private static LegacyMetadata.EdmItemCollection GetLegacyEdmItemCollection(Version version)
            const string csdlTemplate =
                @"<Schema xmlns=""{0}"" Namespace=""dummy"">" +
                @"    <EntityContainer Name=""DummyContainer""/>" +

            LegacyMetadata.EdmItemCollection itemCollection;

            if (!LegacyEdmItemCollections.TryGetValue(version, out itemCollection))
                var csdl = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture,
                                         csdlTemplate, SchemaManager.GetCSDLNamespaceName(version));

                using (var stringReader = new StringReader(csdl))
                    using (var reader = XmlReader.Create(stringReader))
                        itemCollection = new LegacyMetadata.EdmItemCollection(new[] { reader });
                        LegacyEdmItemCollections[version] = itemCollection;

        public StorageMappingItemCollection(EdmItemCollection edmCollection, StoreItemCollection storeCollection,
            params string[] filePaths)
            : base(DataSpace.CSSpace)
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(edmCollection, "edmCollection");
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(storeCollection, "storeCollection");
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(filePaths, "filePaths");

            this.m_edmCollection = edmCollection;
            this.m_storeItemCollection = storeCollection;

            // Wrap the file paths in instances of the MetadataArtifactLoader class, which provides
            // an abstraction and a uniform interface over a diverse set of metadata artifacts.
            MetadataArtifactLoader composite = null;
            List<XmlReader> readers = null;
                composite = MetadataArtifactLoader.CreateCompositeFromFilePaths(filePaths, XmlConstants.CSSpaceSchemaExtension);
                readers = composite.CreateReaders(DataSpace.CSSpace);

                this.Init(edmCollection, storeCollection, readers,
                          composite.GetPaths(DataSpace.CSSpace), true /*throwOnError*/);
                if (readers != null)
        private static MetadataWorkspace CreateWrappedMetadataWorkspace(string metadata, IEnumerable<string> wrapperProviderNames)
            MetadataWorkspace workspace = new MetadataWorkspace();

            // parse Metadata keyword and load CSDL,SSDL,MSL files into XElement structures...
            var csdl = new List<XElement>();
            var ssdl = new List<XElement>();
            var msl = new List<XElement>();
            ParseMetadata(metadata, csdl, ssdl, msl);

            // fix all SSDL files by changing 'Provider' to our provider and modifying
            foreach (var ssdlFile in ssdl)
                foreach (string providerName in wrapperProviderNames)
                    ssdlFile.Attribute("ProviderManifestToken").Value = ssdl[0].Attribute("Provider").Value + ";" + ssdlFile.Attribute("ProviderManifestToken").Value;
                    ssdlFile.Attribute("Provider").Value = providerName;

            // load item collections from XML readers created from XElements...
            EdmItemCollection eic = new EdmItemCollection(csdl.Select(c => c.CreateReader()));
            StoreItemCollection sic = new StoreItemCollection(ssdl.Select(c => c.CreateReader()));
            StorageMappingItemCollection smic = new StorageMappingItemCollection(eic, sic, msl.Select(c => c.CreateReader()));

            // and create metadata workspace based on them.
            workspace = new MetadataWorkspace();
            return workspace;
Example #4
 private MemberDomainMap(Dictionary<MemberPath, CellConstantSet> domainMap,
                         Dictionary<MemberPath, CellConstantSet> nonConditionDomainMap, EdmItemCollection edmItemCollection)
     m_conditionDomainMap = domainMap;
     m_nonConditionDomainMap = nonConditionDomainMap;
     m_edmItemCollection = edmItemCollection;
        internal static void LoadAssembly(
            Assembly assembly, bool loadReferencedAssemblies,
            KnownAssembliesSet knownAssemblies, EdmItemCollection edmItemCollection, Action<String> logLoadMessage, ref object loaderCookie,
            out Dictionary<string, EdmType> typesInLoading, out List<EdmItemError> errors)
                loaderCookie == null || loaderCookie is Func<Assembly, ObjectItemLoadingSessionData, ObjectItemAssemblyLoader>,
                "This is a bad loader cookie");
            typesInLoading = null;
            errors = null;

            using (var lockedAssemblyCache = AquireLockedAssemblyCache())
                var loadingData = new ObjectItemLoadingSessionData(
                    knownAssemblies, lockedAssemblyCache, edmItemCollection, logLoadMessage, loaderCookie);

                LoadAssembly(assembly, loadReferencedAssemblies, loadingData);
                loaderCookie = loadingData.LoaderCookie;
                // resolve references to top level types (base types, navigation properties returns and associations, and complex type properties)

                if (loadingData.EdmItemErrors.Count == 0)
                    // do the validation for the all the new types
                    // Now, perform validation on all the new types
                    var validator = new EdmValidator();
                    validator.SkipReadOnlyItems = true;
                    validator.Validate(loadingData.TypesInLoading.Values, loadingData.EdmItemErrors);
                    // Update the global cache if there are no errors
                    if (loadingData.EdmItemErrors.Count == 0)
                        if (ObjectItemAssemblyLoader.IsAttributeLoader(loadingData.ObjectItemAssemblyLoaderFactory))
                            // we only cache items from the attribute loader globally, the 
                            // items loaded by convention will change depending on the cspace 
                            // provided.  cspace will have a cache of it's own for assemblies
                            UpdateCache(lockedAssemblyCache, loadingData.AssembliesLoaded);
                        else if (loadingData.EdmItemCollection != null
                            UpdateCache(loadingData.EdmItemCollection, loadingData.AssembliesLoaded);

                if (loadingData.TypesInLoading.Count > 0)
                    foreach (var edmType in loadingData.TypesInLoading.Values)

