Inheritance: System.ComponentModel.MarshalByValueComponent, IBindingList, System.ComponentModel.ITypedList
Example #1
 internal void SetDataViewManager(DataViewManager dataViewManager)
     if (_dataViewManager != dataViewManager)
         _dataViewManager = dataViewManager;
Example #2
 internal DataView(DataTable table, DataViewManager manager)
     dataTable       = table;
     rowState        = DataViewRowState.CurrentRows;
     dataViewManager = manager;
		internal DataView (DataTable table, DataViewManager manager)
			dataTable = table;
			rowState = DataViewRowState.CurrentRows;
			dataViewManager = manager;
			Open ();
Example #4
 public static DataView loadAllGroup()
     DataSet ds = DAGroup.Instance.loadDataSetGroup();
     DataViewManager dvManager = new DataViewManager(ds);
     DataView dv = dvManager.CreateDataView(ds.Tables["GROUP_TBL"]);
     return dv;
Example #5
 internal void SetDataViewManager(DataViewManager dataViewManager)
     if (_dataViewManager != dataViewManager)
         _dataViewManager = dataViewManager;
        private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            DbADOTest = new DataSet("DbADOTest");

            tblPeople = MakePeopleTable();
            tblSale = MakeSaleTable();

            // 매니저를 통한 뷰 설정
            DataViewManager vm = new DataViewManager(DbADOTest);
            vm.DataViewSettings["tblPeople"].Sort = "Name";
            vm.DataViewSettings["tblSale"].RowFilter = "OrderNo > 1";

            // 새로운 뷰 생성
            DataView ViewMan = vm.CreateDataView(tblPeople);
            ViewMan.RowFilter = "Male = true";
            ViewMan.Sort = "Age DESC";

            foreach (DataViewSetting vs in vm.DataViewSettings)
                listBox1.Items.Add(string.Format("테이블:{0}, 필터:{1}, 정렬:{2}, 상태:{3}",
                    vs.Table, vs.RowFilter, vs.Sort, vs.RowStateFilter));

            dataGridView1.DataSource = vm;
            dataGridView1.DataMember = "tblPeople";
            dataGridView2.DataSource = vm;
            dataGridView2.DataMember = "tblSale";
            dataGridView3.DataSource = ViewMan;
    ///	<summary>
    ///	Retrieve the data
    ///	</summary>
    ///	<param name="sender"> </param>
    ///	<param name="e"> </param>
    protected void retrieveButton_Click(object	sender,	System.EventArgs e)
        retrieveButton.Enabled = false ;

        string	orders = "SELECT * FROM Orders";
        string	customers = "SELECT * FROM Customers";

        SqlConnection	con	= new SqlConnection	( Login.Connection ) ;

        SqlDataAdapter	da	= new SqlDataAdapter	( orders , con ) ;

        DataSet	ds = new DataSet ( ) ;

        da.Fill	( ds , "Orders" ) ;

        da = new SqlDataAdapter ( customers , con ) ;

        da.Fill ( ds , "Customers" ) ;


        DataViewManager		dvm = new DataViewManager ( ds ) ;

        dvm.DataViewSettings["Customers"].RowFilter = "Country='UK'" ;

        dataGrid.SetDataBinding ( dvm , "Customers" ) ;
 internal DataViewSettingCollection(DataViewManager dataViewManager)
     if (dataViewManager == null)
         throw ExceptionBuilder.ArgumentNull("dataViewManager");
     this.dataViewManager = dataViewManager;
Example #9
 internal void SetDataViewManager(DataViewManager dataViewManager) {
     if(this.dataViewManager != dataViewManager) {
         if(this.dataViewManager != null) {
             // throw exception here;
         this.dataViewManager = dataViewManager;
 internal DataViewSettingCollection(DataViewManager dataViewManager)
     if (dataViewManager == null)
         throw ExceptionBuilder.ArgumentNull(nameof(dataViewManager));
     _dataViewManager = dataViewManager;
 internal DataViewSettingCollection(DataViewManager dataViewManager)
     if (dataViewManager == null)
         throw ExceptionBuilder.ArgumentNull("dataViewManager");
     this.dataViewManager = dataViewManager;
		internal DataViewSettingCollection (DataViewManager manager)
			settingList = new ArrayList ();
			if (manager.DataSet != null)
				foreach (DataTable dt in manager.DataSet.Tables)
					settingList.Add (new DataViewSetting (
						manager, dt));
 internal DataViewSettingCollection(DataViewManager dataViewManager)
     if (dataViewManager == null)
         throw ExceptionBuilder.ArgumentNull(nameof(dataViewManager));
     _dataViewManager = dataViewManager;
Example #14
        private void LlenaDetalle(string sAcabado)
            DataViewManager dvmAcabado = new DataViewManager();
            DataSet dsAcabado = new DataSet();
            dsAcabado = SistEti.lpQueries.ObtenAcabadoBusqueda(sAcabado);
            dvmAcabado = dsAcabado.DefaultViewManager;

            dgvAcabados.DataSource = dvmAcabado.DataSet.Tables[0];
 internal void SetDataViewManager(DataViewManager dataViewManager)
     if (this.dataViewManager != dataViewManager)
         if (this.dataViewManager != null)
             // throw exception here;
         this.dataViewManager = dataViewManager;
Example #16
 internal DataView(DataTable table, DataViewManager manager,
                   string RowFilter, string Sort, DataViewRowState RowState)
     dataTable       = table;
     dataViewManager = manager;
     rowState        = DataViewRowState.CurrentRows;
     this.RowFilter  = RowFilter;
     this.Sort       = Sort;
     rowState        = RowState;
 internal DataViewSettingCollection(DataViewManager manager)
     settingList = new ArrayList();
     if (manager.DataSet != null)
         foreach (DataTable dt in manager.DataSet.Tables)
             settingList.Add(new DataViewSetting(
                                 manager, dt));
Example #18
 public DataViewSettingsEnumerator(DataViewManager dvm)
     if (dvm.DataSet != null)
         this.dataViewSettings = dvm.DataViewSettings;
         this.tableEnumerator  = dvm.DataSet.Tables.GetEnumerator();
         this.dataViewSettings = null;
         this.tableEnumerator  = DataSet.zeroTables.GetEnumerator();
            public DataViewSettingsEnumerator(DataViewManager dvm)
                DataSet ds = dvm.DataSet;

