Inheritance: System.Attribute
Example #1
        protected void MontaComboboxfiltros(DAL obj)
            PropertyInfo[] props = obj.GetType().GetProperties();
            int            instancePropsCount = props.Count();

            for (int i = 0; i < instancePropsCount; i++)
                if (IsColumn(props[i]))
                    System.ComponentModel.DisplayNameAttribute displayName = null;
                        displayName = ((System.ComponentModel.DisplayNameAttribute)(props[i].GetCustomAttributes(typeof(System.ComponentModel.DisplayNameAttribute), false)[0]));
                        displayName = null;

                    if (displayName != null)
                        ItensComboBox item = new ItensComboBox();
                        item.displayName = displayName.DisplayName;
                        item.fieldName   = props[i].Name;
            cbbFiltro.SelectedIndex = 0;
 public OptionPropertyValue(PropertyInfo propertyInfo, object owner)
     _propertyInfo = propertyInfo;
     _owner = owner;
     _displayName = _propertyInfo.GetCustomAttribute<DisplayNameAttribute>();
     _description = _propertyInfo.GetCustomAttribute<DescriptionAttribute>();
        public OptionPropertyValue(PropertyInfo propertyInfo, object owner, PropertyInfo defaultPropertyInfo)
            this.propertyInfo = propertyInfo;
            this.owner = owner;
            displayName = this.propertyInfo.GetCustomAttribute<DisplayNameAttribute>();
            description = this.propertyInfo.GetCustomAttribute<DescriptionAttribute>();

            if (defaultPropertyInfo != null)
                DefaultValue = (string)defaultPropertyInfo.GetValue(owner);
		protected override ModelMetadata CreateMetadata(IEnumerable<Attribute> attributes, Type containerType, Func<object> modelAccessor, Type modelType, string propertyName)
			var items = attributes.ToList();
			for (var i = 0; i < items.Count(); i++)
				if (!(items[i] is DisplayNameAttribute))
				items[i] = new DisplayNameAttribute(DataAnnotationsResource.ResourceManager.GetString(propertyName));
			return base.CreateMetadata(items, containerType, modelAccessor, modelType, propertyName);

        /// <summary>
        /// 获取属性说明符上的显示名称
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="member"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static string GetDisplayName(this Type type)
            if (Attribute.IsDefined(type, typeof(ResourceDisplayNameAttribute)))
                ResourceDisplayNameAttribute att = Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(type, typeof(ResourceDisplayNameAttribute)) as ResourceDisplayNameAttribute;

            if (Attribute.IsDefined(type, typeof(System.ComponentModel.DisplayNameAttribute)))
                System.ComponentModel.DisplayNameAttribute att = Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(type, typeof(System.ComponentModel.DisplayNameAttribute)) as System.ComponentModel.DisplayNameAttribute;
Example #6
            public int Compare(PropertyInfo x1, PropertyInfo x2)
                DisplayAttribute descriptionAttribute1 = GetAttribute <DisplayAttribute>(x1);
                DisplayAttribute descriptionAttribute2 = GetAttribute <DisplayAttribute>(x2);

#if UseDataAnnotations
                string s1 = descriptionAttribute1 == null ? x1.Name : descriptionAttribute1.GetName();
                string s2 = descriptionAttribute2 == null ? x2.Name : descriptionAttribute2.GetName();
                string s1 = descriptionAttribute1 == null ? x1.Name : descriptionAttribute1.DisplayName;
                string s2 = descriptionAttribute2 == null ? x2.Name : descriptionAttribute2.DisplayName;
Example #7
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new field instance for the specified property.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="property">The property name.</param>
 /// <param name="databaseAttribute">The database attribute</param>
 public DbField(PropertyInfo property, DbAttribute databaseAttribute)
     // Set the property. = property;
     // Set the database attribute.
     this.databaseAttribute = databaseAttribute;
     // Set the database name.
     this.databaseName = this.databaseAttribute.Name;
     // Get the display name attributes.
     object[] displayNameAttributes = property.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(DisplayNameAttribute), true);
     // If at least one attribute exists, set the display name attribute.
     if (displayNameAttributes.Length > 0) this.displayNameAttribute = displayNameAttributes[0] as DisplayNameAttribute;
     // Get the description attributes.
     object[] descriptionAttributes = property.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(DescriptionAttribute), true);
     // If at least one attribute exists, set the description attribute.
     if (descriptionAttributes.Length > 0) this.descriptionAttribute = descriptionAttributes[0] as DescriptionAttribute;
Example #8
        /// <inheritdoc/>
        public void AddItems(IOptionBuilderContext context, Type subjectType, object subject)
            PropertyInfo[] propertyInfos =
                SortProperties(context, FilterProperties(context, subjectType.GetProperties(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy)));

