Constraint UnrootedRequestRule()
            DelegateInArgument<SendReply> sendReply = new DelegateInArgument<SendReply>();
            DelegateInArgument<ValidationContext> context = new DelegateInArgument<ValidationContext>();
            DelegateInArgument<Activity> activityInTree = new DelegateInArgument<Activity>();
            Variable<bool> requestInTree = new Variable<bool> { Default = false };

            return new Constraint<SendReply>
                Body = new ActivityAction<SendReply, ValidationContext>
                    Argument1 = sendReply,
                    Argument2 = context,
                    Handler = new Sequence
                        Variables = { requestInTree },
                        Activities =
                            new If
                                Condition = new InArgument<bool>(ctx => sendReply.Get(ctx).Request != null),
                                Then = new Sequence
                                    Activities = 
                                        new ForEach<Activity>
                                            Values = new GetWorkflowTree
                                                ValidationContext = context,
                                            Body = new ActivityAction<Activity>
                                                Argument = activityInTree,
                                                Handler = new If
                                                    Condition = new InArgument<bool>(ctx => activityInTree.Get(ctx) == sendReply.Get(ctx).Request),
                                                    Then = new Assign<bool>
                                                        To = requestInTree,
                                                        Value = true,
                                        new AssertValidation
                                            Assertion = new InArgument<bool>(ctx => requestInTree.Get(ctx)),
                                            IsWarning = false,
                                            Message = new InArgument<string>(ctx => string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, System.Activities.Core.Presentation.SR.UnrootedRequestInSendReply, sendReply.Get(ctx).DisplayName))
        public static Constraint VerifyParentIsWorkflowActivity()
            DelegateInArgument<Activity> element = new DelegateInArgument<Activity>();
            DelegateInArgument<ValidationContext> context = new DelegateInArgument<ValidationContext>();
            DelegateInArgument<Activity> parent = new DelegateInArgument<Activity>();
            Variable<bool> result = new Variable<bool>();

            return new Constraint<Activity>
                Body = new ActivityAction<Activity, ValidationContext>
                    Argument1 = element,
                    Argument2 = context,
                    Handler = new Sequence
                        Variables =
                        Activities =
                            new ForEach<Activity>
                                Values = new GetParentChain
                                    ValidationContext = context,
                                Body = new ActivityAction<Activity>
                                    Argument = parent, 
                                    Handler = new If
                                        Condition = new InArgument<bool>((env) => parent.Get(env).IsWorkflowActivity()),
                                        Then = new Assign<bool>
                                            Value = true,
                                            To = result,
                            new AssertValidation
                                Assertion = new InArgument<bool>((env) => result.Get(env)),
                                Message = new InArgument<string>((env) => $"{element.Get(env).GetType().GetFriendlyName()} can only be added inside a {typeof(WorkflowActivity<,>).GetFriendlyName()} activity."),
                                PropertyName = new InArgument<string>((env) => element.Get(env).DisplayName),
Example #3
        private static Activity CreatePrintProcessActivity(Variable<Collection<Process>> processes)
            var proc = new DelegateInArgument<Process>("process");

            return new Sequence
                Activities =
                    // Loop over processes and print them out.
                    new ForEach<Process>
                        Values = processes,
                        Body = new ActivityAction<Process>
                            Argument = proc,
                            Handler = new WriteLine
                                Text = new InArgument<string>(ctx => proc.Get(ctx).ToString()),

                    // Print out a new line.
                    new WriteLine(),
Example #4
        // Creates a workflow that uses FindInSqlTable activity with a more complex predicate to retrieve entities from a Sql Server Database
        static Activity CreateRetrieveWithComplexPredicateWF()
            Variable<IList<Employee>> employees = new Variable<IList<Employee>>();
            DelegateInArgument<Employee> employeeIterationVariable = new DelegateInArgument<Employee>();
            return new Sequence()
                Variables = { employees },
                Activities =
                    new WriteLine { Text = "\r\nEmployees by Role and Location (more complex predicate)\r\n============================================" },
                    new FindInSqlTable<Employee>
                        ConnectionString = cnn,
                        Predicate = new LambdaValue<Func<Employee, bool>>(c => new Func<Employee, bool>(emp => emp.Role.Equals("PM") && emp.Location.Equals("Redmond"))),
                        Result = new OutArgument<IList<Employee>>(employees)
                    new ForEach<Employee>
                        Values = new InArgument<IEnumerable<Employee>>(employees),
                        Body = new ActivityAction<Employee>()
                            Argument = employeeIterationVariable,
                            Handler = new WriteLine { Text = new InArgument<string>(env => employeeIterationVariable.Get(env).ToString()) }

Example #5
        // Creates a workflow that uses FindInTable activity without predicate to retrieve entities from a Sql Server Database
        static Activity CreateRetrieveWithoutPredicateWF()
            Variable<IList<Role>> roles = new Variable<IList<Role>>();
            DelegateInArgument<Role> roleIterationVariable = new DelegateInArgument<Role>();

            return new Sequence()
                Variables = { roles },
                Activities =
                    new WriteLine { Text = "\r\nAll Roles (no predicates)\r\n==============" },
                    new FindInSqlTable<Role>
                        ConnectionString = cnn,
                        Result = new OutArgument<IList<Role>>(roles)
                    new ForEach<Role>
                        Values = new InArgument<IEnumerable<Role>>(roles),
                        Body = new ActivityAction<Role>()
                            Argument = roleIterationVariable ,
                            Handler = new WriteLine { Text = new InArgument<string>(env => roleIterationVariable.Get(env).Name) }
Example #6
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // iteration variable for the ForEach
            var item = new DelegateInArgument<object>();