                if (ds != null)
                    dataViewSettings = dvm.DataViewSettings;
                    tableEnumerator  = dvm.DataSet.Tables.GetEnumerator();
                    dataViewSettings = null;
                    tableEnumerator  = DataSet.zeroTables.GetEnumerator();
            public DataViewSettingsEnumerator(DataViewManager dvm)
                DataSet ds = dvm.DataSet;

                if (ds != null)
                    _dataViewSettings = dvm.DataViewSettings;
                    _tableEnumerator  = dvm.DataSet.Tables.GetEnumerator();
                    _dataViewSettings = null;
                    _tableEnumerator  = Array.Empty <DataTable>().GetEnumerator();
		public void Ctor ()
			string defaultString = "<DataViewSettingCollectionString></DataViewSettingCollectionString>";
			string current = @"<DataViewSettingCollectionString><table2-1 Sort="""" RowFilter="""" RowStateFilter=""CurrentRows""/></DataViewSettingCollectionString>";
			string deleted = @"<DataViewSettingCollectionString><table2-1 Sort="""" RowFilter="""" RowStateFilter=""Deleted""/></DataViewSettingCollectionString>";

			DataViewManager m = new DataViewManager (null);
			Assert (m.DataSet == null);
			Assert (m.DataViewSettingCollectionString == "");
			AssertNotNull (m.DataViewSettings);
			DataSet ds = new DataSet ("ds");
			m.DataSet = ds;
			AssertEquals ("default#1", defaultString,

			DataSet ds2 = new DataSet ("ds2");
			AssertEquals ("default#2", defaultString,
			DataTable dt2_1 = new DataTable ("table2-1");
			dt2_1.Namespace ="urn:foo"; // It is ignored though.
			ds2.Tables.Add (dt2_1);
			m.DataSet = ds2;
			AssertEquals ("#3", current, m.DataViewSettingCollectionString);

			// Note that " Deleted " is trimmed.
			m.DataViewSettingCollectionString = @"<DataViewSettingCollectionString><table2-1 Sort='' RowFilter='' RowStateFilter=' Deleted '/></DataViewSettingCollectionString>";
			AssertEquals ("#4", deleted, m.DataViewSettingCollectionString);

			m.DataSet = ds2; //resets modified string.
			AssertEquals ("#5", current, m.DataViewSettingCollectionString);

			m.DataViewSettingCollectionString = @"<DataViewSettingCollectionString><table2-1 Sort='' RowFilter='' RowStateFilter='Deleted'/></DataViewSettingCollectionString>";
			// it does not clear anything.
			m.DataViewSettingCollectionString = "<DataViewSettingCollectionString/>";
			AssertEquals ("#6", deleted, m.DataViewSettingCollectionString);

			// text node is not rejected (ignored).
			// RowFilter is not examined.
			m.DataViewSettingCollectionString = "<DataViewSettingCollectionString>blah<table2-1 RowFilter='a=b' ApplyDefaultSort='true' /></DataViewSettingCollectionString>";
			// LAMESPEC: MS.NET ignores ApplyDefaultSort.
//			AssertEquals ("#7", @"<DataViewSettingCollectionString><table2-1 Sort="""" RowFilter=""a=b"" RowStateFilter=""Deleted""/></DataViewSettingCollectionString>", m.DataViewSettingCollectionString);
Example #22
        private void PopulateCptyData()

            this.Text = "Cpty Fax Mapping";
            this.lblCode.Text = "Cpty Short Name:";
            this.ddCptyCode.Visible = true;
            this.txtDesc.Visible = false;

            DataSet ds = new DataSet();
            OracleDataAdapter adapter = new OracleDataAdapter(_CPTY_SQL, connectionString);
            DataViewManager dvm = new DataViewManager(ds);
            dv = dvm.CreateDataView(ds.Tables["Cpty"]);
            dv.Sort = "SHORT_NAME";

            this.ddCptyCode.Properties.DataSource = dv;
            this.ddCptyCode.Properties.ValidateOnEnterKey = true;
            this.ddCptyCode.DataBindings.Add("EditValue", dv, "SHORT_NAME");
            this.ddCptyCode.Properties.ValueMember = "SHORT_NAME";
            this.ddCptyCode.Properties.DisplayMember = "SHORT_NAME";

            GridColumn col1 = ddCptyCode.Properties.View.Columns.ColumnByFieldName("SHORT_NAME");
            col1.VisibleIndex = 0;
            col1.Caption = "Short Name";
            GridColumn col2 = ddCptyCode.Properties.View.Columns.ColumnByFieldName("LEGAL_NAME");
            col2.VisibleIndex = 1;
            col2.Caption = "Name";

            this.txtFax.Text = this.faxNumber;
            this.ddCptyCode.EditValue = this.codeDesc;

		internal DataViewSetting (DataViewManager manager, DataTable table)
			dataViewManager = manager;
			dataTable = table;
Example #24
        //PropertyDescriptorCollection propsCollection;

        internal DataViewManagerListItemTypeDescriptor(DataViewManager dvm)
            this.dvm = dvm;
Example #25
 public static DataView LoadAllOperationLog()
     DataSet ds = DAUserLog.Instance.loadDataSetOperationLog("USER_LOG");
     DataViewManager dvManager = new DataViewManager(ds);
     DataView dv = dvManager.CreateDataView(ds.Tables["USER_LOG"]);
     return dv;
Example #26
		internal DataView (DataTable table, DataViewManager manager,
			string RowFilter, string Sort, DataViewRowState RowState)
			dataTable = table;
			dataViewManager = manager;
			rowState = DataViewRowState.CurrentRows;
			this.RowFilter = RowFilter;
			this.Sort = Sort;
			rowState = RowState;
			Open ();
Example #27
        private void ShowProductList()
            com.CommandText = sqlShowProductList;
            com.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
            dr = com.ExecuteReader();
            if (dr.HasRows)
                dtProductList = new DataTable();

