/// <summary>
        /// Validates whether facets are declared correctly.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="element">Schema element being validated. Must not be null.</param>
        /// <param name="type">Resolved type (from declaration on the element). Possibly null.</param>
        /// <param name="typeUsageBuilder">TypeUsageBuilder for the current element. Must not be null.</param>
        internal static void ValidateFacets(SchemaElement element, SchemaType type, TypeUsageBuilder typeUsageBuilder)
            Debug.Assert(element != null);
            Debug.Assert(typeUsageBuilder != null);

            if (type != null)
                var schemaEnumType = type as SchemaEnumType;
                if (schemaEnumType != null)
                else if(!(type is ScalarType) && typeUsageBuilder.HasUserDefinedFacets)
                    Debug.Assert(!(type is SchemaEnumType), "Note that enums should have already been handled.");

                    // Non-scalar type should not have Facets. 
                    element.AddError(ErrorCode.FacetOnNonScalarType, EdmSchemaErrorSeverity.Error, Strings.FacetsOnNonScalarType(type.FQName));
                    // Type attribute not specified but facets exist.
                    element.AddError(ErrorCode.IncorrectlyPlacedFacet, EdmSchemaErrorSeverity.Error, Strings.FacetDeclarationRequiresTypeAttribute);
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Validates whether facets are declared correctly.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="element">Schema element being validated. Must not be null.</param>
        /// <param name="type">Resolved type (from declaration on the element). Possibly null.</param>
        /// <param name="typeUsageBuilder">TypeUsageBuilder for the current element. Must not be null.</param>
        internal static void ValidateFacets(SchemaElement element, SchemaType type, TypeUsageBuilder typeUsageBuilder)
            Debug.Assert(element != null);
            Debug.Assert(typeUsageBuilder != null);

            if (type != null)
                var schemaEnumType = type as SchemaEnumType;
                if (schemaEnumType != null)
                else if (!(type is ScalarType) && typeUsageBuilder.HasUserDefinedFacets)
                    Debug.Assert(!(type is SchemaEnumType), "Note that enums should have already been handled.");

                    // Non-scalar type should not have Facets.
                    element.AddError(ErrorCode.FacetOnNonScalarType, EdmSchemaErrorSeverity.Error, Strings.FacetsOnNonScalarType(type.FQName));
                if (typeUsageBuilder.HasUserDefinedFacets)
                    // Type attribute not specified but facets exist.
                    element.AddError(ErrorCode.IncorrectlyPlacedFacet, EdmSchemaErrorSeverity.Error, Strings.FacetDeclarationRequiresTypeAttribute);
Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Validated whether a type is declared correctly.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="element">Schema element being validated. Must not be null.</param>
        /// <param name="type">Resolved type (from declaration on the element). Possibly null.</param>
        /// <param name="typeSubElement">Child schema element. Possibly null.</param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// For some elements (e.g. ReturnType) we allow the type to be defined inline in an attribute on the element itself or
        /// by using nested elements. These definitions are mutually exclusive.
        /// </remarks>
        internal static void ValidateTypeDeclaration(SchemaElement element, SchemaType type, SchemaElement typeSubElement)
            Debug.Assert(element != null);

            if (type == null && typeSubElement == null)
                //Type not declared as either attribute or subelement
                element.AddError(ErrorCode.TypeNotDeclared, EdmSchemaErrorSeverity.Error, Strings.TypeMustBeDeclared);

            if (type != null && typeSubElement != null)
                //Both attribute and sub-element declarations exist
                element.AddError(ErrorCode.TypeDeclaredAsAttributeAndElement, EdmSchemaErrorSeverity.Error, Strings.TypeDeclaredAsAttributeAndElement);
        /// <summary>
        /// Validated whether a type is declared correctly. 
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="element">Schema element being validated. Must not be null.</param>
        /// <param name="type">Resolved type (from declaration on the element). Possibly null.</param>
        /// <param name="typeSubElement">Child schema element. Possibly null.</param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// For some elements (e.g. ReturnType) we allow the type to be defined inline in an attribute on the element itself or 
        /// by using nested elements. These definitions are mutually exclusive.
        /// </remarks>
        internal static void ValidateTypeDeclaration(SchemaElement element, SchemaType type, SchemaElement typeSubElement)
            Debug.Assert(element != null);

