internal override SqlExpression VisitClientCase(SqlClientCase c) {
			c.Expression = this.VisitExpression(c.Expression);
			for (int i = 0, n = c.Whens.Count; i < n; i++) {
				// Don't walk down the match side. This can't be a column.
				c.Whens[i].Value = this.VisitExpression(c.Whens[i].Value);
			return c;
Example #2
 internal virtual SqlExpression VisitClientCase(SqlClientCase c) {
     c.Expression = this.VisitExpression(c.Expression);
     for (int i = 0, n = c.Whens.Count; i < n; i++) {
         SqlClientWhen when = c.Whens[i];
         when.Match = this.VisitExpression(when.Match);
         when.Value = this.VisitExpression(when.Value);
     return c;
		private SqlExpression ExpandTogether(List<SqlExpression> exprs)
				case SqlNodeType.MethodCall:
					SqlMethodCall[] mcs = new SqlMethodCall[exprs.Count];
					for(int i = 0; i < mcs.Length; ++i)
						mcs[i] = (SqlMethodCall)exprs[i];

					List<SqlExpression> expandedArgs = new List<SqlExpression>();

					for(int i = 0; i < mcs[0].Arguments.Count; ++i)
						List<SqlExpression> args = new List<SqlExpression>();
						for(int j = 0; j < mcs.Length; ++j)
						SqlExpression expanded = this.ExpandTogether(args);
					return factory.MethodCall(mcs[0].Method, mcs[0].Object, expandedArgs.ToArray(), mcs[0].SourceExpression);
				case SqlNodeType.ClientCase:
					// Are they all the same?
					SqlClientCase[] scs = new SqlClientCase[exprs.Count];
					scs[0] = (SqlClientCase)exprs[0];
					for(int i = 1; i < scs.Length; ++i)
						scs[i] = (SqlClientCase)exprs[i];

					// Expand expressions together.
					List<SqlExpression> expressions = new List<SqlExpression>();
					for(int i = 0; i < scs.Length; ++i)
					SqlExpression expression = this.ExpandTogether(expressions);

					// Expand individual expressions together.
					List<SqlClientWhen> whens = new List<SqlClientWhen>();
					for(int i = 0; i < scs[0].Whens.Count; ++i)
						List<SqlExpression> scos = new List<SqlExpression>();
						for(int j = 0; j < scs.Length; ++j)
							SqlClientWhen when = scs[j].Whens[i];
						whens.Add(new SqlClientWhen(scs[0].Whens[i].Match, this.ExpandTogether(scos)));

					return new SqlClientCase(scs[0].ClrType, expression, whens, scs[0].SourceExpression);
				case SqlNodeType.TypeCase:
					// Are they all the same?
					SqlTypeCase[] tcs = new SqlTypeCase[exprs.Count];
					tcs[0] = (SqlTypeCase)exprs[0];
					for(int i = 1; i < tcs.Length; ++i)
						tcs[i] = (SqlTypeCase)exprs[i];

					// Expand discriminators together.
					List<SqlExpression> discriminators = new List<SqlExpression>();
					for(int i = 0; i < tcs.Length; ++i)
					SqlExpression discriminator = this.ExpandTogether(discriminators);
					// Write expanded discriminators back in.
					for(int i = 0; i < tcs.Length; ++i)
						tcs[i].Discriminator = discriminators[i];
					// Expand individual type bindings together.
					List<SqlTypeCaseWhen> whens = new List<SqlTypeCaseWhen>();
					for(int i = 0; i < tcs[0].Whens.Count; ++i)
						List<SqlExpression> scos = new List<SqlExpression>();
						for(int j = 0; j < tcs.Length; ++j)
							SqlTypeCaseWhen when = tcs[j].Whens[i];
						SqlExpression expanded = this.ExpandTogether(scos);
						whens.Add(new SqlTypeCaseWhen(tcs[0].Whens[i].Match, expanded));

