Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// This will generate a Report with the Real Estate Comment.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="uwRECollateralId">uwRECollateralId</param>
        /// <returns>Name of the file generated</returns>
        public async Task <string> GenerateAsync(int uwRECollateralId)
                if (!ReloadTemplate())
                    throw new Exception("Template could not be loaded :(");

                string  sSQL       = "";
                DataSet retDataSet = null;

                sSQL = @"SET ANSI_WARNINGS OFF; SELECT * FROM [UW].[vw_CollateralRE] WHERE [uwRECollateralId] = @p0;";

                retDataSet = await MarsDb.QueryAsDataSetAsync(sSQL, uwRECollateralId);

                if ((retDataSet.Tables.Count == 1) && (retDataSet.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 1))
                    var data = retDataSet.Tables[0].Rows[0];
                    Document.ReplaceFieldValue(data, "RptHeader");
                    Document.ReplaceFieldValue(data, "OneLineAddress");
                    Document.ReplaceFieldValue(data, "SIMValue", "C0");
                    Document.ReplaceFieldValue(data, "Comments");
                return("No records found");
            catch (Exception)
        /// <summary>
        /// This works around a strange NPOI copy quirk that copies the formulas incorrect.  This gives the option to force this object to write directly to the sheet
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="BidPoolId"></param>
        /// <param name="uwRelationshipId"></param>
        /// <param name="sheet"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task <DataSet> FetchDataAsync(int BidPoolId, int uwRelationshipId, ISheet sheet)
            DataSet retDataSet = null;

            if ((BidPoolId == 0) && (uwRelationshipId > 0))
                string sSQL = @"SET ANSI_WARNINGS OFF; 
SELECT * FROM [UW].[vw_Relationship] WHERE uwRelationshipId = @p0;
SELECT cf.* FROM [UW].[vw_RelationshipCashFlow] cf 
WHERE uwRelationshipId = @p0 ORDER BY CashFlowDate;";
                retDataSet = await MarsDb.QueryAsDataSetAsync(sSQL, uwRelationshipId);
            else if ((BidPoolId > 0) && (uwRelationshipId == 0))
                string sSQL = @"SET ANSI_WARNINGS OFF; 
SELECT * FROM [UW].[vw_Relationship] WHERE BidPoolId = @p0 ORDER BY RelationshipName;
SELECT cf.* FROM [UW].[vw_RelationshipCashFlow] cf 
INNER JOIN [UW].[vw_Relationship] r
ON cf.uwRelationshipId = r.uwRelationshipId
WHERE r.BidPoolId = @p0 ORDER BY r.RelationshipName, CashFlowDate;";
                retDataSet = await MarsDb.QueryAsDataSetAsync(sSQL, BidPoolId);
                throw new Exception(string.Format("Invalid call to GenerateAsync is invalid.  We need one or the other to be greater than zero.  BidPoolId={0} uwRelationshipId={1}", BidPoolId, uwRelationshipId));
            if (sheet != null)
                GenerateSheetForRelationship(sheet, retDataSet.Tables[0].Rows[0], retDataSet.Tables[1]);
Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="uwRelationshipId"></param>
        /// <returns>Name of the file generated</returns>
        public async Task <string> GenerateAsync(int Id)
                if (!this.ReloadTemplate("MODEL"))
                    throw new Exception("Template could not be loaded :(");
                /* Start Your Sheet Creation Code Here */
                var standardStyle = new XSSFNPoiStyle()
                    Border = CellBorder.All, BorderStyle = BorderStyle.Thin, FontColor = IndexedColors.Red.AsXSSFColor(), BackgroundColor = IndexedColors.Green.AsXSSFColor()
                var boldStyle = new XSSFNPoiStyle()
                    FillPattern = FillPattern.SolidForeground, FillForegroundColor = IndexedColors.PaleBlue.AsXSSFColor(), IsBold = true, VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Top, HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left, WrapText = true

                string sSQL2      = @"SET ANSI_WARNINGS OFF; SELECT * FROM [UW].[vw_Relationship] WHERE BidPoolId=@p0;SELECT GETDATE() as ThisDate, 'SQL LITERAL' as ThisString;";
                var    retDataSet = await MarsDb.QueryAsDataSetAsync(sSQL2, Id);

