Example #1
         * private static UInt32 PadTo4(UInt32 RVA)
         * {
         *  UInt32 Cleared = RVA & ~0x3U;
         *  return (RVA == Cleared) ? RVA : RVA + 0x4U;
         * }

        internal void InitMetaData()
            if (B == null)
                throw new ObjectDisposedException(null);
            if (parsedMetaData)

            UInt32 MetaDataRVA  = B.ReadUInt32();
            UInt32 MetaDataSize = B.ReadUInt32();

            if ((MetaDataRVA == 0) || (MetaDataSize == 0))
                throw new BadImageFormatException();
            MetadataRoot = RVAToFileAddress(MetaDataRVA);

            UInt32 VersionLengthRVA = MetaDataRVA + 12;
            UInt32 VersionStringRVA = VersionLengthRVA + 4;

            UInt32 VersionLength = B.ReadUInt32();
            String Version       = ReadUTF8String(VersionLength);
            UInt32 FlagsRVA      = VersionStringRVA + VersionLength;
            UInt32 NStreamsRVA   = FlagsRVA + 2;

            UInt16 NStreams = B.ReadUInt16();

            Streams = new StreamDesc[NStreams];
            for (int i = 0; i < NStreams; i++)
                Streams[i] = new StreamDesc(B, MetadataRoot);
            StreamDesc stringStream, blobStream, TablesStream;

            if (!FindStream("#~", out TablesStream))
                if (!FindStream("#-", out TablesStream))
                    throw new BadImageFormatException();
            if (!FindStream("#Strings", out stringStream))
                throw new BadImageFormatException();
            if (!FindStream("#Blob", out blobStream))
                throw new BadImageFormatException();
            TablesStream.SeekTo(B, 0);
            metaData = new MDTables(B, stringStream, blobStream);
            // metaData.DumpStringHeap();
            parsedMetaData = true;
Example #2
        internal MDTables(BinaryReader reader, StreamDesc stringSD, StreamDesc blobSD)
        { // Positioned at start of #~ stream
            stringStream = stringSD;
            blobStream   = blobSD;
            B            = reader;
            B.BaseStream.Seek(4, SeekOrigin.Current);   // Skip reserved
            byte Major = B.ReadByte();
            byte Minor = B.ReadByte();
            // Console.WriteLine("Table schema version {0}.{1}", Major, Minor);
            byte HeapSizes = B.ReadByte();

            stringIndex = ((HeapSizes & 0x01) == 0) ? 2U : 4U;
            GUIDIndex   = ((HeapSizes & 0x02) == 0) ? 2U : 4U;
            blobIndex   = ((HeapSizes & 0x04) == 0) ? 2U : 4U;
            B.ReadByte();   // Reserved
            UInt64 Valid  = B.ReadUInt64();
            UInt64 Sorted = B.ReadUInt64();

            NRows = new UInt32[(Int32)Tables.MaxTable + 1];
            int    NTables = 0;
            UInt64 VBit    = 1UL;

            for (int Table = 0; Table <= (int)Tables.MaxTable; Table++, VBit <<= 1)
                if ((Valid & VBit) != 0)
                    NRows[Table] = B.ReadUInt32();
                    if (NRows[Table] == 0)
                        //Console.WriteLine("Table {0} is valid with 0 rows", Table);
                    // Console.WriteLine("Table {0} ({1}) has {2} rows", Names[Table], Table, NRows[Table]);
                    NTables += 1;
            // Console.WriteLine("Found {0} tables", NTables);

             * for (int i = 0; i <= (int) Tables.MaxTable; i++)
             *  Console.WriteLine("Table {0} ({1}) has {2} bytes per row",
             *      Names[i], i, lengths[i]);
            tableAt = new UInt32[(Int32)Tables.MaxTable + 1];
            VBit    = 1UL;
            UInt32 Offset = (UInt32)B.BaseStream.Position;