                // Update the out parameters once you are done with loading
                typesInLoading = loadingData.TypesInLoading;
                errors = loadingData.EdmItemErrors;
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the MetadataWorkspace for the given context type and base context type.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="contextType">The type of the context.</param>
        /// <param name="baseContextType">The base context type (DbContext or ObjectContext).</param>
        /// <returns>The generated <see cref="MetadataWorkspace"/></returns>
        public static MetadataWorkspace CreateMetadataWorkspaceFromResources(Type contextType, Type baseContextType)
            // get the set of embedded mapping resources for the target assembly and create
            // a metadata workspace info for each group
            IEnumerable<string> metadataResourcePaths = FindMetadataResources(contextType.Assembly);
            IEnumerable<MetadataWorkspaceInfo> workspaceInfos = GetMetadataWorkspaceInfos(metadataResourcePaths);

            // Search for the correct EntityContainer by name and if found, create
            // a comlete MetadataWorkspace and return it
            foreach (var workspaceInfo in workspaceInfos)
                EdmItemCollection edmItemCollection = new EdmItemCollection(workspaceInfo.Csdl);

                Type currentType = contextType;
                while (currentType != baseContextType && currentType != typeof(object))
                    EntityContainer container;
                    if (edmItemCollection.TryGetEntityContainer(currentType.Name, out container))
                        StoreItemCollection store = new StoreItemCollection(workspaceInfo.Ssdl);
                        StorageMappingItemCollection mapping = new StorageMappingItemCollection(edmItemCollection, store, workspaceInfo.Msl);
                        MetadataWorkspace workspace = new MetadataWorkspace();
                        workspace.RegisterItemCollection(new ObjectItemCollection());
                        return workspace;

                    currentType = currentType.BaseType;
            return null;
 /// <summary>
 /// Recursively generates <see cref="MemberPath"/>s for the members of the types stored in the <paramref name="extent"/>.
 /// </summary>
 internal static MemberProjectionIndex Create(EntitySetBase extent, EdmItemCollection edmItemCollection)
     // We generate the indices for the projected slots as we traverse the metadata.
     MemberProjectionIndex index = new MemberProjectionIndex();
     GatherPartialSignature(index, edmItemCollection, new MemberPath(extent), false); // need not only keys
     return index;
 public bool HaveSeenInCompatibleContext(object loaderCookie, EdmItemCollection itemCollection)
     // a new "context" is only when we have not seen this assembly with an itemCollection that is non-null
     // and we now have a non-null itemCollection, and we are not already in AttributeLoader mode.
     return SeenWithEdmItemCollection ||
            itemCollection == null ||
 /// <summary>
 /// Constrcutor to create an instance of DefaultObjectMappingItemCollection.
 /// To start with we will create a Schema under which maps will be created.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="edmCollection"></param>
 /// <param name="objectCollection"></param>
 public DefaultObjectMappingItemCollection(EdmItemCollection edmCollection,
     ObjectItemCollection objectCollection) : base(DataSpace.OCSpace)
     EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(edmCollection, "edmCollection");
     EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(objectCollection, "objectCollection");
     this.m_edmCollection = edmCollection;
     this.m_objectCollection = objectCollection;
 public static void InitializeMetadataWorkspace(TestContext testContext)
     StringReader sr = new StringReader(testCsdl);
     XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(sr);
     metadataWorkspace = new MetadataWorkspace();
     EdmItemCollection edmItemCollection = new EdmItemCollection(new XmlReader[] { reader });
     metadataWorkspace.RegisterItemCollection(new ObjectItemCollection());
        public EdmDataModelProvider(Uri serviceUri, bool isReadonly, bool supportPagingAndSorting)
            var context = new DataServiceContext(serviceUri);
            Uri metadataUri = context.GetMetadataUri();
            var doc = XDocument.Load(metadataUri.AbsoluteUri);

            var itemCollection = new EdmItemCollection(GetSchemas(doc).Select(s => s.CreateReader()));

            RelationshipEndLookup = new Dictionary<long, EdmColumnProvider>();
            TableEndLookup = new Dictionary<EntityType, EdmTableProvider>();

            var tables = new List<TableProvider>();

            // Create a dictionary from entity type to entity set. The entity type should be at the root of any inheritance chain.
            IDictionary<EntityType, EntitySet> entitySetLookup = itemCollection.GetItems<EntityContainer>().SelectMany(c => c.BaseEntitySets.OfType<EntitySet>()).ToDictionary(e => e.ElementType);

            // Create a lookup from parent entity to entity
            ILookup<EntityType, EntityType> derivedTypesLookup = itemCollection.GetItems<EntityType>().ToLookup(e => (EntityType)e.BaseType);

            _complexTypes = itemCollection.GetItems<ComplexType>();

            // Keeps track of the current entity set being processed
            EntitySet currentEntitySet = null;

            // Do a DFS to get the inheritance hierarchy in order
            // i.e. Consider the hierarchy
            // null -> Person
            // Person -> Employee, Contact
            // Employee -> SalesPerson, Programmer
            // We'll walk the children in a depth first order -> Person, Employee, SalesPerson, Programmer, Contact.
            var objectStack = new Stack<EntityType>();
            // Start will null (the root of the hierarchy)
            while (objectStack.Any()) {
                EntityType entityType = objectStack.Pop();
                if (entityType != null) {
                    // Update the entity set when we are at another root type (a type without a base type).
                    if (entityType.BaseType == null) {
                        currentEntitySet = entitySetLookup[entityType];

                    var table = CreateTableProvider(currentEntitySet, entityType, isReadonly, supportPagingAndSorting);

                foreach (EntityType derivedEntityType in derivedTypesLookup[entityType]) {
                    // Push the derived entity types on the stack