                DataTable firstResultSet = retDataSet.Tables[0];
                foreach (DataRow row in firstResultSet.Rows)
                    sheet = workbook.CloneSheet(this.workbook.GetSheetIndex("MODEL"));
                    workbook.SetSheetName(workbook.NumberOfSheets - 1, row["RelationshipName"].ToString().AsSheetName());

                    sheet.SetCellValue(0, "D", "@DR1->");
                    sheet.SetCellValue(0, "E", row, "uwRelationshipId").SetCellStyle(standardStyle);
                    sheet.SetCellValue(1, "D", "@DR2->");
                    sheet.SetCellValue(1, "E", row, "Underwriter").SetCellStyle(standardStyle);
                    sheet.SetCellValue(2, "D", "@DR2->").SetCellStyle(standardStyle);;
                    sheet.SetCellValue(2, "E", row, "UPBSum").SetCellStyle(standardStyle.SetFormatStyle(FormatStyle.Currency));
                    sheet.SetCellValue(3, "D", "@DR3->").SetCellStyle(standardStyle.SetFormatStyle(FormatStyle.Default));
                    sheet.SetCellValue(3, "E", row, "CurrentStatus");
                    sheet.SetCellValue(4, "D", "@DR4->").SetCellStyle(boldStyle);
                    sheet.SetCellValue(4, "E", row, "ProFormaStatus").SetCellStyle(boldStyle);
                    sheet.SetCellValue(5, "D", "@DR5->").SetCellStyle(boldStyle);
                    sheet.SetCellValue(5, "E", row, "ExitStrategyText").SetCellStyle(boldStyle);
                    sheet.GetRow(5).Height = 1540;
                    sheet.SetColumnWidth("E", 9800);
            catch (Exception)
        /// <summary>
        /// This will generate a Business Asset Report for a BidPool or Relationship
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="BidPoolId">If this is 0, then we will assume that we are going to use uwRelationshipId</param>
        /// <param name="uwRelationshipId">If this is zero, then we will assume that we are going top use BidPoolId</param>
        /// <returns>Name of the file generated</returns>
        public async Task <string> GenerateAsync(int BidPoolId, int uwRelationshipId)
                var ModelSheetName = "1";
                if (!this.ReloadTemplate(ModelSheetName))
                    throw new Exception("Template could not be loaded :(");
                // Generate a Sheet for each relationship.  If uwRelationshipId >0 then onl one sheet is needed.

                string sSQL1 = "";
                if (uwRelationshipId == 0)
                    sSQL1 = @"SET ANSI_WARNINGS OFF; SELECT COUNT(*) AS TabCnt FROM UW.tbl_Relationship WHERE BidPoolId =@p0;";
                    sSQL1 = @"SET ANSI_WARNINGS OFF; SELECT 1 AS TabCnt ;";
                var retTabCnt = await MarsDb.QueryAsDataSetAsync(sSQL1, BidPoolId);

                System.Data.DataTable aResultSet = retTabCnt.Tables[0];
                var iTabCnt = 0;
                foreach (System.Data.DataRow a in aResultSet.Rows)
                    iTabCnt = (int)a["TabCnt"];

                for (int x = 2; x < iTabCnt + 1; x++)
                    sheet = workbook.CloneSheet(this.workbook.GetSheetIndex(ModelSheetName));
                    workbook.SetSheetName(workbook.NumberOfSheets - 1, x.ToString().AsSheetName());

                // Return to sheet "1"
                this.sheet = this.workbook.GetSheetAt(this.workbook.GetSheetIndex(ModelSheetName));

                // Get Dataset for report using ADO;  If uwRelationshipId <> 0 use uwRelationshipId else use BidPoolId

                string  sSQL2      = "";
                DataSet retDataSet = null;

                if (uwRelationshipId == 0)
                    sSQL2      = @"SET ANSI_WARNINGS OFF; SELECT * FROM [UW].[vw_Loans] WHERE [BidPoolId]=@p0 ORDER BY uwRelationshipId ASC, uwLoanId ASC;";
                    retDataSet = await MarsDb.QueryAsDataSetAsync(sSQL2, BidPoolId);
                    sSQL2      = @"SET ANSI_WARNINGS OFF; SELECT * FROM [UW].[vw_Loans] WHERE [uwRelationshipId]=@p0 ORDER BY uwRelationshipId ASC, uwLoanId ASC;";
                    retDataSet = await MarsDb.QueryAsDataSetAsync(sSQL2, uwRelationshipId);

                System.Data.DataTable firstResultSet = retDataSet.Tables[0];
                var iRow   = 1;
                var iRel   = 0;
                var iLnCnt = 1;
                foreach (System.Data.DataRow row in firstResultSet.Rows)
                    if (iRow == 1)
                        iRel = (int)row["uwRelationshipId"];
                    else if (iRel != (int)row["uwRelationshipId"])
                        this.sheet = this.workbook.GetSheetAt(this.workbook.GetSheetIndex(iSheet.ToString()));
                        iRow       = 1;
                        iLnCnt     = 1;
                        iRel       = (int)row["uwRelationshipId"];

                    var formatStr   = @"_(* #,##0_);_(* (#,##0);_(* "" - ""??_);_(@_)";
                    var LnCellStyle = new XSSFNPoiStyle()
                        Border = CellBorder.All, BorderStyle = BorderStyle.Thin, CellFormat = formatStr, VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Top, HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left

                    sheet.SetCellValue(2, "B", row, "RptHeader");
                    sheet.CreateRow(iRow + 5);

