internal DBSqlParserTable FindTableForColumn(
            DBSqlParserColumn column
            DBSqlParserTableCollection tables = Tables;
            int tableCount = tables.Count;

            for (int i = 0; i < tableCount; ++i)
                DBSqlParserTable table = tables[i];

                // if the table name matches the correlation name, then we're certain
                // of a match
                if (string.Empty == column.DatabaseName &&
                    string.Empty == column.SchemaName &&
                    CatalogMatch(column.TableName, table.CorrelationName))

                // otherwise, compare each part of the name (if they exist) with the
                // table and pick the one that matches all the parts that exist.
                if ((string.Empty == column.DatabaseName || CatalogMatch(column.DatabaseName, table.DatabaseName)) &&
                    (string.Empty == column.SchemaName || CatalogMatch(column.SchemaName, table.SchemaName)) &&
                    (string.Empty == column.TableName || CatalogMatch(column.TableName, table.TableName)))

            Debug.Assert(false, "Why didn't we find a match for the column?");
 // this[]
 internal DBSqlParserTable this[int i]
         DBSqlParserTable value = (DBSqlParserTable)InnerList[i];
 internal void CopySchemaInfoFrom(DBSqlParserTable table)
     _databaseName = table.DatabaseName;
     _schemaName   = table.SchemaName;
     _tableName    = table.TableName;
     _isKey        = false;
     _isUnique     = false;
        internal DBSqlParserTable Add(
            string databaseName,
            string schemaName,
            string tableName,
            string correlationName
            DBSqlParserTable p = new DBSqlParserTable(databaseName, schemaName, tableName, correlationName);

        protected DBSqlParserColumn FindCompletedColumn(
            DBSqlParserTable table,
            DBSqlParserColumn searchColumn
            DBSqlParserColumnCollection columns = table.Columns;
            int columnsCount = columns.Count;

            for (int i = 0; i < columnsCount; ++i)
                DBSqlParserColumn column = columns[i];

                // Compare each part of the name (if they exist) with the
                // table and pick the one that matches all the parts that exist.
                if (CatalogMatch(column.ColumnName, searchColumn.ColumnName))

            // MDAC 87152: ROWID and ROWNUM shouldn't fire an assert here:
            //Debug.Assert(false, "Why didn't we find a match for the search column?");
 //	Called after the table and column information is completed to
 //	identify which columns in the select-list are key columns for
 //	their table.
 abstract protected void GatherKeyColumns(
     DBSqlParserTable table
        private void CompleteSchemaInformation()
            DBSqlParserColumnCollection columns = Columns;
            DBSqlParserTableCollection  tables  = Tables;

            int columnCount = columns.Count;
            int tableCount  = tables.Count;

            // First, derive all of the information we can about each table
            for (int i = 0; i < tableCount; i++)
                DBSqlParserTable            table        = tables[i];
                DBSqlParserColumnCollection tableColumns = GatherTableColumns(table);
                table.Columns = tableColumns;

            // Next, derive all of the column information we can.
            for (int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++)
                DBSqlParserColumn column = columns[i];
                DBSqlParserTable  table  = FindTableForColumn(column);

                if (!column.IsExpression)
                    // If this is a '*' column, then we have to expand the '*' into
                    // its component parts.
                    if ("*" == column.ColumnName)
                        // Remove the existing "*" column entry and replace it with the
                        // complete list of columns in the table.

                        // If this is a tablename.* column, then add references to the
                        // all columns in the specified table, otherwise add references
                        // to all columns in all tables.
                        if (String.Empty != column.TableName)
                            DBSqlParserColumnCollection tableColumns = table.Columns;
                            int tableColumnCount = tableColumns.Count;

                            for (int j = 0; j < tableColumnCount; ++j)
                                columns.Insert(i + j, tableColumns[j]);
                            columnCount += tableColumnCount - 1;                                // don't forget to adjust our loop end
                            i           += tableColumnCount - 1;
                            for (int k = 0; k < tableCount; k++)
                                table = tables[k];

                                DBSqlParserColumnCollection tableColumns = table.Columns;
                                int tableColumnCount = tableColumns.Count;

                                for (int j = 0; j < tableColumnCount; ++j)
                                    columns.Insert(i + j, tableColumns[j]);
                                columnCount += tableColumnCount - 1;                                    // don't forget to adjust our loop end
                                i           += tableColumnCount;
                        // if this isn't a '*' column, we find the table that the column belongs
                        // to, and ask it's column collection for the completed column info (that
                        // contains information about key values, etc.)
                        DBSqlParserColumn completedColumn = FindCompletedColumn(table, column);

                        if (null != completedColumn)                         // MDAC 87152

            // Finally, derive the key column information for each table
            for (int i = 0; i < tableCount; i++)
                DBSqlParserTable table = tables[i];
 //	Called to get a column list for the table specified.
 abstract protected DBSqlParserColumnCollection GatherTableColumns(
     DBSqlParserTable table
        // Methods

        // Add()
        internal DBSqlParserTable Add(DBSqlParserTable value)
        override protected DBSqlParserColumnCollection GatherTableColumns(
            DBSqlParserTable table
            //  Called to get a column list for the table specified.