            foreach (PropertyInfo info in propertyInfos)
                DisplayAttribute descriptionAttribute = GetAttribute <DisplayAttribute>(info);
#if UseDataAnnotations
                string description = descriptionAttribute == null ? info.Name : descriptionAttribute.GetName();
                string description = descriptionAttribute == null ? info.Name : descriptionAttribute.DisplayName;

                object value = subject == null ? null : info.GetValue(subject, null);
                Type   type  = value == null ? info.PropertyType : value.GetType();

                IOptionBuilder builder = GetBuilder(context, info, subject, type);

                if (builder != null)
                    IOptionBuilderContext childContext = context.CreateChildContext(description);
                    builder.AddItems(childContext, type, value);
                    ConfigureItem((IOptionItem)childContext.Lookup(typeof(IOptionGroup)), info);
                    IOptionItem item = CreateItem(context, info, type, description, value);
                    if (item != null)
                        context.BindItem(item, description);
                        ConfigureItem(item, info);
 private void Test()
     System.ComponentModel.DisplayNameAttribute d = new System.ComponentModel.DisplayNameAttribute();
 private INamedFacet Create(DisplayNameAttribute attribute, IFacetHolder holder) {
     return CreateAnnotation(attribute.DisplayName, holder);
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a dynamic object that is used to hold the properties that the device contains.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>object</returns>
        private object CreateObject( )
            object obj = new object ( );
              AssemblyName assemblyName = new AssemblyName ( );
              assemblyName.Name = Device.Slug();
              AssemblyBuilder assembly = Thread.GetDomain ( ).DefineDynamicAssembly ( assemblyName, AssemblyBuilderAccess.Run );
              ModuleBuilder module = assembly.DefineDynamicModule ( string.Format ( CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}Module", Device ) );
              TypeBuilder builder = module.DefineType ( "DeviceProperties", TypeAttributes.Public | TypeAttributes.Class );

              foreach ( var item in Properties.Keys ) {
            string propertyName = item.Replace ( ".", "_" );
            FieldBuilder field = builder.DefineField ( string.Format ( "_{0}", propertyName ), typeof ( string ), FieldAttributes.Private );

            PropertyBuilder property = builder.DefineProperty ( propertyName, PropertyAttributes.None, typeof ( string ), new Type[ ] { typeof ( string ) } );

            ConstructorInfo ci = typeof ( DisplayNameAttribute ).GetConstructor ( new Type[ ] { typeof ( string ) } );
            CustomAttributeBuilder cab = new CustomAttributeBuilder ( ci, new object[ ] { item } );
            property.SetCustomAttribute ( cab );

            ci = typeof ( ReadOnlyAttribute ).GetConstructor ( new Type[] { typeof(bool) } );
            cab = new CustomAttributeBuilder ( ci, new object[ ] { true } );
            property.SetCustomAttribute ( cab );

            ci = typeof ( CategoryAttribute ).GetConstructor ( new Type[ ] { typeof ( string ) } );
            cab = new CustomAttributeBuilder ( ci, new object[ ] { "Device Properties" } );
            property.SetCustomAttribute ( cab );

            MethodAttributes getsetAttributes = MethodAttributes.Public | MethodAttributes.HideBySig;

            MethodBuilder getMethod = builder.DefineMethod ( "get_value", getsetAttributes, typeof ( string ), Type.EmptyTypes );

            ILGenerator getIL = getMethod.GetILGenerator ( );
            getIL.Emit ( OpCodes.Ldarg_0 );
            getIL.Emit ( OpCodes.Ldfld, field );
            getIL.Emit ( OpCodes.Ret );

            MethodBuilder setMethod = builder.DefineMethod ( "set_value", getsetAttributes, null, new Type[ ] { typeof ( string ) } );
            ILGenerator setIL = setMethod.GetILGenerator ( );
            setIL.Emit ( OpCodes.Ldarg_0 );
            setIL.Emit ( OpCodes.Ldarg_1 );
            setIL.Emit ( OpCodes.Stfld, field );
            setIL.Emit ( OpCodes.Ret );

            property.SetGetMethod ( getMethod );
            property.SetSetMethod ( setMethod );