                    LnCellStyle.WrapText = true;
                    sheet.SetCellValue(iRow + 5, "B", row, "LoanShortName").SetCellStyle(LnCellStyle);
                    sheet.SetCellValue(iRow + 5, "C", row, "LoanDescriptionTxt").SetCellStyle(LnCellStyle);
                    sheet.SetCellValue(iRow + 5, "D", row, "BorrowerTxt").SetCellStyle(LnCellStyle);
                    sheet.SetCellValue(iRow + 5, "E", row, "GuarantorTxt").SetCellStyle(LnCellStyle);
                    LnCellStyle.CellFormat = "mm/dd/yyy";
                    sheet.SetCellValue(iRow + 5, "F", row, "OriginationDate").SetCellStyle(LnCellStyle);
                    if ((row["MaturityDateText"] == System.DBNull.Value) || ((string)row["MaturityDateText"] == ""))
                        LnCellStyle.CellFormat = "mm/dd/yyy";
                        sheet.SetCellValue(iRow + 5, "G", row, "MaturityDate").SetCellStyle(LnCellStyle);
                        LnCellStyle.CellFormat = "@";
                        sheet.SetCellValue(iRow + 5, "G", row, "MaturityDatetext").SetCellStyle(LnCellStyle);
                    LnCellStyle.CellFormat = "#,##0.00";
                    sheet.SetCellValue(iRow + 5, "H", row, "OriginalUPB").SetCellStyle(LnCellStyle);
                    sheet.SetCellValue(iRow + 5, "I", row, "UPB").SetCellStyle(LnCellStyle);
                    if ((row["InterestRateText"] == System.DBNull.Value) || ((string)row["InterestRateText"] == ""))
                        LnCellStyle.CellFormat = "0.0%";
                        sheet.SetCellValue(iRow + 5, "J", row, "InterestRate").SetCellStyle(LnCellStyle);
                        LnCellStyle.CellFormat = "@";
                        sheet.SetCellValue(iRow + 5, "J", row, "InterestRateText").SetCellStyle(LnCellStyle);
                    LnCellStyle.CellFormat = "#,###";
                    sheet.SetCellValue(iRow + 5, "K", row, "SIMValueLoan").SetCellStyle(LnCellStyle);

                    if (iLnCnt == (int)row["LoansCnt"])
                        sheet.CreateRow(iRow + 7);
                        LnCellStyle.IsBold = true;
                        sheet.SetCellValue(iRow + 6, "C", "Totals:").SetCellStyle(LnCellStyle);
                        LnCellStyle.CellFormat = "#,##0.00";
                        sheet.SetCellValue(iRow + 6, "H", 0.0).SetCellStyle(LnCellStyle).SetCellFormula(string.Format("SUM(H7:H{0})", (6 + iRow)));
                        sheet.SetCellValue(iRow + 6, "I", 0.0).SetCellStyle(LnCellStyle).SetCellFormula(string.Format("SUM(I7:I{0})", (6 + iRow)));
                        LnCellStyle.CellFormat = "#,###";
                        sheet.SetCellValue(iRow + 6, "K", 0.0).SetCellStyle(LnCellStyle).SetCellFormula(string.Format("SUM(K7:K{0})", (6 + iRow)));
                        LnCellStyle.IsBold = false;


            catch (Exception)
Example #5
        /// <summary>
        /// This will generate a Business Asset Report for a BidPool or Relationship
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="BidPoolId">If this is 0, then we will assume that we are going to use uwRelationshipId</param>
        /// <param name="uwRelationshipId">If this is zero, then we will assume that we are going top use BidPoolId</param>
        /// <returns>Name of the file generated</returns>
        public async Task <string> GenerateAsync(int BidPoolId, int uwRelationshipId)
                var ModelSheetName = "1";
                if (!this.ReloadTemplate(ModelSheetName))
                    throw new Exception("Template could not be loaded :(");

                // Generate a Sheet for each relationship that has real estate collateral.
                string sSQL1 = "";
                if (uwRelationshipId == 0)
                    sSQL1 = @"SET ANSI_WARNINGS OFF; SELECT COUNT(*) AS TabCnt FROM (SELECT DISTINCT r.uwRelationshipId FROM UW.tbl_Relationship AS r INNER JOIN UW.tbl_CollateralRE AS c ON r.uwRelationshipId = c.uwRelationshipId WHERE r.BidPoolId =@p0) AS a;";
                    sSQL1 = @"SET ANSI_WARNINGS OFF; SELECT 1 AS TabCnt ;";
                var retTabCnt = await MarsDb.QueryAsDataSetAsync(sSQL1, BidPoolId);