            // list of elements to iterate
            ArrayList list = new ArrayList();

            // iterate through the list and show the elements
            Activity act =
                    new ForEach
                        Values = new InArgument<IEnumerable>(ctx=>list),
                        Body = new ActivityAction<object>
                            Argument = item,
                            Handler = new WriteLine { Text = new InArgument<string>(c => item.Get(c).ToString()) }

            Console.WriteLine("Press enter to exit...");
        // Constraint is just an activity that contains validation logic.
        public static Constraint ConstraintError_IfShouldHaveThenOrElse()
            DelegateInArgument<If> element = new DelegateInArgument<If>();

            return new Constraint<If>
                Body = new ActivityAction<If, ValidationContext>
                    Argument1 = element,
                    Handler = new AssertValidation
                        Assertion = new InArgument<bool>(env => (element.Get(env).Then != null) || (element.Get(env).Else != null)),
                        Message = new InArgument<string>("'If' activity should have either Then or Else activity set."),
        public static Constraint ConstraintWarning_PickHasOneBranch()
            DelegateInArgument<Pick> element = new DelegateInArgument<Pick>();

            return new Constraint<Pick>
                Body = new ActivityAction<Pick, ValidationContext>
                    Argument1 = element,
                    Handler = new AssertValidation
                        IsWarning = true,
                        Assertion = new InArgument<bool>(env => (element.Get(env).Branches.Count == 0) || (element.Get(env).Branches.Count > 1)),
                        Message = new InArgument<string>("This Pick activity has only one branch so the Pick itself is redundant."),
Example #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Validates whether the Twilio activity is contained within a CallScope activity.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        internal static Constraint<Activity> MustBeInsideCallScopeConstraint()
            var activityBeingValidated = new DelegateInArgument<Activity>();
            var validationContext = new DelegateInArgument<ValidationContext>();
            var parent = new DelegateInArgument<Activity>();
            var parentIsCallScope = new Variable<bool>();

            return new Constraint<Activity>()
                Body = new ActivityAction<Activity, ValidationContext>()
                    Argument1 = activityBeingValidated,
                    Argument2 = validationContext,

                    Handler = new Sequence()
                        Variables =
                        Activities =
                            new ForEach<Activity>()
                                Values = new GetParentChain()
                                    ValidationContext = validationContext,
                                Body = new ActivityAction<Activity>()
                                    Argument = parent,
                                    Handler = new If(env => parent.Get(env).GetType() == typeof(CallScope))
                                        Then = new Assign<bool>()
                                            To = parentIsCallScope,
                                            Value = true,
                            new AssertValidation()
                                Assertion = parentIsCallScope,
                                Message = "Twilio activities must be nested inside of a CallScope",
                                IsWarning = false,
Example #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Validates whether the Leave activity is contained inside of an Enqueue activity.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        Constraint<Leave> MustBeContainedInEnqueue()
            var activityBeingValidated = new DelegateInArgument<Leave>();
            var validationContext = new DelegateInArgument<ValidationContext>();
            var outer = new DelegateInArgument<Activity>();
            var enqueueIsOuter = new Variable<bool>();

            return new Constraint<Leave>()
                Body = new ActivityAction<Leave, ValidationContext>()
                    Argument1 = activityBeingValidated,
                    Argument2 = validationContext,

                    Handler = new Sequence()
                        Variables =
                        Activities =
                            new ForEach<Activity>()
                                Values = new GetParentChain()
                                    ValidationContext = validationContext,
                                Body = new ActivityAction<Activity>()
                                    Argument = outer,
                                    Handler = new If(env => typeof(Enqueue).IsAssignableFrom(outer.Get(env).GetType()))
                                        Then = new Assign<bool>()
                                            To = enqueueIsOuter,
                                            Value = true,
                            new AssertValidation()
                                Assertion = enqueueIsOuter,
                                Message = "Leave must be contained inside of an Enqueue.",
                                IsWarning = false,
Example #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Validates whether the DialNoun activity is contained within a Dial activity.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        Constraint<DialNoun> MustBeInsideDialActivityConstraint()
            var activityBeingValidated = new DelegateInArgument<DialNoun>();
            var validationContext = new DelegateInArgument<ValidationContext>();
            var parent = new DelegateInArgument<Activity>();
            var parentIsOuter = new Variable<bool>();

            return new Constraint<DialNoun>()
                Body = new ActivityAction<DialNoun, ValidationContext>()
                    Argument1 = activityBeingValidated,
                    Argument2 = validationContext,