                TotalRecord = dtProductList.Rows.Count;
                double tmpPageCount = (double)TotalRecord / PageSize;
                PageCount = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Ceiling(tmpPageCount));

                tsRecordCount.Text = TotalRecord.ToString() + " รายการ";
                CurrentPage = 1;
                RecordToDisplay = 0;



                dgvProductList.DataSource = null;

                tsRecord.Text = "0/0";
                tsRecordCount.Text = "0 รายการ";

            sb.Remove(0, sb.Length);
            sb.Append("SELECT PRODUCT.ProductParentId,PRODUCT.ProductId,PRODUCT.ProductName,");
            sb.Append("ISNULL(SUM(RECEIVE_DETAIL.ReceiveDetailQuantity),0)  AS ReceiveTotal,ISNULL(SUM(SALERETURN_DETAIL.SaleReturnDetailQuantity),0)  AS ReturnTotal,ISNULL(SUM(SALE_DETAIL.SaleDetailQuantity),0) AS SaleTotal,ISNULL(SUM(SALEBACK_DETAIL.SaleBackDetailQuantity),0)  AS SentBackTotal,");
            sb.Append("(ISNULL(SUM(RECEIVE_DETAIL.ReceiveDetailQuantity),0) + ISNULL(SUM(SALERETURN_DETAIL.SaleReturnDetailQuantity),0)) - (ISNULL(SUM(SALE_DETAIL.SaleDetailQuantity),0) + ISNULL(SUM(SALEBACK_DETAIL.SaleBackDetailQuantity),0)) AS Total,");
            sb.Append("((ISNULL(SUM(RECEIVE_DETAIL.ReceiveDetailQuantity),0) + ISNULL(SUM(SALERETURN_DETAIL.SaleReturnDetailQuantity),0)) - (ISNULL(SUM(SALE_DETAIL.SaleDetailQuantity),0) + ISNULL(SUM(SALEBACK_DETAIL.SaleBackDetailQuantity),0)) * PRODUCT.ProductStockConvert) AS CovertTotal ,UNITCONVERT.UnitConvertName ");
            sb.Append("FROM (PRODUCT INNER JOIN UNITCHILD ON PRODUCT.UnitChildId = UNITCHILD.UnitChildId) ");
            sb.Append("INNER JOIN UNITSALE ON PRODUCT.UnitSaleId = UNITSALE.UnitSaleId ");
            sb.Append("LEFT JOIN UNITCONVERT ON PRODUCT.UnitConvertId = UNITCONVERT.UnitConVertId ");
            sb.Append("LEFT JOIN RECEIVE_DETAIL ON PRODUCT.ProductId = RECEIVE_DETAIL.ProductId ");
            sb.Append("LEFT JOIN SALE_DETAIL ON PRODUCT.ProductId = SALE_DETAIL.ProductId ");
            sb.Append("LEFT JOIN SALEBACK_DETAIL ON PRODUCT.ProductId = SALEBACK_DETAIL.ProductId ");
            sb.Append("GROUP BY PRODUCT.ProductParentId, PRODUCT.ProductId, UNITCHILD.UnitChildName, PRODUCT.ProductName, UNITSALE.UnitSaleName,PRODUCT.ProductStockConvert,UNITCONVERT.UnitConvertName");

            sqlSubProductList = sb.ToString();

            da.SelectCommand.CommandText = sqlSubProductList;
            da.Fill(ds, "Product");

            DataColumn dcProductParent, dcProduct;
            dcProductParent = ds.Tables["ProductParent"].Columns["ProductParentId"];
            dcProduct = ds.Tables["Product"].Columns["ProductParentId"];

            dl = new DataRelation("Product_detail", dcProductParent, dcProduct);

            dvm = new DataViewManager();
            dvm.DataSet = ds;

            DataViewSetting dvsProductParant, dvs, dvsProduct;
            dvsProductParant = dvm.DataViewSettings["ProductParent"];
            dvsProductParant.Sort = "ProductParentId";
            dvsProduct = dvm.DataViewSettings["Product"];
            dvsProduct.Sort = "ProductId";

            dgvProductList.DataSource = dvm;
            dgvProductList.DataMember = "ProductParent";

            dgvDetailProduct.DataSource = dvm;

            dgvDetailProduct.DataSource = dvm;
            dgvDetailProduct.DataMember = "ProductParent.Product_detail";

            // == =  ประวัติการรับ

            sb.Remove(0, sb.Length);
            sb.Append("SELECT PRODUCT.ProductParentId,RECEIVE_HEAD.ReceiveHeadId, RECEIVE_HEAD.ReceiveHeadDate, RECEIVE_DETAIL.ProductId, PRODUCT.ProductName, ");
            sb.Append("RECEIVE_DETAIL.ReceiveDetailQuantity, UNITSALE.UnitSaleName, RECEIVE_DETAIL.ReceiveDetailPriceUnit,");
            sb.Append("ISNULL(RECEIVE_DETAIL.ReceiveDetailQuantity,0) * ISNULL(RECEIVE_DETAIL.ReceiveDetailPriceUnit,0) AS ReceiveTotal,SUPPLIER.SupplierName  ");
            sb.Append("FROM RECEIVE_HEAD INNER JOIN ");
            sb.Append("RECEIVE_DETAIL ON RECEIVE_HEAD.ReceiveHeadId = RECEIVE_DETAIL.ReceiveHeadId left JOIN ");
            sb.Append(" PRODUCT ON RECEIVE_DETAIL.ProductId = PRODUCT.ProductId LEFT JOIN");
            sb.Append(" SUPPLIER ON RECEIVE_DETAIL.SupplierId = SUPPLIER.SupplierId LEFT JOIN");
            sb.Append(" UNITSALE ON PRODUCT.UnitSaleId = UNITSALE.UnitSaleId");

            string sqlReeviceHistory = sb.ToString();

            da.SelectCommand.CommandText = sqlReeviceHistory;
            da.Fill(ds, "RECEIVE");