                System.Data.DataTable aResultSet = retTabCnt.Tables[0];
                var iTabCnt = 0;
                foreach (System.Data.DataRow a in aResultSet.Rows)
                    iTabCnt = (int)a["TabCnt"];

                // Get Dataset for report using ADO;  If uwRelationshipId <> 0 use uwRelationshipId else use BidPoolId

                string  sSQL2      = "";
                DataSet retDataSet = null;

                var id = 0;
                if (uwRelationshipId == 0)
                    sSQL2      = @"SET ANSI_WARNINGS OFF; SELECT * FROM [UW].[vw_CollateralRE] WHERE [BidPoolId]=@p0 ORDER BY uwRelationshipId ASC, uwRECollateralId ASC;";
                    retDataSet = await MarsDb.QueryAsDataSetAsync(sSQL2, BidPoolId);

                    id = BidPoolId;
                    sSQL2      = @"SET ANSI_WARNINGS OFF; SELECT * FROM [UW].[vw_CollateralRe] WHERE [uwRelationshipId]=@p0 ORDER BY uwRelationshipId ASC, uwRECollateralId ASC;";
                    retDataSet = await MarsDb.QueryAsDataSetAsync(sSQL2, uwRelationshipId);

                    id = uwRelationshipId;

                for (int x = 2; x < iTabCnt + 1; x++)
                    sheet = workbook.CloneSheet(this.workbook.GetSheetIndex(ModelSheetName));
                    workbook.SetSheetName(workbook.NumberOfSheets - 1, x.ToString().AsSheetName());

                // Return to sheet "1"
                this.sheet = this.workbook.GetSheetAt(this.workbook.GetSheetIndex(ModelSheetName));

                //string sSQL2 = @"SET ANSI_WARNINGS OFF; SELECT * FROM [UW].[vw_CollateralRE] WHERE [BidPoolId]=@p0 ORDER BY uwRelationshipId ASC, uwRECollateralId ASC;";
                //var retDataSet = await MarsDb.QueryAsDataSetAsync(sSQL2, BidPoolId);

                System.Data.DataTable firstResultSet = retDataSet.Tables[0];
                var iRow    = 1;
                var iRel    = 0;
                var iColCnt = 1;
                foreach (System.Data.DataRow row in firstResultSet.Rows)
                    if (iRow == 1)
                        iRel = (int)row["uwRelationshipId"];
                    else if (iRel != (int)row["uwRelationshipId"])
                        this.sheet = this.workbook.GetSheetAt(this.workbook.GetSheetIndex(iSheet.ToString()));
                        iRow       = 1;
                        iColCnt    = 1;
                        iRel       = (int)row["uwRelationshipId"];

                    var formatStr   = @"_(* #,##0_);_(* (#,##0);_(* "" - ""??_);_(@_)";
                    var RECellStyle = new XSSFNPoiStyle()
                        Border = CellBorder.All, BorderStyle = BorderStyle.Thin, CellFormat = formatStr, VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Top, HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left

                    RECellStyle.CellFormat = "@";
                    sheet.SetCellValue(2, "B", row, "RptHeader");
                    sheet.CreateRow(iRow + 6);
                    RECellStyle.WrapText = true;
                    sheet.SetCellValue(iRow + 6, "B", row, "CollateralDescriptionTxt").SetCellStyle(RECellStyle);
                    RECellStyle.CellFormat = "#,##0.00";
                    sheet.SetCellValue(iRow + 6, "C", row, "Size").SetCellStyle(RECellStyle);
                    RECellStyle.CellFormat = "@";
                    sheet.SetCellValue(iRow + 6, "D", row, "SizeMetricDesc").SetCellStyle(RECellStyle);
                    sheet.SetCellValue(iRow + 6, "E", row, "CollateralFullAddress").SetCellStyle(RECellStyle);
                    sheet.SetCellValue(iRow + 6, "F", row, "Comments").SetCellStyle(RECellStyle);
                    RECellStyle.CellFormat = "mm/dd/yyy";
                    RECellStyle.WrapText   = false;
                    sheet.SetCellValue(iRow + 6, "G", row, "MRAppraisalDate").SetCellStyle(RECellStyle);
                    RECellStyle.CellFormat = "#,##0.00";
                    sheet.SetCellValue(iRow + 6, "H", row, "MRAppraisalValue").SetCellStyle(RECellStyle);
                    sheet.SetCellValue(iRow + 6, "I", row, "MRAppraisalValuetoMetric").SetCellStyle(RECellStyle);
                    RECellStyle.CellFormat = "#,##0.00";
                    sheet.SetCellValue(iRow + 6, "J", row, "BPOValueCRE").SetCellStyle(RECellStyle);
                    sheet.SetCellValue(iRow + 6, "K", row, "BPOValueCREtoMetric").SetCellStyle(RECellStyle);
                    sheet.SetCellValue(iRow + 6, "L", row, "SIMValue").SetCellStyle(RECellStyle);
                    sheet.SetCellValue(iRow + 6, "M", row, "SIMValuetoMetric").SetCellStyle(RECellStyle);

