if (CheckOldestReference(handleRef, ref handlesPendingResolution))
                            acceptingQueue = new Queue <InstanceHandleReference>(2);
                            InProgressHandlesPerInstance.Add(handleRef.InstanceHandle.Id, acceptingQueue);
                        // It's ok to enqueue first, then dequeue, to err on the side of duplicates.  Duplicates do not cause a problem.
 internal void CancelBind(ref InstanceHandleReference reference, ref List <InstanceHandleReference> handlesPendingResolution)
     lock (this.HandlesLock)
         this.CancelReference(ref reference, ref handlesPendingResolution);
 internal void InstanceBound(ref InstanceHandleReference reference, ref List <InstanceHandleReference> handlesPendingResolution)
     Fx.AssertAndThrow(!(reference is LockResolutionMarker), "InstanceBound called after trying to bind the lock version, which alredy required an instance.");
     lock (this.HandlesLock)
         this.ProcessInProgressHandles(ref handlesPendingResolution);
 internal void StartBind(InstanceHandle handle, ref InstanceHandleReference reference)
     lock (this.HandlesLock)
         reference = new InstanceHandleReference(handle);
        internal AsyncWaitHandle InitiateLockResolution(long instanceVersion, ref InstanceHandleReference reference, ref List <InstanceHandleReference> handlesPendingResolution)
            AsyncWaitHandle markerWaitHandle;

            Fx.AssertAndThrow(!(reference is LockResolutionMarker), "InitiateLockResolution already called.");
            lock (this.HandlesLock)
                InstanceHandleReference reference2 = reference;
                LockResolutionMarker    handleRef  = null;
                    InstanceHandle handle;
                    if (this.BoundHandles.TryGetValue(reference.InstanceHandle.Id, out handle))
                        Fx.AssertAndFailFast(!object.ReferenceEquals(handle, reference.InstanceHandle), "InstanceStore lock state is not correct in InitiateLockResolution.");
                        if ((handle.Version <= 0L) || (instanceVersion <= 0L))
                            if ((handle.Version != 0L) || (instanceVersion != 0L))
                                throw Fx.Exception.AsError(new InvalidOperationException(SRCore.InvalidLockToken));
                            reference.InstanceHandle.ConflictingHandle = handle;
                        if (handle.Version >= instanceVersion)
                            reference.InstanceHandle.ConflictingHandle = handle;
                    handleRef = new LockResolutionMarker(reference.InstanceHandle, instanceVersion);
                    reference        = handleRef;
                    markerWaitHandle = handleRef.MarkerWaitHandle;
                    if (!object.ReferenceEquals(handleRef, reference))
                        this.CancelReference(ref reference, ref handlesPendingResolution);
                        if (handleRef != null)
                            reference2 = handleRef;
                            this.CancelReference(ref reference2, ref handlesPendingResolution);
                        this.CancelReference(ref reference2, ref handlesPendingResolution);
        internal void CancelBind(ref InstanceHandleReference reference, ref List <InstanceHandleReference> handlesPendingResolution)
            Fx.Assert(reference != null, "Bind not in progress.");
            Fx.Assert(reference.InstanceHandle != null, "Reference already canceled in CancelBind.");
            Fx.Assert(object.ReferenceEquals(this, reference.InstanceHandle.Owner), "CancelBind called on the wrong owner for a handle.");

            lock (HandlesLock)
                CancelReference(ref reference, ref handlesPendingResolution);
        // Called when a handle is bound to an instance while the handle is in-progress for a lock.  This can progress the queue-states since
        // this once can move from the general queue to the per-instance queue.
        internal void InstanceBound(ref InstanceHandleReference reference, ref List <InstanceHandleReference> handlesPendingResolution)
            Fx.Assert(reference != null, "InstanceBound called when no operation is in progress.");
            Fx.Assert(reference.InstanceHandle != null, "InstanceBound called after cancelling.");
            Fx.Assert(reference.InstanceHandle.Id != Guid.Empty, "InstanceBound called, but the handle isn't bound.");
            Fx.AssertAndThrow(!(reference is LockResolutionMarker), "InstanceBound called after trying to bind the lock version, which alredy required an instance.");

            lock (HandlesLock)
                ProcessInProgressHandles(ref handlesPendingResolution);
        // This doesn't check the bound handles, since one of the scenarios is to re-bind to an instance and kick out the stale handle.
        internal void StartBind(InstanceHandle handle, ref InstanceHandleReference reference)
            Fx.Assert(object.ReferenceEquals(this, handle.Owner), "StartBind called on the wrong owner for a handle.");

            lock (HandlesLock)
                Fx.Assert(reference == null, "Already have a bind in progress.");

                reference = new InstanceHandleReference(handle);
        // Must be called with HandlesLock held.
        // This is called when a reference becomes the oldest in-progress reference for an instance.  This triggers the end of resolution for markers.
        // Returns false if the resolution failed, meaning that the marker can be removed.
        bool CheckOldestReference(InstanceHandleReference handleRef, ref List <InstanceHandleReference> handlesPendingResolution)
            LockResolutionMarker marker = handleRef as LockResolutionMarker;

            if (marker == null || marker.IsComplete)

            bool returnValue = true;