            DataColumn dcReceive;
            dcProductParent = ds.Tables["ProductParent"].Columns["ProductParentId"];
            dcReceive = ds.Tables["RECEIVE"].Columns["ProductParentId"];

            DataRelation dl2 = new DataRelation("Product_Receive", dcProductParent, dcReceive);

            dvs = dvm.DataViewSettings["RECEIVE"];
            dvs.Sort = "ProductId";

            dgvReceiveHistory.DataSource = dvm;
            dgvReceiveHistory.DataMember = "ProductParent.Product_Receive";

            // == =  ประวัติการขาย

            sb.Remove(0, sb.Length);
            sb.Append("SELECT PRODUCT.ProductParentId,SALE_HEAD.SaleHeadId, SALE_HEAD.SaleHeadDateTime, SALE_DETAIL.ProductId, PRODUCT.ProductName, SALE_DETAIL.SaleDetailQuantity,");
            sb.Append("UNITSALE.UnitSaleName,  SALE_DETAIL.SaleDetailPriceUnit,ISNULL(SALE_DETAIL.SaleDetailQuantity,0) * ISNULL(SALE_DETAIL.SaleDetailPriceUnit,0) AS TotalSale,CUSTOMER.CustomerName ");
            sb.Append("FROM         SALE_HEAD INNER JOIN ");
            sb.Append("SALE_DETAIL ON SALE_HEAD.SaleHeadId = SALE_DETAIL.SaleHeadId LEFT JOIN ");
            //  sb.Append("SALE_DETAIL ON SALE_HEAD.SaleHeadId = SALE_DETAIL.SaleHeadId INNER JOIN ");
            sb.Append(" PRODUCT ON SALE_DETAIL.ProductId = PRODUCT.ProductId LEFT JOIN ");
            sb.Append(" UNITSALE ON PRODUCT.UnitSaleId = UNITSALE.UnitSaleId LEFT JOIN ");
            sb.Append(" CUSTOMER ON SALE_HEAD.CustomerId = CUSTOMER.CustomerId");

            string sqlSaleHistory = sb.ToString();

            da.SelectCommand.CommandText = sqlSaleHistory;
            da.Fill(ds, "SALE");

            DataColumn dcSale;
            dcProductParent = ds.Tables["ProductParent"].Columns["ProductParentId"];
            dcSale = ds.Tables["SALE"].Columns["ProductParentId"];

            DataRelation dl3 = new DataRelation("Product_Sale", dcProductParent, dcSale);

            dvs = dvm.DataViewSettings["SALE"];
            dvs.Sort = "ProductId";

            dgvSaleHistory.DataSource = dvm;
            dgvSaleHistory.DataMember = "ProductParent.Product_Sale";

            // == =  ประวัติการรับคืน

            sb.Remove(0, sb.Length);
            sb.Append("SELECT    PRODUCT.ProductParentId,SALERETURN_HEAD.SaleReturnHeadId, SALERETURN_HEAD.SaleReturnHeadDate, CUSTOMER.CustomerName, SALE_HEAD.SaleHeadId, ");
            sb.Append("SALE_DETAIL.ProductId, PRODUCT.ProductName, SALERETURN_DETAIL.SaleReturnDetailQuantity, UNITSALE.UnitSaleName,SALERETURN_DETAIL.SaleReturnDetailPriceUnit ");
            sb.Append("FROM         SALERETURN_HEAD LEFT JOIN");
            sb.Append(" PRODUCT ON SALERETURN_DETAIL.ProductId = PRODUCT.ProductId LEFT JOIN ");
            sb.Append("  CUSTOMER ON SALERETURN_HEAD.CustomerId = CUSTOMER.CustomerId LEFT JOIN");
            sb.Append(" SALE_HEAD ON SALERETURN_DETAIL.SaleHeadId = SALE_HEAD.SaleHeadId AND  CUSTOMER.CustomerId = SALE_HEAD.CustomerId LEFT JOIN ");

            string sqlSaleReturnHistory = sb.ToString();

            da.SelectCommand.CommandText = sqlSaleReturnHistory;
            da.Fill(ds, "SALERETURN");

            DataColumn dcSaleReturn;
            dcProductParent = ds.Tables["ProductParent"].Columns["ProductParentId"];
            dcSaleReturn = ds.Tables["SALERETURN"].Columns["ProductParentId"];

            DataRelation dl4 = new DataRelation("Product_SaleReturn", dcProductParent, dcSaleReturn);

            dvs = dvm.DataViewSettings["SALERETURN"];
            dvs.Sort = "ProductId";

            dgvSaleReturnHistory.DataSource = dvm;
            dgvSaleReturnHistory.DataMember = "ProductParent.Product_SaleReturn";