                    Handler = new Sequence()
                        Variables =
                        Activities =
                            new ForEach<Activity>()
                                Values = new GetParentChain()
                                    ValidationContext = validationContext,
                                Body = new ActivityAction<Activity>()
                                    Argument = parent,
                                    Handler = new If(env => parent.Get(env).GetType() == typeof(Dial))
                                        Then = new Assign<bool>()
                                            To = parentIsOuter,
                                            Value = true,
                            new AssertValidation()
                                Assertion = parentIsOuter,
                                Message = "DialNouns must be nested inside Dial",
                                IsWarning = false,
Example #12
        static Activity CreateWF()
            DelegateInArgument<string> current = new DelegateInArgument<string>();
            IList<string> data = new List<string>();
            for (int i = 1; i < 11; i++)
                data.Add(string.Format("Branch {0}", i));
            Variable<int> waitTime = new Variable<int>();

                new Sequence
                    Variables = { waitTime },
                    Activities =
                        new ThrottledParallelForEach<string>
                            Values = new LambdaValue<IEnumerable<string>>(c => data),
                            MaxConcurrentBranches = 3,
                            Body = new ActivityAction<string>
                                Argument = current,
                                Handler = new Sequence
                                    Activities =
                                        new WriteLine() { Text = new InArgument<string>(ctx => string.Format("Enter {0}", current.Get(ctx))) },
                                        new Assign<int> { To = waitTime, Value = new InArgument<int>(ctx =>  new Random().Next(0, 2500)) },
                                        new WriteLine() { Text = new InArgument<string>(ctx => string.Format("...{0} will wait for {1} millisenconds...", current.Get(ctx), waitTime.Get(ctx))) },
                                        new Delay { Duration = new InArgument<TimeSpan>(ctx => new TimeSpan(0,0,0,0, waitTime.Get(ctx))) },
                                        new WriteLine() { Text = new InArgument<string>(ctx => string.Format("......Exit {0}", current.Get(ctx))) },
Example #13
        static Constraint CheckParent()
            DelegateInArgument<CreateState> element = new DelegateInArgument<CreateState>();
            DelegateInArgument<ValidationContext> context = new DelegateInArgument<ValidationContext>();
            Variable<bool> result = new Variable<bool>();
            DelegateInArgument<Activity> parent = new DelegateInArgument<Activity>();

            return new Constraint<CreateState>
                Body = new ActivityAction<CreateState,ValidationContext>
                    Argument1 = element,
                    Argument2 = context,
                    Handler = new Sequence
                        Variables =
                        Activities =
                            new ForEach<Activity>
                                Values = new GetParentChain
                                    ValidationContext = context
                                Body = new ActivityAction<Activity>
                                    Argument = parent,
                                    Handler = new If()
                                        Condition = new InArgument<bool>((env) => object.Equals(parent.Get(env).GetType(),typeof(CreateCountry))),
                                        Then = new Assign<bool>
                                            Value = true,
                                            To = result
                            new AssertValidation
                                Assertion = new InArgument<bool>(result),
                                Message = new InArgument<string> ("CreateState has to be inside a CreateCountry activity"),
Example #14
        public static Constraint VerifyParentIsObjectContextScope(Activity activity)
            DelegateInArgument<Activity> element = new DelegateInArgument<Activity>();
            DelegateInArgument<ValidationContext> context = new DelegateInArgument<ValidationContext>();
            DelegateInArgument<Activity> child = new DelegateInArgument<Activity>();
            Variable<bool> result = new Variable<bool>();

            return new Constraint<Activity>
                Body = new ActivityAction<Activity, ValidationContext>
                    Argument1 = element,
                    Argument2 = context,
                    Handler = new Sequence
                        Variables = { result },
                        Activities =
                            new ForEach<Activity>
                                Values = new GetParentChain
                                    ValidationContext = context
                                Body = new ActivityAction<Activity>
                                    Argument = child,
                                    Handler = new If
                                        Condition = new InArgument<bool>((env) => object.Equals(child.Get(env).GetType(), typeof(ObjectContextScope))),
                                        Then = new Assign<bool>
                                            Value = true,
                                            To = result
                            new AssertValidation
                                Assertion = new InArgument<bool>(env => result.Get(env)),
                                Message = new InArgument<string> (string.Format("{0} can only be added inside an ObjectContextScope activity.", activity.GetType().Name)),
                                PropertyName = new InArgument<string>((env) => element.Get(env).DisplayName)
Example #15
        static RangeEnumeration Enumerate(int start, int stop, int step)
            Console.WriteLine("Starting enumeration of a series of numbers from {0} to {1} using steps of {2}", start, stop, step);

            DelegateInArgument<int> loopVariable = new DelegateInArgument<int>();

            return new RangeEnumeration
                Start = start,
                Stop = stop,
                Step = step,
                Body = new ActivityAction<int>
                    Argument = loopVariable,
                    Handler = new WriteLine
                        Text = new InArgument<string>(context => "This is " + loopVariable.Get(context).ToString()),
Example #16
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // iteration variable for the ForEach
            var item = new DelegateInArgument<object>();

            // list of elements to iterate
            ArrayList list = new ArrayList();

            // iterate through the list and show the elements
            Activity act =
                    new ParallelForEach
                        Values = new InArgument<IEnumerable>(ctx => list),
                        Body = new ActivityAction<object>
                            Argument = item,
                            Handler = new InvokeMethod
                                TargetType = typeof(Program),
                                MethodName = "ShowThreadId",
                                RunAsynchronously = true,
                                Parameters =
                                    new InArgument<string>(c => item.Get(c).ToString())