                InstanceHandle existingHandle;
                if (BoundHandles.TryGetValue(marker.InstanceHandle.Id, out existingHandle))
                    Fx.AssertAndFailFast(!object.ReferenceEquals(existingHandle, marker.InstanceHandle), "InstanceStore lock state is not correct in CheckOldestReference.");
                    if (existingHandle.Version <= 0 || marker.InstanceVersion <= 0)
                        if (existingHandle.Version != 0 || marker.InstanceVersion != 0)
                            marker.Reason = new InvalidOperationException(SRCore.InvalidLockToken);
                            returnValue   = false;
                            marker.ConflictingHandle = existingHandle;
                            returnValue = false;
                    else if (existingHandle.Version >= marker.InstanceVersion)
                        marker.ConflictingHandle = existingHandle;
                        returnValue = false;

                // No other handles have committed a bind to this or a higher version!  We are ok to do so, but it is still not committed, so we stay in queue.

                if (handlesPendingResolution == null)
                    handlesPendingResolution = new List <InstanceHandleReference>(1);
        internal bool TryCompleteBind(ref InstanceHandleReference reference, ref List <InstanceHandleReference> handlesPendingResolution, out InstanceHandle handleToFree)
            bool flag2;

            handleToFree = null;
            lock (this.HandlesLock)
                    InstanceHandle handle;
                    if (this.BoundHandles.TryGetValue(reference.InstanceHandle.Id, out handle))
                        Fx.AssertAndFailFast(!object.ReferenceEquals(handle, reference.InstanceHandle), "InstanceStore lock state is not correct.");
                        if ((handle.Version <= 0L) || (reference.InstanceHandle.Version <= 0L))
                            if ((handle.Version != 0L) || (reference.InstanceHandle.Version != 0L))
                                throw Fx.Exception.AsError(new InvalidOperationException(SRCore.InvalidLockToken));
                            reference.InstanceHandle.ConflictingHandle = handle;
                        if (handle.Version > reference.InstanceHandle.Version)
                            reference.InstanceHandle.ConflictingHandle = handle;
                        if (handle.Version < reference.InstanceHandle.Version)
                            handle.ConflictingHandle = reference.InstanceHandle;
                            handleToFree             = handle;
                            this.BoundHandles[reference.InstanceHandle.Id] = reference.InstanceHandle;
                        if (handle.Version == reference.InstanceHandle.Version)
                            throw Fx.Exception.AsError(new InvalidOperationException(SRCore.InstanceStoreBoundSameVersionTwice));
                        throw Fx.AssertAndThrow("All cases covered above.");
                    this.BoundHandles.Add(reference.InstanceHandle.Id, reference.InstanceHandle);
                    flag2 = true;
                    this.CancelReference(ref reference, ref handlesPendingResolution);
        // Must be called with HandlesLock held.
        void CancelReference(ref InstanceHandleReference reference, ref List <InstanceHandleReference> handlesPendingResolution)
            Guid wasBoundToInstanceId = reference.InstanceHandle.Id;

                LockResolutionMarker marker = reference as LockResolutionMarker;
                if (marker != null && !marker.IsComplete)
                    if (handlesPendingResolution == null)
                        handlesPendingResolution = new List <InstanceHandleReference>(1);
                reference = null;

            ProcessInProgressHandles(ref handlesPendingResolution);

            if (wasBoundToInstanceId != Guid.Empty)
                Queue <InstanceHandleReference> instanceQueue;
                if (InProgressHandlesPerInstance.TryGetValue(wasBoundToInstanceId, out instanceQueue))
                    while (instanceQueue.Count > 0)
                        InstanceHandleReference handleRef = instanceQueue.Peek();
                        if (handleRef.InstanceHandle != null)
                            if (CheckOldestReference(handleRef, ref handlesPendingResolution))

                    if (instanceQueue.Count == 0)
        private bool CheckOldestReference(InstanceHandleReference handleRef, ref List <InstanceHandleReference> handlesPendingResolution)
            bool flag2;
            LockResolutionMarker item = handleRef as LockResolutionMarker;

            if ((item == null) || item.IsComplete)
            bool success = true;

