Example #1
 internal static bool TryGetParentExtensionWindow(FrameworkElement element, out ExtensionWindow window, out ExtensionSurface surface)
     window  = null;
     surface = null;
     if (null != element)
         FrameworkElement current = element;
         window = element.TemplatedParent as ExtensionWindow;
         while (null == window && null != current)
             window  = current as ExtensionWindow;
             current = (FrameworkElement)current.Parent;
         if (null != window)
             current = window;
             surface = window.TemplatedParent as ExtensionSurface;
             while (null == surface && null != current)
                 surface = current as ExtensionSurface;
                 current = (FrameworkElement)current.Parent;
     return(null != window && null != surface);
Example #2
        void CalculateSize(bool changeX, bool changeY, bool changeWidth, bool changeHeight)
            Point current          = Mouse.GetPosition(this);
            Point absolutePosition = Mouse.GetPosition(this.surface);

            Point topLeft = ExtensionSurface.GetPosition(this);

            double initialHeight = this.bottomRight.Y - topLeft.Y;
            double initialWidth  = this.bottomRight.X - topLeft.X;

            Size size = new Size(initialWidth, initialHeight);

            if (changeX)
                if (bottomRight.X > absolutePosition.X)
                    if ((double.IsNaN(MinWidth) || double.IsInfinity(MinWidth) || bottomRight.X - absolutePosition.X >= MinWidth) &&
                        (double.IsNaN(MaxWidth) || double.IsInfinity(MaxWidth) || bottomRight.X - absolutePosition.X <= MaxWidth))
                        size.Width = this.bottomRight.X - absolutePosition.X;
                        topLeft.X  = absolutePosition.X;
                if (changeWidth)
                    size.Width = Math.Min(Math.Max(MinWidth, current.X), MaxWidth);
            if (changeY)
                if (bottomRight.Y > absolutePosition.Y)
                    if ((double.IsNaN(MinHeight) || double.IsInfinity(MinHeight) || bottomRight.Y - absolutePosition.Y >= MinHeight) &&
                        (double.IsNaN(MaxHeight) || double.IsInfinity(MaxHeight) || bottomRight.Y - absolutePosition.Y <= MaxHeight))
                        size.Height = this.bottomRight.Y - absolutePosition.Y;
                        topLeft.Y   = absolutePosition.Y;
                if (changeHeight)
                    size.Height = Math.Min(Math.Max(MinHeight, current.Y), MaxHeight);
            if (changeX || changeY)
                this.surface.SetWindowPosition(this, topLeft);
            this.surface.SetSize(this, size);
Example #3
        internal void SetWindowPosition(ExtensionWindow window, Point position)
            Func <double, double, double, double, double> CalculateInBoundsValue =
                (pos, size, limit, modifier) =>
                if (this.AutoExpandCanvas)
                    return(pos - modifier);
                    pos = Math.Max(0.0, pos);
                    return(pos + size > limit ? limit - size : pos);

            //in case of AutoExpandCanvas == false:
            // - do not allow placing window outside surface bounds
            //in case of AutoExpandCanvas == true:
            // - include possible negative canvas offset
            position.X = CalculateInBoundsValue(position.X, window.DesiredSize.Width, this.ActualWidth, this.selectedChild.Value.X);
            position.Y = CalculateInBoundsValue(position.Y, window.DesiredSize.Height, this.ActualHeight, this.selectedChild.Value.Y);