            _tables = tables.AsReadOnly();

 /// <summary>
 /// Constrcutor to create an instance of DefaultObjectMappingItemCollection.
 /// To start with we will create a Schema under which maps will be created.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="edmCollection"></param>
 /// <param name="objectCollection"></param>
 public DefaultObjectMappingItemCollection(
     EdmItemCollection edmCollection,
     ObjectItemCollection objectCollection)
     : base(DataSpace.OCSpace)
     //Contract.Requires(edmCollection != null);
     //Contract.Requires(objectCollection != null);
     m_edmCollection = edmCollection;
     m_objectCollection = objectCollection;
        public ClientApiGenerator(Schema sourceSchema, EdmItemCollection edmItemCollection, EntityClassGenerator generator, List<EdmSchemaError> errors)
            Debug.Assert(sourceSchema != null, "sourceSchema is null");
            Debug.Assert(edmItemCollection != null, "edmItemCollection is null");
            Debug.Assert(generator != null, "generator is null");
            Debug.Assert(errors != null, "errors is null");

            _edmItemCollection = edmItemCollection;
            _sourceSchema = sourceSchema;
            _generator = generator;
            _errors = errors;
            _attributeEmitter = new AttributeEmitter(_typeReference);
        internal bool TryGetKnownAssembly(Assembly assembly, object loaderCookie, EdmItemCollection itemCollection, out KnownAssemblyEntry entry)
            if (!_assemblies.TryGetValue(assembly, out entry))
                return false;

            if (!entry.HaveSeenInCompatibleContext(loaderCookie, itemCollection))
                return false;

            return true;
Example #15
        /// <summary>
        ///     Attempts to create a EdmItemCollection from the specified metadata file
        /// </summary>
        public bool TryCreateEdmItemCollection(string sourcePath, string[] referenceSchemas, out EdmItemCollection edmItemCollection)
            edmItemCollection = null;

                throw new ArgumentException("sourcePath");

            if(referenceSchemas == null)
                referenceSchemas = new string[0];

            ItemCollection itemCollection = null;
            sourcePath = _textTransformation.Host.ResolvePath(sourcePath);
            var collectionBuilder = new EdmItemCollectionBuilder(_textTransformation, referenceSchemas.Select(s => _textTransformation.Host.ResolvePath(s)).Where(s => s != sourcePath));
            if(collectionBuilder.TryCreateItemCollection(sourcePath, out itemCollection))
                edmItemCollection = (EdmItemCollection) itemCollection;

            return edmItemCollection != null;
        protected override void Visit(StorageEntityContainerMapping storageEntityContainerMapping)
            Debug.Assert(storageEntityContainerMapping != null, "storageEntityContainerMapping cannot be null!");

            // at the entry point of visitor, we setup the versions
            Debug.Assert(m_MappingVersion == storageEntityContainerMapping.StorageMappingItemCollection.MappingVersion, "the original version and the mapping collection version are not the same");
            this.m_MappingVersion = storageEntityContainerMapping.StorageMappingItemCollection.MappingVersion;
            this.m_EdmVersion = storageEntityContainerMapping.StorageMappingItemCollection.EdmItemCollection.EdmVersion;

            this.m_EdmItemCollection = storageEntityContainerMapping.StorageMappingItemCollection.EdmItemCollection;

            int index;
            if (!this.AddObjectToSeenListAndHashBuilder(storageEntityContainerMapping, out index))
                // if this has been add to the seen list, then just 
            if (this.m_itemsAlreadySeen.Count > 1)

                // this means user try another visit over SECM, this is allowed but all the previous visit all lost due to clean
                // user can visit different SECM objects by using the same visitor to load the SECM object

            this.AddObjectStartDumpToHashBuilder(storageEntityContainerMapping, index);

            #region Inner data visit


            this.AddV2ObjectContentToHashBuilder(storageEntityContainerMapping.GenerateUpdateViews, this.m_MappingVersion);



        private static StorageMappingItemCollection ToStorageMappingItemCollection(
            this DbDatabaseMapping databaseMapping, EdmItemCollection itemCollection,
            StoreItemCollection storeItemCollection)
            //Contract.Requires(databaseMapping != null);
            //Contract.Requires(itemCollection != null);
            //Contract.Requires(storeItemCollection != null);

            var stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();

            using (var xmlWriter = XmlWriter.Create(
                stringBuilder, new XmlWriterSettings
                        Indent = true
                new MslSerializer().Serialize(databaseMapping, xmlWriter);

            using (var xmlReader = XmlReader.Create(new StringReader(stringBuilder.ToString())))
                return new StorageMappingItemCollection(itemCollection, storeItemCollection, new[] { xmlReader });
        /// <summary>
        /// Compiles eSQL <paramref name="functionDefinition"/> and returns <see cref="DbLambda"/>.
        /// Guarantees type match of lambda variables and <paramref name="functionParameters"/>.
        /// Passes thru all excepions coming from <see cref="CqlQuery"/>.
        /// </summary>
        internal static DbLambda CompileFunctionDefinition(
            string functionDefinition,
            IList<FunctionParameter> functionParameters,
            EdmItemCollection edmItemCollection)
            Debug.Assert(functionParameters != null, "functionParameters != null");
            Debug.Assert(edmItemCollection != null, "edmItemCollection != null");

            var workspace = new MetadataWorkspace();
            Perspective perspective = new ModelPerspective(workspace);