            Console.WriteLine("Press enter to exit...");
        public static Constraint SetReceiveRequestSendResponseScopeExecutionPropertyFactory()
            DelegateInArgument<ReceiveRequestSendResponseScope> element = new DelegateInArgument<ReceiveRequestSendResponseScope>();
            DelegateInArgument<ValidationContext> context = new DelegateInArgument<ValidationContext>();

            DelegateInArgument<Activity> child = new DelegateInArgument<Activity>();

            return new Constraint<ReceiveRequestSendResponseScope>
                Body = new ActivityAction<ReceiveRequestSendResponseScope, ValidationContext>
                    Argument1 = element,
                    Argument2 = context,
                    Handler = new ForEach<Activity>
                        Values = new GetChildSubtree
                            ValidationContext = context,
                        Body = new ActivityAction<Activity>
                            Argument = child, 
                            Handler = new If
                                Condition = new InArgument<bool>((env) => child.Get(env) is ISendResponse),
                                Then = new ReceiveRequestSendResponseScope.ReceiveRequestSendResponseScopeExecutionPropertyFactorySetter
                                    ISendResponse = new InArgument<ISendResponse>((env) => child.Get(env) as ISendResponse),
                                    ReceiveRequestSendResponseScope = new InArgument<ReceiveRequestSendResponseScope>((env) => element.Get(env)),
        public static Constraint VerifyReceiveRequestSendResponseScopeChildren()
            DelegateInArgument<ReceiveRequestSendResponseScope> element = new DelegateInArgument<ReceiveRequestSendResponseScope>();
            DelegateInArgument<ValidationContext> context = new DelegateInArgument<ValidationContext>();

            DelegateInArgument<Activity> child = new DelegateInArgument<Activity>();
            Variable<int> receiveRequestCounter = new Variable<int>();
            Variable<int> sendResponseCounter = new Variable<int>();

            return new Constraint<ReceiveRequestSendResponseScope>
                Body = new ActivityAction<ReceiveRequestSendResponseScope, ValidationContext>
                    Argument1 = element,
                    Argument2 = context,
                    Handler = new Sequence
                        Variables =
                        Activities =
                            new Assign<int>
                                Value = 0,
                                To = receiveRequestCounter,
                            new Assign<int>
                                Value = 0,
                                To = sendResponseCounter,
                            new ForEach<Activity>
                                Values = new GetChildSubtree
                                    ValidationContext = context,
                                Body = new ActivityAction<Activity>
                                    Argument = child, 
                                    Handler = new Sequence
                                        Activities = 
                                            new If
                                                Condition = new InArgument<bool>((env) => child.Get(env) is IReceiveRequest),
                                                Then = new Assign<int>
                                                    Value = new InArgument<int>((env) => receiveRequestCounter.Get(env) + 1),
                                                    To = receiveRequestCounter
                                            new If
                                                Condition = new InArgument<bool>((env) => child.Get(env) is ISendResponse),
                                                Then = new Assign<int>
                                                    Value = new InArgument<int>((env) => sendResponseCounter.Get(env) + 1),
                                                    To = sendResponseCounter
                            new AssertValidation
                                Assertion = new InArgument<bool>((env) => receiveRequestCounter.Get(env) == 1),
                                Message = new InArgument<string> ($"{nameof(ReceiveRequestSendResponseScope)} activity must contain one and only one {nameof(ReceiveRequest)} activity"),                                
                                PropertyName = new InArgument<string>((env) => element.Get(env).DisplayName)
                            new AssertValidation
                                Assertion = new InArgument<bool>((env) => sendResponseCounter.Get(env) == 1),
                                Message = new InArgument<string> ($"{nameof(ReceiveRequestSendResponseScope)} activity must contain one and only one {nameof(SendResponse)} activity"),                                
                                PropertyName = new InArgument<string>((env) => element.Get(env).DisplayName)
        public static Constraint SetWorkflowInterfaceOperationNames()
            DelegateInArgument<ReceiveRequestSendResponseScope> element = new DelegateInArgument<ReceiveRequestSendResponseScope>();
            DelegateInArgument<ValidationContext> context = new DelegateInArgument<ValidationContext>();

            DelegateInArgument<Activity> parent = new DelegateInArgument<Activity>();
            DelegateInArgument<Activity> child = new DelegateInArgument<Activity>();
            Variable<IOperationActivity> receiveRequest = new Variable<IOperationActivity>();
            Variable<Type> workflowInterfaceType = new Variable<Type>();
            Variable<Type> requestResultType = new Variable<Type>();
            Variable<Type> responseParameterType = new Variable<Type>();

