Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// This program is used at compile-time by the NSIS Install Scripts.
        /// It copies the file properties of an assembly and writes that info a
        /// header file that the scripts use to make the installer match the program
        /// I got it from <http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3039024/nsis-put-exe-version-into-name-of-installer#3040323>
        /// </summary>
        static void Main(string[] args)
            try {
            string inputFile = args[0];
            string outputFile = args[1];
            System.Diagnostics.FileVersionInfo fileInfo = System.Diagnostics.FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo(inputFile);
            using (TextWriter writer = new StreamWriter(outputFile, false, Encoding.Default)) {
                writer.WriteLine("!define VERSION \"" + fileInfo.FileVersion + "\"");
                writer.WriteLine("!define DESCRIPTION \"" + fileInfo.FileDescription + "\"");
                writer.WriteLine("!define COPYRIGHT \"" + fileInfo.LegalCopyright + "\"");

            string xmlFile = "version.xml";
            XmlWriterSettings xws = new XmlWriterSettings();
            xws.CloseOutput = true;
            xws.ConformanceLevel = ConformanceLevel.Document;
            xws.Indent = true;
            xws.WriteEndDocumentOnClose = true;
            using (XmlWriter writer = XmlWriter.Create(xmlFile)) {



              string update_message = string.Empty;
              using (TextReader tr = new StreamReader(Properties.Settings.Default.MessagePath)) {
                update_message = tr.ReadToEnd();

            } catch (Exception e) {
            Console.WriteLine(e.Message + "\n\n");
            Console.WriteLine("Usage: GetAssemblyInfoForNSIS.exe MyApp.exe MyAppVersionInfo.nsh\n");
        private static void RunTwitterApplication()
            // BLOCK 1 : Twitter credentials
                // Twitter Credentials: Reading in a json configuration file to set in credential values and other twitter search parameters
                JObject TwitterCredentialsJson = JObject.Parse(File.ReadAllText( rootdirectory + @"Project Encounter\Package\Config_Interfaces\Twitter_context_profile.json"));
                // Locally reading and storing all credential values
                string consumer_key = (string)TwitterCredentialsJson["consumer_key"];
                string consumer_secret = (string)TwitterCredentialsJson["consumer_secret"];
                string access_token = (string)TwitterCredentialsJson["access_token"];
                string access_token_secret = (string)TwitterCredentialsJson["access_token_secret"];
                // Setting twitter credentials
                TwitterCredentials.SetCredentials(access_token, access_token_secret, consumer_key, consumer_secret);

                // BLOCK 2: Populating Landmarks
                // Import excel worksheet for landmark initialization (Name, Categories, Hashtag_trackers, Thematic_Metatags)
                // Reading excel worksheet using exceldatareader nuget package
                FileStream stream = File.Open(rootdirectory + @"Project Encounter\Package\Config_Interfaces\Landmarks_Categories.xlsx", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
                IExcelDataReader excelReader = ExcelReaderFactory.CreateOpenXmlReader(stream);
                DataSet result = excelReader.AsDataSet();
                // This should initialize all the parameters in the Lanmarks object array using its contructor
                int numberoflandmarks = result.Tables[0].Rows.Count - 1;
                Landmark[] Landmarks = new Landmark[numberoflandmarks];
                for (int i = 0; i < numberoflandmarks; i++)
                    Landmarks[i] = new Landmark(result.Tables[0].Rows[i]);

                //BLOCK 3: Hook population
                // Reading in datatable which contains hooks and their properties

                int numberofhooks = result.Tables[1].Rows.Count - 1;
                Hook[] Hooks = new Hook[numberofhooks];
                for (int i = 0; i < numberofhooks; i++)
                    Hooks[i] = new Hook(result.Tables[1].Rows[i]);

                ////BLOCK 4: Twitter Stream trackers
                //// Creating twitter stream for detecting tweets with landmark names
                var stream_for_landmark = Stream.CreateFilteredStream();
                // Adding trackers for each landmark
                foreach (Landmark obj in Landmarks)
                    string[] landmark_hashtags_store = obj.Hashtag_trackers;
                    // Loop block to assign trackers to each relevant hashtag element in the twitter stream
                    foreach (string hashtag in landmark_hashtags_store)