            //update its position on canvas
            ExtensionSurface.SetPosition(window, position);

            bool requiresMeasure = false;

            if (this.AutoExpandCanvas)
                requiresMeasure     = true;
                this.canvasOffset.X = 0;
                this.canvasOffset.Y = 0;

                foreach (UIElement item in this.Children)
                    FrameworkElement child = item as FrameworkElement;
                    if (null != child)
                        Point p = ExtensionSurface.GetPosition(child);
                        this.canvasOffset.X = Math.Min(this.canvasOffset.X, p.X);
                        this.canvasOffset.Y = Math.Min(this.canvasOffset.Y, p.Y);
                this.canvasOffset.X = Math.Abs(this.canvasOffset.X);
                this.canvasOffset.Y = Math.Abs(this.canvasOffset.Y);
            if (requiresMeasure)
Example #4
 protected override void OnMouseLeftButtonDown(MouseButtonEventArgs args)
     if (ExtensionSurface.PlacementMode.Absolute == ExtensionSurface.GetMode(this.parent))
         this.offset          = Mouse.GetPosition(this);
         Mouse.OverrideCursor = Cursors.Arrow;
Example #5
        protected override Size MeasureOverride(Size constraint)
            Size result;

            if (this.AutoExpandCanvas)
                double panelWidth  = 0.0;
                double panelHeight = 0.0;

                //initially assume that whole content fits in rectangle with coordinates (0,0, ActualWidth, ActualHeight)
                double offsetMinusX = 0.0;
                double offsetMinusY = 0.0;
                double offsetPlusX  = this.rearangeStartSize.Width;
                double offsetPlusY  = this.rearangeStartSize.Height;

                foreach (UIElement item in this.Children)
                    FrameworkElement child = item as FrameworkElement;
                    if (null != child)

                        //get child's position
                        Point pos = ExtensionSurface.GetPosition(child);

                        //calculate the minimum value of panel's (left,top) corner
                        offsetMinusX = Math.Min(offsetMinusX, pos.X);
                        offsetMinusY = Math.Min(offsetMinusY, pos.Y);

                        //calculate the maximum value of panel's (right, bottom) corner
                        offsetPlusX = Math.Max(offsetPlusX, pos.X + child.DesiredSize.Width);
                        offsetPlusY = Math.Max(offsetPlusY, pos.Y + child.DesiredSize.Height);

                //get required panel's width and height
                panelWidth  = Math.Abs(offsetPlusX - offsetMinusX);
                panelHeight = Math.Abs(offsetPlusY - offsetMinusY);

                this.actualPanelRect.Location = new Point(offsetMinusX, offsetMinusY);
                this.actualPanelRect.Size     = new Size(panelWidth, panelHeight);

                //return it as result
                result = new Size(panelWidth, panelHeight);
                result = base.MeasureOverride(constraint);
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("MO constraint:" + constraint.Width + "," + constraint.Height + " new: " + result.Width + "," + result.Height);
Example #6
 protected override Size ArrangeOverride(Size arrangeSize)
     foreach (UIElement child in this.Children)
         //get (left, top) coorinates
         Point pos = ExtensionSurface.GetPosition(child);
         //include eventual negative offset (panel wouldn't display elements with negative coorinates by default)
         pos.Offset(this.canvasOffset.X, this.canvasOffset.Y);
         //request child to rearange itself in given rectangle
         child.Arrange(new Rect(pos, child.DesiredSize));
     System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "ArrangeOverride Size({0},{1})", arrangeSize.Width, arrangeSize.Height));
Example #7
        //hook for designer mouse events - they are required to handle positioning and resizing
        static void OnDesignerChanged(DependencyObject sender, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs args)
            ExtensionSurface ctrl = (ExtensionSurface)sender;
            DesignerView     designer;

            if (null != args.OldValue)
                designer = (DesignerView)args.OldValue;
            if (null != args.NewValue)
                designer = (DesignerView)args.NewValue;
Example #8
        public Point GetPlacementTargetOffset()
            Point            offset = new Point();
            FrameworkElement target = ExtensionSurface.GetPlacementTarget(this);