                InstanceHandle handle;
                if (this.BoundHandles.TryGetValue(item.InstanceHandle.Id, out handle))
                    Fx.AssertAndFailFast(!object.ReferenceEquals(handle, item.InstanceHandle), "InstanceStore lock state is not correct in CheckOldestReference.");
                    if ((handle.Version <= 0L) || (item.InstanceVersion <= 0L))
                        if ((handle.Version != 0L) || (item.InstanceVersion != 0L))
                            item.Reason = new InvalidOperationException(SRCore.InvalidLockToken);
                            success     = false;
                            item.ConflictingHandle = handle;
                            success = false;
                    else if (handle.Version >= item.InstanceVersion)
                        item.ConflictingHandle = handle;
                        success = false;
                flag2 = success;
                if (handlesPendingResolution == null)
                    handlesPendingResolution = new List <InstanceHandleReference>(1);
 private bool CheckOldestReference(InstanceHandleReference handleRef, ref List<InstanceHandleReference> handlesPendingResolution)
     bool flag2;
     LockResolutionMarker item = handleRef as LockResolutionMarker;
     if ((item == null) || item.IsComplete)
         return true;
     bool success = true;
         InstanceHandle handle;
         if (this.BoundHandles.TryGetValue(item.InstanceHandle.Id, out handle))
             Fx.AssertAndFailFast(!object.ReferenceEquals(handle, item.InstanceHandle), "InstanceStore lock state is not correct in CheckOldestReference.");
             if ((handle.Version <= 0L) || (item.InstanceVersion <= 0L))
                 if ((handle.Version != 0L) || (item.InstanceVersion != 0L))
                     item.Reason = new InvalidOperationException(SRCore.InvalidLockToken);
                     success = false;
                     item.ConflictingHandle = handle;
                     success = false;
             else if (handle.Version >= item.InstanceVersion)
                 item.ConflictingHandle = handle;
                 success = false;
         flag2 = success;
         if (handlesPendingResolution == null)
             handlesPendingResolution = new List<InstanceHandleReference>(1);
     return flag2;
 // Must be called with HandlesLock held.
 void EnqueueReference(InstanceHandleReference handleRef)
     if (InProgressHandles.Count > 0)
     else if (handleRef.InstanceHandle.Id != Guid.Empty)
         Queue <InstanceHandleReference> queue;
         if (!InProgressHandlesPerInstance.TryGetValue(handleRef.InstanceHandle.Id, out queue))
             queue = new Queue <InstanceHandleReference>(2);
             InProgressHandlesPerInstance.Add(handleRef.InstanceHandle.Id, queue);
        private void CancelReference(ref InstanceHandleReference reference, ref List <InstanceHandleReference> handlesPendingResolution)
            Queue <InstanceHandleReference> queue;
            Guid id = reference.InstanceHandle.Id;

