Example #1
 internal CmdletProviderInvocationException(
     ProviderInvocationException innerException,
     InvocationInfo myInvocation)
     : base(CmdletProviderInvocationException.GetInnerException((Exception)innerException), myInvocation)
     this._providerInvocationException = innerException != null ? innerException : throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(innerException));
Example #2
        internal PipelineStoppedException ManageInvocationException(Exception e)
            PipelineStoppedException exception4;

                if (this.Command != null)
                    ProviderInvocationException innerException = e as ProviderInvocationException;
                    if (innerException != null)
                        e = new CmdletProviderInvocationException(innerException, this.Command.MyInvocation);
                    else if (((!(e is PipelineStoppedException) && !(e is CmdletInvocationException)) && (!(e is ActionPreferenceStopException) && !(e is HaltCommandException))) && (!(e is FlowControlException) && !(e is ScriptCallDepthException)))
                        RuntimeException exception2 = e as RuntimeException;
                        if ((exception2 == null) || !exception2.WasThrownFromThrowStatement)
                            e = new CmdletInvocationException(e, this.Command.MyInvocation);
                    if (this.commandRuntime.UseTransaction != 0)
                        bool flag = false;
                        for (Exception exception3 = e; exception3 != null; exception3 = exception3.InnerException)
                            if (exception3 is TimeoutException)
                                flag = true;
                        if (flag)
                            ErrorRecord errorRecord = new ErrorRecord(new InvalidOperationException(TransactionStrings.TransactionTimedOut), "TRANSACTION_TIMEOUT", ErrorCategory.InvalidOperation, e);
                            e = new CmdletInvocationException(errorRecord);
                        if (this._context.TransactionManager.HasTransaction && (this._context.TransactionManager.RollbackPreference != RollbackSeverity.Never))
                exception4 = new PipelineStoppedException();
            catch (Exception)
Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Wraps the exception which occurred during cmdlet invocation,
        /// stores that as the exception to be returned from
        /// PipelineProcessor.SynchronousExecute, and writes it to
        /// the error variable.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="e">
        /// The exception to wrap in a CmdletInvocationException or
        /// CmdletProviderInvocationException.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// Always returns PipelineStoppedException.  The caller should
        /// throw this exception.
        /// </returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Almost all exceptions which occur during pipeline invocation
        /// are wrapped in CmdletInvocationException before they are stored
        /// in the pipeline.  However, there are several exceptions:
        /// AccessViolationException, StackOverflowException:
        /// These are considered to be such severe errors that we
        /// FailFast the process immediately.
        /// ProviderInvocationException: In this case, we assume that the
        /// cmdlet is get-item or the like, a thin wrapper around the
        /// provider API.  We discard the original ProviderInvocationException
        /// and re-wrap its InnerException (the real error) in
        /// CmdletProviderInvocationException. This makes it easier to reach
        /// the real error.
        /// CmdletInvocationException, ActionPreferenceStopException:
        /// This indicates that the cmdlet itself ran a command which failed.
        /// We could go ahead and wrap the original exception in multiple
        /// layers of CmdletInvocationException, but this makes it difficult
        /// for the caller to access the root problem, plus the serialization
        /// layer might not communicate properties beyond some fixed depth.
        /// Instead, we choose to not re-wrap the exception.
        /// PipelineStoppedException: This could mean one of two things.
        /// It usually means that this pipeline has already stopped,
        /// in which case the pipeline already stores the original error.
        /// It could also mean that the cmdlet ran a command which was
        /// stopped by CTRL-C etc, in which case we choose not to
        /// re-wrap the exception as with CmdletInvocationException.
        /// </remarks>
        internal PipelineStoppedException ManageInvocationException(Exception e)
                if (Command != null)
                    do // false loop
                        ProviderInvocationException pie = e as ProviderInvocationException;
                        if (pie != null)
                            // If a ProviderInvocationException occurred,
                            // discard the ProviderInvocationException and
                            // re-wrap in CmdletProviderInvocationException
                            e = new CmdletProviderInvocationException(

                        // 1021203-2005/05/09-JonN
                        // HaltCommandException will cause the command
                        // to stop, but not be reported as an error.
                        // 906445-2005/05/16-JonN
                        // FlowControlException should not be wrapped
                        if (e is PipelineStoppedException ||
                            e is CmdletInvocationException ||
                            e is ActionPreferenceStopException ||
                            e is HaltCommandException ||
                            e is FlowControlException ||
                            e is ScriptCallDepthException)
                            // do nothing; do not rewrap these exceptions

                        RuntimeException rte = e as RuntimeException;
                        if (rte != null && rte.WasThrownFromThrowStatement)
                            // do not rewrap a script based throw

                        // wrap all other exceptions
                        e = new CmdletInvocationException(
                    } while (false);

                    // commandRuntime.ManageException will always throw PipelineStoppedException
                    // Otherwise, just return this exception...

