public void Go(SudokuLevel theSudokuLevel, SudokuDisplay theSudokuDisplay, SudokuGet theSudokuGet, SudokuSet theSudokuSet) { sudokuLevel = theSudokuLevel; display = theSudokuDisplay; get = theSudokuGet; set = theSudokuSet; display.Start(); //Initial State of Sudoku Level sudokuLevel.SetSize(6); display.Get(sudokuLevel.Output()); //Testing GetByRow, GetByCol and GetByCell display.Get(get.GetByCell(sudokuLevel, 1)); display.Get(get.GetByRow(sudokuLevel, 0, 2)); display.Get(get.GetByCol(sudokuLevel, 3, 0)); //Testing SetByRow, SetByCol and SetByCell set.SetByCell(sudokuLevel, 1, 69); set.SetByRow(sudokuLevel, 0, 2, 420); set.SetByCol(sudokuLevel, 3, 0, 78); //Retesting GetByRow, GetByCol and GetByCell after changing values display.Get(sudokuLevel.Output()); display.Get(get.GetByCell(sudokuLevel, 1)); display.Get(get.GetByRow(sudokuLevel, 0, 2)); display.Get(get.GetByCol(sudokuLevel, 3, 0)); display.Stop(); }
public void SetByRow(SudokuLevel theSudokuLevel, int rowNum, int offset, int newValue) { theSudokuLevel.SetByRow(rowNum, offset, newValue); }
public void SetByCol(SudokuLevel theSudokuLevel, int colNum, int offset, int newValue) { theSudokuLevel.SetByCol(colNum, offset, newValue); }
public void SetByCell(SudokuLevel theSudokuLevel, int cellNum, int newValue) { theSudokuLevel.SetByCell(cellNum, newValue); }
public void SetByBox(SudokuLevel theSudokuLevel, int boxNum, int offset, int newValue) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public int GetByRow(SudokuLevel theSudokuLevel, int rowNum, int offset) { Cell theCell = theSudokuLevel.GetByRow(rowNum, offset); return(theCell.GetCell()); }
public int GetByCol(SudokuLevel theSudokuLevel, int colNum, int offset) { Cell theCell = theSudokuLevel.GetByCol(colNum, offset); return(theCell.GetCell()); }
public int GetByCell(SudokuLevel theSudokuLevel, int cellNum) { Cell theCell = theSudokuLevel.GetByCell(cellNum); return(theCell.GetCell()); }
public void Reset(SudokuLevel theSudokuLevel, int size) { theSudokuLevel.SetSize(size); }