            if (type == null && typeSubElement == null)
                //Type not declared as either attribute or subelement
                element.AddError(ErrorCode.TypeNotDeclared, EdmSchemaErrorSeverity.Error, Strings.TypeMustBeDeclared);

            if (type != null && typeSubElement != null)
                //Both attribute and sub-element declarations exist
                element.AddError(ErrorCode.TypeDeclaredAsAttributeAndElement, EdmSchemaErrorSeverity.Error, Strings.TypeDeclaredAsAttributeAndElement);
Example #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Validate that reference type is an entity type.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="element">Schema element being validated. Must not be null.</param>
        /// <param name="type">Resolved type (from declaration on the element). Possibly null.</param>
        internal static void ValidateRefType(SchemaElement element, SchemaType type)
            Debug.Assert(element != null);

            if (type != null && !(type is SchemaEntityType))
                // Ref type refers to non entity type.
                element.AddError(ErrorCode.ReferenceToNonEntityType, EdmSchemaErrorSeverity.Error, Strings.ReferenceToNonEntityType(type.FQName));
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="end"></param>
        /// <param name="name"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private bool ValidateUniqueName(SchemaElement end, string name)
            if (EndLookup.ContainsKey(name))
                end.AddError(ErrorCode.AlreadyDefined, EdmSchemaErrorSeverity.Error,

 private void ValidateFunctionImportReturnType(SchemaElement owner, SchemaType returnType, CollectionKind returnTypeCollectionKind, EntityContainerEntitySet entitySet, bool entitySetPathDefined)
     if (returnType != null && !ReturnTypeMeetsFunctionImportBasicRequirements(returnType, returnTypeCollectionKind))
                        GetReturnTypeErrorMessage(Schema.SchemaVersion, this.Name)
     ValidateFunctionImportReturnType(owner, returnType, entitySet, entitySetPathDefined);
        private void DuplicateOrEquivalentMemberNameWhileExtendingEntityContainer(SchemaElement schemaElement,
                                                                                  AddErrorKind error)
            Debug.Assert(error != AddErrorKind.MissingNameError, "Since entity container members are already resolved, name must never be empty");
            Debug.Assert(this.ExtendingEntityContainer != null, "ExtendingEntityContainer must not be null");

            if (error != AddErrorKind.Succeeded)
                Debug.Assert(error == AddErrorKind.DuplicateNameError, "Error must be duplicate name error");
                schemaElement.AddError(ErrorCode.AlreadyDefined, EdmSchemaErrorSeverity.Error,
                                           schemaElement.Name, ExtendingEntityContainer.Name, this.Name));
        internal void ResolveEntitySet(SchemaElement owner, string unresolvedEntitySet, ref EntityContainerEntitySet entitySet)
            Debug.Assert(IsFunctionImport, "Only FunctionImport elkements specify EntitySets");
            Debug.Assert(null != _container, "function imports must know container");

            // resolve entity set
            if (null == entitySet && null != unresolvedEntitySet)
                entitySet = _container.FindEntitySet(unresolvedEntitySet);

                if (null == entitySet)
                                   System.Data.Entity.Strings.FunctionImportUnknownEntitySet(unresolvedEntitySet, this.FQName));
Example #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Add a member to the type
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="newMember">the member being added</param>
        protected void AddMember(SchemaElement newMember)
            Debug.Assert(newMember != null, "newMember parameter is null");

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(newMember.Name))
                // this is an error condition that has already been reported.