            // Since we compile lambda expression and generate variables from the function parameter definitions,
            // the returned DbLambda will contain variable types that match function parameter types.
            var functionBody = CqlQuery.CompileQueryCommandLambda(
                null /* use default parser options */,
                null /* parameters */,
                functionParameters.Select(pInfo => pInfo.TypeUsage.Variable(pInfo.Name)));
            Debug.Assert(functionBody != null, "functionBody != null");

            return functionBody;
 public IEnumerable<KnownAssemblyEntry> GetEntries(object loaderCookie, EdmItemCollection itemCollection)
     return _assemblies.Values.Where(e => e.HaveSeenInCompatibleContext(loaderCookie, itemCollection));
Example #20
            ComputeConstantDomainSetsForSlotsInUpdateViews(IEnumerable<Cell> cells, EdmItemCollection edmItemCollection)

            Dictionary<MemberPath, CellConstantSet> updateDomainMap = new Dictionary<MemberPath, CellConstantSet>(MemberPath.EqualityComparer);

            foreach (Cell cell in cells)

                CellQuery cQuery = cell.CQuery;
                CellQuery sQuery = cell.SQuery;

                foreach (MemberProjectedSlot sSlot in sQuery.GetConjunctsFromWhereClause().Select(oneOfConst => oneOfConst.RestrictedMemberSlot))

                    // obtain initial slot domain and restrict it if the slot has conditions

                    CellConstantSet restrictedDomain;
                    bool wasDomainRestricted = GetRestrictedOrUnrestrictedDomain(sSlot, sQuery, edmItemCollection, out restrictedDomain);

                    // Suppose that we have a cell: 
                    //      Proj(ID, A) WHERE(A=5) FROM E   =   Proj(ID, B) FROM T

                    // In the above cell, B on the S-side is 5 and we add that to its range. But if B had a restriction, 
                    // we do not add 5. Note that do we not have a problem w.r.t. possibleValues since if A=5 and B=1, we have an
                    // empty cell -- we should catch that as an error. If A = 5 and B = 5 is present then restrictedDomain 
                    // and domainValues are the same

                    // if no restriction on the S-side and the slot is projected then take the domain from the C-side
                    if (!wasDomainRestricted)
                        int projectedPosition = sQuery.GetProjectedPosition(sSlot);
                        if (projectedPosition >= 0)
                            // get the domain of the respective C-side slot
                            MemberProjectedSlot cSlot = cQuery.ProjectedSlotAt(projectedPosition) as MemberProjectedSlot;
                            Debug.Assert(cSlot != null, "Assuming constants are not projected");

                            wasDomainRestricted = GetRestrictedOrUnrestrictedDomain(cSlot, cQuery, edmItemCollection, out restrictedDomain);

                            if (!wasDomainRestricted)

                    // Add the default value to the domain
                    MemberPath sSlotMemberPath = sSlot.MemberPath;
                    Constant defaultValue;
                    if (TryGetDefaultValueForMemberPath(sSlotMemberPath, out defaultValue))

                    // add all constants appearing in the domain to sDomainMap
                    CellConstantSet sSlotDomain;
                    if (!updateDomainMap.TryGetValue(sSlotMemberPath, out sSlotDomain))
                        updateDomainMap[sSlotMemberPath] = restrictedDomain;
            return updateDomainMap;
Example #21
        //True = domain is restricted, False = domain is not restricted (because there is no condition)
        private static bool GetRestrictedOrUnrestrictedDomain(MemberProjectedSlot slot, CellQuery cellQuery, EdmItemCollection edmItemCollection, out CellConstantSet domain)
            CellConstantSet domainValues = DeriveDomainFromMemberPath(slot.MemberPath, edmItemCollection, true /* leaveDomainUnbounded */);

            //Note, out domain is set even in the case where method call returns false
            return TryGetDomainRestrictedByWhereClause(domainValues, slot, cellQuery, out domain);
Example #22
            ComputeConstantDomainSetsForSlotsInQueryViews(IEnumerable<Cell> cells, EdmItemCollection edmItemCollection, bool isValidationEnabled)

            Dictionary<MemberPath, CellConstantSet> cDomainMap =
                new Dictionary<MemberPath, CellConstantSet>(MemberPath.EqualityComparer);

            foreach (Cell cell in cells)
                CellQuery cQuery = cell.CQuery;
                // Go through the conjuncts to get the constants (e.g., we
                // just don't want to NULL, NOT(NULL). We want to say that
                // the possible values are NULL, 4, NOT(NULL, 4)
                foreach (MemberRestriction restriction in cQuery.GetConjunctsFromWhereClause())
                    MemberProjectedSlot slot = restriction.RestrictedMemberSlot;
                    CellConstantSet cDomain = DeriveDomainFromMemberPath(slot.MemberPath, edmItemCollection, isValidationEnabled);
                    // Now we add the domain of oneConst into this
                    //Isnull=true and Isnull=false conditions should not contribute to a member's domain
                    cDomain.AddRange(restriction.Domain.Values.Where(c => !(c.Equals(Constant.Null) || c.Equals(Constant.NotNull))));
                    CellConstantSet values;
                    bool found = cDomainMap.TryGetValue(slot.MemberPath, out values);
                    if (!found)
                        cDomainMap[slot.MemberPath] = cDomain;
            return cDomainMap;
Example #23
        // effects: Given a type, determines all possible values that can be created from Metadata
        private static CellConstantSet DeriveDomainFromType(EdmType type, EdmItemCollection edmItemCollection, bool leaveDomainUnbounded)
            CellConstantSet domain = null;

            if (Helper.IsScalarType(type))
                // Get the domain for scalars -- for booleans, we special case. 
                if (MetadataHelper.HasDiscreteDomain(type))
                    Debug.Assert(Helper.AsPrimitive(type).PrimitiveTypeKind == PrimitiveTypeKind.Boolean, "Only boolean type has discrete domain.");