            return new Constraint<ReceiveRequestSendResponseScope>
                Body = new ActivityAction<ReceiveRequestSendResponseScope, ValidationContext>
                    Argument1 = element,
                    Argument2 = context,
                    Handler = new Sequence
                        Variables =
                        Activities =
                            new ForEach<Activity>
                                Values = new GetParentChain
                                    ValidationContext = context,
                                Body = new ActivityAction<Activity>
                                    Argument = parent,
                                    Handler = new If
                                        Condition = new InArgument<bool>((env) => parent.Get(env).IsWorkflowActivity()),
                                        Then = new Assign<Type>
                                            Value = new InArgument<Type>((env) => parent.Get(env).GetWorkflowActivityType().GetGenericArguments()[(int)TypeParameterIndex.WorkflowInterface]),
                                            To = workflowInterfaceType,
                            new ForEach<Activity>
                                Values = new GetChildSubtree
                                    ValidationContext = context,
                                Body = new ActivityAction<Activity>
                                    Argument = child,
                                    Handler = new Sequence
                                        Activities =
                                            new If
                                                Condition = new InArgument<bool>((env) => child.Get(env) is IReceiveRequest),
                                                Then = new Sequence
                                                    Activities =
                                                        new Assign<IOperationActivity>
                                                            Value = new InArgument<IOperationActivity>((env) => child.Get(env) as IOperationActivity),
                                                            To = receiveRequest
                                                        new Assign<Type>
                                                            Value = new InArgument<Type>((env) => (child.Get(env) as IReceiveRequest).RequestResultType),
                                                            To = requestResultType
                                            new If
                                                Condition = new InArgument<bool>((env) => child.Get(env) is ISendResponse),
                                                Then = new Assign<Type>
                                                    Value = new InArgument<Type>((env) => (child.Get(env) as ISendResponse).ResponseParameterType),
                                                    To = responseParameterType
                            new WorkflowInterfaceOperationNamesSetter
                                ReceiveRequest = new InArgument<IOperationActivity>((env) => receiveRequest.Get(env)),
                                WorkflowInterfaceType = new InArgument<Type>((env) => workflowInterfaceType.Get(env)),
                                RequestResultType = new InArgument<Type>((env) => requestResultType.Get(env)),
                                ResponseParameterType = new InArgument<Type>((env) => responseParameterType.Get(env)),
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the code for wrapping an activity.
        /// Returns a <see cref="System.Activities.Statements.TryCatch "/>activity that implements error handling logic
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The code for wrapping activity</returns>
        internal Activity CreateBody()
            var exceptionArgument = new DelegateInArgument<Exception>();

            return new TryCatch
                Try = this.CreateInternalBody(),

                Catches =
                    new Catch<FailingBuildException>
                        Action = new ActivityAction<FailingBuildException>
                            Handler = new @If
                                Condition = new InArgument<bool>(env => this.IgnoreExceptions.Get(env)),

                                Else = new Rethrow()

                    new Catch<Exception>
                        Action = new ActivityAction<Exception>
                            Argument = exceptionArgument,
                            Handler = new Sequence
                                Activities =
                                    new @If
                                        Condition = new InArgument<bool>(env => this.LogExceptionStack.Get(env)),

                                        Then = new LogBuildError
                                            Message = new InArgument<string>(env => FormatLogExceptionStackMessage(exceptionArgument.Get(env)))
                                    new @If
                                        Condition = new InArgument<bool>(env => this.IgnoreExceptions.Get(env)),

                                        Else = new Rethrow()
Example #21
        static Activity GetClientWorkflow()
            Variable<PurchaseOrder> po = new Variable<PurchaseOrder>();
            Variable<bool> invalidorder = new Variable<bool>() { Default = true };
            Variable<string> replytext = new Variable<string>();
            DelegateInArgument<FaultException<POFault>> poFault = new DelegateInArgument<FaultException<POFault>>();
            DelegateInArgument<FaultException<ExceptionDetail>> unexpectedFault = new DelegateInArgument<FaultException<ExceptionDetail>>();

            // submits a purchase order for the part and quantity stored in the po variable
            Send submitPO = new Send
                Endpoint = new Endpoint
                    Binding = Constants.Binding,
                    AddressUri = new Uri(Constants.ServiceAddress)
                ServiceContractName = Constants.POContractName,
                OperationName = Constants.SubmitPOName,
                KnownTypes = { typeof(POFault) },
                Content = SendContent.Create(new InArgument<PurchaseOrder>(po))

            return new CorrelationScope
                Body = new Sequence
                    Variables = { invalidorder, po },
                    Activities =
                        // defines the original desired parts and quantity: 155 pencils
                        new Assign<PurchaseOrder>
                            To = po,
                            Value = new InArgument<PurchaseOrder>( (e) => new PurchaseOrder() { PartName = "Pencil", Quantity = 155 } )
                        new While
                            // loop until a valid order is submitted
                            Condition = invalidorder,
                            Variables = { replytext },
                            Body = new Sequence
                                Activities =
                                    // print out the order that will be submitted
                                    new WriteLine { Text = new InArgument<string>((env) => string.Format("Submitting Order: {0} {1}s", po.Get(env).Quantity, po.Get(env).PartName)) },
                                    // submit the order
                                    new TryCatch
                                        Try = new Sequence
                                            Activities =
                                                // receive the result of the order
                                                // if ReceiveReply gets a Fault message, then we will handle those faults below
                                                new ReceiveReply
                                                    Request = submitPO,
                                                    Content = ReceiveContent.Create(new OutArgument<string>(replytext))
                                                new WriteLine { Text = replytext },
                                                // this order must be valid, so set invalidorder to false
                                                new Assign<bool>
                                                    To = invalidorder,
                                                    Value = false
                                        Catches =
                                            // catch a known Fault type: POFault
                                            new Catch<FaultException<POFault>>
                                                Action = new ActivityAction<FaultException<POFault>>
                                                    Argument = poFault,
                                                    Handler = new Sequence
                                                        Activities =
                                                            // print out the details of the POFault
                                                            new WriteLine { Text = new InArgument<string>((env) => string.Format("\tReceived POFault: {0}", poFault.Get(env).Reason.ToString())) },
                                                            new WriteLine { Text = new InArgument<string>((env) => string.Format("\tPOFault Problem: {0}", poFault.Get(env).Detail.Problem)) },
                                                            new WriteLine { Text = new InArgument<string>((env) => string.Format("\tPOFault Solution: {0}", poFault.Get(env).Detail.Solution)) },
                                                            // update the order to buy Widgets instead
                                                            new Assign<string>
                                                                To = new OutArgument<string>( (e) => po.Get(e).PartName ),
                                                                Value = "Widget"
                                            // catch any unknown fault types
                                            new Catch<FaultException<ExceptionDetail>>
                                                Action = new ActivityAction<FaultException<ExceptionDetail>>
                                                    Argument = unexpectedFault,
                                                    Handler = new Sequence
                                                        Activities =
                                                            // print out the details of the fault
                                                            new WriteLine
                                                                Text = new InArgument<string>((e) => string.Format("\tReceived Fault: {0}",
                                                            // update the order to buy 10 less of the item
                                                            new Assign<int>
                                                                To = new OutArgument<int>( (e) => po.Get(e).Quantity ),
                                                                Value = new InArgument<int>( (e) => po.Get(e).Quantity - 10 )