                    // If this exception happened in a transacted cmdlet,
                    // rollback the transaction
                    if (commandRuntime.UseTransaction)
                        // The "transaction timed out" exception is
                        // exceedingly obtuse. We clarify things here.
                        bool      isTimeoutException = false;
                        Exception tempException      = e;
                        while (tempException != null)
                            if (tempException is System.TimeoutException)
                                isTimeoutException = true;

                            tempException = tempException.InnerException;

                        if (isTimeoutException)
                            ErrorRecord errorRecord = new ErrorRecord(
                                new InvalidOperationException(

                            e = new CmdletInvocationException(errorRecord);

                        // Rollback the transaction in the case of errors.
                        if (
                            _context.TransactionManager.RollbackPreference != RollbackSeverity.Never


                // Upstream cmdlets see only that execution stopped
                // This should only happen if Command is null
                return(new PipelineStoppedException());
            catch (Exception)
                // this method should not throw exceptions; warn about any violations on checked builds and re-throw
                Diagnostics.Assert(false, "This method should not throw exceptions!");
        /// <summary>
        /// Wraps the exception which occurred during cmdlet invocation,
        /// stores that as the exception to be returned from
        /// PipelineProcessor.SynchronousExecute, and writes it to
        /// the error variable.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="e">
        /// The exception to wrap in a CmdletInvocationException or
        /// CmdletProviderInvocationException.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// Always returns PipelineStoppedException.  The caller should
        /// throw this exception.
        /// </returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Almost all exceptions which occur during pipeline invocation
        /// are wrapped in CmdletInvocationException before they are stored
        /// in the pipeline.  However, there are several exceptions:
        /// AccessViolationException, StackOverflowException:
        /// These are considered to be such severe errors that we
        /// FailFast the process immediately.
        /// ProviderInvocationException: In this case, we assume that the
        /// cmdlet is get-item or the like, a thin wrapper around the
        /// provider API.  We discard the original ProviderInvocationException
        /// and re-wrap its InnerException (the real error) in
        /// CmdletProviderInvocationException. This makes it easier to reach
        /// the real error.
        /// CmdletInvocationException, ActionPreferenceStopException:
        /// This indicates that the cmdlet itself ran a command which failed.
        /// We could go ahead and wrap the original exception in multiple
        /// layers of CmdletInvocationException, but this makes it difficult
        /// for the caller to access the root problem, plus the serialization
        /// layer might not communicate properties beyond some fixed depth.
        /// Instead, we choose to not re-wrap the exception.
        /// PipelineStoppedException: This could mean one of two things.
        /// It usually means that this pipeline has already stopped,
        /// in which case the pipeline already stores the original error.
        /// It could also mean that the cmdlet ran a command which was
        /// stopped by CTRL-C etc, in which case we choose not to
        /// re-wrap the exception as with CmdletInvocationException.
        /// </remarks>
        internal PipelineStoppedException ManageInvocationException(Exception e)
                if (null != Command)
                    do // false loop
                        ProviderInvocationException pie = e as ProviderInvocationException;
                        if (pie != null)
                            // If a ProviderInvocationException occurred,
                            // discard the ProviderInvocationException and
                            // re-wrap in CmdletProviderInvocationException 
                            e = new CmdletProviderInvocationException(

                        // 1021203-2005/05/09-JonN
                        // HaltCommandException will cause the command
                        // to stop, but not be reported as an error.
                        // 906445-2005/05/16-JonN
                        // FlowControlException should not be wrapped
                        if (e is PipelineStoppedException
                            || e is CmdletInvocationException
                            || e is ActionPreferenceStopException
                            || e is HaltCommandException
                            || e is FlowControlException
                            || e is ScriptCallDepthException)
                            // do nothing; do not rewrap these exceptions

                        RuntimeException rte = e as RuntimeException;
                        if (rte != null && rte.WasThrownFromThrowStatement)
                            // do not rewrap a script based throw

                        // wrap all other exceptions
                        e = new CmdletInvocationException(
                    } while (false);

                    // commandRuntime.ManageException will always throw PipelineStoppedException
                    // Otherwise, just return this exception...