                    if (iColCnt == (int)row["CollateralRECnt"])
                        //sheet.CreateRow(18 + iRow);
                        //sheet.SetCellValue(18 + iRow, "C", 0.0).SetCellFormat(formatStr).SetCellFormula(string.Format("SUM(C18:C{0})", (18 + iRow - 2)));
                        sheet.CreateRow(iRow + 7);
                        RECellStyle.IsBold = true;
                        sheet.SetCellValue(iRow + 7, "C", "Totals:").SetCellStyle(RECellStyle);
                        sheet.SetCellValue(iRow + 7, "H", 0.0).SetCellStyle(RECellStyle).SetCellFormula(string.Format("SUM(H8:H{0})", (7 + iRow)));
                        sheet.SetCellValue(iRow + 7, "J", 0.0).SetCellStyle(RECellStyle).SetCellFormula(string.Format("SUM(J8:J{0})", (7 + iRow)));
                        sheet.SetCellValue(iRow + 7, "L", 0.0).SetCellStyle(RECellStyle).SetCellFormula(string.Format("SUM(L8:L{0})", (7 + iRow)));
                        RECellStyle.IsBold = false;


            catch (Exception)
Example #6
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="BidPoolId"></param>
        /// <returns>Name of the file generated</returns>
        public async Task <string> GenerateAsync(int BidPoolId)
                if (!this.ReloadTemplate("DS"))
                    throw new Exception("Template could not be loaded :(");
                string sSQL       = @"SET ANSI_WARNINGS OFF; SELECT * FROM [UW].[vw_DeanSheet] WHERE [BidPoolId]=@p0 ORDER BY uwRelationshipId ASC;SELECT * FROM [UW].[vw_DeanSheet_Totals] WHERE [BidPoolId]=@p0";
                var    retDataSet = await MarsDb.QueryAsDataSetAsync(sSQL, BidPoolId);

                System.Data.DataTable resultSet = retDataSet.Tables[0];
                var iRow = 1;

                var formatStr   = @"_(* #,##0_);_(* (#,##0);_(* "" - ""??_);_(@_)";
                var DSCellStyle = new XSSFNPoiStyle()
                    Border = CellBorder.All, BorderStyle = BorderStyle.Thin, CellFormat = formatStr

                foreach (System.Data.DataRow row in resultSet.Rows)
                    if (iRow == 1) // Populate Bid Pool Header
                        sheet.SetCellValue(1, "B", row, "BidPool");

