Example #1
 private CompoundTerm ChooseAction(Sequence<Action> actions, IState iState)
     TransitionProperties tp;
     int targetId = -1;
     List<double> MaxV = bdt.ReturnValue(true);
     List<double> MinV = bdt.ReturnValue(false);
     List<Set<int>> abstractMap = bdt.ReturnLeaves();
     Sequence<Pair<int, Action>> cumulActSum = Sequence<Pair<int, Action>>.EmptySequence;
     double epsilon = 0.1;
     Dictionary<int, int> sumTarget = new Dictionary<int, int>();
     Action maxAct = null;
     int targetAbsId = -1;
     int sum = 0;
     UpdateRequirementMaps(actions, iState);
     Set<Action> newStateActs = new Set<Action>();
     Set<Action> oldActs = new Set<Action>(actions.Head);
     foreach (Action a in actions)
         int tState = this.modelProgram.GetTargetState(iState, a, null, out tp).GetHashCode();
         targetAbsId = findAbstractId(tState, abstractMap);
         if (targetAbsId == -1)
             newStateActs = newStateActs.Add(a); 
             sum = sum + (int)(MaxV[targetAbsId] * Math.Pow(10.0, 9.0));
             Pair<int, Action> np = new Pair<int, Action>(sum, a);
             sumTarget.Add(sum, targetAbsId);
             cumulActSum = cumulActSum.AddLast(np);
     if (!newStateActs.IsEmpty)
         maxAct = newStateActs.Choose();
         System.Console.WriteLine("new action in new state " + maxAct.ToString());
         return maxAct;
         Random rndNumbers = new Random();
         int rndNumber = rndNumbers.Next(sum);
         System.Console.WriteLine(sum + " " + rndNumber);
         foreach (Pair<int, Action> np in cumulActSum)
             System.Console.WriteLine(np.First + " " + np.Second.ToString());
             if (rndNumber <= np.First)
                 maxAct = np.Second;
                 targetId = sumTarget[np.First];
             targetId = sumTarget[np.First];
             maxAct = np.Second;
         System.Console.WriteLine("old action in old state " + maxAct.ToString());
     // Adaptive Refinement
     if (MaxV[targetId] - MinV[targetId] > epsilon)
         if (i < requirementProperties.Count)
             string s1 = requirementProperties[i++];
             bdt = bdt.Refine(s1, requireEnabledStateMap[s1]);
     return maxAct;
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Create an instance of LibraryModelProgram for a given assembly
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="modAssembly">Loaded assembly</param>
        /// <param name="modelName">Name of the model namespace to be loaded. 
        /// Only classes in the model namespace will be loaded.</param>
        /// <param name="featureNames">The names of features to be loaded. If null, all
        /// features will be loaded for the given modelName. See <see cref="FeatureAttribute"/>.</param>
        /// <exception cref="ModelProgramUserException">Thrown if there is a usage error in the given assembly.</exception>
        public LibraryModelProgram(Assembly modAssembly, string modelName, Set<string>/*?*/ featureNames)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(modelName))
                throw new ArgumentNullException("modelName");

            InterpretationContext context = (null == featureNames ?
                new InterpretationContext() :
                new InterpretationContext(featureNames));

            Type/*?*/[]/*?*/ allTypes = modAssembly.GetTypes();
            List<Field> stateVars = new List<Field>();
            Dictionary<Symbol, ActionInfo> aInfoMap = new Dictionary<Symbol, ActionInfo>();
            Dictionary<Type, StatePredicate> acceptingStateConditions = new Dictionary<Type, StatePredicate>();
            Dictionary<Type, StatePredicate> stateInvariants = new Dictionary<Type, StatePredicate>();
            Dictionary<Type, StatePredicate> stateFilters = new Dictionary<Type, StatePredicate>();
            //Dictionary<Type, TransitionPropertyGenerator> transitionPropertyGenerators = new Dictionary<Type, TransitionPropertyGenerator>();
            bool modelIsEmpty = true;

            #region Get state variables, actions, invariants, accepting state conditions, and state filters

            abstractSorts = new Set<Symbol>();

            foreach (Type t in allTypes)
                    // ignore any compiler-generated types, such as iterators.
                    if (ReflectionHelper.IsCompilerGenerated(t))

                    // Collect  state variables, actions, invariants and accepting state conditions.
                    if (ReflectionHelper.IsInModel(t, modelName, featureNames))
                        // Register the sort for this type
                        context.RegisterSortType(AbstractValue.TypeSort(t), t);

                        // Check if the sort is abstract
                        if (AbstractValue.IsTypeAbstractSort(t)) abstractSorts=abstractSorts.Add(AbstractValue.TypeSort(t));

                        // Only extract variables and actions from class types.
                        if (!t.IsClass)

                        // clear flag that detects model namespace spelling errors
                        modelIsEmpty = false;

                        // Collect state variables
                        foreach (FieldInfo field in ReflectionHelper.GetModelVariables(t))
                            stateVars.Add(new Field(field));

                        Set<string> actionMethodNames = Set<string>.EmptySet;  // used to detect duplicates