            if (null != target)
                FrameworkElement commonRoot     = target.FindCommonVisualAncestor(this) as FrameworkElement;
                MatrixTransform  transform      = (MatrixTransform)target.TransformToAncestor(commonRoot);
                Point            targetPosition = transform.Transform(new Point());
                Point            windowPosition = ExtensionSurface.GetPosition(this);
                offset.X = targetPosition.X - windowPosition.X;
                offset.Y = targetPosition.Y - windowPosition.Y;
 private void UpdateRubberBand()
     if (this.ExtenstionSurface.Children.Contains(this.rubberBand))
         // Transform the start and end points to be relative to the extension surface by transforming to the common ancestor (DesignerView) first
         GeneralTransform transform1 = this.Designer.scrollableContent.TransformToAncestor(this.Designer);
         GeneralTransform transform2 = this.Designer.TransformToDescendant(this.ExtenstionSurface);
         Point            start      = ClipPoint(transform2.Transform(transform1.Transform(this.StartPoint)));
         Point            end        = ClipPoint(transform2.Transform(transform1.Transform(this.EndPoint)));
         Rect             rect       = new Rect(start, end);
         this.rubberBand.Width  = rect.Width;
         this.rubberBand.Height = rect.Height;
         ExtensionSurface.SetPosition(this.rubberBand, rect.TopLeft);
         Fx.Assert(false, "Rubber band was not correctly added.");
Example #10
        internal void SetSize(ExtensionWindow window, Size size)
            Point pos = ExtensionSurface.GetPosition(window);

            if (!this.AutoExpandCanvas)
                if (IsGreater(pos.X, size.Width, this.ActualWidth))
                    size.Width = this.ActualWidth - pos.X;
                if (IsGreater(pos.Y, size.Height, this.ActualHeight))
                    size.Height = this.ActualHeight - pos.Y;
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("SetSize oldSize (" + window.Width + "," + window.Height + ") newSize (" + size.Width + "," + size.Height + ")");
            window.Width  = size.Width;
            window.Height = size.Height;
            if (this.AutoExpandCanvas)
                // this.InvalidateMeasure();
 internal static bool TryGetParentExtensionWindow(FrameworkElement element, out ExtensionWindow window, out ExtensionSurface surface)
     window = null;
     surface = null;
     if (null != element)
         FrameworkElement current = element;
         window = element.TemplatedParent as ExtensionWindow;
         while (null == window && null != current)
             window = current as ExtensionWindow;
             current = (FrameworkElement)current.Parent;
         if (null != window)
             current = window;
             surface = window.TemplatedParent as ExtensionSurface;
             while (null == surface && null != current)
                 surface = current as ExtensionSurface;
                 current = (FrameworkElement)current.Parent;
     return (null != window && null != surface);
Example #12
        void OnBorderMouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            if (!this.border.IsMouseCaptured)
                if (this.border.IsMouseDirectlyOver && this.IsResizable && ExtensionSurface.GetMode(this) == ExtensionSurface.PlacementMode.Absolute)
                    Point position = e.GetPosition(this.border);