                    sheet.CreateRow(iRow + 3);
                    DSCellStyle.CellFormat          = "@";
                    DSCellStyle.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left;
                    sheet.SetCellValue(iRow + 3, "B", row, "RelationshipName").SetCellStyle(DSCellStyle);
                    sheet.SetCellValue(iRow + 3, "C", row, "BidSubPoolName").SetCellStyle(DSCellStyle);
                    sheet.SetCellValue(iRow + 3, "D", row, "UW").SetCellStyle(DSCellStyle);
                    DSCellStyle.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Right;
                    DSCellStyle.CellFormat          = "#,###";
                    sheet.SetCellValue(iRow + 3, "E", row, "LoanCount").SetCellStyle(DSCellStyle);
                    DSCellStyle.CellFormat = "#,###";
                    sheet.SetCellValue(iRow + 3, "F", row, "UPBSum").SetCellStyle(DSCellStyle);
                    sheet.SetCellValue(iRow + 3, "G", row, "BidAmount").SetCellStyle(DSCellStyle);
                    DSCellStyle.CellFormat = "0.0%";
                    sheet.SetCellValue(iRow + 3, "H", row, "BidUPB").SetCellStyle(DSCellStyle);
                    sheet.SetCellValue(iRow + 3, "I", row, "DiscountRate").SetCellStyle(DSCellStyle);
                    if ((double)row["TrailConC"] == -1)
                        DSCellStyle.CellFormat = "@";
                        //DSCellStyle.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Right;
                        sheet.SetCellValue(iRow + 3, "J", "N/A").SetCellStyle(DSCellStyle);
                        DSCellStyle.CellFormat = "0.0%";
                        sheet.SetCellValue(iRow + 3, "J", row, "TrailConC").SetCellStyle(DSCellStyle);
                    if ((double)row["ProjConC"] == -1)
                        DSCellStyle.CellFormat = "@";
                        //DSCellStyle.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Right;
                        sheet.SetCellValue(iRow + 3, "K", "N/A").SetCellStyle(DSCellStyle);
                        DSCellStyle.CellFormat = "0.0%";
                        sheet.SetCellValue(iRow + 3, "K", row, "ProjConC").SetCellStyle(DSCellStyle);
                    sheet.SetCellValue(iRow + 3, "L", row, "Recovery").SetCellStyle(DSCellStyle);
                    DSCellStyle.CellFormat = "#,###.00";
                    sheet.SetCellValue(iRow + 3, "M", row, "MOIC").SetCellStyle(DSCellStyle);
                    DSCellStyle.CellFormat = "mm/dd/yyyy";
                    sheet.SetCellValue(iRow + 3, "N", row, "AppraisalDate").SetCellStyle(DSCellStyle);
                    DSCellStyle.CellFormat = "#,###";
                    sheet.SetCellValue(iRow + 3, "O", row, "AppraisalValue").SetCellStyle(DSCellStyle);
                    sheet.SetCellValue(iRow + 3, "P", row, "BusinessAssets").SetCellStyle(DSCellStyle);
                    sheet.SetCellValue(iRow + 3, "Q", row, "BankTotal").SetCellStyle(DSCellStyle);
                    sheet.SetCellValue(iRow + 3, "R", row, "BPOValue").SetCellStyle(DSCellStyle);
                    sheet.SetCellValue(iRow + 3, "S", row, "SIMValue").SetCellStyle(DSCellStyle);
                    DSCellStyle.CellFormat = "0.0%";
                    if ((double)row["BidAppr"] == -1)
                        DSCellStyle.CellFormat = "@";
                        //DSCellStyle.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Right;
                        sheet.SetCellValue(iRow + 3, "T", "N/A").SetCellStyle(DSCellStyle);
                        DSCellStyle.CellFormat = "0.0%";
                        sheet.SetCellValue(iRow + 3, "T", row, "BidAppr").SetCellStyle(DSCellStyle);
                    if ((double)row["BidBPO"] == -1)
                        DSCellStyle.CellFormat = "@";
                        //DSCellStyle.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Right;
                        sheet.SetCellValue(iRow + 3, "U", "N/A").SetCellStyle(DSCellStyle);
                        DSCellStyle.CellFormat = "0.0%";
                        sheet.SetCellValue(iRow + 3, "U", row, "BidBPO").SetCellStyle(DSCellStyle);
                    if ((double)row["BidSIMValue"] == -1)
                        DSCellStyle.CellFormat = "@";
                        //DSCellStyle.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Right;
                        sheet.SetCellValue(iRow + 3, "V", "N/A").SetCellStyle(DSCellStyle);
                        DSCellStyle.CellFormat = "0.0%";
                        sheet.SetCellValue(iRow + 3, "V", row, "BidSIMValue").SetCellStyle(DSCellStyle);
                    DSCellStyle.CellFormat = "#,###";
                    sheet.SetCellValue(iRow + 3, "W", row, "PHLast3mth").SetCellStyle(DSCellStyle);
                    sheet.SetCellValue(iRow + 3, "X", row, "PHLast6mth").SetCellStyle(DSCellStyle);
                    sheet.SetCellValue(iRow + 3, "Y", row, "PHLast9mth").SetCellStyle(DSCellStyle);
                    sheet.SetCellValue(iRow + 3, "Z", row, "PHLast12mth").SetCellStyle(DSCellStyle);
                    DSCellStyle.CellFormat          = "@";
                    DSCellStyle.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center;
                    sheet.SetCellValue(iRow + 3, "AA", row, "Recourse").SetCellStyle(DSCellStyle);
                    DSCellStyle.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left;
                    sheet.SetCellValue(iRow + 3, "AB", row, "PrimaryCollateralType").SetCellStyle(DSCellStyle);
                    DSCellStyle.CellFormat          = "#";
                    DSCellStyle.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Right;
                    sheet.SetCellValue(iRow + 3, "AC", row, "YearBuilt").SetCellStyle(DSCellStyle);
                    DSCellStyle.CellFormat = "@";
                    sheet.SetCellValue(iRow + 3, "AD", row, "REUnit").SetCellStyle(DSCellStyle);
                    DSCellStyle.CellFormat = "#,###";
                    sheet.SetCellValue(iRow + 3, "AE", row, "REBasis").SetCellStyle(DSCellStyle);
                    DSCellStyle.CellFormat          = "@";
                    DSCellStyle.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left;
                    sheet.SetCellValue(iRow + 3, "AF", row, "PrimaryLocation").SetCellStyle(DSCellStyle);
                    DSCellStyle.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center;
                    sheet.SetCellValue(iRow + 3, "AG", row, "Eyes").SetCellStyle(DSCellStyle);


