private void ApplyAutoImporters()
     foreach (var type in AutoCustomTmxImporterAttribute.GetOrderedAutoImportersTypes())
        private void ShowCustomImporterGui()
            // Show the user-selected custom importer
            EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Custom Importer Settings", EditorStyles.boldLabel);
            var selected = EditorGUILayout.Popup("Custom Importer", m_SelectedCustomImporter, m_CustomImporterNames);

            if (selected != m_SelectedCustomImporter)
                m_SelectedCustomImporter = selected;
                m_CustomImporterClassName.stringValue = m_CustomImporterTypes.ElementAtOrDefault(selected);

            EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("Custom Importers are an advanced feature that require scripting. Create a class inherited from CustomTmxImporter and select it from the list above.", MessageType.None);

            // List all the automatically applied custom importers
            using (new GuiScopedIndent())
                var importers = AutoCustomTmxImporterAttribute.GetOrderedAutoImportersTypes();
                var title     = string.Format("Auto Importers ({0})", importers.Count());
                var tip       = "This custom importers will be automatically applied to your import process.";
                var content   = new GUIContent(title, tip);

                m_ShowAutoImporters = EditorGUILayout.Foldout(m_ShowAutoImporters, content);
                if (m_ShowAutoImporters)
                    foreach (var t in importers)

                    EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("Auto Importers are custom importers that run on automatically on every exported Tiled map. Order is controlled by the AutoCustomImporterAttribute.", MessageType.None);