            // == =  ประวัติการส่งคืน

            sb.Remove(0, sb.Length);
            sb.Append(" SELECT      PRODUCT.ProductParentId,SALEBACK_HEAD.SaleBackHeadId, SALEBACK_HEAD.SaleBackHeadDate, SALEBACK_DETAIL.ReceiveHeadId, SALEBACK_DETAIL.ProductId, ");
            sb.Append(" PRODUCT.ProductName, SALEBACK_DETAIL.SaleBackDetailQuantity, UNITSALE.UnitSaleName, SALEBACK_DETAIL.SaleBackDetailPriceUnit, ");
            sb.Append("SUPPLIER.SupplierName ");
            sb.Append("SALEBACK_HEAD ON SALEBACK_DETAIL.SaleBackHeadId = SALEBACK_HEAD.SaleBackHeadId LEFT JOIN ");
            sb.Append("   SUPPLIER ON SALEBACK_HEAD.SupplierId = SUPPLIER.SupplierId LEFT JOIN");
            sb.Append(" UNITSALE ON PRODUCT.UnitSaleId = UNITSALE.UnitSaleId LEFT JOIN ");
            sb.Append(" UNITSALE AS UNITSALE_1 ON PRODUCT.UnitSaleId = UNITSALE_1.UnitSaleId ");

            string sqlSaleBackHistory = sb.ToString();

            da.SelectCommand.CommandText = sqlSaleBackHistory;
            da.Fill(ds, "SALEBACK");

            DataColumn dcSaleBack;
            dcProductParent = ds.Tables["ProductParent"].Columns["ProductParentId"];
            dcSaleBack = ds.Tables["SALEBACK"].Columns["ProductParentId"];

            DataRelation dl5 = new DataRelation("Product_SaleBack", dcProductParent, dcSaleBack);

            dvs = dvm.DataViewSettings["SALEBACK"];
            dvs.Sort = "ProductId";

            dgvSaleBack.DataSource = dvm;
            dgvSaleBack.DataMember = "ProductParent.Product_SaleBack";
		public void SpecifyNonExistentTable ()
			DataViewManager m = new DataViewManager (null);
			// NullReferenceException is thrown.
			m.DataViewSettingCollectionString = "<DataViewSettingCollectionString><table1-1 RowFilter='a=b' /></DataViewSettingCollectionString>";
 public DataViewSettingsEnumerator(DataViewManager dvm) {
     DataSet ds = dvm.DataSet;
     if(ds != null) {
         dataViewSettings = dvm.DataViewSettings;
         tableEnumerator  = dvm.DataSet.Tables.GetEnumerator();
     }else {
         dataViewSettings = null;
         tableEnumerator  = DataSet.zeroTables.GetEnumerator();
Example #30
        /// <summary>
        /// This prints out the contents of a datagrid using  ReportBuilder
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="reportDocument"></param>
        public void MakeDocument(ReportDocument reportDocument, string strFontSize, string strStartDate, string strEndDate)
            if (dataGrid == null)

            // We may need a DataSet and Data Table depending on DataGrid source type
            DataTable dataTable				= new DataTable();
            DataSet   dataSet				= new DataSet();
            DataViewManager dataViewManager = new DataViewManager();
            DataView dataView				= new DataView();

            // We may need to create a DataView depending on the type of DataSouce that is
            // in the DataGrid
            bool dataViewExpected=true;
            //Depending on the Source and if there is a valid data memember we may need
            //to create a dataView, We actually will try and get the dataView later on
            //from the currency manager as this will let us show the datatable if we
            //have drilled down.
            switch (dataGrid.DataSource.GetType().ToString())
                case "System.Data.DataViewManager":
                    //Check that a view is being shown, if no load views into a table
                    if (dataGrid.DataMember == String.Empty)
                        dataViewExpected = false;
                        //ok no Data View is active so print out he DataView
                        dataTable = new DataTable("DataViewManager");
                        DataColumn dataColumn
                            = dataTable.Columns.Add("TableID",typeof(String));
                        //Get the dataViewManger from the DataGrid source
                        dataViewManager =  (DataViewManager)dataGrid.DataSource;
                        //Add a dataRow to our little table for each DataView Setting
                        foreach (DataViewSetting dvs in dataViewManager.DataViewSettings)
                            dataTable.Rows.Add(new string[]{dvs.Table.TableName});
                        //Now Create a DataView that the ReportPRinting can use to print
                        dataView = new DataView(dataTable);

                case "System.Data.DataView":
                    dataView = (DataView)dataGrid.DataSource;
                case "System.Data.DataTable":
                    dataView = ((DataTable)dataGrid.DataSource).DefaultView;
                case "System.Data.DataSet":
                {    //If DataGrid uses a Data set than the DataTable is in DataMember
                    if (dataGrid.DataMember == String.Empty)
                        dataViewExpected = false;

                        //ok no Data View is active so print out tables in DataSet
                        //by first creating a dataTable and loading the dataSet Table names
                        //into it so we can create a dataView
                        dataTable = new DataTable("DataSetTables");
                        DataColumn dataColumn
                            = dataTable.Columns.Add("TableID",typeof(String));
                        //Get the DataSet from the DataGrid source
                        dataSet =  (DataSet)dataGrid.DataSource;
                        //Load the name of each table in the dataSet into our new table
                        foreach (DataTable dt in dataSet.Tables)
                            dataTable.Rows.Add(new string[]{dt.TableName});
                        //Now Create a DataView that the ReportPRinting can use to print
                        dataView = new DataView(dataTable);

            // See if we can pickup the current view from the currency manager
            // This should also pickup if we are drilled down on any relations etc
            // This will be skipped where there was no dataView obtainable from the
            // dataGrid dataSource and DataMember
            CurrencyManager currencyManager;
            if (dataViewExpected)
                //Currency Manager for the DataGrid

                    = (CurrencyManager)dataGrid.BindingContext

                //This is the DataView that we are going to fill up...
                dataView = (DataView)currencyManager.List;

            // Setup the document's settings
            reportDocument.DefaultPageSettings= pageSettings;


