Example #1
        public void Verify(AstoriaResponse response)

                JSONPayload jsonPayload = new JSONPayload(response);
            catch (Exception e)
                AstoriaTestLog.FailAndContinue(new TestFailedException("Failed to parse JSON payload : " + e.ToString()));

Example #2
        public void Verify(AstoriaResponse response)

                JSONPayload jsonPayload = new JSONPayload(response);
            catch (Exception e)
                AstoriaTestLog.FailAndContinue(new TestFailedException("Failed to parse JSON payload : " + e.ToString()));

Example #3
        private void Verify(AstoriaRequest request)
            RequestVerb verb  = request.EffectiveVerb;
            bool        merge = verb == RequestVerb.Patch;

            PayloadObject entityBefore;

            if (!TryGetSingleObjectFromPayload(request.BeforeUpdatePayload, out entityBefore))
                AstoriaTestLog.FailAndThrow("Pre-update payload did not contain a single entity");

            // determine the type based on what was there (doing .Single() doesn't work for MEST, because the type shows up twice)
            ResourceType type = request.Workspace.ServiceContainer.ResourceTypes.First(rt => entityBefore.Type.Equals(rt.Namespace + "." + rt.Name));

            PayloadObject entityAfter;

            if (!TryGetSingleObjectFromPayload(request.AfterUpdatePayload, out entityAfter))
                AstoriaTestLog.FailAndThrow("Post-update payload did not contain a single entity");

            CommonPayload updatePayload = request.CommonPayload;
            PayloadObject entityUpdate  = null;

            if (request.URI.EndsWith("$value"))
                Match match = Regex.Match(request.URI, @".*/(.+)/\$value");
                if (!match.Success)
                    AstoriaTestLog.FailAndThrow("Could not determine property name for $value request");

                string propertyValue = null;
                if (request.ContentType.Equals(SerializationFormatKinds.MimeApplicationOctetStream, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                    object value = (request.UpdateTree as ResourceInstanceSimpleProperty).PropertyValue;
                    if (updatePayload.Format == SerializationFormatKind.JSON)
                        propertyValue = JSONPayload.ConvertJsonValue(value);
                        AstoriaTestLog.FailAndThrow("Unsure how to fake property value");
                    propertyValue = request.Payload;

                entityUpdate = new PayloadObject(updatePayload);
                PayloadSimpleProperty propertyUpdate = new PayloadSimpleProperty(entityUpdate);
                propertyUpdate.Name  = match.Groups[1].Value;
                propertyUpdate.Value = propertyValue;
                merge = true; //PUT to a single property doesn't reset the resource
            else if (!TryGetSingleObjectFromPayload(updatePayload, out entityUpdate))
                // must be a single property update
                PayloadProperty propertyUpdate = updatePayload.Resources as PayloadProperty;
                if (propertyUpdate == null)
                    AstoriaTestLog.FailAndThrow("Expected either a property or an entity in the update payload");
                entityUpdate = new PayloadObject(updatePayload);
                propertyUpdate.ParentObject = entityUpdate;
                merge = true; //PUT to a single property doesn't reset the resource

            List <string> allPropertyNames = entityBefore.PayloadProperties
                                             .Select(p => p.Name)


            foreach (string propertyName in allPropertyNames.Distinct())
                PayloadProperty original            = null;
                bool            originalHadProperty = entityBefore.PayloadProperties.Any(p => (original = p).Name == propertyName);

                PayloadProperty update            = null;
                bool            updateHadProperty = entityUpdate.PayloadProperties.Any(p => (update = p).Name == propertyName);

                PayloadProperty final            = null;
                bool            finalHadProperty = entityAfter.PayloadProperties.Any(p => (final = p).Name == propertyName);

                if (type.Properties.Any(p => p.Name == propertyName && p.Facets.IsDeclaredProperty))
                    // declared property

                    if (!finalHadProperty)
                        AstoriaTestLog.FailAndThrow("Final version of entity is missing declared property '" + propertyName + "'");

                    ResourceProperty property = type.Properties[propertyName] as ResourceProperty;

                    if (property.IsNavigation)

                    if (!originalHadProperty)
                        AstoriaTestLog.FailAndThrow("Original version of entity is missing declared property '" + propertyName + "'");

                    bool checkValue = property.PrimaryKey == null && !property.Facets.ServerGenerated;

                    // if we changed it, we don't care what it was
                    if (updateHadProperty)
                        ComparePropertyValues(property, update, final, checkValue);
                    else if (merge)
                        ComparePropertyValues(property, original, final, checkValue);
                    else if (checkValue)
                        CompareResetProperty(property, final);
                    // dynamic property
                    if (updateHadProperty)
                        if (!finalHadProperty)
                            AstoriaTestLog.FailAndThrow("Final version of entity is missing dynamic property '" + propertyName + "'");
                        CompareDynamicPropertyValues(update, final);
                    else if (merge)
                        if (!finalHadProperty)
                            AstoriaTestLog.FailAndThrow("Final version of entity is missing dynamic property '" + propertyName + "'");
                        CompareDynamicPropertyValues(original, final);
                    else if (finalHadProperty)
                        AstoriaTestLog.FailAndThrow("Dynamic property '" + propertyName + "' was not cleared after reset");