private bool IsContactUnique(ref ContactData contactCandidate, ref QuickList <ContactData> candidatesToAdd)
            float          distanceSquared;
            RigidTransform meshTransform = MeshTransform;

            for (int i = 0; i < contacts.Count; i++)
                Vector3.DistanceSquared(ref contacts.Elements[i].Position, ref contactCandidate.Position, out distanceSquared);
                if (distanceSquared < CollisionDetectionSettings.ContactMinimumSeparationDistanceSquared)
                    //This is a nonconvex manifold.  There will be times where a an object will be shoved into a corner such that
                    //a single position will have two reasonable normals.  If the normals aren't mostly aligned, they should NOT be considered equivalent.
                    Vector3.Dot(ref contacts.Elements[i].Normal, ref contactCandidate.Normal, out distanceSquared);
                    if (Math.Abs(distanceSquared) >= CollisionDetectionSettings.nonconvexNormalDotMinimum)
                        //Update the existing 'redundant' contact with the new information.
                        //This works out because the new contact is the deepest contact according to the previous collision detection iteration.
                        contacts.Elements[i].Normal                     = contactCandidate.Normal;
                        contacts.Elements[i].Position                   = contactCandidate.Position;
                        contacts.Elements[i].PenetrationDepth           = contactCandidate.PenetrationDepth;
                        supplementData.Elements[i].BasePenetrationDepth = contactCandidate.PenetrationDepth;
                        RigidTransform.TransformByInverse(ref contactCandidate.Position, ref convex.worldTransform, out supplementData.Elements[i].LocalOffsetA);
                        RigidTransform.TransformByInverse(ref contactCandidate.Position, ref meshTransform, out supplementData.Elements[i].LocalOffsetB);
            for (int i = 0; i < candidatesToAdd.Count; i++)
                Vector3.DistanceSquared(ref candidatesToAdd.Elements[i].Position, ref contactCandidate.Position, out distanceSquared);
                if (distanceSquared < CollisionDetectionSettings.ContactMinimumSeparationDistanceSquared)
                    //This is a nonconvex manifold.  There will be times where a an object will be shoved into a corner such that
                    //a single position will have two reasonable normals.  If the normals aren't mostly aligned, they should NOT be considered equivalent.
                    Vector3.Dot(ref candidatesToAdd.Elements[i].Normal, ref contactCandidate.Normal, out distanceSquared);
                    if (Math.Abs(distanceSquared) >= CollisionDetectionSettings.nonconvexNormalDotMinimum)
            //for (int i = 0; i < edgeContacts.count; i++)
            //    Vector3.DistanceSquared(ref edgeContacts.Elements[i].ContactData.Position, ref contactCandidate.Position, out distanceSquared);
            //    if (distanceSquared < CollisionDetectionSettings.ContactMinimumSeparationDistanceSquared)
            //    {
            //        return false;
            //    }
            //for (int i = 0; i < vertexContacts.count; i++)
            //    Vector3.DistanceSquared(ref vertexContacts.Elements[i].ContactData.Position, ref contactCandidate.Position, out distanceSquared);
            //    if (distanceSquared < CollisionDetectionSettings.ContactMinimumSeparationDistanceSquared)
            //    {
            //        return false;
            //    }
Example #2
        protected override void Add(ref ContactData contactCandidate)
            ContactSupplementData supplement;

            supplement.BasePenetrationDepth = contactCandidate.PenetrationDepth;
            //The closest point method computes the local space versions before transforming to world... consider cutting out the middle man
            RigidTransform.TransformByInverse(ref contactCandidate.Position, ref collidableA.worldTransform, out supplement.LocalOffsetA);
            RigidTransform.TransformByInverse(ref contactCandidate.Position, ref collidableB.worldTransform, out supplement.LocalOffsetB);
            supplementData.Add(ref supplement);
            base.Add(ref contactCandidate);
Example #3
        float GetSubmergedHeight(EntityCollidable collidable, float maxLength, float boundingBoxHeight, ref Vector3 rayOrigin, ref Vector3 xSpacing, ref Vector3 zSpacing, int i, int j, out Vector3 volumeCenter)
            Ray ray;