            if (this.Schema.DataModel != SchemaDataModelOption.ProviderDataModel &&
                Utils.CompareNames(newMember.Name, Name) == 0)
                newMember.AddError(ErrorCode.BadProperty, EdmSchemaErrorSeverity.Error,
                                   System.Data.Entity.Strings.InvalidMemberNameMatchesTypeName(newMember.Name, FQName));

            NamedMembers.Add(newMember, true, Strings.PropertyNameAlreadyDefinedDuplicate);
        private void DuplicateOrEquivalentMemberNameWhileExtendingEntityContainer(SchemaElement schemaElement,
            AddErrorKind error)
            Debug.Assert(error != AddErrorKind.MissingNameError, "Since entity container members are already resolved, name must never be empty");
            Debug.Assert(this.ExtendingEntityContainer != null, "ExtendingEntityContainer must not be null");

            if (error != AddErrorKind.Succeeded)
                Debug.Assert(error == AddErrorKind.DuplicateNameError, "Error must be duplicate name error");
                schemaElement.AddError(ErrorCode.AlreadyDefined, EdmSchemaErrorSeverity.Error,
                                schemaElement.Name, ExtendingEntityContainer.Name, this.Name));
        /// <summary>
        /// Validate that reference type is an entity type.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="element">Schema element being validated. Must not be null.</param>
        /// <param name="type">Resolved type (from declaration on the element). Possibly null.</param>
        internal static void ValidateRefType(SchemaElement element, SchemaType type)
            Debug.Assert(element != null);

            if (type != null && !(type is SchemaEntityType))
                // Ref type refers to non entity type.
                element.AddError(ErrorCode.ReferenceToNonEntityType, EdmSchemaErrorSeverity.Error, Strings.ReferenceToNonEntityType(type.FQName));
        /// <summary>
        /// validate the following negative scenarios:
        /// ReturnType="Collection(EntityTypeA)"
        /// ReturnType="Collection(EntityTypeA)" EntitySet="ESet.EType is not oftype EntityTypeA"
        /// EntitySet="A"
        /// ReturnType="Collection(ComplexTypeA)" EntitySet="something"
        /// ReturnType="Collection(ComplexTypeA)", but the ComplexTypeA has a nested complexType property, this scenario will be handle in the runtime
        /// </summary>
        private void ValidateFunctionImportReturnType(SchemaElement owner, SchemaType returnType, EntityContainerEntitySet entitySet, bool entitySetPathDefined)
            // If entity type, verify specification of entity set and that the type is appropriate for the entity set
            SchemaEntityType entityType = returnType as SchemaEntityType;

            if (entitySet != null && entitySetPathDefined)

            if (null != entityType)
                // entity type
                if (null == entitySet)
                    // ReturnType="Collection(EntityTypeA)"
                else if (null != entitySet.EntityType && !entityType.IsOfType(entitySet.EntityType))
                    // ReturnType="Collection(EntityTypeA)" EntitySet="ESet.EType is not oftype EntityTypeA"
                                       this.FQName, entitySet.EntityType.FQName, entitySet.Name));
                // complex type
                SchemaComplexType complexType = returnType as SchemaComplexType;
                if (complexType != null)
                    if (entitySet != null || entitySetPathDefined)
                        // ReturnType="Collection(ComplexTypeA)" EntitySet="something"
                            System.Data.Entity.Strings.ComplexTypeAsReturnTypeAndDefinedEntitySet(this.FQName, complexType.Name));
                    Debug.Assert(returnType == null || returnType is ScalarType || returnType is SchemaEnumType || returnType is Relationship,
                                 "null return type, scalar return type, enum return type or relationship expected here.");

                    // scalar type or no return type
                    if (entitySet != null || entitySetPathDefined)
                        // EntitySet="A"
Example #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Look up a fully qualified type name reference.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="usingElement">element containing the reference</param>
        /// <param name="typeName">the fully qualified type name</param>
        /// <param name="type">the referenced schema type</param>
        /// <returns>false if there was an error</returns>
        internal bool ResolveTypeName(SchemaElement usingElement, string typeName, out SchemaType type)
            Debug.Assert(usingElement != null);
            Debug.Assert(typeName != null);

            type = null;