                    // Closed domain
                    domain = new Set<Constant>(CreateList(true, false), Constant.EqualityComparer);
                    // Unbounded domain
                    domain = new Set<Constant>(Constant.EqualityComparer);
                    if (leaveDomainUnbounded)
            else //Type Constants - Domain is all possible concrete subtypes
                Debug.Assert(Helper.IsEntityType(type) || Helper.IsComplexType(type) || Helper.IsRefType(type) || Helper.IsAssociationType(type));

                // Treat ref types as their referenced entity types
                if (Helper.IsRefType(type))
                    type = ((RefType)type).ElementType;

                List<Constant> types = new List<Constant>();
                foreach (EdmType derivedType in MetadataHelper.GetTypeAndSubtypesOf(type, edmItemCollection, false /*includeAbstractTypes*/))
                    TypeConstant derivedTypeConstant = new TypeConstant(derivedType);
                domain = new Set<Constant>(types, Constant.EqualityComparer);

            Debug.Assert(domain != null, "Domain not set up for some type");
            return domain;
Example #24
 // effects: Given a member, determines all possible values that can be created from Metadata
 internal static CellConstantSet DeriveDomainFromMemberPath(MemberPath memberPath, EdmItemCollection edmItemCollection, bool leaveDomainUnbounded)
     CellConstantSet domain = DeriveDomainFromType(memberPath.EdmType, edmItemCollection, leaveDomainUnbounded);
     if (memberPath.IsNullable)
     return domain;
Example #25
        // effects: Creates a map with all the condition member constants
        // from extentCells. viewtarget determines whether the view is an
        // update or query view
        internal MemberDomainMap(ViewTarget viewTarget, bool isValidationEnabled, IEnumerable<Cell> extentCells, EdmItemCollection edmItemCollection, ConfigViewGenerator config, Dictionary<EntityType, Set<EntityType>> inheritanceGraph)
            m_conditionDomainMap = new Dictionary<MemberPath, CellConstantSet>(MemberPath.EqualityComparer);
            m_edmItemCollection = edmItemCollection;

            Dictionary<MemberPath, CellConstantSet> domainMap = null;
            if (viewTarget == ViewTarget.UpdateView)
                domainMap = Domain.ComputeConstantDomainSetsForSlotsInUpdateViews(extentCells, m_edmItemCollection);
                domainMap = Domain.ComputeConstantDomainSetsForSlotsInQueryViews(extentCells, m_edmItemCollection, isValidationEnabled);

            foreach (Cell cell in extentCells)
                CellQuery cellQuery = cell.GetLeftQuery(viewTarget);
                // Get the atoms from cellQuery and only keep the ones that
                // are condition members
                foreach (MemberRestriction condition in cellQuery.GetConjunctsFromWhereClause())
                    // Note: TypeConditions are created using OneOfTypeConst and
                    // scalars are created using OneOfScalarConst
                    MemberPath memberPath = condition.RestrictedMemberSlot.MemberPath;

                    Debug.Assert(condition is ScalarRestriction || condition is TypeRestriction,
                                 "Unexpected restriction");

                    // Take the narrowed domain from domainMap, if any
                    CellConstantSet domainValues;
                    if (!domainMap.TryGetValue(memberPath, out domainValues))
                        domainValues = Domain.DeriveDomainFromMemberPath(memberPath, edmItemCollection, isValidationEnabled);

                    //Don't count conditions that are satisfied through IsNull=false 
                    if (!domainValues.Contains(Constant.Null))
                        //multiple values of condition represent disjunction in conditions (not currently supported)
                        // if there is any condition constant that is NotNull
                        if (condition.Domain.Values.All(conditionConstant => (conditionConstant.Equals(Constant.NotNull))))
                        //else there is atleast one condition value that is allowed, continue view generation

                    //|  Nullable  |   IsNull  |   Test case   |
                    //|     T      |     T     |       T       |
                    //|     T      |     F     |       T       |
                    //|     F      |     T     |       F       |
                    //|     F      |     F     |       T       |
                    //IsNull condition on a member that is non nullable is an invalid condition
                    if (domainValues.Count <= 0 || (!domainValues.Contains(Constant.Null) && condition.Domain.Values.Contains(Constant.Null)))
                        string message = System.Data.Entity.Strings.ViewGen_InvalidCondition(memberPath.PathToString(false));
                        ErrorLog.Record record = new ErrorLog.Record(true, ViewGenErrorCode.InvalidCondition, message, cell, String.Empty);
                        ExceptionHelpers.ThrowMappingException(record, config);
                    if (memberPath.IsAlwaysDefined(inheritanceGraph) == false)

                    AddToDomainMap(memberPath, domainValues);

