public void TryParseThrowsInvalidMaxDepth()
            JObject value;

            Assert.ThrowsArgumentGreaterThan(() => FormUrlEncodedJson.TryParse(CreateQuery(), -1, out value), "maxDepth", "0", -1);
            Assert.ThrowsArgumentGreaterThan(() => FormUrlEncodedJson.TryParse(CreateQuery(), 0, out value), "maxDepth", "0", 0);
        public void TryParseReturnsFalseMaxDepthExceeded()
            JObject value;

            // Depth of 'a[b]=1' is 3
            IEnumerable <KeyValuePair <string, string> > query = CreateQuery(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("a[b]", "1"));

            Assert.False(FormUrlEncodedJson.TryParse(query, 2, out value), "Parse should have failed due to too high depth.");

            // This should succeed
            Assert.True(FormUrlEncodedJson.TryParse(query, 3, out value), "Expected non-null JsonObject instance");
        public void TryParseThrowsOnNull()
            JObject value;

            Assert.ThrowsArgumentNull(() => FormUrlEncodedJson.TryParse(null, out value), null);