                //var stream_for_landmark = Stream.CreateFilteredStream();

                // BLOCK 5: Landing zone and context aware parameters
                LandingZone landingzone = new LandingZone();

                char DayorNight = landingzone.DayOrNight();
                char Weather = Sensors.WeatherSense.SunnyOrCloudy();

                //BLOCK 5: Event trigger for tracked tweets

                // Event trigger block for each new tweet on the above location based landmark triggers
                // String array to store all different weather conditions

                // Hook module : Time of the day - categorize as morning, afternoon and evening
                // Hook is overlayed on the video - in the center of the video

                // Video module : Videos are named as landmark and weather
                // Weather detection module : Must read through twitter stream of test account -> Assign a hastag weather -> could filter out the

                List<Hook> HooksforExcel = Hooks.ToList<Hook>();

                //ExcelFileWriter<Hook> myExcel = new ExcelWrite();
                //myExcel.WriteDateToExcel(@"C:\TEMP\myExcel.xls", HooksforExcel, "A1", "D1");

                // Landmark is detected by trackers
                // Landmark is pushed to method for extracting content from DB
                // This can happen either here or in openframeworks
                // Once content is extracted it must be sequenced on the basis of :
                // Time to play each item : Once one item is played for a certain preset amount of time extract the next from DB
                // Time calculation in openframeworks:
                // Update loop and draw loop

                // The sensing modules exist on this side. So Hooks are selected here and published onto the interface between OF and Encounter#
                // Hooks are read by OF and sequenced according to time parameters in OF

                //Two kinds of time parameters in OF:
                // Amount of time video must be played for
                // Amount of time a hook should be shown for

                // How does timing fit into the update and draw cycles?
                // Use a timer, counting seconds until a value is reached
                // Validation for time count can be executed at every loop update

                // Update should contain a timing module where all the timing logic can be placed

                // Objects required in OF
                // OF has to handle video placement, playback and sequencing
                // OF has to handle Hook placement, sequencing and timing
                // OF has to handle visual blocks with animated elements

                Console.WriteLine("Stream detection live now:");
                stream_for_landmark.MatchingTweetReceived += (sender, arg) =>

                    // Storing the tweet
                    string tweet = arg.Tweet.ToString();

                    // Searching through tweet to find relevant landmark
                    Landmark detectedlandmark = Find_tweeted_landmark(Landmarks, tweet);

                    // Getting the hook categories that the landmark satisfies
                    string[] relevantHookCategories = detectedlandmark.Categories;

                    // Writing detected landmark to text file interface between here and OF
                    using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(rootdirectory + @"Project Encounter\Package\Config_Interfaces\TriggeredLandmark.txt", false))

                    // Selecting hooks that belong to the relevant categories corresponding to the landmark
                    List<Hook> RelevantHooks = new List<Hook>();
                    foreach (string category in relevantHookCategories)
                        RelevantHooks.AddRange((from item in Hooks
                                                where item.category == category
                                                select item).ToArray());

                    // Storing current sensor values
                    DayorNight = landingzone.DayOrNight();
                    Weather = Sensors.WeatherSense.SunnyOrCloudy();

                    // Further filtering hooks based on sensor values
                    List<Hook> RelevantHooksSensorFilters = new List<Hook>();
                    RelevantHooksSensorFilters.AddRange(from hook in RelevantHooks
                                                        where hook.timeofday.Contains(DayorNight) && hook.weather.Contains(Weather)
                                                        select hook);

                    // Writing the selected hooks to an XML to be read in by OF
                    using (XmlWriter writer = XmlWriter.Create(rootdirectory + @"Project Encounter\of_v0.8.4_vs_release\apps\myApps\OpenEncounters\bin\dataHooks.xml"))
                        foreach (Hook item in RelevantHooksSensorFilters)
                            writer.WriteElementString("text", item.text);
                            writer.WriteElementString("category", item.category);
                            writer.WriteElementString("weather", item.weather);
                            writer.WriteElementString("timeofday", item.timeofday);
                            writer.WriteElementString("font", item.font);

                    Console.Write("Landmark Triggered:"); Console.Write(detectedlandmark.Name);


                // Starting twitter stream detection