public static string GetContentValue(Content content, SyncProperty portalProp) { var propValue = content[portalProp.Name]; if (propValue == null) { return(null); } return(propValue.ToString()); }
public static string GetEntryValue(DirectoryEntry entry, SyncProperty adProp) { var propValColl = entry.Properties[adProp.Name]; if (propValColl == null) { return(string.Empty); } string value = null; if (propValColl.Count >= 1) { value = propValColl[0] as string; } return(value ?? string.Empty); }
public static void SetContentValue(Content content, SyncProperty portalProp, string value, ADObjectType type) { var propValue = value.MaximizeLength(portalProp.MaxLength); if (portalProp.Name == "Name") { content.Name = propValue; // in case of AD users the login name should be the same as the content name if (type == ADObjectType.User) { content["LoginName"] = propValue; } } else { content[portalProp.Name] = propValue; } }