Example #1
 public static void EliminateDuplicates(SudokuModel model, int col, int row)
     if (model.IsSolved(col, row)) {
         var value = model.GetValue(col, row);
         foreach (var region in model.GetIntersectingRegions(col, row)) {
             foreach (var other in model.GetCells(region.Type, region.I)) {
                 if (other.Column != col || other.Row != row) {
                     model.Eliminate(other.Column, other.Row, value);
Example #2
 protected override void OperateOn(SudokuModel model)
     // We could look at all 2^N possible sets on all 3N of the model's regions,
     // but it is more efficient to only use the
     // possiblity set of each cell, and isolate that set on each intersecting region.
     for (var row = 0; row < model.Size; ++row) {
         for (var col = 0; col < model.Size; ++col) {
             if (!model.IsSolved(col, row)) {
                 foreach (var region in model.GetIntersectingRegions(col, row)) {
                     var checkedIter = GetCheckedIteration(region);
                     if (checkedIter < model.GetLastChangedIterRegion(region.Type, region.I)) {
                         _checkedIteration[region] = checkedIter;
                         IsolateSet(model.GetPossibilitySetCell(col, row), region, model);
Example #3
 bool OperateOn(int col, int row, SudokuModel model)
     if (!model.IsSolved(col, row)) {
         // obviously can't eliminate anything in a solved cell.
         // try each int i that is a possibility for the cell, and see if an error results
         foreach (var i in model.GetPossibilitySetCell(col, row).HighBitPositions()) {
             var clone = new SudokuModel(model);
             clone.SetValue(col, row, i);
             if (clone.IsConsistent()) {
             // If so, we can eliminate that from the original model.
             model.Eliminate(col, row, i);
             return true;
             // return immediately after eliminating something, since
             // this is a slow algorithm, and we want our faster
             // algorithms to see if they make some more eliminations first.
     return false;