            Vector3.Multiply(ref xSpacing, i, out ray.Position);
            Vector3.Multiply(ref zSpacing, j, out ray.Direction);
            Vector3.Add(ref ray.Position, ref ray.Direction, out ray.Position);
            Vector3.Add(ref ray.Position, ref rayOrigin, out ray.Position);

            ray.Direction = upVector;
            //do a bottom-up raycast.
            RayHit rayHit;

            //Only go up to maxLength.  If it's further away than maxLength, then it's above the water and it doesn't contribute anything.
            if (collidable.RayCast(ray, maxLength, out rayHit))
                //Position the ray to point from the other side.
                Vector3.Multiply(ref ray.Direction, boundingBoxHeight, out ray.Direction);
                Vector3.Add(ref ray.Position, ref ray.Direction, out ray.Position);
                Vector3.Negate(ref upVector, out ray.Direction);

                //Transform the hit into local space.
                RigidTransform.TransformByInverse(ref rayHit.Location, ref surfaceTransform, out rayHit.Location);
                float   bottomY        = rayHit.Location.Y;
                float   bottom         = rayHit.T;
                Vector3 bottomPosition = rayHit.Location;
                if (collidable.RayCast(ray, boundingBoxHeight - rayHit.T, out rayHit))
                    //Transform the hit into local space.
                    RigidTransform.TransformByInverse(ref rayHit.Location, ref surfaceTransform, out rayHit.Location);
                    Vector3.Add(ref rayHit.Location, ref bottomPosition, out volumeCenter);
                    Vector3.Multiply(ref volumeCenter, .5f, out volumeCenter);
                    return(Math.Min(-bottomY, boundingBoxHeight - rayHit.T - bottom));
                //This inner raycast should always hit, but just in case it doesn't due to some numerical problem, give it a graceful way out.
                volumeCenter = Vector3.Zero;
            volumeCenter = Vector3.Zero;
Example #4
 private bool IsContactUnique(ref ContactData contactCandidate)
     for (int i = 0; i < contacts.Count; i++)
         float distanceSquared;
         Vector3.DistanceSquared(ref contacts.Elements[i].Position, ref contactCandidate.Position, out distanceSquared);
         if (distanceSquared < CollisionDetectionSettings.ContactMinimumSeparationDistanceSquared)
             //Update the existing 'redundant' contact with the new information.
             //This works out because the new contact is the deepest contact according to the previous collision detection iteration.
             contacts.Elements[i].Normal                     = contactCandidate.Normal;
             contacts.Elements[i].Position                   = contactCandidate.Position;
             contacts.Elements[i].PenetrationDepth           = contactCandidate.PenetrationDepth;
             supplementData.Elements[i].BasePenetrationDepth = contactCandidate.PenetrationDepth;
             RigidTransform.TransformByInverse(ref contactCandidate.Position, ref collidableA.worldTransform, out supplementData.Elements[i].LocalOffsetA);
             RigidTransform.TransformByInverse(ref contactCandidate.Position, ref collidableB.worldTransform, out supplementData.Elements[i].LocalOffsetB);
Example #5
        /// Tests if a box and sphere are colliding.
        ///<param name="box">Box to test.</param>
        ///<param name="sphere">Sphere to test.</param>
        ///<param name="boxTransform">Transform to apply to the box.</param>
        ///<param name="spherePosition">Transform to apply to the sphere.</param>
        ///<param name="contact">Contact point between the shapes, if any.</param>
        ///<returns>Whether or not the shapes were colliding.</returns>
        public static bool AreShapesColliding(BoxShape box, SphereShape sphere, ref RigidTransform boxTransform, ref Vector3 spherePosition, out ContactData contact)
            contact = new ContactData();

            Vector3 localPosition;

            RigidTransform.TransformByInverse(ref spherePosition, ref boxTransform, out localPosition);
            Vector3 localClosestPoint = new Vector3();
            Vector3 localClosestPoint;
            localClosestPoint.X = MathHelper.Clamp(localPosition.X, -box.halfWidth, box.halfWidth);
            localClosestPoint.Y = MathHelper.Clamp(localPosition.Y, -box.halfHeight, box.halfHeight);
            localClosestPoint.Z = MathHelper.Clamp(localPosition.Z, -box.halfLength, box.halfLength);