            for (int Table = 0; Table <= (int)Tables.MaxTable; Table++, VBit <<= 1)
                tableAt[Table] = Offset;
                // Console.WriteLine("Table {2} ({0}) at offset 0x{1:x}", Table, Offset, Names[(UInt32)Table]);
                Offset += lengths[Table] * NRows[Table];
                if (((Valid & VBit) != 0) && (NRows[Table] != 0) && (lengths[Table] == 0))
                    throw new BadImageFormatException(String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Res.UnknownMetadataTable, Table));
Example #3
 private bool FindStream(String name, out StreamDesc result)
     foreach (StreamDesc s in Streams)
         if (s.Name.Equals(name))
             result = s;
     result = null;
Example #4
 internal MDTables(BinaryReader reader, StreamDesc stringSD, StreamDesc blobSD)
 { // Positioned at start of #~ stream
     stringStream = stringSD;
     blobStream = blobSD;
     B = reader;
     B.BaseStream.Seek(4, SeekOrigin.Current);   // Skip reserved
     byte Major = B.ReadByte();
     byte Minor = B.ReadByte();
     // Console.WriteLine("Table schema version {0}.{1}", Major, Minor);
     byte HeapSizes = B.ReadByte();
     stringIndex = ((HeapSizes & 0x01) == 0) ? 2U : 4U;
     GUIDIndex = ((HeapSizes & 0x02) == 0) ? 2U : 4U;
     blobIndex = ((HeapSizes & 0x04) == 0) ? 2U : 4U;
     B.ReadByte();   // Reserved
     UInt64 Valid = B.ReadUInt64();
     UInt64 Sorted = B.ReadUInt64();
     NRows = new UInt32[(Int32)Tables.MaxTable + 1];
     int NTables = 0;
     UInt64 VBit = 1UL;
     for (int Table = 0; Table <= (int)Tables.MaxTable; Table++, VBit <<= 1)
         if ((Valid & VBit) != 0)
             NRows[Table] = B.ReadUInt32();
             if (NRows[Table] == 0)
                 //Console.WriteLine("Table {0} is valid with 0 rows", Table);
             // Console.WriteLine("Table {0} ({1}) has {2} rows", Names[Table], Table, NRows[Table]);
             NTables += 1;
     // Console.WriteLine("Found {0} tables", NTables);
     for (int i = 0; i <= (int) Tables.MaxTable; i++)
         Console.WriteLine("Table {0} ({1}) has {2} bytes per row",
             Names[i], i, lengths[i]); 
     tableAt = new UInt32[(Int32)Tables.MaxTable + 1];
     VBit = 1UL;
     UInt32 Offset = (UInt32)B.BaseStream.Position;
     for (int Table = 0; Table <= (int)Tables.MaxTable; Table++, VBit <<= 1)
         tableAt[Table] = Offset;
         // Console.WriteLine("Table {2} ({0}) at offset 0x{1:x}", Table, Offset, Names[(UInt32)Table]);
         Offset += lengths[Table] * NRows[Table];
         if (((Valid & VBit) != 0) && (NRows[Table] != 0) && (lengths[Table] == 0))
             throw new BadImageFormatException(String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Res.UnknownMetadataTable, Table));
        private static UInt32 PadTo4(UInt32 RVA)
            UInt32 Cleared = RVA & ~0x3U;
            return (RVA == Cleared) ? RVA : RVA + 0x4U;

        internal void InitMetaData()
            if (B == null)
                throw new ObjectDisposedException(null);
            if (parsedMetaData)

            UInt32 MetaDataRVA = B.ReadUInt32();
            UInt32 MetaDataSize = B.ReadUInt32();
            if ((MetaDataRVA == 0) || (MetaDataSize == 0))
                throw new BadImageFormatException();
            MetadataRoot = RVAToFileAddress(MetaDataRVA);

            UInt32 VersionLengthRVA = MetaDataRVA + 12;
            UInt32 VersionStringRVA = VersionLengthRVA + 4;
            UInt32 VersionLength = B.ReadUInt32();
            String Version = ReadUTF8String(VersionLength);
            UInt32 FlagsRVA = VersionStringRVA + VersionLength;
            UInt32 NStreamsRVA = FlagsRVA + 2;
            UInt16 NStreams = B.ReadUInt16();

            Streams = new StreamDesc[NStreams];
            for (int i = 0; i < NStreams; i++) Streams[i] = new StreamDesc(B, MetadataRoot);
            StreamDesc stringStream, blobStream, TablesStream;
            if (!FindStream("#~", out TablesStream)) 
                if (!FindStream("#-", out TablesStream))
                    throw new BadImageFormatException();
            if (!FindStream("#Strings", out stringStream))
                throw new BadImageFormatException();
            if (!FindStream("#Blob", out blobStream))
                throw new BadImageFormatException();
            TablesStream.SeekTo(B, 0);
            metaData = new MDTables(B, stringStream, blobStream);
            // metaData.DumpStringHeap();
            parsedMetaData = true;
 private bool FindStream(String name, out StreamDesc result)
     foreach (StreamDesc s in Streams) {
         if (s.Name.Equals(name)) {
             result = s;
             return true;
     result = null;
     return false;