                LockResolutionMarker item = reference as LockResolutionMarker;
                if ((item != null) && !item.IsComplete)
                    if (handlesPendingResolution == null)
                        handlesPendingResolution = new List <InstanceHandleReference>(1);
                reference = null;
            this.ProcessInProgressHandles(ref handlesPendingResolution);
            if ((id != Guid.Empty) && this.InProgressHandlesPerInstance.TryGetValue(id, out queue))
                while (queue.Count > 0)
                    InstanceHandleReference handleRef = queue.Peek();
                    if ((handleRef.InstanceHandle != null) && this.CheckOldestReference(handleRef, ref handlesPendingResolution))
                if (queue.Count == 0)
 private void CancelReference(ref InstanceHandleReference reference, ref List<InstanceHandleReference> handlesPendingResolution)
     Queue<InstanceHandleReference> queue;
     Guid id = reference.InstanceHandle.Id;
         LockResolutionMarker item = reference as LockResolutionMarker;
         if ((item != null) && !item.IsComplete)
             if (handlesPendingResolution == null)
                 handlesPendingResolution = new List<InstanceHandleReference>(1);
         reference = null;
     this.ProcessInProgressHandles(ref handlesPendingResolution);
     if ((id != Guid.Empty) && this.InProgressHandlesPerInstance.TryGetValue(id, out queue))
         while (queue.Count > 0)
             InstanceHandleReference handleRef = queue.Peek();
             if ((handleRef.InstanceHandle != null) && this.CheckOldestReference(handleRef, ref handlesPendingResolution))
         if (queue.Count == 0)
 internal void FaultBind(ref InstanceHandleReference reference, ref List <InstanceHandleReference> handlesPendingResolution, Exception reason)
     lock (this.HandlesLock)
         LockResolutionMarker item = reference as LockResolutionMarker;
         if ((item != null) && !item.IsComplete)
                 item.Reason = reason ?? new OperationCanceledException(SRCore.HandleFreed);
                 if (handlesPendingResolution == null)
                     handlesPendingResolution = new List <InstanceHandleReference>(1);
 internal void StartBind(InstanceHandle handle, ref InstanceHandleReference reference)
     lock (this.HandlesLock)
         reference = new InstanceHandleReference(handle);
 internal bool TryCompleteBind(ref InstanceHandleReference reference, ref List<InstanceHandleReference> handlesPendingResolution, out InstanceHandle handleToFree)
     bool flag2;
     handleToFree = null;
     lock (this.HandlesLock)
             InstanceHandle handle;
             if (this.BoundHandles.TryGetValue(reference.InstanceHandle.Id, out handle))
                 Fx.AssertAndFailFast(!object.ReferenceEquals(handle, reference.InstanceHandle), "InstanceStore lock state is not correct.");
                 if ((handle.Version <= 0L) || (reference.InstanceHandle.Version <= 0L))
                     if ((handle.Version != 0L) || (reference.InstanceHandle.Version != 0L))
                         throw Fx.Exception.AsError(new InvalidOperationException(SRCore.InvalidLockToken));
                     reference.InstanceHandle.ConflictingHandle = handle;
                     return false;
                 if (handle.Version > reference.InstanceHandle.Version)
                     reference.InstanceHandle.ConflictingHandle = handle;
                     return false;
                 if (handle.Version < reference.InstanceHandle.Version)
                     handle.ConflictingHandle = reference.InstanceHandle;
                     handleToFree = handle;
                     this.BoundHandles[reference.InstanceHandle.Id] = reference.InstanceHandle;
                     return true;
                 if (handle.Version == reference.InstanceHandle.Version)
                     throw Fx.Exception.AsError(new InvalidOperationException(SRCore.InstanceStoreBoundSameVersionTwice));
                 throw Fx.AssertAndThrow("All cases covered above.");
             this.BoundHandles.Add(reference.InstanceHandle.Id, reference.InstanceHandle);
             flag2 = true;
             this.CancelReference(ref reference, ref handlesPendingResolution);
     return flag2;
        // This is called if we found an existing lock.  This handle doesn't own the lock, but it could claim it, if it can prove
        // that no other live handle owns it.  If this returns non-null, the outcome will be available later on the
        // InstanceHandleReference once the AsyncWaitHandle completes.  (Null indicates a conflict with another handle.)
        // The instanceVersion reported here was read under the transaction, but not changed.  Either it was already committed, or it was written under
        // this transaction in a prior command on a different handle.  Due to the latter case, we treat it as dirty - we do not publish it or take
        // any visible action (such as dooming handles) based on its value.
        internal AsyncWaitHandle InitiateLockResolution(long instanceVersion, ref InstanceHandleReference reference, ref List <InstanceHandleReference> handlesPendingResolution)
            Fx.Assert(reference != null, "Bind wasn't registered - RegisterStartBind must be called.");
            Fx.Assert(reference.InstanceHandle != null, "Cannot cancel and complete a bind.");
            Fx.Assert(reference.InstanceHandle.Id != Guid.Empty, "Must be bound to an instance already.");

            Fx.AssertAndThrow(!(reference is LockResolutionMarker), "InitiateLockResolution already called.");

            lock (HandlesLock)
                InstanceHandleReference cancelReference = reference;
                LockResolutionMarker    markerReference = null;
                    InstanceHandle existingHandle;
                    if (BoundHandles.TryGetValue(reference.InstanceHandle.Id, out existingHandle))
                        Fx.AssertAndFailFast(!object.ReferenceEquals(existingHandle, reference.InstanceHandle), "InstanceStore lock state is not correct in InitiateLockResolution.");
                        if (existingHandle.Version <= 0 || instanceVersion <= 0)
                            if (existingHandle.Version != 0 || instanceVersion != 0)
                                throw Fx.Exception.AsError(new InvalidOperationException(SRCore.InvalidLockToken));

                            reference.InstanceHandle.ConflictingHandle = existingHandle;

                        if (existingHandle.Version >= instanceVersion)
                            reference.InstanceHandle.ConflictingHandle = existingHandle;