                resultSet = retDataSet.Tables[1];
                foreach (System.Data.DataRow row in resultSet.Rows)
                    sheet.CreateRow(iRow + 4);
                    DSCellStyle.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Right;
                    DSCellStyle.IsBold     = true;
                    DSCellStyle.CellFormat = "#,###";
                    sheet.SetCellValue(iRow + 4, "C", "Totals:").SetCellStyle(DSCellStyle);
                    sheet.SetCellValue(iRow + 4, "D", "").SetCellStyle(DSCellStyle);
                    DSCellStyle.CellFormat = "#,###";
                    sheet.SetCellValue(iRow + 4, "E", row, "LoanCount").SetCellStyle(DSCellStyle);
                    DSCellStyle.CellFormat = "#,###";
                    sheet.SetCellValue(iRow + 4, "F", row, "UPBSum").SetCellStyle(DSCellStyle);
                    sheet.SetCellValue(iRow + 4, "G", row, "BidAmount").SetCellStyle(DSCellStyle);
                    DSCellStyle.CellFormat = "0.0%";
                    sheet.SetCellValue(iRow + 4, "H", row, "BidUPB").SetCellStyle(DSCellStyle);
                    sheet.SetCellValue(iRow + 4, "I", row, "DiscountRate").SetCellStyle(DSCellStyle);
                    sheet.SetCellValue(iRow + 4, "J", row, "TrailConC").SetCellStyle(DSCellStyle);
                    sheet.SetCellValue(iRow + 4, "K", row, "ProjConC").SetCellStyle(DSCellStyle);
                    sheet.SetCellValue(iRow + 4, "L", row, "Recovery").SetCellStyle(DSCellStyle);
                    DSCellStyle.CellFormat = "#,###.00";
                    sheet.SetCellValue(iRow + 4, "M", row, "MOIC").SetCellStyle(DSCellStyle);
                    sheet.SetCellValue(iRow + 4, "N", "").SetCellStyle(DSCellStyle);
                    DSCellStyle.CellFormat = "#,###";
                    sheet.SetCellValue(iRow + 4, "O", row, "AppraisalValue").SetCellStyle(DSCellStyle);
                    sheet.SetCellValue(iRow + 4, "P", row, "BusinessAssets").SetCellStyle(DSCellStyle);
                    sheet.SetCellValue(iRow + 4, "Q", row, "BankTotal").SetCellStyle(DSCellStyle);
                    sheet.SetCellValue(iRow + 4, "R", row, "BPOValue").SetCellStyle(DSCellStyle);
                    sheet.SetCellValue(iRow + 4, "S", row, "SIMValue").SetCellStyle(DSCellStyle);
                    DSCellStyle.CellFormat = "0.0%";
                    sheet.SetCellValue(iRow + 4, "T", row, "BidAppr").SetCellStyle(DSCellStyle);
                    sheet.SetCellValue(iRow + 4, "U", row, "BidBPO").SetCellStyle(DSCellStyle);
                    sheet.SetCellValue(iRow + 4, "V", row, "BidSIMValue").SetCellStyle(DSCellStyle);
                    DSCellStyle.CellFormat = "#,###";
                    sheet.SetCellValue(iRow + 4, "W", row, "PHLast3mth").SetCellStyle(DSCellStyle);
                    sheet.SetCellValue(iRow + 4, "X", row, "PHLast6mth").SetCellStyle(DSCellStyle);
                    sheet.SetCellValue(iRow + 4, "Y", row, "PHLast9mth").SetCellStyle(DSCellStyle);
                    sheet.SetCellValue(iRow + 4, "Z", row, "PHLast12mth").SetCellStyle(DSCellStyle);
                    DSCellStyle.IsBold = false;

            catch (Exception)
Example #7
        /// <summary>
        /// This will generate a Business Asset Report for a BidPool and Relationship
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="BidPoolId">If this is 0, then we will assume that we are going to use uwRelationshipId</param>
        /// <param name="uwRelationshipId">If this is zero, then we will assume that we are going top use BidPoolId</param>
        /// <returns>Name of the file generated</returns>
        private async Task <string> GenerateAsync(int BidPoolId, int uwRelationshipId)
                var ModelSheetName = "1";
                if (!this.ReloadTemplate(ModelSheetName))
                    throw new Exception("Template could not be loaded :(");
                // Generate a Sheet for each relationship.  If uwRelationshipId <> 0 then only 1 sheet is needed.
                string sSQL1 = "";
                if (uwRelationshipId == 0)
                    sSQL1 = @"SET ANSI_WARNINGS OFF; SELECT COUNT(*) AS TabCnt FROM (SELECT DISTINCT r.uwRelationshipId FROM UW.tbl_Relationship AS r INNER JOIN UW.tbl_CollateralNRE AS c ON r.uwRelationshipId = c.uwRelationshipId WHERE r.BidPoolId =@p0) AS a;";
                    sSQL1 = @"SET ANSI_WARNINGS OFF; SELECT 1 AS TabCnt ;";
                var retTabCnt = await MarsDb.QueryAsDataSetAsync(sSQL1, BidPoolId);