              Type generatedType = builder.CreateType ( );
              object generatedObject = Activator.CreateInstance ( generatedType );
              PropertyInfo[] properties = generatedType.GetProperties ( );
              foreach ( var item in properties ) {

            object[] attributes = item.GetCustomAttributes ( true );
            DisplayNameAttribute dna = new DisplayNameAttribute ( item.Name.Replace ( "_", "." ) );
            foreach ( var aitem in attributes ) {
              if ( aitem is DisplayNameAttribute ) {
            dna = aitem as DisplayNameAttribute;

            string value = Properties[ dna.DisplayName ];
            item.SetValue ( generatedObject, value, null );

              return generatedObject;
		public void GetHashCodeTest ()
			DisplayNameAttribute dn = new DisplayNameAttribute ();
			Assert.AreEqual (string.Empty.GetHashCode (), dn.GetHashCode (), "#A1");
			dn = new DisplayNameAttribute ("A");
			Assert.AreEqual ("A".GetHashCode (), dn.GetHashCode (), "#A2");

			dn = new DisplayNameAttribute (null);
			try {
				dn.GetHashCode ();
				Assert.Fail ("#B1");
			} catch (NullReferenceException) {
		public void Equals ()
			DisplayNameAttribute dn = new DisplayNameAttribute ();
			Assert.IsTrue (dn.Equals (DisplayNameAttribute.Default), "#A1");
			Assert.IsTrue (dn.Equals (new DisplayNameAttribute (string.Empty)), "#A2");
			Assert.IsFalse (dn.Equals (new DisplayNameAttribute ("category")), "#A3");
			Assert.IsFalse (dn.Equals (new DisplayNameAttribute (null)), "#A4");
			Assert.IsFalse (dn.Equals (null), "#A5");
			Assert.IsTrue (dn.Equals (dn), "#A6");
			Assert.IsFalse (dn.Equals (55), "#A7");

			dn = new DisplayNameAttribute ("category");
			Assert.IsFalse (dn.Equals (DisplayNameAttribute.Default), "#B1");
			Assert.IsFalse (dn.Equals (new DisplayNameAttribute (string.Empty)), "#B2");
			Assert.IsTrue (dn.Equals (new DisplayNameAttribute ("category")), "#B3");
			Assert.IsFalse (dn.Equals (new DisplayNameAttribute (null)), "#B4");
			Assert.IsFalse (dn.Equals (null), "#B5");
			Assert.IsTrue (dn.Equals (dn), "#B6");
			Assert.IsFalse (dn.Equals (55), "#B7");
		public void Constructor1 ()
			DisplayNameAttribute dn = new DisplayNameAttribute (string.Empty);
			Assert.IsNotNull (dn.DisplayName, "#A1");
			Assert.AreEqual (string.Empty, dn.DisplayName, "#A2");
			Assert.IsTrue (dn.IsDefaultAttribute (), "#A3");

			dn = new DisplayNameAttribute (null);
			Assert.IsNull (dn.DisplayName, "#B1");
			Assert.IsFalse (dn.IsDefaultAttribute (), "#B2");

			dn = new DisplayNameAttribute ("category");
			Assert.IsNotNull (dn.DisplayName, "#C1");
			Assert.AreEqual ("category", dn.DisplayName, "#C2");
			Assert.IsFalse (dn.IsDefaultAttribute (), "#C3");
Example #15
        /// <summary>
        /// 由类型内获取需变更属性
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="t">传入类型</param>
        /// <returns>成功返回需设置变更的信息</returns>
        private List <Neusoft.FrameWork.Models.NeuObject> GetProperty(Type t)
            //获取类的DisplayName属性 用于类中文名称
            object[] display = t.GetCustomAttributes(false);
            if (display != null)
                foreach (object oDisplay in display)
                    if (oDisplay is System.ComponentModel.DisplayNameAttribute)
                        System.ComponentModel.DisplayNameAttribute displayAttribute = oDisplay as System.ComponentModel.DisplayNameAttribute;

                        this.lbDescrip.Text = displayAttribute.DisplayName;

            PropertyInfo[] propertyCollection = t.GetProperties();

