public override bool TryRead(out T item)
                SingleConsumerUnboundedChannel <T> parent = _parent;

                if (parent._items.TryDequeue(out item))
                    if (parent._doneWriting != null && parent._items.IsEmpty)
                        ChannelUtilities.Complete(parent._completion, parent._doneWriting);
            public override bool TryRead(out T item)
                UnboundedChannel <T> parent = _parent;

                // Dequeue an item if we can
                if (parent._items.TryDequeue(out item))
                    if (parent._doneWriting != null && parent._items.IsEmpty)
                        // If we've now emptied the items queue and we're not getting any more, complete.
                        ChannelUtilities.Complete(parent._completion, parent._doneWriting);

                item = default(T);
            /// <summary>Dequeues an item, and then fixes up our state around writers and completion.</summary>
            /// <returns>The dequeued item.</returns>
            private T DequeueItemAndPostProcess()
                BoundedChannel <T> parent = _parent;


                // Dequeue an item.
                T item = parent._items.DequeueHead();

                // If we're now empty and we're done writing, complete the channel.
                if (parent._doneWriting != null && parent._items.IsEmpty)
                    ChannelUtilities.Complete(parent._completion, parent._doneWriting);

                // If there are any writers blocked, there's now room for at least one
                // to be promoted to have its item moved into the items queue.  We need
                // to loop while trying to complete the writer in order to find one that
                // hasn't yet been canceled (canceled writers transition to canceled but
                // remain in the physical queue).
                while (!parent._blockedWriters.IsEmpty)
                    WriterInteractor <T> w = parent._blockedWriters.DequeueHead();
                    if (w.Success(default(VoidResult)))

                // There was no blocked writer, so see if there's a WaitToWriteAsync
                // we should wake up.
                ChannelUtilities.WakeUpWaiters(ref parent._waitingWriters, result: true);

                // Return the item