                System.Data.DataTable aResultSet = retTabCnt.Tables[0];
                var iTabCnt = 0;
                foreach (System.Data.DataRow a in aResultSet.Rows)
                    iTabCnt = (int)a["TabCnt"];

                for (int x = 2; x < iTabCnt + 1; x++)
                    sheet = workbook.CloneSheet(this.workbook.GetSheetIndex(ModelSheetName));
                    workbook.SetSheetName(workbook.NumberOfSheets - 1, x.ToString().AsSheetName());

                // Return to sheet "1"
                this.sheet = this.workbook.GetSheetAt(this.workbook.GetSheetIndex(ModelSheetName));

                // Get Dataset for report using ADO;  If uwRelationshipId <> 0 use uwRelationshipId else use BidPoolId
                string  sSQL2      = "";
                DataSet?retDataSet = null;

                if (uwRelationshipId == 0)
                    sSQL2      = @"SET ANSI_WARNINGS OFF; SELECT * FROM [UW].[vw_CollateralNRE] WHERE [BidPoolId]=@p0 ORDER BY uwRelationshipId ASC, uwNRECollateralId ASC;";
                    retDataSet = await MarsDb.QueryAsDataSetAsync(sSQL2, BidPoolId);
                    sSQL2      = @"SET ANSI_WARNINGS OFF; SELECT * FROM [UW].[vw_CollateralNRE] WHERE [uwRelationshipId]=@p0 ORDER BY uwRelationshipId ASC, uwNRECollateralId ASC;";
                    retDataSet = await MarsDb.QueryAsDataSetAsync(sSQL2, uwRelationshipId);
                System.Data.DataTable firstResultSet = retDataSet.Tables[0];
                var iRow    = 1;
                var iRel    = 0;
                var iNRECnt = 1;
                foreach (System.Data.DataRow row in firstResultSet.Rows)
                    if (iRow == 1)
                        iRel = (int)row["uwRelationshipId"];
                    else if (iRel != (int)row["uwRelationshipId"])
                        this.sheet = this.workbook.GetSheetAt(this.workbook.GetSheetIndex(iSheet.ToString()));
                        iRow       = 1;
                        iNRECnt    = 1;
                        iRel       = (int)row["uwRelationshipId"];

                    var formatStr   = @"_(* #,##0_);_(* (#,##0);_(* "" - ""??_);_(@_)";
                    var BACellStyle = new XSSFNPoiStyle()
                        Border = CellBorder.All, BorderStyle = BorderStyle.Thin, CellFormat = formatStr, VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Top, HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left

                    sheet.SetCellValue(2, "B", row, "RptHeader");
                    sheet.CreateRow(iRow + 5);
                    BACellStyle.WrapText = true;
                    sheet.SetCellValue(iRow + 5, "B", row, "NREItemLabel").SetCellStyle(BACellStyle);
                    sheet.SetCellValue(iRow + 5, "C", row, "NREItemComments").SetCellStyle(BACellStyle);
                    BACellStyle.CellFormat = "#,###.00";
                    sheet.SetCellValue(iRow + 5, "D", row, "NREItemBookVal").SetCellStyle(BACellStyle);
                    BACellStyle.CellFormat = "0.0%";
                    sheet.SetCellValue(iRow + 5, "E", row, "NREItemCollPcnt").SetCellStyle(BACellStyle);
                    BACellStyle.CellFormat = "#,###.00";
                    sheet.SetCellValue(iRow + 5, "F", row, "NRESIM").SetCellStyle(BACellStyle);

                    if (iNRECnt == (int)row["CollateralNRECnt"])
                        //sheet.CreateRow(18 + iRow);
                        //sheet.SetCellValue(18 + iRow, "C", 0.0).SetCellFormat(formatStr).SetCellFormula(string.Format("SUM(C18:C{0})", (18 + iRow - 2)));
                        sheet.CreateRow(iRow + 7);
                        BACellStyle.IsBold = true;
                        sheet.SetCellValue(iRow + 6, "C", "Totals:").SetCellStyle(BACellStyle);
                        BACellStyle.CellFormat = "#,###.00";
                        sheet.SetCellValue(iRow + 6, "D", 0.0).SetCellStyle(BACellStyle).SetCellFormula(string.Format("SUM(D6:D{0})", (6 + iRow)));
                        sheet.SetCellValue(iRow + 6, "F", 0.0).SetCellStyle(BACellStyle).SetCellFormula(string.Format("SUM(F6:F{0})", (6 + iRow)));

                        BACellStyle.IsBold = false;


            catch (Exception)