            // get the schema(s) that match the namespace/alias
            string actualQualification;
            string unqualifiedTypeName;

            Utils.ExtractNamespaceAndName(DataModel, typeName, out actualQualification, out unqualifiedTypeName);
            string definingQualification = actualQualification;

            if (definingQualification == null)
                definingQualification = this.ProviderManifest == null ? this._namespaceName : this.ProviderManifest.NamespaceName;

            string namespaceName;

            // First check if there is an alias defined by this name. For primitive type namespace, we do not need to resolve
            // any alias, since that's a reserved keyword and we don't allow alias with that name
            if (actualQualification == null || !AliasResolver.TryResolveAlias(definingQualification, out namespaceName))
                namespaceName = definingQualification;

            // Resolve the type name
            if (!SchemaManager.TryResolveType(namespaceName, unqualifiedTypeName, out type))
                // it must be an undefined type.
                if (actualQualification == null)
                    // Every type except the primitive type must be qualified
                    usingElement.AddError(ErrorCode.NotInNamespace, EdmSchemaErrorSeverity.Error, System.Data.Entity.Strings.NotNamespaceQualified(typeName));
                else if (!SchemaManager.IsValidNamespaceName(namespaceName))
                    usingElement.AddError(ErrorCode.BadNamespace, EdmSchemaErrorSeverity.Error, System.Data.Entity.Strings.BadNamespaceOrAlias(actualQualification));
                    // if the type name was alias qualified
                    if (namespaceName != definingQualification)
                        usingElement.AddError(ErrorCode.NotInNamespace, EdmSchemaErrorSeverity.Error, System.Data.Entity.Strings.NotInNamespaceAlias(unqualifiedTypeName, namespaceName, definingQualification));
                        usingElement.AddError(ErrorCode.NotInNamespace, EdmSchemaErrorSeverity.Error, System.Data.Entity.Strings.NotInNamespaceNoAlias(unqualifiedTypeName, namespaceName));
            // For ssdl and provider manifest, make sure that the type is present in this schema or primitive schema
            else if (this.DataModel != SchemaDataModelOption.EntityDataModel && type.Schema != this && type.Schema != this.SchemaManager.PrimitiveSchema)
                Debug.Assert(type.Namespace != this.Namespace, "Using element is not allowed in the schema of ssdl and provider manifest");
                usingElement.AddError(ErrorCode.InvalidNamespaceOrAliasSpecified, EdmSchemaErrorSeverity.Error, System.Data.Entity.Strings.InvalidNamespaceOrAliasSpecified(actualQualification));

        /// <summary>
        /// validate the following negative scenarios:
        /// ReturnType="Collection(EntityTypeA)"
        /// ReturnType="Collection(EntityTypeA)" EntitySet="ESet.EType is not oftype EntityTypeA"
        /// EntitySet="A"
        /// ReturnType="Collection(ComplexTypeA)" EntitySet="something"
        /// ReturnType="Collection(ComplexTypeA)", but the ComplexTypeA has a nested complexType property, this scenario will be handle in the runtime
        /// </summary>
        private void ValidateFunctionImportReturnType(SchemaElement owner, SchemaType returnType, EntityContainerEntitySet entitySet, bool entitySetPathDefined)
            // If entity type, verify specification of entity set and that the type is appropriate for the entity set
            SchemaEntityType entityType = returnType as SchemaEntityType;

            if (entitySet != null && entitySetPathDefined)

            if (null != entityType)
                // entity type
                if (null == entitySet)
                    // ReturnType="Collection(EntityTypeA)"
                else if (null != entitySet.EntityType && !entityType.IsOfType(entitySet.EntityType))
                    // ReturnType="Collection(EntityTypeA)" EntitySet="ESet.EType is not oftype EntityTypeA"
                        this.FQName, entitySet.EntityType.FQName, entitySet.Name));
                // complex type
                SchemaComplexType complexType = returnType as SchemaComplexType;
                if (complexType != null)
                    if (entitySet != null || entitySetPathDefined)
                        // ReturnType="Collection(ComplexTypeA)" EntitySet="something"
                            System.Data.Entity.Strings.ComplexTypeAsReturnTypeAndDefinedEntitySet(this.FQName, complexType.Name));
                    Debug.Assert(returnType == null || returnType is ScalarType || returnType is SchemaEnumType || returnType is Relationship, 
                        "null return type, scalar return type, enum return type or relationship expected here.");

