public void ChangeProductQuantity() { Console.Clear(); using (var context = new ShopsContext()) { Console.WriteLine("Select a product to change its quantity:"); foreach (var product in context.Products) { Console.WriteLine($" {product.ID}. {product.Name},\tquantity - {product.Quantity}"); } Console.WriteLine("0. Go to main menu"); var productID = ConsoleReadToInt(); var productToChange = context.Products.Find(productID); if (productToChange != null) { Console.WriteLine($"Enter changed quantity of {productToChange.Name}"); var quantity = ConsoleReadToInt(); productToChange.Quantity = quantity; context.SaveChanges(); Console.WriteLine("Product quantity has changed.\nPress any key to go to the main menu"); Console.ReadKey(); } else if (productID != 0) { Console.WriteLine("No such product.\nPress any key to go to the main menu"); Console.ReadKey(); } } }
public void BuyProduct() { Console.Clear(); using (var context = new ShopsContext()) { Console.WriteLine("Select a shop to buy the product:"); Console.WriteLine(" 0. All products"); foreach (var shop in context.Shops) { Console.WriteLine($" {shop.ID}. {shop.Name}"); } var shopID = ConsoleReadToInt(); var products = new List<Product>(); if (shopID != 0) { var shop = context.Shops.Find(shopID); if (shop != null) { products = shop.Products.Where(x => x.Quantity > 0).ToList(); } else { Console.WriteLine("No such shop.\nPress any key to go to the main menu"); Console.ReadKey(); } } else { products = context.Products.Where(x => x.Quantity > 0).ToList(); } if (products.Count > 0) { BuyProductFromList(products); context.SaveChanges(); } else { Console.WriteLine("No products to buy in this shop.\nPress any key to go to the main menu"); Console.ReadKey(); } } }
public void AddProduct() { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("Enter product name:"); var name = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Enter product quantity:"); var quantity = ConsoleReadToInt(); Console.WriteLine("Enter product price:"); var price = ConsoleReadToDec(); var product = new Product { Name = name, Quantity = quantity, Price = price }; using (var context = new ShopsContext()) { Console.WriteLine("Select a shop to add the product:"); Console.WriteLine(" 0. No shop"); foreach (var shop in context.Shops) { Console.WriteLine($" {shop.ID}. {shop.Name}"); } var shopID = ConsoleReadToInt(); if (shopID != 0) { var shop = context.Shops.Find(shopID); if (shop != null) shop.Products.Add(product); context.SaveChanges(); } else { context.Products.Add(product); context.SaveChanges(); } } }
public void AddShop() { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("Enter shop name:"); var name = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Enter shop address:"); Console.WriteLine("Enter country:"); var country = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Enter city:"); var city = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Enter street:"); var street = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Enter building number:"); var buildingNumber = ConsoleReadToInt(); Console.WriteLine("Enter postal code:"); var postalCode = Console.ReadLine(); var shop = new Shop { Name = name, Address = new Address { Country = country, City = city, Street = street, BuildingNumber = buildingNumber, PostalCode = postalCode } }; using (var context = new ShopsContext()) { context.Shops.Add(shop); context.SaveChanges(); } }