                    // Put a marker in the InProgressHandles.  If it makes it through, and there's still no conflicting handle,
                    // then the lock can be claimed at this version.  Only currently in-progress bindings have a chance of
                    // staking a stronger claim to the lock version (if the store actually acquired the lock for the handle).
                    markerReference = new LockResolutionMarker(reference.InstanceHandle, instanceVersion);
                    reference = markerReference;
                    Fx.Assert(markerReference.MarkerWaitHandle != null, "Null MarkerWaitHandle?");
                    if (!object.ReferenceEquals(markerReference, reference))
                        CancelReference(ref reference, ref handlesPendingResolution);
                        if (markerReference != null)
                            cancelReference = markerReference;
                            CancelReference(ref cancelReference, ref handlesPendingResolution);
                        CancelReference(ref cancelReference, ref handlesPendingResolution);
        // This happens only when the transaction under which the handle was bound is committed.
        internal bool TryCompleteBind(ref InstanceHandleReference reference, ref List <InstanceHandleReference> handlesPendingResolution, out InstanceHandle handleToFree)
            Fx.Assert(reference != null, "Bind wasn't registered - RegisterStartBind must be called.");
            Fx.Assert(reference.InstanceHandle != null, "Cannot cancel and complete a bind.");
            Fx.Assert(reference.InstanceHandle.Version != -1, "Handle state must be set first.");
            Fx.Assert(object.ReferenceEquals(this, reference.InstanceHandle.Owner), "TryCompleteBind called on the wrong owner for a handle.");
            Fx.Assert(!(reference is LockResolutionMarker) || ((LockResolutionMarker)reference).NonConflicting, "How did a Version get set if we're still resolving.");

            handleToFree = null;
            lock (HandlesLock)
                    InstanceHandle existingHandle;
                    if (BoundHandles.TryGetValue(reference.InstanceHandle.Id, out existingHandle))
                        Fx.AssertAndFailFast(!object.ReferenceEquals(existingHandle, reference.InstanceHandle), "InstanceStore lock state is not correct.");
                        if (existingHandle.Version <= 0 || reference.InstanceHandle.Version <= 0)
                            if (existingHandle.Version != 0 || reference.InstanceHandle.Version != 0)
                                throw Fx.Exception.AsError(new InvalidOperationException(SRCore.InvalidLockToken));

                            reference.InstanceHandle.ConflictingHandle = existingHandle;

                        if (existingHandle.Version > reference.InstanceHandle.Version)
                            reference.InstanceHandle.ConflictingHandle = existingHandle;

                        if (existingHandle.Version < reference.InstanceHandle.Version)
                            existingHandle.ConflictingHandle = reference.InstanceHandle;
                            handleToFree = existingHandle;
                            BoundHandles[reference.InstanceHandle.Id] = reference.InstanceHandle;

                        if (existingHandle.Version == reference.InstanceHandle.Version)
                            // This could be a case of amnesia (backup / restore).
                            throw Fx.Exception.AsError(new InvalidOperationException(SRCore.InstanceStoreBoundSameVersionTwice));

                        throw Fx.AssertAndThrow("All cases covered above.");
                        BoundHandles.Add(reference.InstanceHandle.Id, reference.InstanceHandle);
                    CancelReference(ref reference, ref handlesPendingResolution);
 internal bool FinishBind(ref InstanceHandleReference reference, ref long instanceVersion, ref List<InstanceHandleReference> handlesPendingResolution)
     bool flag2;
     lock (this.HandlesLock)
         LockResolutionMarker marker = (LockResolutionMarker) reference;
         Fx.AssertAndThrow(marker.IsComplete, "Called FinishBind prematurely.");
         if (marker.NonConflicting)
             instanceVersion = marker.InstanceVersion;
             flag2 = true;
                 if (marker.Reason != null)
                     throw Fx.Exception.AsError(marker.Reason);
                 marker.InstanceHandle.ConflictingHandle = marker.ConflictingHandle;
                 flag2 = false;
                 this.CancelReference(ref reference, ref handlesPendingResolution);
     return flag2;
 internal AsyncWaitHandle InitiateLockResolution(long instanceVersion, ref InstanceHandleReference reference, ref List<InstanceHandleReference> handlesPendingResolution)
     AsyncWaitHandle markerWaitHandle;
     Fx.AssertAndThrow(!(reference is LockResolutionMarker), "InitiateLockResolution already called.");
     lock (this.HandlesLock)
         InstanceHandleReference reference2 = reference;
         LockResolutionMarker handleRef = null;
             InstanceHandle handle;
             if (this.BoundHandles.TryGetValue(reference.InstanceHandle.Id, out handle))
                 Fx.AssertAndFailFast(!object.ReferenceEquals(handle, reference.InstanceHandle), "InstanceStore lock state is not correct in InitiateLockResolution.");
                 if ((handle.Version <= 0L) || (instanceVersion <= 0L))
                     if ((handle.Version != 0L) || (instanceVersion != 0L))
                         throw Fx.Exception.AsError(new InvalidOperationException(SRCore.InvalidLockToken));
                     reference.InstanceHandle.ConflictingHandle = handle;
                     return null;
                 if (handle.Version >= instanceVersion)
                     reference.InstanceHandle.ConflictingHandle = handle;
                     return null;
             handleRef = new LockResolutionMarker(reference.InstanceHandle, instanceVersion);
             reference = handleRef;
             markerWaitHandle = handleRef.MarkerWaitHandle;
             if (!object.ReferenceEquals(handleRef, reference))
                 this.CancelReference(ref reference, ref handlesPendingResolution);
                 if (handleRef != null)
                     reference2 = handleRef;
                     this.CancelReference(ref reference2, ref handlesPendingResolution);
                 this.CancelReference(ref reference2, ref handlesPendingResolution);
     return markerWaitHandle;
 // Must be called with HandlesLock held.
 void EnqueueReference(InstanceHandleReference handleRef)
     if (InProgressHandles.Count > 0)
     else if (handleRef.InstanceHandle.Id != Guid.Empty)
         Queue<InstanceHandleReference> queue;
         if (!InProgressHandlesPerInstance.TryGetValue(handleRef.InstanceHandle.Id, out queue))
             queue = new Queue<InstanceHandleReference>(2);
             InProgressHandlesPerInstance.Add(handleRef.InstanceHandle.Id, queue);
        // Must be called with HandlesLock held.
        void CancelReference(ref InstanceHandleReference reference, ref List<InstanceHandleReference> handlesPendingResolution)
            Guid wasBoundToInstanceId = reference.InstanceHandle.Id;

