public void CreateDemoData(DemoDate demoDate)
            var baseFolderPath = Server.MapPath("~/");
            var currentUsername = HttpContext.User.Identity.Name;
            var graphServiceToken = this.TempData.Peek("graphServiceToken").ToString();
            if (demoDataProvisioningTask == null || demoDataProvisioningTask.Phase == "Completed")
                demoDataProvisioningTask = new SiteProvisioningTask();
                demoDataProvisioningTask.Task = Task.Factory.StartNew(async () =>
                        var token = this.TempData.Peek("demoSiteToken") as string;
                        var graphService = this.TempData.Peek("graphService") as GraphServiceClient ;

                        using (var clientContext = this.TempData.Peek("demoSiteClientContext") as Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.ClientContext)
                            demoDataProvisioningTask.Phase = "provision SharePoint demo data";
                            demoDataProvisioningTask.Message = "The SharePoint demo data is being provisioned. This operation can take up to 20 minutes to complete.  Please be patient and do not refresh the page during this process.";

                            var siteProvisioning = new SiteProvisioning(clientContext, baseFolderPath, currentUsername, graphServiceToken);
                            await siteProvisioning.AddSiteContentsAsync(new VideoPortalHelper(token));

                            demoDataProvisioningTask.Phase = "provision demo users and AAD groups";
                            demoDataProvisioningTask.Message = "The SharePoint demo data has been provisioned successfully.  Proceeding to provision Demo users and AAD groups. Please be patient and do not refresh the page during this process.";
                            await siteProvisioning.AddGroupsAndUsersAsync(graphService, graphServiceToken);

                            demoDataProvisioningTask.Phase = "provision o365 groups";
                            demoDataProvisioningTask.Message = "The demo AAD users and groups have been provisioned successfully.  Proceeding to provision Office 365 Groups. Please be patient and do not refresh the page during this process.";
                            await siteProvisioning.CreateUnifiedGroupsForPropertiesAsync(graphService, graphServiceToken);

                            demoDataProvisioningTask.Phase = "provision demo excel";
                            demoDataProvisioningTask.Message = "The Office 365 Groups have been provisioned successfully.  Proceeding to provision Excel Workbooks. Please be patient and do not refresh the page during this process.";
                            await siteProvisioning.UpdateExcelGroupsForPropertiesAsync(graphService, graphServiceToken);

                            office365groups = await GetO365DemoGroups(graphService);
                            demoDataProvisioningTask.Phase = "Completed";
                            demoDataProvisioningTask.Message = "The AAD Users and Groups, Office 365 Groups, and all demo data have been successfully created.  The initial password for all the users is: TempP@ssw0rd!";
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        demoDataProvisioningTask.Message = "An unexpected error occurred, please try again, error message: " + ex.Message;
                        demoDataProvisioningTask.Phase = "Error";
        public async Task<ActionResult> CreateDemoData(SuiteLevelWebApp.Models.ProvisionDemoData model)
            var token = AuthenticationHelper.GetAccessTokenAsync(AppSettings.DemoSiteServiceResourceId);
            var graphService = AuthenticationHelper.GetGraphServiceAsync();

            using (var clientContext = await AuthenticationHelper.GetDemoSiteClientContextAsync())
                var siteProvisioning = new SiteProvisioning(clientContext);
                await siteProvisioning.AddSiteContentsAsync(new VideoPortalHelper(await token));
                await siteProvisioning.AddGroupsAndUsersAsync(await graphService);
                await siteProvisioning.CreateUnifiedGroupsForPropertiesAsync(await graphService);

                model.Message = "The AAD Groups, AAD Users, and demo data have been created successfully.  The initial password for all the users is: TempP@ssw0rd!";
                TempData["datetime"] = model;
                return RedirectToAction("ProvisionDemoData");