            RigidTransform.Transform(ref localClosestPoint, ref boxTransform, out contact.Position);

            Vector3 offset;
            Vector3.Subtract(ref spherePosition, ref contact.Position, out offset);
            float offsetLength = offset.LengthSquared();

            if (offsetLength > (sphere.collisionMargin + CollisionDetectionSettings.maximumContactDistance) * (sphere.collisionMargin + CollisionDetectionSettings.maximumContactDistance))

            if (offsetLength > Toolbox.Epsilon)
                offsetLength = (float)Math.Sqrt(offsetLength);
                //Outside of the box.
                Vector3.Divide(ref offset, offsetLength, out contact.Normal);
                contact.PenetrationDepth = sphere.collisionMargin - offsetLength;
                //Inside of the box.
                Vector3 penetrationDepths;
                penetrationDepths.X = localClosestPoint.X < 0 ? localClosestPoint.X + box.halfWidth : box.halfWidth - localClosestPoint.X;
                penetrationDepths.Y = localClosestPoint.Y < 0 ? localClosestPoint.Y + box.halfHeight : box.halfHeight - localClosestPoint.Y;
                penetrationDepths.Z = localClosestPoint.Z < 0 ? localClosestPoint.Z + box.halfLength : box.halfLength - localClosestPoint.Z;
                if (penetrationDepths.X < penetrationDepths.Y && penetrationDepths.X < penetrationDepths.Z)
                    contact.Normal           = localClosestPoint.X > 0 ? Toolbox.RightVector : Toolbox.LeftVector;
                    contact.PenetrationDepth = penetrationDepths.X;
                else if (penetrationDepths.Y < penetrationDepths.Z)
                    contact.Normal           = localClosestPoint.Y > 0 ? Toolbox.UpVector : Toolbox.DownVector;
                    contact.PenetrationDepth = penetrationDepths.Y;
                    contact.Normal           = localClosestPoint.Z > 0 ? Toolbox.BackVector : Toolbox.ForwardVector;
                    contact.PenetrationDepth = penetrationDepths.Z;
                contact.PenetrationDepth += sphere.collisionMargin;
                Quaternion.Transform(ref contact.Normal, ref boxTransform.Orientation, out contact.Normal);

        public override void UpdateCollision(float dt)
            WasContaining = Containing;
            WasTouching   = Touching;

            mobileTriangle.collisionMargin = mesh.Shape.MeshCollisionMargin;

            //Scan the pairs in sequence, updating the state as we go.
            //Touching can be set to true by a single touching subpair.
            Touching = false;
            //Containing can be set to false by a single noncontaining or nontouching subpair.
            Containing = true;

            var            meshData = mesh.Shape.TriangleMesh.Data;
            RigidTransform mobileTriangleTransform, detectorTriangleTransform;

            mobileTriangleTransform.Orientation   = Quaternion.Identity;
            detectorTriangleTransform.Orientation = Quaternion.Identity;
            for (int i = 0; i < meshData.Indices.Length; i += 3)
                //Grab a triangle associated with the mobile mesh.
                meshData.GetTriangle(i, out mobileTriangle.vA, out mobileTriangle.vB, out mobileTriangle.vC);
                RigidTransform.Transform(ref mobileTriangle.vA, ref mesh.worldTransform, out mobileTriangle.vA);
                RigidTransform.Transform(ref mobileTriangle.vB, ref mesh.worldTransform, out mobileTriangle.vB);
                RigidTransform.Transform(ref mobileTriangle.vC, ref mesh.worldTransform, out mobileTriangle.vC);
                Vector3.Add(ref mobileTriangle.vA, ref mobileTriangle.vB, out mobileTriangleTransform.Position);
                Vector3.Add(ref mobileTriangle.vC, ref mobileTriangleTransform.Position, out mobileTriangleTransform.Position);
                Vector3.Multiply(ref mobileTriangleTransform.Position, 1 / 3f, out mobileTriangleTransform.Position);
                Vector3.Subtract(ref mobileTriangle.vA, ref mobileTriangleTransform.Position, out mobileTriangle.vA);
                Vector3.Subtract(ref mobileTriangle.vB, ref mobileTriangleTransform.Position, out mobileTriangle.vB);
                Vector3.Subtract(ref mobileTriangle.vC, ref mobileTriangleTransform.Position, out mobileTriangle.vC);