            // Print out the actual Report Page

            //			// %p is code for the page number
            //			string pageStr = "-%p-";
            //			string tableName=dataView.Table.TableName;
            //			reportBuilder.AddPageHeader(
            //				// First page
            //				pageStr, tableName  , String.Empty,
            //				// Right pages
            //				pageStr,	tableName , String.Empty,
            //				// Odd pages
            //				String.Empty, tableName, pageStr);
            //			reportBuilder.AddPageFooter (DateTime.Now.ToLongDateString(), ReportPrinting.HorizontalAlignment.Center);
            //			//Now lets print out the Datagrid - First the Heading
            reportBuilder.AddText(dataGrid.CaptionText, TextStyle.Heading1);

            // We need to print any parent row info here
            // Check the dataGrid.DataMember and see if it is a data relation
            // If it is then get the first DataRow in the DataGrid and then
            // use its GetParentRows method, Each row should be checked to see
            // if there was a DataGridTableStyle set up for it
            // We have to work our way backwards up the data relation building strings that
            // need to be printed in reverse order to match the way the dataGrid displays
            if (dataGrid.ParentRowsVisible &&				//Are parents rows showing??
                dataViewExpected &&							//If no view then skip this
                dataGrid.DataMember.LastIndexOf(".")  > 0 ) //check Tablename.Relation
                DataRowView dataRowView1= dataView[0];  //first get the DataRow View
                DataRow dataRow1 = dataRowView1.Row;    //Now get the DataRow for viewRow

                //break up the DataRelations string into its parts
                //[0] will be the original table,[1][..] will be relations
                //This need to be processed from last to first as the last one is
                //what is currently being displayed on the data grid
                string [] relations = dataGrid.DataMember.Split(new Char [] {'.'});

                //we will build an array of strings of parent data showing on the
                //datagrid that needs to be printed in reverse order
                //of the way they were built on the DataGrid in order
                //to replicate the drill down on the data grid.
                string[] parentText = new string[relations.Length - 1];

                //Go through each Relation from the last to first and get the parent rows
                //of the childRow using the data relations for that parent-child relation
                for (int r=relations.Length-1;r > 0;r--)

                    //If a child has multiple parent rows than we need to figure out which
                    //is parent for this drill down. To get the information for each
                    //parent row we are going to build a string with table & relations
                    //which is the same as the dataGrid Builds automatically on drilldown
                    //for the DataMember field which we will store in parentMember.
                    //parentMember will then be used to get the correct currencyManager
                    //which in turn will get the correct dataview,dataRowView and DataRow
                    //IE TABLENAME.RELATION1.RELATION2 etc
                    string parentMember = String.Empty;
                    for (int i=0 ; i < r; i++)
                        parentMember  += relations[i];
                        if (i < r-1)
                            parentMember += "."; //Separate with periods except last
                    //Now that we have the parentMember we need to get the currency
                    //manager for that parentmember which is holding the current
                    //DataView from which we will get the
                        = (CurrencyManager)dataGrid.BindingContext

                    //This is the DataView that we are going to fill up...
                    DataView parentDataView = (DataView)currencyManager.List;
                    DataRowView parentDataRowView
                        = (DataRowView)currencyManager.Current;  //first get the DataRow View

                    DataRow parentRow = parentDataRowView.Row;

                    //Start with the TableName:
                    parentText[r-1] = parentRow.Table.TableName+":  ";

                    //	Determine if there is DataGrid Table Style for the parent table
                    // or do we just go through all the columns in the parent DataTable

                        DataGridTableStyle tableStyle
                            = dataGrid.TableStyles[parentRow.Table.TableName];
                        //Go through the table style columns & build the parent text line
                        foreach(DataGridColumnStyle columnStyle
                                    in tableStyle.GridColumnStyles)
                            parentText[r-1] +=  columnStyle.MappingName+": "
                                + parentRow[columnStyle.MappingName].ToString()+"   ";
                        //Go through the columns in the parentRow DataTable and built
                        //the parent text line
                        foreach(DataColumn dataColumn
                                    in parentRow.Table.Columns)
                            parentText[r-1] += dataColumn.ColumnName+": "
                                +parentRow[dataColumn].ToString()+"   ";
                //Now print out all the Parent Text array using the report builder

                for (int i=0; i < parentText.Length; i++)
                    reportBuilder.AddHorizontalLine ();
                    reportBuilder.AddText(parentText[i], TextStyle.Normal);
                reportBuilder.AddHorizontalLine ();
            // Add dataView & all columns that are in the data grid
            reportBuilder.AddTable(dataView, true);

            // Now we have to determine if there was a DataGridTableStyle setup for this
            // DataGrid, The default will be to load from the DataView table columns
            bool loadFromDataView = true;

            //If there is a DataGridTableStyle - Add any columns showing in the grid..
            foreach (DataGridTableStyle tableStyle in dataGrid.TableStyles)
                if(tableStyle.MappingName == dataView.Table.TableName)
                    loadFromDataView = false;
                    foreach(DataGridColumnStyle columnStyle
                                in tableStyle.GridColumnStyles)
                            (float)columnStyle.Width/75,  //Not sure if correct sizing

                        DataGridTextBoxColumn textCol = columnStyle as DataGridTextBoxColumn;
                        if (textCol != null)
                            Debug.WriteLine (textCol.Format);
                            reportBuilder.CurrentColumn.FormatExpression = textCol.Format;
            //If this is still true than we have to load from the Table columns in the
            //dataView that the datagrid is using.
            // IE there was NOT a valid DataGridTableStyle in the datagrid
            if (loadFromDataView)
                reportBuilder.AddAllColumns (maxColumnSize, true, true);
 internal DataViewManagerListItemTypeDescriptor(DataViewManager dataViewManager)
     this.dataViewManager = dataViewManager;
 internal DataViewManagerListItemTypeDescriptor(DataViewManager dataViewManager)
     this.dataViewManager = dataViewManager;
		//PropertyDescriptorCollection propsCollection;

		internal DataViewManagerListItemTypeDescriptor (DataViewManager dvm)
			this.dvm = dvm;
        private void loadGridViewGroupSelectionChanged()
            if (gridViewGroup.FocusedRowHandle >= 0)
                DataRow row = gridViewGroup.GetDataRow(gridViewGroup.FocusedRowHandle);
                //DataSet ds = Feature.getFeatureGroupAdapter(HelpNumber.ParseInt64(row["groupid"].ToString()), "GROUP_FEATURE_TBL");
                //DataViewManager dvManager = new DataViewManager(ds);
                //DataView dv = dvManager.CreateDataView(ds.Tables["GROUP_FEATURE_TBL"]);
                //gridControlFeature.DataSource = dv;