                        new WriteLine { Text = "Order successfully processed." }
Example #22
        private Constraint ValidateActivitiesConstraint(string runtimeAssembly, PSWorkflowValidationResults validationResults)
            DelegateInArgument<Activity> activityToValidate = new DelegateInArgument<Activity>();
            DelegateInArgument<ValidationContext> validationContext = new DelegateInArgument<ValidationContext>();

            return new Constraint<Activity>
                Body = new ActivityAction<Activity, ValidationContext>
                    Argument1 = activityToValidate,
                    Argument2 = validationContext,
                    Handler = new AssertValidation
                        IsWarning = false,

                        Assertion = new InArgument<bool>(
                            env => ValidateActivity(activityToValidate.Get(env), runtimeAssembly, validationResults)),

                        Message = new InArgument<string>(
                            env => string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Resources.InvalidActivity, activityToValidate.Get(env).GetType().FullName))
Example #23
        // Create a validation to verify that there are no Persist activites inside of a NoPersistScope
        static Constraint VerifiyNoChildPersistActivity()
            DelegateInArgument<NoPersistScope> element = new DelegateInArgument<NoPersistScope>();
            DelegateInArgument<ValidationContext> context = new DelegateInArgument<ValidationContext>();
            DelegateInArgument<Activity> child = new DelegateInArgument<Activity>();
            Variable<bool> result = new Variable<bool>();

            return new Constraint<NoPersistScope>
                Body = new ActivityAction<NoPersistScope, ValidationContext>
                    Argument1 = element,
                    Argument2 = context,
                    Handler = new Sequence
                        Variables =
                        Activities =
                            new ForEach<Activity>
                                Values = new GetChildSubtree
                                    ValidationContext = context
                                Body = new ActivityAction<Activity>
                                    Argument = child,
                                    Handler = new If()
                                        Condition = new InArgument<bool>((env) => object.Equals(child.Get(env).GetType(),typeof(Persist))),
                                        Then = new Assign<bool>
                                            Value = true,
                                            To = result
                            new AssertValidation
                                Assertion = new InArgument<bool>(env => !result.Get(env)),
                                Message = new InArgument<string> ("NoPersistScope activity can't contain a Persist activity"),
                                PropertyName = new InArgument<string>((env) => element.Get(env).DisplayName)
        /// <summary>
        /// Create the structure of the activity for pausing between successive polling activities.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>An activity delegate.</returns>
        private static ActivityAction<int> CreateDelayBody()
            var timeout = new DelegateInArgument<int> { Name = "FuncTimeout" };

            return new ActivityAction<int>
                Argument = timeout,
                Handler = new Delay
                    Duration = new InArgument<TimeSpan>(ctx => TimeSpan.FromSeconds(timeout.Get(ctx)))
Example #25
        // This scenario shows how to query for a set of entities from the database using EntitySql
        private static Activity EntitySqlQueryExample(string connStr)
            Variable<IEnumerable<Customer>> londonCustomers = new Variable<IEnumerable<Customer>>();
            DelegateInArgument<Customer> iterationVariable = new DelegateInArgument<Customer>();

            // create and return the workflow
            return new ObjectContextScope
                ConnectionString = new InArgument<string>(connStr),
                ContainerName = "NorthwindEntities",
                Variables = { londonCustomers },
                Body = new Sequence
                        Activities =
                                new WriteLine { Text = "Executing query" },
                                // query for all customers that are in london
                                new EntitySqlQuery<Customer>
                                    EntitySql =  @"SELECT VALUE Customer
                                                     FROM NorthwindEntities.Customers AS Customer
                                                    WHERE Customer.City = 'London' ORDER BY Customer.ContactName",
                                    Result = londonCustomers
                                new WriteLine { Text = "Query executed - printing results: " },
                                new WriteLine { },