                    // If this exception happened in a transacted cmdlet,
                    // rollback the transaction
                    if (commandRuntime.UseTransaction)
                        // The "transaction timed out" exception is
                        // exceedingly obtuse. We clarify things here.
                        bool isTimeoutException = false;
                        Exception tempException = e;
                        while (tempException != null)
                            if (tempException is System.TimeoutException)
                                isTimeoutException = true;

                            tempException = tempException.InnerException;

                        if (isTimeoutException)
                            ErrorRecord errorRecord = new ErrorRecord(
                                new InvalidOperationException(

                            e = new CmdletInvocationException(errorRecord);

                        // Rollback the transaction in the case of errors.
                        if (
                            _context.TransactionManager.RollbackPreference != RollbackSeverity.Never

                    return (PipelineStoppedException)this.commandRuntime.ManageException(e);

                // Upstream cmdlets see only that execution stopped
                // This should only happen if Command is null
                return new PipelineStoppedException();
            catch (Exception)
                // this method should not throw exceptions; warn about any violations on checked builds and re-throw
                Diagnostics.Assert(false, "This method should not throw exceptions!");
Example #5
 internal PipelineStoppedException ManageInvocationException(Exception e)
     PipelineStoppedException exception4;
         if (this.Command != null)
             ProviderInvocationException innerException = e as ProviderInvocationException;
             if (innerException != null)
                 e = new CmdletProviderInvocationException(innerException, this.Command.MyInvocation);
             else if (((!(e is PipelineStoppedException) && !(e is CmdletInvocationException)) && (!(e is ActionPreferenceStopException) && !(e is HaltCommandException))) && (!(e is FlowControlException) && !(e is ScriptCallDepthException)))
                 RuntimeException exception2 = e as RuntimeException;
                 if ((exception2 == null) || !exception2.WasThrownFromThrowStatement)
                     e = new CmdletInvocationException(e, this.Command.MyInvocation);
             if (this.commandRuntime.UseTransaction != 0)
                 bool flag = false;
                 for (Exception exception3 = e; exception3 != null; exception3 = exception3.InnerException)
                     if (exception3 is TimeoutException)
                         flag = true;
                 if (flag)
                     ErrorRecord errorRecord = new ErrorRecord(new InvalidOperationException(TransactionStrings.TransactionTimedOut), "TRANSACTION_TIMEOUT", ErrorCategory.InvalidOperation, e);
                     e = new CmdletInvocationException(errorRecord);
                 if (this._context.TransactionManager.HasTransaction && (this._context.TransactionManager.RollbackPreference != RollbackSeverity.Never))
             return (PipelineStoppedException) this.commandRuntime.ManageException(e);
         exception4 = new PipelineStoppedException();
     catch (Exception)
     return exception4;
Example #6
 private void DisposeCommands()
     this.stopping = true;
     if (this._commands != null)
         for (int i = 0; i < this._commands.Count; i++)
             CommandProcessorBase base2 = this._commands[i];
             if (base2 != null)
                 catch (Exception exception)
                     InvocationInfo myInvocation = null;
                     if (base2.Command != null)
                         myInvocation = base2.Command.MyInvocation;
                     ProviderInvocationException innerException = exception as ProviderInvocationException;
                     if (innerException != null)
                         exception = new CmdletProviderInvocationException(innerException, myInvocation);
                         exception = new CmdletInvocationException(exception, myInvocation);
                         MshLog.LogCommandHealthEvent(base2.Command.Context, exception, Severity.Warning);
                     this.RecordFailure(exception, base2.Command);
     this._commands = null;
     if (this._redirectionPipes != null)
         foreach (PipelineProcessor processor in this._redirectionPipes)
                 if (processor != null)
             catch (Exception exception3)
     this._redirectionPipes = null;