                DataSet dsTemp = getGroupFeatureAdapter1(HelpNumber.ParseInt64(row["groupid"].ToString()), "GROUP_FEATURE_TBL");
                treeListFeature.KeyFieldName = "ID";
                treeListFeature.ParentFieldName = "PARENTID";
                treeListFeature.DataSource = dsTemp.Tables[0];

                DataSet ds2 = BaoBieu.getReportGroupAdapter(HelpNumber.ParseInt64(row["groupid"].ToString()), "GROUP_REPORT_TBL");
                DataViewManager dvManager2 = new DataViewManager(ds2);
                DataView dv2 = dvManager2.CreateDataView(ds2.Tables["GROUP_REPORT_TBL"]);
                gridControlReport.DataSource = dv2;

                getAllUserByGroupId(ref dsGetUserByGroup, HelpNumber.ParseInt64(row["groupid"]), false);

                //gridControlFeature.DataSource = null;
                treeListFeature.DataSource = null;
                gridControlReport.DataSource = null;
        private void loadGridViewUserSelectionChanged()
            if (gridViewUser.FocusedRowHandle >= 0)
                DataRow row = gridViewUser.GetDataRow(gridViewUser.FocusedRowHandle);
                //DataSet ds = Feature.getFeatureUserAdapter(HelpNumber.ParseInt64(row["userid"].ToString()), "USER_FEATURE_TBL");
                //DataViewManager dvManager = new DataViewManager(ds);
                //DataView dv = dvManager.CreateDataView(ds.Tables["USER_FEATURE_TBL"]);
                //gridControlFeature.DataSource = dv;

                DataSet dsTemp = getUserFeatureAdapter1(HelpNumber.ParseInt64(row["userid"].ToString()), "USER_FEATURE_TBL");
                treeListFeature.KeyFieldName = "ID";
                treeListFeature.ParentFieldName = "PARENTID";
                treeListFeature.DataSource = dsTemp.Tables[0];

                //START : CHAUTV
                //END : CHAUTV

                DataSet ds2 = BaoBieu.getReportUserAdapter(HelpNumber.ParseInt64(row["userid"].ToString()), "USER_REPORT_TBL");
                DataViewManager dvManager2 = new DataViewManager(ds2);
                DataView dv2 = dvManager2.CreateDataView(ds2.Tables["USER_REPORT_TBL"]);
                gridControlReport.DataSource = dv2;

                getAllGroupByUserId(ref dsGetGroupByUser, HelpNumber.ParseInt64(row["userid"]), false);
                if (row["username"].ToString() == "admin")
                    this.btnDelete.Enabled = false;
                    this.btnDelete.Enabled = true;
                //gridControlFeature.DataSource = null;
                treeListFeature.DataSource = null;
                gridControlReport.DataSource = null;
Example #36
		// DataGrid alignment been controlled by datagrid column width
		private void InitDataGridBinding()
			dvm = new DataViewManager(_allocDiff.ds);
			dvm.DataViewSettings[_allocDiff.basedatatable.TableName].RowFilter = strFilter;
			dvm.DataViewSettings[_allocDiff.basedatatable.TableName].Sort = "diffIncl desc";
			dgToplevelDiff.CaptionText = "Function allocation diff";
			dgToplevelDiff.SetDataBinding(dvm, _allocDiff.basedatatable.TableName);
			dgCallee.SetDataBinding(null, null);
			dgCaller.SetDataBinding(null, null);
			dgSelected.SetDataBinding(null, null);
Example #37
        private void loadGridViewGroupSelectionChanged()
            if (gridViewGroup.FocusedRowHandle >= 0)
                DataRow row = gridViewGroup.GetDataRow(gridViewGroup.FocusedRowHandle);
                DataSet ds = Feature.getFeatureGroupAdapter(HelpNumber.ParseInt64(row["groupid"].ToString()), "GROUP_FEATURE_TBL");
                DataViewManager dvManager = new DataViewManager(ds);
                DataView dv = dvManager.CreateDataView(ds.Tables["GROUP_FEATURE_TBL"]);
                gridControlFeature.DataSource = dv;

                DataSet ds2 = BaoBieu.getReportGroupAdapter(HelpNumber.ParseInt64(row["groupid"].ToString()), "GROUP_REPORT_TBL");
                DataViewManager dvManager2 = new DataViewManager(ds2);
                DataView dv2 = dvManager2.CreateDataView(ds2.Tables["GROUP_REPORT_TBL"]);
                gridControlReport.DataSource = dv2;

                UserManUtil.getAllUserByGroupId(gridControlThanhPhanGroupUser,ref dsGetUserByGroup, HelpNumber.ParseInt64(row["groupid"]), false);
                gridControlFeature.DataSource = null;
                gridControlReport.DataSource = null;
 internal DataViewSetting(DataViewManager manager, DataTable table)
     dataViewManager = manager;
     dataTable       = table;
		public void SetIncorrectRootElement ()
			DataViewManager m = new DataViewManager (null);
			m.DataViewSettingCollectionString = "<foo/>";
Example #40
        private void ShowData()
            sb = new StringBuilder();
            sb.Remove(0, sb.Length);
            sb.Append("SELECT * From MAINCATE ORDER BY MainCateId");
            String SqlMainCate = sb.ToString();
            da = new SqlDataAdapter(SqlMainCate,Conn);
            ds = new DataSet();
            da.Fill(ds, "MainCate");

            sb.Remove(0, sb.Length);
            sb.Append("SELECT * FROM SUBCATE ORDER BY SubCateId");
            String SqlSubCate = sb.ToString();
            da.SelectCommand.CommandText = SqlSubCate;
            da.Fill(ds, "SubCate");