                LockResolutionMarker marker = reference as LockResolutionMarker;
                if (marker != null && !marker.IsComplete)
                    if (handlesPendingResolution == null)
                        handlesPendingResolution = new List<InstanceHandleReference>(1);
                reference = null;

            ProcessInProgressHandles(ref handlesPendingResolution);

            if (wasBoundToInstanceId != Guid.Empty)
                Queue<InstanceHandleReference> instanceQueue;
                if (InProgressHandlesPerInstance.TryGetValue(wasBoundToInstanceId, out instanceQueue))
                    while (instanceQueue.Count > 0)
                        InstanceHandleReference handleRef = instanceQueue.Peek();
                        if (handleRef.InstanceHandle != null)
                            if (CheckOldestReference(handleRef, ref handlesPendingResolution))

                    if (instanceQueue.Count == 0)
        internal bool FinishBind(ref InstanceHandleReference reference, ref long instanceVersion, ref List<InstanceHandleReference> handlesPendingResolution)
            Fx.Assert(reference != null, "Bind not in progress in FinishBind.");
            Fx.Assert(reference.InstanceHandle != null, "Reference already canceled in FinishBind.");
            Fx.Assert(object.ReferenceEquals(this, reference.InstanceHandle.Owner), "FinishBind called on the wrong owner for a handle.");
            Fx.Assert(reference is LockResolutionMarker, "Must have started reclaim in order to finish it.");

            lock (HandlesLock)
                LockResolutionMarker marker = (LockResolutionMarker)reference;
                Fx.AssertAndThrow(marker.IsComplete, "Called FinishBind prematurely.");
                if (marker.NonConflicting)
                    instanceVersion = marker.InstanceVersion;
                    return true;

                    if (marker.Reason != null)
                        throw Fx.Exception.AsError(marker.Reason);
                    Fx.Assert(marker.ConflictingHandle != null, "Should either have a conflicting handle or a reason in the conflicting case.");
                    marker.InstanceHandle.ConflictingHandle = marker.ConflictingHandle;
                    return false;
                    CancelReference(ref reference, ref handlesPendingResolution);
        internal void FaultBind(ref InstanceHandleReference reference, ref List<InstanceHandleReference> handlesPendingResolution, Exception reason)
            Fx.Assert(reference != null, "Bind not in progress in FaultBind.");
            Fx.Assert(reference.InstanceHandle != null, "Reference already canceled in FaultBind.");
            Fx.Assert(object.ReferenceEquals(this, reference.InstanceHandle.Owner), "FaultBind called on the wrong owner for a handle.");

            lock (HandlesLock)
                LockResolutionMarker marker = reference as LockResolutionMarker;
                if (marker != null && !marker.IsComplete)
                        // Nothing to do here - following the patterns of dealing with handlesPendingResolution and setting NotifyMarkerComplete in a finally.
                        marker.Reason = reason ?? new OperationCanceledException(SRCore.HandleFreed);