                    // scalar type or no return type
                    if (entitySet != null || entitySetPathDefined)
                        // EntitySet="A"
 private void ValidateFunctionImportReturnType(SchemaElement owner, SchemaType returnType, CollectionKind returnTypeCollectionKind, EntityContainerEntitySet entitySet, bool entitySetPathDefined)
     if (returnType != null && !ReturnTypeMeetsFunctionImportBasicRequirements(returnType, returnTypeCollectionKind))
             GetReturnTypeErrorMessage(Schema.SchemaVersion, this.Name)
     ValidateFunctionImportReturnType(owner, returnType, entitySet, entitySetPathDefined);
        internal void ResolveEntitySet(SchemaElement owner, string unresolvedEntitySet, ref EntityContainerEntitySet entitySet)
            Debug.Assert(IsFunctionImport, "Only FunctionImport elkements specify EntitySets");
            Debug.Assert(null != _container, "function imports must know container");

            // resolve entity set
            if (null == entitySet && null != unresolvedEntitySet)
                entitySet = _container.FindEntitySet(unresolvedEntitySet);

                if (null == entitySet)
                        System.Data.Entity.Strings.FunctionImportUnknownEntitySet(unresolvedEntitySet, this.FQName));
        private bool TryGetFacets(EdmType edmType, bool complainOnMissingFacet, out Dictionary <string, Facet> calculatedFacets)
            bool noErrors = true;
            Dictionary <string, Facet> defaultFacets = edmType.GetAssociatedFacetDescriptions().ToDictionary(f => f.FacetName, f => f.DefaultValueFacet);

            calculatedFacets = new Dictionary <string, Facet>();

            foreach (Facet defaultFacet in defaultFacets.Values)
                object value;
                if (_facetValues.TryGetValue(defaultFacet.Name, out value))
                    // If the facet is a constant facet, then the facet must not be specified in the schema
                    if (defaultFacet.Description.IsConstant)
                                          System.Data.Entity.Strings.ConstantFacetSpecifiedInSchema(defaultFacet.Name, edmType.Name));
                        noErrors = false;
                        calculatedFacets.Add(defaultFacet.Name, Facet.Create(defaultFacet.Description, value));

                    // remove the used facet
                    // so we know which ones we need to add below
                else if (complainOnMissingFacet && defaultFacet.Description.IsRequired)
                    // Throw missing facet exception
                    _element.AddError(ErrorCode.RequiredFacetMissing, EdmSchemaErrorSeverity.Error, System.Data.Entity.Strings.RequiredFacetMissing(
                    noErrors = false;
                    calculatedFacets.Add(defaultFacet.Name, defaultFacet);

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, object> value in _facetValues)
                if (value.Key == EdmProviderManifest.StoreGeneratedPatternFacetName)
                    Facet facet = Facet.Create(Converter.StoreGeneratedPatternFacet, value.Value);
                    calculatedFacets.Add(facet.Name, facet);
                else if (value.Key == EdmProviderManifest.ConcurrencyModeFacetName)
                    Facet facet = Facet.Create(Converter.ConcurrencyModeFacet, value.Value);
                    calculatedFacets.Add(facet.Name, facet);
                else if (edmType is PrimitiveType && (edmType as PrimitiveType).PrimitiveTypeKind == PrimitiveTypeKind.String &&
                         value.Key == EdmProviderManifest.CollationFacetName)
                    Facet facet = Facet.Create(Converter.CollationFacet, value.Value);
                    calculatedFacets.Add(facet.Name, facet);
                                      System.Data.Entity.Strings.FacetNotAllowed(value.Key, edmType.Name));