            // Fill up the domains for the remaining slots as well
            m_nonConditionDomainMap = new Dictionary<MemberPath, CellConstantSet>(MemberPath.EqualityComparer);
            foreach (Cell cell in extentCells)
                CellQuery cellQuery = cell.GetLeftQuery(viewTarget);
                // Get the atoms from cellQuery and only keep the ones that
                // are condition members
                foreach (MemberProjectedSlot slot in cellQuery.GetAllQuerySlots())
                    MemberPath member = slot.MemberPath;
                    if (m_conditionDomainMap.ContainsKey(member) == false && m_nonConditionDomainMap.ContainsKey(member) == false)
                        CellConstantSet memberSet = Domain.DeriveDomainFromMemberPath(member, m_edmItemCollection, true /* Regardless of validation, leave the domain unbounded because this is not a condition member */);
                        if (member.IsAlwaysDefined(inheritanceGraph) == false)
                        { // nonConditionMember may belong to subclass
                        memberSet = Domain.ExpandNegationsInDomain(memberSet, memberSet);
                        m_nonConditionDomainMap.Add(member, new CellConstantSetInfo(memberSet, slot));
        private static bool LoadAssemblyFromCache(ObjectItemCollection objectItemCollection, Assembly assembly,
                                                  bool loadReferencedAssemblies, EdmItemCollection edmItemCollection, Action <String> logLoadMessage)
            // Check if its loaded in the cache - if the call is for loading referenced assemblies, make sure that all referenced
            // assemblies are also loaded
            KnownAssemblyEntry entry;

            if (objectItemCollection._knownAssemblies.TryGetKnownAssembly(assembly, objectItemCollection._loaderCookie, edmItemCollection, out entry))
                // Proceed if only we need to load the referenced assemblies and they are not loaded
                if (loadReferencedAssemblies == false)
                    // don't say we loaded anything, unless we actually did before
                    return(entry.CacheEntry.TypesInAssembly.Count != 0);
                else if (entry.ReferencedAssembliesAreLoaded == true)
                    // this assembly was part of a all hands reference search

            lock (objectItemCollection.LoadAssemblyLock)
                // Check after acquiring the lock, since the known assemblies might have got modified
                // Check if the assembly is already loaded. The reason we need to check if the assembly is already loaded, is that
                if (objectItemCollection._knownAssemblies.TryGetKnownAssembly(assembly, objectItemCollection._loaderCookie, edmItemCollection, out entry))
                    // Proceed if only we need to load the referenced assemblies and they are not loaded
                    if (loadReferencedAssemblies == false || entry.ReferencedAssembliesAreLoaded == true)

                Dictionary <string, EdmType> typesInLoading;
                List <EdmItemError>          errors;
                KnownAssembliesSet           knownAssemblies;

                if (objectItemCollection != null)
                    knownAssemblies = new KnownAssembliesSet(objectItemCollection._knownAssemblies);
                    knownAssemblies = new KnownAssembliesSet();

                // Load the assembly from the cache
                AssemblyCache.LoadAssembly(assembly, loadReferencedAssemblies, knownAssemblies, edmItemCollection, logLoadMessage, ref objectItemCollection._loaderCookie, out typesInLoading, out errors);

                // Throw if we have encountered errors
                if (errors.Count != 0)
                    throw EntityUtil.InvalidSchemaEncountered(Helper.CombineErrorMessage(errors));

                // We can encounter new assemblies, but they may not have any time in them
                if (typesInLoading.Count != 0)
                    // No errors, so go ahead and add the types and make them readonly
                    // The existence of the loading lock tells us whether we should be thread safe or not, if we need
                    // to be thread safe, then we need to use AtomicAddRange. We don't need to actually use the lock
                    // because the caller should have done it already
                    // Recheck the assemblies added, another list is created just to match up the collection type
                    // taken in by AtomicAddRange()
                    List <GlobalItem> globalItems = new List <GlobalItem>();
                    foreach (EdmType edmType in typesInLoading.Values)

                        string cspaceTypeName = "";
                            // Also populate the ocmapping information
                            if (Helper.IsEntityType(edmType))
                                cspaceTypeName = ((ClrEntityType)edmType).CSpaceTypeName;
                                objectItemCollection._ocMapping.Add(cspaceTypeName, edmType);
                            else if (Helper.IsComplexType(edmType))
                                cspaceTypeName = ((ClrComplexType)edmType).CSpaceTypeName;
                                objectItemCollection._ocMapping.Add(cspaceTypeName, edmType);
                            else if (Helper.IsEnumType(edmType))
                                cspaceTypeName = ((ClrEnumType)edmType).CSpaceTypeName;
                                objectItemCollection._ocMapping.Add(cspaceTypeName, edmType);
                            // for the rest of the types like a relationship type, we do not have oc mapping,
                            // so we don't keep that information
                        catch (ArgumentException e)
                            throw new MappingException(Strings.Mapping_CannotMapCLRTypeMultipleTimes(cspaceTypeName), e);

                    // Create a new ObjectItemCollection and add all the global items to it.
                    // Also copy all the existing items from the existing collection

                // Update the value of known assemblies
                objectItemCollection._knownAssemblies = knownAssemblies;

                foreach (Assembly loadedAssembly in knownAssemblies.Assemblies)

                return(typesInLoading.Count != 0);
 internal bool Contains(Assembly assembly, object loaderCookie, EdmItemCollection itemCollection)
     KnownAssemblyEntry entry;
     return TryGetKnownAssembly(assembly, loaderCookie, itemCollection, out entry);
Example #28
        private static void LoadStoreItemCollections(MetadataWorkspace workspace,
                                                     DbConnection storeConnection,
                                                     DbProviderFactory factory,
                                                     DbConnectionOptions connectionOptions,
                                                     EdmItemCollection edmItemCollection,
                                                     MetadataArtifactLoader artifactLoader)                                                     
            Debug.Assert(workspace.IsItemCollectionAlreadyRegistered(DataSpace.CSpace), "C-Space must be loaded before loading S or C-S space");
            // The provider connection string is optional; if it has not been specified,
            // we pick up the store's connection string.
            string providerConnectionString = connectionOptions[EntityConnectionStringBuilder.ProviderConnectionStringParameterName];
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(providerConnectionString) && (storeConnection != null))
                providerConnectionString = storeConnection.ConnectionString;