            List <Neusoft.FrameWork.Models.NeuObject> recordList = new List <Neusoft.FrameWork.Models.NeuObject>();

            foreach (PropertyInfo p in propertyCollection)
                if (p.CanRead && p.CanWrite)
                    string propertyID      = "";
                    string propertyName    = "";
                    string propertyDescrip = "";
                    //获取对每个属性设置的属性 (Property的Attribute)
                    foreach (Attribute a in p.GetCustomAttributes(true))
                        if (a is System.ComponentModel.DisplayNameAttribute)
                            System.ComponentModel.DisplayNameAttribute displayName = a as System.ComponentModel.DisplayNameAttribute;

                            propertyName = displayName.DisplayName;
                        if (a is System.ComponentModel.DescriptionAttribute)
                            System.ComponentModel.DescriptionAttribute descrip = a as System.ComponentModel.DescriptionAttribute;

                            propertyDescrip = descrip.Description;
                    //如 存在有效数据 进行保存 ID Name不能为空
                    if (propertyName != "")
                        Neusoft.FrameWork.Models.NeuObject shiftProperty = new Neusoft.FrameWork.Models.NeuObject();
                        shiftProperty.ID   = p.Name;
                        shiftProperty.Name = propertyName;
                        shiftProperty.Memo = propertyDescrip;


 private void Test()
     System.ComponentModel.DisplayNameAttribute d = new System.ComponentModel.DisplayNameAttribute();
        internal static PropertyDescriptorCollection Fix(Type type, PropertyDescriptorCollection pdc)
            if (pdc == null || pdc.Count < 1) return pdc;

            IEntityOperate factory = EntityFactory.CreateOperate(type);

            // 准备字段集合
            Dictionary<String, FieldItem> dic = new Dictionary<string, FieldItem>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
            //factory.Fields.ForEach(item => dic.Add(item.Name, item));
            foreach (FieldItem item in factory.Fields)
                dic.Add(item.Name, item);

            Boolean hasChanged = false;
            List<PropertyDescriptor> list = new List<PropertyDescriptor>();
            foreach (PropertyDescriptor item in pdc)
                // 显示名与属性名相同,并且没有DisplayName特性
                if (item.Name == item.DisplayName && !ContainAttribute(item.Attributes, typeof(DisplayNameAttribute)))
                    // 添加一个特性
                    FieldItem fi = null;
                    if (dic.TryGetValue(item.Name, out fi) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(fi.Description))
                        DisplayNameAttribute dis = new DisplayNameAttribute(fi.Description);
                        list.Add(TypeDescriptor.CreateProperty(type, item, dis));
                        hasChanged = true;
            if (hasChanged) pdc = new PropertyDescriptorCollection(list.ToArray());

            return pdc;
Example #18
        private void ShowAttribute(PropertyInfo attributeTarget, JQGridColumn col)
            object[] attributes = attributeTarget.GetCustomAttributes(false);
            foreach (object attribute in attributes)
                if (attribute is System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.KeyAttribute)
                    col.PrimaryKey = true;
                if (attribute is System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.Schema.ColumnAttribute)
                    System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.Schema.ColumnAttribute ca = attribute as System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.Schema.ColumnAttribute;
                    col.Order = ca.Order;
                if (attribute is System.ComponentModel.DisplayNameAttribute)
                    System.ComponentModel.DisplayNameAttribute dn = attribute as System.ComponentModel.DisplayNameAttribute;
                    col.HeaderText = dn.DisplayName;
                if (attribute is System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.DisplayFormatAttribute)
                    System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.DisplayFormatAttribute dfa = attribute as System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.DisplayFormatAttribute;
                    col.DataFormatString = dfa.DataFormatString;
                if (attribute is System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.EditableAttribute)
                    System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.EditableAttribute ea = attribute as System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.EditableAttribute;
                    col.Editable = ea.AllowEdit;
                if (attribute is System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.RequiredAttribute)
                    col.EditDialogFieldSuffix = "(*)";
                    col.EditClientSideValidators.Add(new RequiredValidator());
                if (attribute is SearchableAttribute)
                    SearchableAttribute sa = attribute as SearchableAttribute;
                    col.Searchable = sa.Searchable;
                if (attribute is SearchRequiredAttribute)
                    SearchRequiredAttribute sa = attribute as SearchRequiredAttribute;
                    if (sa.SearchRequired)
                        col.EditClientSideValidators.Add(new SearchRequiredValidator());
                if (attribute is VisiableAttribute)
                    VisiableAttribute va = attribute as VisiableAttribute;
                    col.Visible = va.Visiable;
                if (attribute is EditTypeAttribute)
                    EditTypeAttribute ea = attribute as EditTypeAttribute;
                    col.EditType = ea.EditType;
                    switch (col.EditType)
                    case EditType.DatePicker:
                        col.EditorControlID = "DatePicker";