                        if (handlesPendingResolution == null)
                            handlesPendingResolution = new List<InstanceHandleReference>(1);
        internal void CancelBind(ref InstanceHandleReference reference, ref List<InstanceHandleReference> handlesPendingResolution)
            Fx.Assert(reference != null, "Bind not in progress.");
            Fx.Assert(reference.InstanceHandle != null, "Reference already canceled in CancelBind.");
            Fx.Assert(object.ReferenceEquals(this, reference.InstanceHandle.Owner), "CancelBind called on the wrong owner for a handle.");

            lock (HandlesLock)
                CancelReference(ref reference, ref handlesPendingResolution);
        // Called when a handle is bound to an instance while the handle is in-progress for a lock.  This can progress the queue-states since
        // this once can move from the general queue to the per-instance queue.
        internal void InstanceBound(ref InstanceHandleReference reference, ref List<InstanceHandleReference> handlesPendingResolution)
            Fx.Assert(reference != null, "InstanceBound called when no operation is in progress.");
            Fx.Assert(reference.InstanceHandle != null, "InstanceBound called after cancelling.");
            Fx.Assert(reference.InstanceHandle.Id != Guid.Empty, "InstanceBound called, but the handle isn't bound.");
            Fx.AssertAndThrow(!(reference is LockResolutionMarker), "InstanceBound called after trying to bind the lock version, which alredy required an instance.");

            lock (HandlesLock)
                ProcessInProgressHandles(ref handlesPendingResolution);
 internal void InstanceBound(ref InstanceHandleReference reference, ref List<InstanceHandleReference> handlesPendingResolution)
     Fx.AssertAndThrow(!(reference is LockResolutionMarker), "InstanceBound called after trying to bind the lock version, which alredy required an instance.");
     lock (this.HandlesLock)
         this.ProcessInProgressHandles(ref handlesPendingResolution);
        // Must be called with HandlesLock held.
        // This is called when a reference becomes the oldest in-progress reference for an instance.  This triggers the end of resolution for markers.
        // Returns false if the resolution failed, meaning that the marker can be removed.
        bool CheckOldestReference(InstanceHandleReference handleRef, ref List<InstanceHandleReference> handlesPendingResolution)
            LockResolutionMarker marker = handleRef as LockResolutionMarker;
            if (marker == null || marker.IsComplete)
                return true;

            bool returnValue = true;
                InstanceHandle existingHandle;
                if (BoundHandles.TryGetValue(marker.InstanceHandle.Id, out existingHandle))
                    Fx.AssertAndFailFast(!object.ReferenceEquals(existingHandle, marker.InstanceHandle), "InstanceStore lock state is not correct in CheckOldestReference.");
                    if (existingHandle.Version <= 0 || marker.InstanceVersion <= 0)
                        if (existingHandle.Version != 0 || marker.InstanceVersion != 0)
                            marker.Reason = new InvalidOperationException(SRCore.InvalidLockToken);
                            returnValue = false;
                            marker.ConflictingHandle = existingHandle;
                            returnValue = false;
                    else if (existingHandle.Version >= marker.InstanceVersion)
                        marker.ConflictingHandle = existingHandle;
                        returnValue = false;

                // No other handles have committed a bind to this or a higher version!  We are ok to do so, but it is still not committed, so we stay in queue.
                return returnValue;

                if (handlesPendingResolution == null)
                    handlesPendingResolution = new List<InstanceHandleReference>(1);
        // This happens only when the transaction under which the handle was bound is committed.
        internal bool TryCompleteBind(ref InstanceHandleReference reference, ref List<InstanceHandleReference> handlesPendingResolution, out InstanceHandle handleToFree)
            Fx.Assert(reference != null, "Bind wasn't registered - RegisterStartBind must be called.");
            Fx.Assert(reference.InstanceHandle != null, "Cannot cancel and complete a bind.");
            Fx.Assert(reference.InstanceHandle.Version != -1, "Handle state must be set first.");
            Fx.Assert(object.ReferenceEquals(this, reference.InstanceHandle.Owner), "TryCompleteBind called on the wrong owner for a handle.");
            Fx.Assert(!(reference is LockResolutionMarker) || ((LockResolutionMarker)reference).NonConflicting, "How did a Version get set if we're still resolving.");

            handleToFree = null;
            lock (HandlesLock)
                    InstanceHandle existingHandle;
                    if (BoundHandles.TryGetValue(reference.InstanceHandle.Id, out existingHandle))
                        Fx.AssertAndFailFast(!object.ReferenceEquals(existingHandle, reference.InstanceHandle), "InstanceStore lock state is not correct.");
                        if (existingHandle.Version <= 0 || reference.InstanceHandle.Version <= 0)
                            if (existingHandle.Version != 0 || reference.InstanceHandle.Version != 0)
                                throw Fx.Exception.AsError(new InvalidOperationException(SRCore.InvalidLockToken));

                            reference.InstanceHandle.ConflictingHandle = existingHandle;
                            return false;

                        if (existingHandle.Version > reference.InstanceHandle.Version)
                            reference.InstanceHandle.ConflictingHandle = existingHandle;
                            return false;