                    if (position.X <= BorderOffset && position.Y <= BorderOffset)
                        this.resizeOption    = ResizeValues.TopLeft;
                        Mouse.OverrideCursor = Cursors.SizeNWSE;
                    else if (position.X >= this.border.ActualWidth - BorderOffset && position.Y <= BorderOffset)
                        this.resizeOption    = ResizeValues.TopRight;
                        Mouse.OverrideCursor = Cursors.SizeNESW;
                    else if (position.X <= BorderOffset && position.Y >= this.border.ActualHeight - BorderOffset)
                        this.resizeOption    = ResizeValues.BottomLeft;
                        Mouse.OverrideCursor = Cursors.SizeNESW;
                    else if (position.X >= this.border.ActualWidth - BorderOffset && position.Y >= this.border.ActualHeight - BorderOffset)
                        this.resizeOption    = ResizeValues.BottomRight;
                        Mouse.OverrideCursor = Cursors.SizeNWSE;
                    else if (position.Y <= (BorderOffset / 2.0))
                        this.resizeOption    = ResizeValues.Top;
                        Mouse.OverrideCursor = Cursors.SizeNS;
                    else if (position.Y >= this.border.ActualHeight - (BorderOffset / 2.0))
                        this.resizeOption    = ResizeValues.Bottom;
                        Mouse.OverrideCursor = Cursors.SizeNS;
                    else if (position.X <= (BorderOffset / 2.0))
                        this.resizeOption    = ResizeValues.Left;
                        Mouse.OverrideCursor = Cursors.SizeWE;
                    else if (position.X >= this.border.ActualWidth - (BorderOffset / 2.0))
                        this.resizeOption    = ResizeValues.Right;
                        Mouse.OverrideCursor = Cursors.SizeWE;
                        Mouse.OverrideCursor = null;
                        this.resizeOption    = ResizeValues.NONE;
                    Point topLeft = ExtensionSurface.GetPosition(this);
                    this.bottomRight = new Point(topLeft.X + Width, topLeft.Y + Height);
                else if (Mouse.OverrideCursor != null)
                    Mouse.OverrideCursor = null;
                    this.resizeOption    = ResizeValues.NONE;
            else if (e.LeftButton == MouseButtonState.Pressed)
Example #13
 void EnsureWindowIsVisible(ExtensionWindow window)
     SetWindowPosition(window, ExtensionSurface.GetPosition(window));
Example #14
        void PlaceWindow(ExtensionWindow window)
            if (null != window)
                FrameworkElement  target    = ExtensionSurface.GetPlacementTarget(window);
                PositionAlignment alignment = ExtensionSurface.GetAlignment(window);
                PlacementMode     mode      = ExtensionSurface.GetMode(window);
                Point             position  = ExtensionSurface.GetPosition(window);

                Point            calculatedPosition = new Point();
                FrameworkElement commonRoot         = null;
                MatrixTransform  transform          = null;

                switch (mode)
                case PlacementMode.Relative:
                    if (null != target)
                        commonRoot = target.FindCommonVisualAncestor(this) as FrameworkElement;
                        if (null == commonRoot)
                        transform = (MatrixTransform)target.TransformToAncestor(commonRoot);
                        if (!DesignerProperties.GetIsInDesignMode(this))
                            Fx.Assert(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "PlacementTarget must be set in RelativeMode on ExtensionSurface '{0}'", this.Name));

                case PlacementMode.Absolute:
                    calculatedPosition = position;

                    Fx.Assert(string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "ExtensionWindowPlacement.Mode {0} specified in ExtensionWindow '{1}' is not supported for ExtensionSurface", mode, window.Name));

                if (PlacementMode.Relative == mode)
                    if (null != target)
                        double x;
                        double y;
                        switch (alignment)
                        case PositionAlignment.LeftTop:
                            calculatedPosition = transform.Transform(calculatedPosition);

                        case PositionAlignment.LeftBottom:
                            calculatedPosition = transform.Transform(new Point(0.0, target.ActualHeight));

                        case PositionAlignment.RightTop:
                            calculatedPosition = transform.Transform(new Point(target.ActualWidth, 0.0));

                        case PositionAlignment.RightBottom:
                            calculatedPosition = transform.Transform(new Point(target.ActualWidth, target.ActualHeight));

                        case PositionAlignment.Center:
                            calculatedPosition = transform.Transform(calculatedPosition);
                            x = ((target.ActualWidth * transform.Matrix.M11) - window.Width) / 2.0;
                            y = ((target.ActualHeight * transform.Matrix.M22) - window.Height) / 2.0;
                            calculatedPosition.Offset(x, y);

                        case PositionAlignment.CenterHorizontal:
                            calculatedPosition = transform.Transform(calculatedPosition);
                            x = ((target.ActualWidth * transform.Matrix.M11) - window.Width) / 2.0;
                            calculatedPosition.Offset(x, 0.0);

                        case PositionAlignment.CenterVertical:
                            calculatedPosition = transform.Transform(calculatedPosition);
                            y = ((target.ActualHeight * transform.Matrix.M22) - window.Height) / 2.0;
                            calculatedPosition.Offset(0.0, y);

                            Fx.Assert(string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "ExtensionWindowPlacement.Position = '{0}' is not supported", alignment));
                SetWindowPosition(window, calculatedPosition);