                    case EditType.DateTimePicker:
                        col.EditorControlID = "DateTimePicker";

                    case EditType.TimePicker:
                        col.EditorControlID = "TimePicker";

                    case EditType.AutoComplete:
                        col.EditorControlID = "AutoComplete_" + col.DataField;
                if (attribute is SearchTypeAttribute)
                    SearchTypeAttribute sa = attribute as SearchTypeAttribute;
                    if (sa.SearchType == SearchType.CheckBox)
                        col.SearchType = SearchType.DropDown;
                        List <SelectListItem> lsli = new List <SelectListItem>();
                        lsli.Add(new SelectListItem()
                            Text = "所有", Value = ""
                        lsli.Add(new SelectListItem()
                            Text = "是", Value = "true"
                        lsli.Add(new SelectListItem()
                            Text = "否", Value = "false"
                        col.SearchList = lsli;
                        col.SearchType = sa.SearchType;
                    switch (col.SearchType)
                    case SearchType.DatePicker:
                        col.SearchControlID = "DatePicker";

                    case SearchType.DateTimePicker:
                        col.SearchControlID = "DateTimePicker";

                    case SearchType.TimePicker:
                        col.SearchControlID = "TimePicker";

                    case SearchType.AutoComplete:
                        col.SearchControlID = "AutoComplete_" + col.DataField;
                if (attribute is FormatterAttribute)
                    FormatterAttribute fa = attribute as FormatterAttribute;
                    switch (fa.FormatterType)
                    case FormatterType.CheckBox:
                        col.Formatter = new CheckBoxFormatter();
 public void SetDisplayName( string displayName )
     var attr = (DisplayNameAttribute)attributes.FirstOrDefault(a => a is DisplayNameAttribute);
     if (attr != null)
         attributes.RemoveAll(a => a is DisplayNameAttribute);
     attr = new DisplayNameAttribute(displayName);
		public void Constructor0 ()
			DisplayNameAttribute dn = new DisplayNameAttribute ();
			Assert.IsNotNull (dn.DisplayName, "#1");
			Assert.AreEqual (string.Empty, dn.DisplayName, "#2");
			Assert.IsTrue (dn.IsDefaultAttribute (), "#3");
Example #21
        public string Export(bool includeHeaderLine)
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            //Get properties using reflection.
            IList <PropertyInfo> propertyInfos = typeof(T).GetProperties();

            if (includeHeaderLine)
                //add header line.
                foreach (PropertyInfo propertyInfo in propertyInfos)
                    var atts = propertyInfo.GetCustomAttributes(
                        typeof(DisplayNameAttribute), true);
                    if (atts.Length == 0)
                        //Don't include anything that doens't have a custom attribute
                        //this will get rid of IDs
                        bool isRandom = false;
                        if (propertyInfo.Name.Length > 4)
                            if (propertyInfo.Name.Contains("dom"))
                                isRandom = true;

                        if (false == isRandom)
                            string displayText = "";
                            System.ComponentModel.DisplayNameAttribute displayName = (System.ComponentModel.DisplayNameAttribute)atts[0];

                            displayText = displayName.DisplayName;
                            displayText = displayText.Replace(":", "");

                sb.Remove(sb.Length - 1, 1).AppendLine();

            //add value for each property.
            foreach (T obj in Objects)
                foreach (PropertyInfo propertyInfo in propertyInfos)
                    var atts = propertyInfo.GetCustomAttributes(
                        typeof(DisplayNameAttribute), true);
                    if (atts.Length == 0)
                        //Don't include anything that doens't have a custom attribute
                        //this will get rid of IDs
                        //exclude random columns
                        bool isRandom = false;
                        if (propertyInfo.Name.Length > 4)
                            if (propertyInfo.Name.Contains("dom"))
                                isRandom = true;

                        if (false == isRandom)
                            sb.Append(MakeValueCsvFriendly(propertyInfo.GetValue(obj, null))).Append(",");
                sb.Remove(sb.Length - 1, 1).AppendLine();
