Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// After basic matching, some alignment points will still remain unmatched. This function takes
        /// a single chunk of unmatched alignment points (not the whole list), and attempts to re-match them.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="unmatchedSequence"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static List <AlignmentPoint> ReMatchUnmatchedDialogue(List <AlignmentPoint> unmatchedSequence)
            //if empty list given, just return an empty list
            if (unmatchedSequence.Count == 0)
                return(new List <AlignmentPoint>());

            List <MangaGamerDialogue>     unmatchedMGs          = new List <MangaGamerDialogue>();
            List <PS3DialogueFragment>    unmatchedPS3Fragments = new List <PS3DialogueFragment>();
            List <PS3DialogueInstruction> unmatchedPS3s         = new List <PS3DialogueInstruction>();

            HashSet <int> alreadySeenPS3ParentIDs = new HashSet <int>();
            Dictionary <int, PS3DialogueFragment> ps3DialogueIDToFirstFragmentMapping = new Dictionary <int, PS3DialogueFragment>();

            foreach (AlignmentPoint ap in unmatchedSequence)
                if (ap.mangaGamerDialogue != null)
                    DebugUtils.Print($"MG line: {ap.mangaGamerDialogue.data}");

                if (ap.ps3DialogFragment != null)

                    if (!alreadySeenPS3ParentIDs.Contains(ap.ps3DialogFragment.parent.ID))
                        ps3DialogueIDToFirstFragmentMapping.Add(ap.ps3DialogFragment.parent.ID, ap.ps3DialogFragment);
                        DebugUtils.Print($"PS3 parent of below missing fragments [{ap.ps3DialogFragment.parent.ID}]: {ap.ps3DialogFragment.parent.data}");

                    DebugUtils.Print($"PS3 child [{ap.ps3DialogFragment.parent.ID}]: {ap.ps3DialogFragment.data}");

            //Try and match the unmatched lines
            List <InOrderLevenshteinMatcher.LevenshteinResult> greedyMatchResults = InOrderLevenshteinMatcher.DoMatching(unmatchedMGs, unmatchedPS3s);

            //Use the match results to set associations
            foreach (var result in greedyMatchResults)
                MangaGamerDialogue mgToAssign = unmatchedMGs[result.mgIndex];
                //want to get the first ps3 fragment associated with the Dialogue. Use hashmap we made earlier.
                PS3DialogueFragment ps3FragmentToAssign = ps3DialogueIDToFirstFragmentMapping[unmatchedPS3s[result.ps3Index].ID];

            //iterate through the list and add alignment points appropriately
            List <AlignmentPoint> reAssociatedAlignmentPoints = GetAlignmentPointsFromMGPS3Array(unmatchedMGs, unmatchedPS3Fragments);

            //Debug: Print out re-assigned alignment points for debugging
            foreach (AlignmentPoint ap in reAssociatedAlignmentPoints)

Example #2
        //This function performs the diff given the two lists of dialogue.
        //It then UPDATES the values in the mangaGamerDialogueList and the ps3DialogueList (the DialogueBase.other value is updated on each dialogue object!)
        //If a dialogue cannot be associated, it is set to NULL.
        public static List <AlignmentPoint> DoDiff(string tempFolderPath, List <MangaGamerDialogue> mangaGamerDialogueList, List <PS3DialogueFragment> ps3DialogueFragments, string debugFilenamePrefix = "")
            //Convert PS3 Dialogue list into list of subsections before performing diff - this can be re-assembled later!
            string mangaGamerDiffInputPath = Path.Combine(tempFolderPath, debugFilenamePrefix + "_diffInputA.txt");
            string PS3DiffInputPath        = Path.Combine(tempFolderPath, debugFilenamePrefix + "_diffInputB.txt");
            string diffOutputPath          = Path.Combine(tempFolderPath, debugFilenamePrefix + "_diffOutput.txt");

            //write the diff-prepared manga gamer dialogue to a file
            WriteListOfDialogueToFile(mangaGamerDialogueList, mangaGamerDiffInputPath);

            //write the diff-prepared ps3 dialogue to a file
            WriteListOfDialogueToFile(ps3DialogueFragments, PS3DiffInputPath);

            //do the diff
            string diffResult = RunDiffTool(mangaGamerDiffInputPath, PS3DiffInputPath);

            //save the diff to file for debugging
            using (StreamWriter sw = FileUtils.CreateDirectoriesAndOpen(diffOutputPath, FileMode.Create))

            List <AlignmentPoint> alignmentPoints = new List <AlignmentPoint>();

            using (StringReader reader = new StringReader(diffResult))
                string line;
                //skip the header information
                while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null)
                    if (line[0] == '@')

                //TODO: need to think of the best way to categorize all mangagamer lines...
                //a ' ' means lines are the same
                //a '+' means line is present in PS3 ONLY           (it was 'added' in the ps3 version)
                //a '-' means line is present in mangagamer ONLY    (it was 'removed' from the ps3 version)
                List <AlignmentPoint> unmatchedSequence = new List <AlignmentPoint>();
                int mgIndex  = 0;
                int ps3Index = 0;
                while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null)
                    //classify the line type:
                    char lineType = line[0];
                    if (lineType == ' ') //lines match
                        PS3DialogueFragment dummyPS3Instruction = ps3DialogueFragments[ps3Index];
                        MangaGamerDialogue  currentMangaGamer   = mangaGamerDialogueList[mgIndex];

                        //associate the fragment with the mangagamer dialogue

                        //re-match the unmatched sequence, then clear it for next iteration

                        //add the just found instruction
                        alignmentPoints.Add(new AlignmentPoint(currentMangaGamer, dummyPS3Instruction));

                    else if (lineType == '+') //only exist in ps3
                        PS3DialogueFragment currentDialog = ps3DialogueFragments[ps3Index];
                        unmatchedSequence.Add(new AlignmentPoint(null, currentDialog));
                    else if (lineType == '-') //only exist in mangagamer
                        MangaGamerDialogue currentDialog = mangaGamerDialogueList[mgIndex];
                        unmatchedSequence.Add(new AlignmentPoint(currentDialog, null));

                //Deal with any leftover unmatched sequences at the end of the file