            DataColumn dcMainCate, dcSubCate;
            dcMainCate = ds.Tables["MainCate"].Columns["MainCateId"];
            dcSubCate = ds.Tables["SubCate"].Columns["MainCateId"];

            dl = new DataRelation("SubCate_detail",dcMainCate,dcSubCate);

            dvm = new DataViewManager();
            dvm.DataSet = ds;
            DataViewSetting dvs;
            dvs = dvm.DataViewSettings["MainCate"];
            dvs.Sort = "MainCateId";

            dvs = dvm.DataViewSettings["SubCate"];
            dvs.Sort = "SubCateId";

            dgvMainCateList.DataSource = dvm;
            dgvMainCateList.DataMember = "MainCate";

            CheckResult = dgvMainCateList.Rows.Count;
            lblCheckResult.Text = "พบ : " + CheckResult.ToString() + " รายการ";

            dgvSubCateList.DataSource = dvm;
            dgvSubCateList.DataMember = "MainCate.SubCate_detail";

            CheckResultSubcate = dgvSubCateList.Rows.Count;
            lblCheckResultSubcate.Text = "พบ : " + CheckResultSubcate.ToString() + " รายการ";

            com = new SqlCommand();

             // วิธัแบบ Data Reader
            string sqlCate;
            sqlCate = "SELECT * FROM MAINCATE ORDER BY MainCateId";

            SqlDataReader dr;  // สร้าง data reader ชื่อ dr
            com = new SqlCommand();
            com.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
            com.CommandText = sqlCate;   // ดึง sqlunit
            com.Connection = Conn;  // เชื่อมกะ db
            dr = com.ExecuteReader(); // รันชุดคำสั่ง

            if (dr.HasRows)
                DataTable dt = new DataTable();  // สร้าง object  datatable มาชื่อ dt
                dt.Load(dr);  //  ให้ dt โหลดข้อมูลออกมา
                CheckResult = dt.Rows.Count;

                dgvMainCateList.DataSource = dt;  // แสดงรายชื่อ  ลงไปยัง dgv unit ( Datagrid view)

                CheckResult = 0;
                dgvMainCateList.DataSource = null; // ล้างข้อมูลออก

            lblCheckResult.Text = "พบ : " + CheckResult.ToString() + " รายการ";
            dr.Close(); // ปิด object dr
		public void SetNullDataSet ()
			DataViewManager m = new DataViewManager (null);
			m.DataSet = null; // DataException
Example #42
		private void ViewSelectedInfo(DataGrid dg)
			if( dg.DataMember == "")
			dvm = new DataViewManager(_allocDiff.ds);
			dvm_caller = new DataViewManager(_allocDiff.ds);
			dvm_callee = new DataViewManager(_allocDiff.ds);
			int roeNumber = dg.CurrentCell.RowNumber;
			string name = (string)dg[roeNumber, 0];
			int id = (int)_allocDiff.basedataId[name];
			DataRow[] caller = _allocDiff.callertbl.Select("id =" + id);
			DataRow[] callee = _allocDiff.calleetbl.Select("id =" + id);
			//======== caller table============
			if(name != "<root>")
				dgCaller.CaptionText = CallerCaption;
				dvm_caller.DataViewSettings[_allocDiff.ContriTocallertbl.TableName].RowFilter = "id = " + id;
				dgCaller.SetDataBinding(dvm_caller ,_allocDiff.ContriTocallertbl.TableName);
				dgCaller.SetDataBinding(null, null);

			dgCaller.Visible = true;

			//========= selected table ==========
			dgSelected.CaptionText = SelectedCaption;
			dvm.DataViewSettings[_allocDiff.basedatatable.TableName].RowFilter = "id" + '=' + id;
			dgSelected.Visible = true;

			//========= callee Table ===============
			if(name != "<bottom>")
				dgCallee.CaptionText = CalleeCaption;
				dvm_callee.DataViewSettings[_allocDiff.ContriTocalleetbl.TableName].RowFilter = "id = " + id;
				dgCallee.SetDataBinding(dvm_callee ,_allocDiff.ContriTocalleetbl.TableName);
				dgCallee.SetDataBinding(null, null);
			dgCallee.Visible = true;
Example #43
        private void loadGridViewUserSelectionChanged()
            if (gridViewUser.FocusedRowHandle >= 0)
                DataRow row = gridViewUser.GetDataRow(gridViewUser.FocusedRowHandle);
                DataSet ds = Feature.getFeatureUserAdapter(HelpNumber.ParseInt64(row["userid"]), "USER_FEATURE_TBL");
                DataViewManager dvManager = new DataViewManager(ds);
                DataView dv = dvManager.CreateDataView(ds.Tables["USER_FEATURE_TBL"]);
                gridControlFeature.DataSource = dv;

                DataSet ds2 = BaoBieu.getReportUserAdapter(HelpNumber.ParseInt64(row["userid"]), "USER_REPORT_TBL");
                DataViewManager dvManager2 = new DataViewManager(ds2);
                DataView dv2 = dvManager2.CreateDataView(ds2.Tables["USER_REPORT_TBL"]);
                gridControlReport.DataSource = dv2;

                UserManUtil.getAllGroupByUserId(gridControlThanhPhanGroupUser, ref dsGetGroupByUser, HelpNumber.ParseInt64(row["userid"]), false);
                if (row["username"].ToString() == "admin")
                    this.btnDelete.Enabled = false;
                    this.btnDelete.Enabled = true;
                gridControlFeature.DataSource = null;
                gridControlReport.DataSource = null;