        /// <summary>
        /// Add a member to the type
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="newMember">the member being added</param>
        protected void AddMember(SchemaElement newMember)
            Debug.Assert(newMember != null, "newMember parameter is null");

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(newMember.Name))
                // this is an error condition that has already been reported.

            if (this.Schema.DataModel != SchemaDataModelOption.ProviderDataModel &&
                 Utils.CompareNames(newMember.Name, Name) == 0)
                newMember.AddError(ErrorCode.BadProperty, EdmSchemaErrorSeverity.Error,
                    System.Data.Entity.Strings.InvalidMemberNameMatchesTypeName(newMember.Name, FQName));

            NamedMembers.Add(newMember, true, Strings.PropertyNameAlreadyDefinedDuplicate);
Example #20
        /// <summary>
        /// Look up a fully qualified type name reference.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="usingElement">element containing the reference</param>
        /// <param name="typeName">the fully qualified type name</param>
        /// <param name="type">the referenced schema type</param>
        /// <returns>false if there was an error</returns>
        internal bool ResolveTypeName(SchemaElement usingElement, string typeName, out SchemaType type)
            Debug.Assert(usingElement != null);
            Debug.Assert(typeName != null);

            type = null;

            // get the schema(s) that match the namespace/alias
            string actualQualification;
            string unqualifiedTypeName;
            Utils.ExtractNamespaceAndName(DataModel, typeName, out actualQualification, out unqualifiedTypeName);
            string definingQualification = actualQualification;

            if (definingQualification == null)
                definingQualification = this.ProviderManifest == null ? this._namespaceName : this.ProviderManifest.NamespaceName;

            string namespaceName;
            // First check if there is an alias defined by this name. For primitive type namespace, we do not need to resolve
            // any alias, since that's a reserved keyword and we don't allow alias with that name
            if (actualQualification == null || !AliasResolver.TryResolveAlias(definingQualification, out namespaceName))
                namespaceName = definingQualification;

            // Resolve the type name
            if (!SchemaManager.TryResolveType(namespaceName, unqualifiedTypeName, out type))
                // it must be an undefined type.
                if (actualQualification == null)
                    // Every type except the primitive type must be qualified
                    usingElement.AddError(ErrorCode.NotInNamespace, EdmSchemaErrorSeverity.Error, System.Data.Entity.Strings.NotNamespaceQualified(typeName));
                else if (!SchemaManager.IsValidNamespaceName(namespaceName))
                    usingElement.AddError(ErrorCode.BadNamespace, EdmSchemaErrorSeverity.Error, System.Data.Entity.Strings.BadNamespaceOrAlias(actualQualification));
                    // if the type name was alias qualified
                    if (namespaceName != definingQualification)
                        usingElement.AddError(ErrorCode.NotInNamespace, EdmSchemaErrorSeverity.Error, System.Data.Entity.Strings.NotInNamespaceAlias(unqualifiedTypeName, namespaceName, definingQualification));
                        usingElement.AddError(ErrorCode.NotInNamespace, EdmSchemaErrorSeverity.Error, System.Data.Entity.Strings.NotInNamespaceNoAlias(unqualifiedTypeName, namespaceName));
                return false;
            // For ssdl and provider manifest, make sure that the type is present in this schema or primitive schema
            else if (this.DataModel != SchemaDataModelOption.EntityDataModel && type.Schema != this && type.Schema != this.SchemaManager.PrimitiveSchema)
                Debug.Assert(type.Namespace != this.Namespace, "Using element is not allowed in the schema of ssdl and provider manifest");
                usingElement.AddError(ErrorCode.InvalidNamespaceOrAliasSpecified, EdmSchemaErrorSeverity.Error, System.Data.Entity.Strings.InvalidNamespaceOrAliasSpecified(actualQualification));
                return false;

            return true;