					return factory.TypeCase(tcs[0].ClrType, tcs[0].RowType, discriminator, whens, tcs[0].SourceExpression);
				case SqlNodeType.New:
					// first verify all are similar client objects...
					SqlNew[] cobs = new SqlNew[exprs.Count];
					cobs[0] = (SqlNew)exprs[0];
					for(int i = 1, n = exprs.Count; i < n; i++)
						if(exprs[i] == null || exprs[i].NodeType != SqlNodeType.New)
							throw Error.UnionIncompatibleConstruction();
						cobs[i] = (SqlNew)exprs[1];
						if(cobs[i].Members.Count != cobs[0].Members.Count)
							throw Error.UnionDifferentMembers();
						for(int m = 0, mn = cobs[0].Members.Count; m < mn; m++)
							if(cobs[i].Members[m].Member != cobs[0].Members[m].Member)
								throw Error.UnionDifferentMemberOrder();
					SqlMemberAssign[] bindings = new SqlMemberAssign[cobs[0].Members.Count];
					for(int m = 0, mn = bindings.Length; m < mn; m++)
						List<SqlExpression> mexprs = new List<SqlExpression>();
						for(int i = 0, n = exprs.Count; i < n; i++)
						bindings[m] = new SqlMemberAssign(cobs[0].Members[m].Member, this.ExpandTogether(mexprs));
						for(int i = 0, n = exprs.Count; i < n; i++)
							cobs[i].Members[m].Expression = mexprs[i];
					SqlExpression[] arguments = new SqlExpression[cobs[0].Args.Count];
					for(int m = 0, mn = arguments.Length; m < mn; ++m)
						List<SqlExpression> mexprs = new List<SqlExpression>();
						for(int i = 0, n = exprs.Count; i < n; i++)
						arguments[m] = ExpandTogether(mexprs);
					return factory.New(cobs[0].MetaType, cobs[0].Constructor, arguments, cobs[0].ArgMembers, bindings, exprs[0].SourceExpression);
				case SqlNodeType.Link:
					SqlLink[] links = new SqlLink[exprs.Count];
					links[0] = (SqlLink)exprs[0];
					for(int i = 1, n = exprs.Count; i < n; i++)
						if(exprs[i] == null || exprs[i].NodeType != SqlNodeType.Link)
							throw Error.UnionIncompatibleConstruction();
						links[i] = (SqlLink)exprs[i];
						if(links[i].KeyExpressions.Count != links[0].KeyExpressions.Count ||
						   links[i].Member != links[0].Member ||
						   (links[i].Expansion != null) != (links[0].Expansion != null))
							throw Error.UnionIncompatibleConstruction();
					SqlExpression[] kexprs = new SqlExpression[links[0].KeyExpressions.Count];
					List<SqlExpression> lexprs = new List<SqlExpression>();
					for(int k = 0, nk = links[0].KeyExpressions.Count; k < nk; k++)
						for(int i = 0, n = exprs.Count; i < n; i++)
						kexprs[k] = this.ExpandTogether(lexprs);
						for(int i = 0, n = exprs.Count; i < n; i++)
							links[i].KeyExpressions[k] = lexprs[i];
					SqlExpression expansion = null;
					if(links[0].Expansion != null)
						for(int i = 0, n = exprs.Count; i < n; i++)
						expansion = this.ExpandTogether(lexprs);
						for(int i = 0, n = exprs.Count; i < n; i++)
							links[i].Expansion = lexprs[i];
					return new SqlLink(links[0].Id, links[0].RowType, links[0].ClrType, links[0].SqlType, links[0].Expression, links[0].Member, kexprs, expansion, links[0].SourceExpression);
				case SqlNodeType.Value:
							* ExprSet of all literals of the same value reduce to just a single literal.
					SqlValue val0 = (SqlValue)exprs[0];
					for(int i = 1; i < exprs.Count; ++i)
						SqlValue val = (SqlValue)exprs[i];
						if(!Equals(val.Value, val0.Value))
							return this.ExpandIntoExprSet(exprs);
					return val0;
				case SqlNodeType.OptionalValue:
						goto default;
					List<SqlExpression> hvals = new List<SqlExpression>(exprs.Count);
					List<SqlExpression> vals = new List<SqlExpression>(exprs.Count);
					for(int i = 0, n = exprs.Count; i < n; i++)
						if(exprs[i] == null || exprs[i].NodeType != SqlNodeType.OptionalValue)
							throw Error.UnionIncompatibleConstruction();
						SqlOptionalValue sov = (SqlOptionalValue)exprs[i];
					return new SqlOptionalValue(this.ExpandTogether(hvals), this.ExpandTogether(vals));
				case SqlNodeType.OuterJoinedValue:
						goto default;
					List<SqlExpression> values = new List<SqlExpression>(exprs.Count);
					for(int i = 0, n = exprs.Count; i < n; i++)
						if(exprs[i] == null || exprs[i].NodeType != SqlNodeType.OuterJoinedValue)
							throw Error.UnionIncompatibleConstruction();
						SqlUnary su = (SqlUnary)exprs[i];
					return factory.Unary(SqlNodeType.OuterJoinedValue, this.ExpandTogether(values));
				case SqlNodeType.DiscriminatedType:
					SqlDiscriminatedType sdt0 = (SqlDiscriminatedType)exprs[0];
					List<SqlExpression> foos = new List<SqlExpression>(exprs.Count);
					for(int i = 1, n = exprs.Count; i < n; i++)
						SqlDiscriminatedType sdtN = (SqlDiscriminatedType)exprs[i];
						if(sdtN.TargetType != sdt0.TargetType)
							throw Error.UnionIncompatibleConstruction();
					return factory.DiscriminatedType(this.ExpandTogether(foos), ((SqlDiscriminatedType)exprs[0]).TargetType);
				case SqlNodeType.ClientQuery:
				case SqlNodeType.Multiset:
				case SqlNodeType.Element:
				case SqlNodeType.Grouping:
					throw Error.UnionWithHierarchy();
					return this.ExpandIntoExprSet(exprs);
		private Type GenerateClientCase(SqlClientCase scc, bool isDeferred, LocalBuilder locInstance)
			LocalBuilder locDiscriminator = gen.DeclareLocal(scc.Expression.ClrType);
			this.GenerateExpressionForType(scc.Expression, scc.Expression.ClrType);
			gen.Emit(OpCodes.Stloc, locDiscriminator);