                //Go through all the detector volume triangles which are near the mobile mesh triangle.
                bool        triangleTouching, triangleContaining;
                BoundingBox mobileBoundingBox;
                mobileTriangle.GetBoundingBox(ref mobileTriangleTransform, out mobileBoundingBox);
                DetectorVolume.TriangleMesh.Tree.GetOverlaps(mobileBoundingBox, overlaps);
                for (int j = 0; j < overlaps.Count; j++)
                    DetectorVolume.TriangleMesh.Data.GetTriangle(overlaps.Elements[j], out detectorTriangle.vA, out detectorTriangle.vB, out detectorTriangle.vC);
                    Vector3.Add(ref detectorTriangle.vA, ref detectorTriangle.vB, out detectorTriangleTransform.Position);
                    Vector3.Add(ref detectorTriangle.vC, ref detectorTriangleTransform.Position, out detectorTriangleTransform.Position);
                    Vector3.Multiply(ref detectorTriangleTransform.Position, 1 / 3f, out detectorTriangleTransform.Position);
                    Vector3.Subtract(ref detectorTriangle.vA, ref detectorTriangleTransform.Position, out detectorTriangle.vA);
                    Vector3.Subtract(ref detectorTriangle.vB, ref detectorTriangleTransform.Position, out detectorTriangle.vB);
                    Vector3.Subtract(ref detectorTriangle.vC, ref detectorTriangleTransform.Position, out detectorTriangle.vC);

                    //If this triangle collides with the convex, we can stop immediately since we know we're touching and not containing.)))
                    //[MPR is used here in lieu of GJK because the MPR implementation tends to finish quicker than GJK when objects are overlapping.  The GJK implementation does better on separated objects.]
                    if (MPRToolbox.AreShapesOverlapping(detectorTriangle, mobileTriangle, ref detectorTriangleTransform, ref mobileTriangleTransform))
                        triangleTouching = true;
                        //The convex can't be fully contained if it's still touching the surface.
                        triangleContaining = false;
                        goto finishTriangleTest;

                //If we get here, then there was no shell intersection.
                //If the convex's center point is contained by the mesh, then the convex is fully contained.
                //This test is only needed if containment hasn't yet been outlawed or a touching state hasn't been established.
                if ((!Touching || Containing) && DetectorVolume.IsPointContained(ref mobileTriangleTransform.Position, overlaps))
                    triangleTouching   = true;
                    triangleContaining = true;
                    goto finishTriangleTest;

                //If we get here, then there was no surface intersection and the convex's center is not contained- the volume and convex are separate!
                triangleTouching   = false;
                triangleContaining = false;

                //Analyze the results of the triangle test.

                if (triangleTouching)
                    Touching = true; //If one child is touching, then we are touching too.
                    Containing = false;  //If one child isn't touching, then we aren't containing.
                if (!triangleContaining) //If one child isn't containing, then we aren't containing.
                    Containing = false;

                if (!Containing && Touching)
                    //If it's touching but not containing, no further pairs will change the state.
                    //Containment has been invalidated by something that either didn't touch or wasn't contained.
                    //Touching has been ensured by at least one object touching.

            //There is a possibility that the MobileMesh is solid and fully contains the DetectorVolume.
            //In this case, we should be Touching, but currently we are not.
            if (mesh.Shape.solidity == MobileMeshSolidity.Solid && !Containing && !Touching)
                //To determine if the detector volume is fully contained, check if one of the detector mesh's vertices
                //are in the mobile mesh.

                //This *could* fail if the mobile mesh is actually multiple pieces, but that's not a common or really supported case for solids.
                Vector3 vertex;
                DetectorVolume.TriangleMesh.Data.GetVertexPosition(0, out vertex);
                Ray ray;
                ray.Direction = Vector3.Up;
                RayHit hit;
                RigidTransform.TransformByInverse(ref vertex, ref mesh.worldTransform, out ray.Position);
                if (mesh.Shape.IsLocalRayOriginInMesh(ref ray, out hit))
                    Touching = true;