                        // Collect actions
                        foreach (MethodInfo methodInfo in ReflectionHelper.GetMethodsForActions(t))
                                if (actionMethodNames.Contains(methodInfo.Name))
                                    throw new ModelProgramUserException("Duplicate action method name '" + methodInfo.Name + "' found. Action methods may not use overloaded names.");

                                if (!methodInfo.IsStatic)
                                    //check that the the declaring class is a labeled instance
                                    //or else say that probably the static keyword is missing

                                    if (methodInfo.DeclaringType.BaseType == null ||
                                        methodInfo.DeclaringType.BaseType.Name != "LabeledInstance`1" ||
                                        methodInfo.DeclaringType.BaseType.GetGenericArguments()[0] != methodInfo.DeclaringType)
                                        throw new ModelProgramUserException("Since the action method '" + methodInfo.Name + "' is non-static, the class '" + methodInfo.DeclaringType.Name + "' must directly inherit from 'LabeledInstance<" + methodInfo.DeclaringType.Name + ">'." +
                                                                            "\nDid you perhaps forget to declare the method 'static'?");

                                //check that the action parameter types are valid modeling types
                                foreach (ParameterInfo pInfo in methodInfo.GetParameters())
                                        if (!(pInfo.ParameterType.IsPrimitive ||
                                             pInfo.ParameterType.IsEnum ||
                                             pInfo.ParameterType == typeof(string) ||
                                            throw new ModelProgramUserException(
                                                "\nThe parameter '" + pInfo.Name + "' of '" + methodInfo.Name + "' does not a have valid modeling type. " +
                                                "\nA valid modeling type is either: a primitive type, an enum, a string, or a type that implements 'NModel.Internals.IAbstractValue'." +
                                                "\nIn particular, collection types in 'System.Collections' and 'System.Collections.Generic' are not valid modeling types." +
                                                "\nValid modeling types are collection types like 'Set' and 'Map' defined in the 'NModel' namespace, " +
                                                "\nas well as user defined types that derive from 'CompoundValue'.");

                                actionMethodNames = actionMethodNames.Add(methodInfo.Name);

                                Method method = new Method(methodInfo);

                                #region RequirementsMetrics2

                                // Requirements metrics
                                // methodInfo is only actions
                                // Collect the requirements from the enabling-actions below (after this loop)
                                if (!allModeledRequirements.ContainsKey(methodInfo.Name))
                                    allModeledRequirements =

                                // Collect the requirements from the enabling-actions
                                foreach (MethodInfo enablingMethodInfo in ReflectionHelper.GetEnablingMethods(methodInfo))
                                    if (!allModeledRequirements.ContainsKey(enablingMethodInfo.Name))
                                        Set<Pair<string, string>> requirements = new Set<Pair<string, string>>
                                        allModeledRequirements =
                                            allModeledRequirements.Add(enablingMethodInfo.Name, requirements);



                                foreach (ActionAttribute actionAttribute in ReflectionHelper.GetModelActionAttributes(methodInfo))
                                    CompoundTerm/*?*/ startActionLabel;
                                    CompoundTerm/*?*/ finishActionLabel;
                                    ReflectionHelper.GetActionLabel(methodInfo, actionAttribute, out startActionLabel, out finishActionLabel);
                                    ActionMethodFinish/*?*/ finishActionMethod = null;
                                    if (finishActionLabel != null)
                                        finishActionMethod = InsertActionMethodFinish(method, finishActionLabel, aInfoMap);
                                    if (startActionLabel != null)
                                        InsertActionMethodStart(method, startActionLabel, finishActionMethod, aInfoMap);
                            catch (ModelProgramUserException e)
                                string msg = "method " + methodInfo.Name + ", " + e.Message;
                                throw new ModelProgramUserException(msg);

                        // to do: collect transition properties

                        // Collect state invariants
                        //StatePredicate sp1 = StatePredicate.GetPredicates(t, GetStateInvariantMethodNames(t));
                        //if (null != sp1)
                        //    stateInvariants.Add(t, sp1);

                        // Collect accepting state conditions
                        StatePredicate sp2 = StatePredicate.GetAcceptingStateCondition(t);
                        if (null != sp2)
                            acceptingStateConditions.Add(t, sp2);

                        // Collect state invariants
                        StatePredicate sp3 = StatePredicate.GetStateInvariant(t);
                        if (null != sp3)
                            stateInvariants.Add(t, sp3);

                        //collect state filters
                        StatePredicate sp4 = StatePredicate.GetStateFilter(t);
                        if (null != sp4)
                            stateFilters.Add(t, sp4);

                catch (ModelProgramUserException e)
                    string msg = "In class " + t.Name + ", " + e.Message;
                    throw new ModelProgramUserException(msg);

            if (modelIsEmpty)
                throw new ModelProgramUserException("No classes found in model namespace " + modelName + ". Did you misspell?");


            // todo: Collect "sorts" for each type. Walk type tree of state variables and
            // action arguments to do this.