			Label labNext = gen.DefineLabel();
			Label labEnd = gen.DefineLabel();
			for(int i = 0, n = scc.Whens.Count; i < n; i++)
				if(i > 0)
					labNext = gen.DefineLabel();
				SqlClientWhen when = scc.Whens[i];
				if(when.Match != null)
					gen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc, locDiscriminator);
					this.GenerateExpressionForType(when.Match, scc.Expression.ClrType);
					gen.Emit(OpCodes.Brfalse, labNext);
					this.GenerateDeferredSource(when.Value, locInstance);
					this.GenerateExpressionForType(when.Value, scc.ClrType);
				gen.Emit(OpCodes.Br, labEnd);

			return scc.ClrType;
		internal override SqlExpression VisitClientCase(SqlClientCase c)
				throw Error.InvalidFormatNode("ClientCase");
			if(c.Expression != null)
				_commandStringBuilder.Append(" ");
			for(int i = 0, n = c.Whens.Count; i < n; i++)
				SqlClientWhen when = c.Whens[i];
				if(i == n - 1 && when.Match == null)
					_commandStringBuilder.Append("ELSE ");
					_commandStringBuilder.Append("WHEN ");
					_commandStringBuilder.Append(" THEN ");
			_commandStringBuilder.Append(" END)");
			return c;
		internal override SqlExpression VisitClientCase(SqlClientCase c)
			SqlExpression expr = this.VisitExpression(c.Expression);
			SqlClientWhen[] whens = new SqlClientWhen[c.Whens.Count];
			for(int i = 0, n = whens.Length; i < n; i++)
				SqlClientWhen when = c.Whens[i];
				whens[i] = new SqlClientWhen(this.VisitExpression(when.Match), this.VisitExpression(when.Value));
			return new SqlClientCase(c.ClrType, expr, whens, c.SourceExpression);
		internal override SqlExpression VisitClientCase(SqlClientCase c)
			bool saveCanJoin = this.canJoin;
			this.canJoin = false;
				return base.VisitClientCase(c);
				this.canJoin = saveCanJoin;
		/// <summary>
		/// Given a ClientCase and a list of sequence (one for each case), construct a structure
		/// that is equivalent to a CASE of SELECTs. To accomplish this we use UNION ALL and attach
		/// a WHERE clause which will pick the SELECT that matches the discriminator in the Client Case.
		/// </summary>
		private SqlSelect SimulateCaseOfSequences(SqlClientCase clientCase, List<SqlNode> sequences) {
                   * There are two situations we may be in:
                   * (1) There is exactly one case alternative. 
                   *     Here, no where clause is needed.
                   * (2) There is more than case alternative.
                   *     Here, each WHERE clause needs to be ANDed with [Disc]=D where D
                   *     is the literal discriminanator value.
			if (sequences.Count == 1) {
				return (SqlSelect)sequences[0];
			else {
				SqlNode union = null;
				SqlSelect sel = null;
				int elseIndex = clientCase.Whens.Count - 1;
				int elseCount = clientCase.Whens[elseIndex].Match == null ? 1 : 0;
				SqlExpression elseFilter = null;
				for (int i = 0; i < sequences.Count - elseCount; ++i) {
					sel = (SqlSelect)sequences[i];
					SqlExpression discriminatorPredicate = sql.Binary(SqlNodeType.EQ, clientCase.Expression, clientCase.Whens[i].Match);
					sel.Where = sql.AndAccumulate(sel.Where, discriminatorPredicate);
					elseFilter = sql.AndAccumulate(elseFilter, sql.Binary(SqlNodeType.NE, clientCase.Expression, clientCase.Whens[i].Match));

					if (union == null) {
						union = sel;
					else {
						union = new SqlUnion(sel, union, true /* Union All */);
				// Handle 'else' if present.
				if (elseCount == 1) {
					sel = (SqlSelect)sequences[elseIndex];
					sel.Where = sql.AndAccumulate(sel.Where, elseFilter);

					if (union == null) {
						union = sel;
					else {
						union = new SqlUnion(sel, union, true /* Union All */);

				SqlAlias alias = new SqlAlias(union);
				SqlAliasRef aref = new SqlAliasRef(alias);
				return new SqlSelect(aref, alias, union.SourceExpression);