                        if (existingHandle.Version < reference.InstanceHandle.Version)
                            existingHandle.ConflictingHandle = reference.InstanceHandle;
                            handleToFree = existingHandle;
                            BoundHandles[reference.InstanceHandle.Id] = reference.InstanceHandle;
                            return true;

                        if (existingHandle.Version == reference.InstanceHandle.Version)
                            // This could be a case of amnesia (backup / restore).
                            throw Fx.Exception.AsError(new InvalidOperationException(SRCore.InstanceStoreBoundSameVersionTwice));

                        throw Fx.AssertAndThrow("All cases covered above.");
                        BoundHandles.Add(reference.InstanceHandle.Id, reference.InstanceHandle);
                        return true;
                    CancelReference(ref reference, ref handlesPendingResolution);
        // This doesn't check the bound handles, since one of the scenarios is to re-bind to an instance and kick out the stale handle.
        internal void StartBind(InstanceHandle handle, ref InstanceHandleReference reference)
            Fx.Assert(object.ReferenceEquals(this, handle.Owner), "StartBind called on the wrong owner for a handle.");

            lock (HandlesLock)
                Fx.Assert(reference == null, "Already have a bind in progress.");

                reference = new InstanceHandleReference(handle);
        // This is called if we found an existing lock.  This handle doesn't own the lock, but it could claim it, if it can prove
        // that no other live handle owns it.  If this returns non-null, the outcome will be available later on the
        // InstanceHandleReference once the AsyncWaitHandle completes.  (Null indicates a conflict with another handle.)
        // The instanceVersion reported here was read under the transaction, but not changed.  Either it was already committed, or it was written under
        // this transaction in a prior command on a different handle.  Due to the latter case, we treat it as dirty - we do not publish it or take
        // any visible action (such as dooming handles) based on its value.
        internal AsyncWaitHandle InitiateLockResolution(long instanceVersion, ref InstanceHandleReference reference, ref List<InstanceHandleReference> handlesPendingResolution)
            Fx.Assert(reference != null, "Bind wasn't registered - RegisterStartBind must be called.");
            Fx.Assert(reference.InstanceHandle != null, "Cannot cancel and complete a bind.");
            Fx.Assert(reference.InstanceHandle.Id != Guid.Empty, "Must be bound to an instance already.");

            Fx.AssertAndThrow(!(reference is LockResolutionMarker), "InitiateLockResolution already called.");

            lock (HandlesLock)
                InstanceHandleReference cancelReference = reference;
                LockResolutionMarker markerReference = null;
                    InstanceHandle existingHandle;
                    if (BoundHandles.TryGetValue(reference.InstanceHandle.Id, out existingHandle))
                        Fx.AssertAndFailFast(!object.ReferenceEquals(existingHandle, reference.InstanceHandle), "InstanceStore lock state is not correct in InitiateLockResolution.");
                        if (existingHandle.Version <= 0 || instanceVersion <= 0)
                            if (existingHandle.Version != 0 || instanceVersion != 0)
                                throw Fx.Exception.AsError(new InvalidOperationException(SRCore.InvalidLockToken));

                            reference.InstanceHandle.ConflictingHandle = existingHandle;
                            return null;

                        if (existingHandle.Version >= instanceVersion)
                            reference.InstanceHandle.ConflictingHandle = existingHandle;
                            return null;

                    // Put a marker in the InProgressHandles.  If it makes it through, and there's still no conflicting handle,
                    // then the lock can be claimed at this version.  Only currently in-progress bindings have a chance of
                    // staking a stronger claim to the lock version (if the store actually acquired the lock for the handle).
                    markerReference = new LockResolutionMarker(reference.InstanceHandle, instanceVersion);
                    reference = markerReference;
                    Fx.Assert(markerReference.MarkerWaitHandle != null, "Null MarkerWaitHandle?");
                    return markerReference.MarkerWaitHandle;
                    if (!object.ReferenceEquals(markerReference, reference))
                        CancelReference(ref reference, ref handlesPendingResolution);
                        if (markerReference != null)
                            cancelReference = markerReference;
                            CancelReference(ref cancelReference, ref handlesPendingResolution);
                        CancelReference(ref cancelReference, ref handlesPendingResolution);
 internal void FaultBind(ref InstanceHandleReference reference, ref List<InstanceHandleReference> handlesPendingResolution, Exception reason)
     lock (this.HandlesLock)
         LockResolutionMarker item = reference as LockResolutionMarker;
         if ((item != null) && !item.IsComplete)
                 item.Reason = reason ?? new OperationCanceledException(SRCore.HandleFreed);
                 if (handlesPendingResolution == null)
                     handlesPendingResolution = new List<InstanceHandleReference>(1);