            OciHandle     statementHandle = _connection.EnvironmentHandle.CreateOciHandle(OCI.HTYPE.OCI_HTYPE_STMT);
            OciHandle     errorHandle     = _connection.ErrorHandle;
            StringBuilder sb         = new StringBuilder();
            string        schemaName = table.SchemaName;
            string        tableName  = table.TableName;
            string        columnName;
            int           tableColumnCount;
            int           rc;
            string        tempStatement;

            DBSqlParserColumnCollection columns = new DBSqlParserColumnCollection();

            Debug.Assert(string.Empty == table.DatabaseName, "oracle doesn't support 4 part names!");

            sb.Append("select * from ");

            if (String.Empty != schemaName)


            tempStatement = sb.ToString();

            rc = TracedNativeMethods.OCIStmtPrepare(

            if (0 == rc)
                rc = TracedNativeMethods.OCIStmtExecute(
                    0,                                              // iters
                    0,                                              // rowoff
                    ADP.NullHandleRef,                              // snap_in
                    ADP.NullHandleRef,                              // snap_out
                    OCI.MODE.OCI_DESCRIBE_ONLY                      // mode

                if (0 == rc)
                    // Build the column list for the table
                    statementHandle.GetAttribute(OCI.ATTR.OCI_ATTR_PARAM_COUNT, out tableColumnCount, errorHandle);

                    for (int j = 0; j < tableColumnCount; j++)
                        OciHandle describeHandle = statementHandle.GetDescriptor(j, errorHandle);
                        describeHandle.GetAttribute(OCI.ATTR.OCI_ATTR_NAME, out columnName, errorHandle, _connection);
                        OciHandle.SafeDispose(ref describeHandle);

                        columnName = QuotePrefixCharacter + columnName + QuoteSuffixCharacter;

                        columns.Add(null, schemaName, tableName, columnName, null);

                    // Now, derive the key information for the statement and update the column list
                    // with it.

            // Clean up and return;
            OciHandle.SafeDispose(ref statementHandle);

        protected override void GatherKeyColumns(
            DBSqlParserTable table
            //  Called after the table and column information is completed to
            //  identify which columns in the select-list are key columns for
            //  their table.

            OracleCommand    cmd = null;
            OracleDataReader rdr = null;

            try {
                try {
                    cmd = _connection.CreateCommand();

                    cmd.Transaction = _connection.Transaction; // must set the transaction context to be the same as the command, or we'll throw when we execute.

                    string schemaName = CatalogCase(table.SchemaName);
                    string tableName  = CatalogCase(table.TableName);

                    string synonymSchemaName = schemaName;
                    string synonymTableName  = tableName;

                    // First, we have to "dereference" a synonym, if it was specified, because
                    // synonyms don't have catalog items stored for them, they're for the table
                    // or view that the synonym references.

                    cmd.CommandText = GetSynonymQueryStatement(schemaName, tableName);
                    rdr             = cmd.ExecuteReader();

                    if (rdr.Read())
                        synonymSchemaName = rdr.GetString(0);
                        synonymTableName  = rdr.GetString(1);


                    // Now we have the real schema name and table name, go and derive the key
                    // columns

                    cmd.CommandText = GetConstraintQueryStatement(synonymSchemaName, synonymTableName);
                    rdr             = cmd.ExecuteReader();

                    ArrayList constraintColumnNames = new ArrayList();
                    bool      isUniqueConstraint;

                    if (true == (_moreConstraints = rdr.Read()))
                        while (GetConstraint(rdr, out isUniqueConstraint, constraintColumnNames))
                            bool foundAllColumns       = true;
                            int  constraintColumnCount = constraintColumnNames.Count;

                            DBSqlParserColumn[] constraintColumn = new DBSqlParserColumn[constraintColumnCount];

                            for (int j = 0; j < constraintColumnCount; ++j)
                                DBSqlParserColumn column = FindConstraintColumn(

                                if (null == column)
                                    foundAllColumns = false;

                                constraintColumn[j] = column;

                            if (foundAllColumns)
                                for (int j = 0; j < constraintColumnCount; ++j)

                    if (null != cmd)
                        cmd = null;

                    if (null != rdr)
                        rdr = null;
            catch { // Prevent exception filters from running in our space