                                // iterate through the list of customers, and display them in the console
                                new ForEach<Customer>
                                    Values = londonCustomers,
                                    Body = new ActivityAction<Customer>
                                        Argument = iterationVariable,
                                        Handler = new WriteLine { Text = new InArgument<String>(e => iterationVariable.Get(e).ContactName) }
Example #26
        // This scenario shows how to query for a set of entities from the database using a Linq predicate
        private static Activity EntityLinqQueryExample(string connStr)
            Variable<IEnumerable<Customer>> londonCustomers = new Variable<IEnumerable<Customer>>() { Name = "LondonCustomers" };
            DelegateInArgument<Customer> iterationVariable = new DelegateInArgument<Customer>() { Name = "iterationVariable" };

            return new ObjectContextScope
                ConnectionString = new InArgument<string>(connStr),
                ContainerName = "NorthwindEntities",
                Variables = { londonCustomers },
                Body = new Sequence
                    Activities =
                        new WriteLine { Text = "Executing query" },
                        // return all the customers that match with the provided Linq predicate
                        new EntityLinqQuery<Customer>
                            Predicate = new LambdaValue<Func<Customer, bool>>(ctx => new Func<Customer, bool>(c => c.City.Equals("London"))),
                            Result = londonCustomers
                        new WriteLine { Text = "Query executed - printing results" },
                        new WriteLine { },

                        // iterate through the list of customers and display in the console
                        new ForEach<Customer>
                            Values = londonCustomers,
                            Body = new ActivityAction<Customer>
                                Argument = iterationVariable,
                                Handler = new WriteLine { Text = new InArgument<String>(e => iterationVariable.Get(e).ContactName) }
 private static Constraint ConfirmWithNoTarget()
     DelegateInArgument<Confirm> element = new DelegateInArgument<Confirm> {
         Name = "element"
     DelegateInArgument<ValidationContext> argument = new DelegateInArgument<ValidationContext> {
         Name = "validationContext"
     Variable<bool> assertFlag = new Variable<bool> {
         Name = "assertFlag"
     Variable<IEnumerable<Activity>> elements = new Variable<IEnumerable<Activity>> {
         Name = "elements"
     Variable<int> index = new Variable<int> {
         Name = "index"
     Constraint<Confirm> constraint = new Constraint<Confirm>();
     ActivityAction<Confirm, ValidationContext> action = new ActivityAction<Confirm, ValidationContext> {
         Argument1 = element,
         Argument2 = argument
     Sequence sequence = new Sequence {
         Variables = { assertFlag, elements, index }
     If item = new If {
         Condition = new InArgument<bool>(env => element.Get(env).Target != null)
     Assign<bool> assign = new Assign<bool> {
         To = assertFlag,
         Value = 1
     item.Then = assign;
     Sequence sequence2 = new Sequence();
     Assign<IEnumerable<Activity>> assign2 = new Assign<IEnumerable<Activity>> {
         To = elements
     GetParentChain chain = new GetParentChain {
         ValidationContext = argument
     assign2.Value = chain;
     While @while = new While(env => !assertFlag.Get(env) && (index.Get(env) < elements.Get(env).Count<Activity>()));
     Sequence sequence3 = new Sequence();
     If if2 = new If(env => elements.Get(env).ElementAt<Activity>(index.Get(env)).GetType() == typeof(CompensationParticipant));
     Assign<bool> assign3 = new Assign<bool> {
         To = assertFlag,
         Value = 1
     if2.Then = assign3;
     Assign<int> assign4 = new Assign<int> {
         To = index,
         Value = new InArgument<int>(env => index.Get(env) + 1)
     @while.Body = sequence3;
     item.Else = sequence2;
     AssertValidation validation = new AssertValidation {
         Assertion = new InArgument<bool>(assertFlag),
         Message = new InArgument<string>(System.Activities.SR.ConfirmWithNoTargetConstraint)
     action.Handler = sequence;
     constraint.Body = action;
     return constraint;
Example #28
        // Retrieve all roles from the database. Uses an ActivityFunc<DataReader, Role> to map the results
        // Performance decreases (since the mapping is done in multiple pulses) but mapping can be serialized
        // to Xaml and authored declaratively in the the designer.
        static void GetAllRolesUsingActivityFuncMapping()
            DelegateInArgument<DbDataReader> reader = new DelegateInArgument<DbDataReader>() { Name = "readerInArgument" };
            DelegateOutArgument<Role> roleOutArg = new DelegateOutArgument<Role>() { Name = "roleOutArgument" };

            Activity dbQuery = new DbQuery<Role>()
                ConfigName = "DbActivitiesSample",
                Sql = "SELECT * FROM Roles",
                MapperFunc = new ActivityFunc<System.Data.Common.DbDataReader,Role>
                    Argument = reader,
                    Handler = new Sequence
                        Activities =
                            new Assign<Role> { To = roleOutArg, Value = new InArgument<Role>(c => new Role()) },
                            new Assign<string>
                                To = new OutArgument<string>(c => roleOutArg.Get(c).Code),
                                Value = new InArgument<string>(c => reader.Get(c)["code"].ToString())
                            new Assign<string>
                                To = new OutArgument<string>(c => roleOutArg.Get(c).Name),
                                Value = new InArgument<string>(c => reader.Get(c)["name"].ToString())
                    Result = roleOutArg