            // Build a string as the key and look up the MetadataCache for a match
            string storeCacheKey = CreateMetadataCacheKey(artifactLoader.GetOriginalPaths(),

            // Load store metadata.
            object entryToken;
            StorageMappingItemCollection mappingCollection =
                                                                     out entryToken);


            // Adding the store metadata entry token to the workspace
Example #29
        internal bool Contains(Assembly assembly, object loaderCookie, EdmItemCollection itemCollection)
            KnownAssemblyEntry entry;

            return(TryGetKnownAssembly(assembly, loaderCookie, itemCollection, out entry));
        /// <summary>
        /// Given the <paramref name="member"/> and one of its <paramref name="possibleType"/>s, determine the attributes that are relevant
        /// for this <paramref name="possibleType"/> and return a <see cref="MemberPath"/> signature corresponding to the <paramref name="possibleType"/> and the attributes.
        /// If <paramref name="needKeysOnly"/>=true, collect the key fields only.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="possibleType">the <paramref name="member"/>'s type or one of its subtypes</param>
        private static void GatherSignatureFromTypeStructuralMembers(MemberProjectionIndex index,
                                                                     EdmItemCollection edmItemCollection,
                                                                     MemberPath member, 
                                                                     StructuralType possibleType, 
                                                                     bool needKeysOnly)
            // For each child member of this type, collect all the relevant scalar fields
            foreach (EdmMember structuralMember in Helper.GetAllStructuralMembers(possibleType))
                if (MetadataHelper.IsNonRefSimpleMember(structuralMember))
                    if (!needKeysOnly || MetadataHelper.IsPartOfEntityTypeKey(structuralMember))
                        MemberPath nonStructuredMember = new MemberPath(member, structuralMember);
                        // Note: scalarMember's parent has already been added to the projectedSlotMap
                    Debug.Assert(structuralMember.TypeUsage.EdmType is ComplexType ||
                                 structuralMember.TypeUsage.EdmType is RefType, // for association ends
                                 "Only non-scalars expected - complex types, association ends");


                    MemberPath structuredMember = new MemberPath(member, structuralMember);
                                           // Only keys are required for entities referenced by association ends of an association.
                                           needKeysOnly || Helper.IsAssociationEndMember(structuralMember));
        /// <summary>
        /// Starting at the <paramref name="member"/>, recursively generates <see cref="MemberPath"/>s for the fields embedded in it.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="member">corresponds to a value of an Entity or Complex or Association type</param>
        /// <param name="needKeysOnly">indicates whether we need to only collect members that are keys</param>
        private static void GatherPartialSignature(MemberProjectionIndex index, EdmItemCollection edmItemCollection, MemberPath member, bool needKeysOnly)
            EdmType memberType = member.EdmType;
            ComplexType complexTypemember = memberType as ComplexType;
            Debug.Assert(complexTypemember != null ||
                         memberType is EntityType || // for entity sets
                         memberType is AssociationType || // For association sets
                         memberType is RefType, // for association ends
                         "GatherPartialSignature can be called only for complex types, entity sets, association ends");

            if (memberType is ComplexType && needKeysOnly)
                // Check if the complex type needs to be traversed or not. If not, just return 
                // from here. Else we need to continue to the code below. Right now, we do not
                // allow keys inside complex types

            // Make sure that this member is in the slot map before any of its embedded objects.

            // Consider each possible type value -- each type value conributes to a tuple in the result.
            // For that possible type, add all the type members into the signature.
            foreach (EdmType possibleType in MetadataHelper.GetTypeAndSubtypesOf(memberType, edmItemCollection, false /*includeAbstractTypes*/))
                StructuralType possibleStructuralType = possibleType as StructuralType;
                Debug.Assert(possibleStructuralType != null, "Non-structural subtype?");

                GatherSignatureFromTypeStructuralMembers(index, edmItemCollection, member, possibleStructuralType, needKeysOnly);
Example #32
 // effects: Fixes the domains of variables in this as specified in FixEnumerableDomains
 private static void ReduceEnumerableDomainToEnumeratedValues(ViewTarget target, Dictionary<MemberPath, CellConstantSet> domainMap, ConfigViewGenerator config,
                                               EdmItemCollection edmItemCollection)
     foreach (MemberPath member in domainMap.Keys)
         if (MetadataHelper.HasDiscreteDomain(member.EdmType) == false)
         CellConstantSet domain = Domain.DeriveDomainFromMemberPath(member, edmItemCollection, true /* leaveDomainUnbounded */);
         CellConstantSet extra = domainMap[member].Difference(domain);
         if (extra.Count > 0)
         { // domainMap has extra members -- we should get rid of them
             if (config.IsNormalTracing)
                 Helpers.FormatTraceLine("Changed domain of {0} from {1} - subtract {2}", member, domainMap[member], extra);
        [ResourceConsumption(ResourceScope.Machine, ResourceScope.Machine)] //For EdmItemCollection constructor call.  
                                                                            //Since we pass in empty collection for paths, we do not have any resource exposure here.                                                               
        private IList<EdmSchemaError> InternalGenerateMetadata()
            if (_modelEntityContainer != null)
                _modelEntityContainer = null;
                _mappingLookups = null;
                _edmItemCollection = null;