            Symbol[] aSymbols = new Symbol[aInfoMap.Keys.Count];
            int j = 0;
            foreach (Symbol a in aInfoMap.Keys)
                aSymbols[j++] = a;

            Field[] sFields = stateVars.ToArray();
            StateVariable[] sVars = new StateVariable[sFields.Length];
            string[] lNames = new string[sVars.Length];
            ValueArray<string> locNames;
            for (int i = 0; i < sVars.Length; i++)
                sVars[i] = sFields[i].stateVariable;
                lNames[i] = sFields[i].stateVariable.Name;

            locNames = new ValueArray<string>(lNames);

            string nameExt = "";
            if (featureNames != null && featureNames.Count > 0)
                nameExt += "[";
                for (int i = 0; i < featureNames.Count; i++)
                    nameExt += featureNames.Choose(i);
                    if (i < featureNames.Count - 1)
                        nameExt += ",";
                nameExt += "]";

            this.name = modelName + nameExt;
            // this.generator = generator;
            this.stateFields = sFields;
            this.locationNames = locNames;
            this.stateVariables = sVars;
            this.actionSymbols = new Set<Symbol>(aSymbols);
            this.actionInfoMap = aInfoMap;
            this.finishActionSymbols = LibraryModelProgram.CreateStartFinishMap(aInfoMap);
            this.modelAssembly = modAssembly;
            this.context = context;
            this.currentState = GetInitialState();
            this.stateChangedPredicate = false;
            this.acceptingStateConditions = acceptingStateConditions;
            this.stateInvariants = stateInvariants;
            this.stateFilters = stateFilters;
Example #3
        private CompoundTerm ChooseAction(Sequence<Action> actions, IState iState)
            Action maxAct = actions.Head;
            int sState = iState.GetHashCode();
            int tState;
            IExtendedState iestate = (IExtendedState)iState;
            int c = iestate.LocationValuesCount;

            foreach (Action a in actions)
                foreach (string s in this.modelProgram.GetEnablingConditionDescriptions(iState, a, false))
                    Term t = Term.Parse(s);
                    Sequence<Term> vars = (t.Arguments[0].Arguments);
                    Map<Variable, Term> subst = ConstructSubst(a,vars);
                    System.Console.WriteLine(a.ToString() + sState + " enabled string " + t.Arguments[1].Substitute(subst));
            for (int i = 0; i < c; i++)
                System.Console.WriteLine("name: "+iestate.GetLocationName(i) + " value : "+
                    iestate.GetLocationValue(i) + " hash" +
                CompoundValue t  = (CompoundValue)iestate.GetLocationValue(i);
                foreach (CompoundValue t1 in t.FieldValues())
                    System.Console.WriteLine(" field " + t1.ToString());

            TransitionProperties tp;
            int sum = 0;
            Sequence<Pair<int, Action>> cumulActSum = Sequence<Pair<int,Action>>.EmptySequence;

            Set<int> coveredActs = findCoveredActs(sState,actions);
                 cov[sState] = 0.0;
            Set<Action> newStateActs = new Set<Action>();
            Set<Action> newActs = new Set<Action>();
            Set<Action> oldActs = new Set<Action>(actions.Head);
            foreach (Action a in actions)
                tState = this.modelProgram.GetTargetState(iState, a, null, out tp).GetHashCode();
                if (!v.ContainsKey(tState))
                    newStateActs = newStateActs.Add(a);
                else if (!coveredActs.Contains(a.GetHashCode()))
                    newActs = newActs.Add(a);
                    // one greedy approach
                    if (v.ContainsKey(tState) && v[tState] > maxv)
                        maxv = v[tState];
                        oldActs = new Set<Action>(a);
                    else if (v.ContainsKey(tState) && v[tState] == maxv)
                        oldActs = oldActs.Add(a);

                    // probabilistic greedy approach
                    if (v.ContainsKey(tState))
                        sum = sum + (int)(v[tState]* Math.Pow(10.0,9.0));
                        Pair<int, Action> np = new Pair<int, Action>(sum, a);
                        cumulActSum = cumulActSum.AddLast(np);
            if (!newStateActs.IsEmpty)
                maxAct = newStateActs.Choose();
                System.Console.WriteLine("new action in new state " + maxAct.ToString());
            else if (!newActs.IsEmpty)
                maxAct = newActs.Choose();
                System.Console.WriteLine("new action in old state " + maxAct.ToString());
                //maxAct = oldActs.Choose();
                Random rndNumbers = new Random();
                int rndNumber = rndNumbers.Next(sum);
                System.Console.WriteLine(sum + " " + rndNumber);
                foreach (Pair<int, Action> np in cumulActSum)
                    System.Console.WriteLine(np.First + " " + np.Second.ToString());
                    if (rndNumber <= np.First)
                        maxAct = np.Second;
                    maxAct = np.Second;
                System.Console.WriteLine("old action in old state " + maxAct.ToString());
            coveredActs = coveredActs.Add(maxAct.GetHashCode());
            cov[sState] = (double)coveredActs.Count / (double)actions.Count;
            return maxAct;