internal IPAddress MarshalIPAddress()
                // Determine the address family used to create the IPAddress.
                AddressFamily family = (addressLength > Internals.SocketAddress.IPv4AddressSize)
                    ? AddressFamily.InterNetworkV6 : AddressFamily.InterNetwork;
                Internals.SocketAddress sockAddress = new Internals.SocketAddress(family, addressLength);
                Marshal.Copy(address, sockAddress.Buffer, 0, addressLength);

                return sockAddress.GetIPAddress();
            internal IPAddress MarshalIPAddress()
                // Determine the address family used to create the IPAddress.
                AddressFamily family = (addressLength > Internals.SocketAddress.IPv4AddressSize)
                    ? AddressFamily.InterNetworkV6 : AddressFamily.InterNetwork;

                Internals.SocketAddress sockAddress = new Internals.SocketAddress(family, addressLength);
                Marshal.Copy(address, sockAddress.Buffer, 0, addressLength);

Example #3
        // A socketAddress must always be the result of remoteEP.Serialize().
        private Internals.SocketAddress CheckCacheRemote(ref EndPoint remoteEP, bool isOverwrite)
            IPEndPoint ipSnapshot = remoteEP as IPEndPoint;

            if (ipSnapshot != null)
                // Snapshot to avoid external tampering and malicious derivations if IPEndPoint.
                ipSnapshot = ipSnapshot.Snapshot();

                // DualMode: Do the security check on the user input address, but return an IPEndPoint 
                // mapped to an IPv6 address.
                remoteEP = RemapIPEndPoint(ipSnapshot);

            // This doesn't use SnapshotAndSerialize() because we need the ipSnapshot later.
            Internals.SocketAddress socketAddress = CallSerializeCheckDnsEndPoint(remoteEP);

            // We remember the first peer with which we have communicated.
            Internals.SocketAddress permittedRemoteAddress = _permittedRemoteAddress;
            if (permittedRemoteAddress != null && permittedRemoteAddress.Equals(socketAddress))
                return permittedRemoteAddress;

            // Cache only the first peer with which we communicated.
            if (_permittedRemoteAddress == null || isOverwrite)
                _permittedRemoteAddress = socketAddress;

            return socketAddress;
        // Cleans up any existing Overlapped object and related state variables.
        private void FreeOverlapped(bool checkForShutdown)
            if (!checkForShutdown || !Environment.HasShutdownStarted)
                // Free the overlapped object.
                if (_ptrNativeOverlapped != null && !_ptrNativeOverlapped.IsInvalid)
                    _ptrNativeOverlapped = null;

                // Free the preallocated overlapped object. This in turn will unpin
                // any pinned buffers.
                if (_preAllocatedOverlapped != null)
                    _preAllocatedOverlapped = null;

                    _pinState = PinState.None;
                    _pinnedAcceptBuffer = null;
                    _pinnedSingleBuffer = null;
                    _pinnedSingleBufferOffset = 0;
                    _pinnedSingleBufferCount = 0;

                // Free any allocated GCHandles.
                if (_socketAddressGCHandle.IsAllocated)
                    _pinnedSocketAddress = null;

                if (_wsaMessageBufferGCHandle.IsAllocated)
                    _ptrWSAMessageBuffer = IntPtr.Zero;

                if (_wsaRecvMsgWSABufferArrayGCHandle.IsAllocated)
                    _ptrWSARecvMsgWSABufferArray = IntPtr.Zero;

                if (_controlBufferGCHandle.IsAllocated)
                    _ptrControlBuffer = IntPtr.Zero;
        // Ensures appropriate SocketAddress buffer is pinned.
        private void PinSocketAddressBuffer()
            // Check if already pinned.
            if (_pinnedSocketAddress == _socketAddress)

            // Unpin any existing.
            if (_socketAddressGCHandle.IsAllocated)

            // Pin down the new one.
            _socketAddressGCHandle = GCHandle.Alloc(_socketAddress.Buffer, GCHandleType.Pinned);
            _ptrSocketAddressBuffer = Marshal.UnsafeAddrOfPinnedArrayElement(_socketAddress.Buffer, 0);
            _ptrSocketAddressBufferSize = Marshal.UnsafeAddrOfPinnedArrayElement(_socketAddress.Buffer, _socketAddress.GetAddressSizeOffset());
            _pinnedSocketAddress = _socketAddress;