            LoadMethodSessionState session = new LoadMethodSessionState();

                session.EdmItemCollection = new EdmItemCollection();
                if (this.GenerateForeignKeyProperties && this._targetEntityFrameworkVersion < EntityFrameworkVersions.Version2)
                    session.AddError(Strings.UnableToGenerateForeignKeyPropertiesForV1, ModelBuilderErrorCode.UnableToGenerateForeignKeyPropertiesForV1, EdmSchemaErrorSeverity.Error, null);
                    return session.Errors;

                List<AssociationSet> storeAssociationSets = new List<AssociationSet>();

                EntityContainer modelEntityContainer = new EntityContainer(_modelEntityContainerName, DataSpace.CSpace);

                // create the EntityTypes and EntitySets, and save up the AssociationSets for later.
                foreach (EntitySetBase storeSet in _storeEntityContainer.BaseEntitySets)
                    switch (storeSet.BuiltInTypeKind)
                        case BuiltInTypeKind.AssociationSet:
                            // save these, and create them after the EntityTypes and EntitySets have been created
                            string errorMessage;
                            if (this.GenerateForeignKeyProperties || !EntityStoreSchemaGenerator.IsFkPartiallyContainedInPK(((AssociationSet)storeSet).ElementType, out errorMessage))
                                session.AddError(errorMessage, ModelBuilderErrorCode.UnsupportedForeinKeyPattern, EdmSchemaErrorSeverity.Error, null);
                        case BuiltInTypeKind.EntitySet:
                            EntitySet set = (EntitySet)storeSet;
                            session.CandidateCollapsedAssociations.Add(set, new OneToOneMappingSerializer.CollapsedEntityAssociationSet(set));
                            // error
                            throw EDesignUtil.MissingGenerationPatternForType(storeSet.BuiltInTypeKind);

                foreach (AssociationSet storeAssociationSet in storeAssociationSets)
                    SaveAssociationForCollapsedAssociationCandidate(session, storeAssociationSet);

                Set<AssociationSet> associationSetsFromCollapseCandidateRejects = new Set<AssociationSet>();
                IEnumerable<OneToOneMappingSerializer.CollapsedEntityAssociationSet> invalidCandidates = FindAllInvalidCollapsedAssociationCandidates(session);

                // now that we have gone through all of the association sets, 
                foreach (OneToOneMappingSerializer.CollapsedEntityAssociationSet collapsed in invalidCandidates)

                    // just create the entity set and save the association set to be added later
                    EntitySet entitySet = CreateModelEntitySet(session, collapsed.EntitySet);

                // create all the associations for the invalid collapsed entity association candidates
                foreach (AssociationSet storeAssociationSet in (IEnumerable<AssociationSet>)associationSetsFromCollapseCandidateRejects)
                    if (!IsAssociationPartOfCandidateCollapsedAssociation(session, storeAssociationSet))
                        AssociationSet set = CreateModelAssociationSet(session, storeAssociationSet);
                // save the set that needs to be created and mapped

                // do this in a seperate loop so we are sure all the necessary EntitySets have been created
                foreach (OneToOneMappingSerializer.CollapsedEntityAssociationSet collapsed in session.MappingLookups.CollapsedEntityAssociationSets)
                    AssociationSet set = CreateModelAssociationSet(session, collapsed);
                if (this._targetEntityFrameworkVersion >= EntityFrameworkVersions.Version2)
                    Debug.Assert(EntityFrameworkVersions.Latest == EntityFrameworkVersions.Version3, "Did you add a new framework version");
                    // add LazyLoadingEnabled=true to the EntityContainer
                    MetadataProperty lazyLoadingAttribute =
                        new MetadataProperty(
                            DesignXmlConstants.EdmAnnotationNamespace + ":" + DesignXmlConstants.LazyLoadingEnabled,
                    modelEntityContainer.AddMetadataProperties(new List<MetadataProperty>() { lazyLoadingAttribute });
                    this._hasAnnotationNamespace = true;

                // Map store functions to function imports.
                MapFunctions(session, modelEntityContainer);
                if (!EntityStoreSchemaGenerator.HasErrorSeverityErrors(session.Errors))
                    // add them to the collection so they will work if someone wants to use the collection
                    foreach (EntityType type in session.MappingLookups.StoreEntityTypeToModelEntityType.Values)

                    foreach (AssociationType type in session.MappingLookups.StoreAssociationTypeToModelAssociationType.Values)

                    foreach (OneToOneMappingSerializer.CollapsedEntityAssociationSet set in session.MappingLookups.CollapsedEntityAssociationSets)

                    _modelEntityContainer = modelEntityContainer;
                    _mappingLookups = session.MappingLookups;
                    _edmItemCollection = session.EdmItemCollection;

            catch (Exception e)
                if (MetadataUtil.IsCatchableExceptionType(e))
                    // an exception in the code is definitely an error
                    string message = EDesignUtil.GetMessagesFromEntireExceptionChain(e);

            return session.Errors;
Example #34
 public IEnumerable <KnownAssemblyEntry> GetEntries(object loaderCookie, EdmItemCollection itemCollection)
     return(_assemblies.Values.Where(e => e.HaveSeenInCompatibleContext(loaderCookie, itemCollection)));