            IDictionary<string, object> results = WorkflowInvoker.Invoke(dbQuery);
            IList<Role> roles = (IList<Role>)results["Result"];

            foreach (Role role in roles)
Example #29
        private static Activity CreateWf()
            // variables.
            var pipeline = new DelegateInArgument<PSObject>() { Name = "Pipeline" };
            var processName = new DelegateOutArgument<string>() { Name = "Process Name" };
            var processes1 = new Variable<Collection<Process>> { Name = "Processes 1" };
            var processes2 = new Variable<Collection<Process>> { Name = "Processes 2" };
            var processes3 = new Variable<Collection<Process>> { Name = "Processes 3" };
            var processNames = new Variable<Collection<string>> { Name = "Process Names" };
            var errors = new Variable<Collection<ErrorRecord>> { Name = "Errors" };
            var error = new DelegateInArgument<ErrorRecord> { Name = "Error" };

            Sequence body = new Sequence()
                Variables = { processes1, processes2, processes3, processNames, errors },
                Activities =
                    // Simple PowerShell invocation.
                    new WriteLine()
                        Text = "Simple PowerShell invocation. Launching notepad."

                    new InvokePowerShell()
                        CommandText = "notepad"
                    new WriteLine(),

                    // Using PowerShell<T> to capture output.
                    new WriteLine()
                        Text = "Getting process and then pass the output to a Collection."

                    new InvokePowerShell<Process>()
                        CommandText = "Get-Process",
                        Output = processes1,


                    // Do some post-processing after invocation.
                    new WriteLine()
                        Text = "Getting the names of the processes."

                    new InvokePowerShell<string>()
                        CommandText = "Get-Process",
                        Output = processNames,
                        InitializationAction = new ActivityFunc<PSObject,string>
                            Argument = pipeline,
                            Result = processName,
                            Handler = new Assign<string>
                                To = processName,
                                Value = new LambdaValue<string>(ctx => ((Process) pipeline.Get(ctx).BaseObject).ToString())

                    new WriteLine()
                        Text = new InArgument<string>(ctx => "The first process returned is: " + processNames.Get(ctx)[0]),
                    new WriteLine(),

                    // Passing data using an input pipeline.
                    new WriteLine()
                        Text = "Passing data using an input pipeline and then extracting unique process names."

                    new InvokePowerShell<Process>()
                        CommandText = "Get-Unique",
                        Input = processes1,
                        Output = processes2,


                    // Passing in a parameter to the command.
                    new WriteLine()
                        Text = "Reverse sorting."

                    new InvokePowerShell<Process>()
                        CommandText = "Sort-Object",
                        Input = processes2,
                        Output = processes3,
                        Parameters =
                            { "descending", new InArgument<Boolean>(true) }


                    // Run a command that results in errors.
                    new WriteLine()
                        Text = "Returning errors."

                    new InvokePowerShell<string>()
                        CommandText = "Write-Error",
                        Errors = errors,
                        Parameters =
                            { "message", new InArgument<string>("a short error message") }

                    new ForEach<ErrorRecord>()
                        Values = errors,
                        Body = new ActivityAction<ErrorRecord>
                            Argument = error,
                            Handler = new WriteLine()
                                Text = new InArgument<string>(ctx => "Error returned: " + error.Get(ctx).ToString()),

            return body;
Example #30
        // This sample shows how to use FindInCollection inside a workflow.
        // In this case, we are combining CollectionActivities (AddToCollection activity)
        // FindInCollection and ForEach.
        static void UseFindInCollectionInWorkflow()
            // create workflow variables
            var employees = new Variable<IList<Employee>>();
            var devsFromRedmond = new Variable<IList<Employee>>();
            var iterationVariable = new DelegateInArgument<Employee>();

            // create the Linq predicate for the find expression
            Func<Employee, bool> predicate = e => e.Role == "DEV" && e.Location.Equals("Redmond");

            // create workflow program
            Activity sampleWorkflow = new Sequence
                Variables = { employees, devsFromRedmond },
                Activities =
                    new Assign<IList<Employee>>
                        To = employees,
                        Value = new LambdaValue<IList<Employee>>(c => new List<Employee>())
                    new AddToCollection<Employee>
                        Collection = new InArgument<ICollection<Employee>>(employees),
                        Item =  new LambdaValue<Employee>(c => new Employee(1, "Employee 1", "DEV", "Redmond"))
                    new AddToCollection<Employee>
                        Collection = new InArgument<ICollection<Employee>>(employees),
                        Item =  new LambdaValue<Employee>(c => new Employee(2, "Employee 2", "DEV", "Redmond"))
                    new AddToCollection<Employee>
                        Collection = new InArgument<ICollection<Employee>>(employees),
                        Item =  new LambdaValue<Employee>(c => new Employee(3, "Employee 3", "PM", "Redmond"))
                    new AddToCollection<Employee>
                        Collection = new InArgument<ICollection<Employee>>(employees),
                        Item =  new LambdaValue<Employee>(c => new Employee(4, "Employee 4", "PM", "China"))
                    new FindInCollection<Employee>
                        Collections = new InArgument<IEnumerable<Employee>>(employees),
                        Predicate = new LambdaValue<Func<Employee, bool>>(c => predicate),
                        Result = new OutArgument<IList<Employee>>(devsFromRedmond)
                    new ForEach<Employee>
                        Values = new InArgument<IEnumerable<Employee>>(devsFromRedmond),
                        Body = new ActivityAction<Employee>
                            Argument = iterationVariable,
                            Handler = new WriteLine
                                Text = new InArgument<string>(env => iterationVariable.Get(env).ToString())

            // execute workflow