Example #1
        private static IEnumerator ParseLayers(IPsdLayer[] layers, bool doYield,
                                               Action <PsdLayer, int[]> onLayer, Action onComplete, int[] parentIndex = null)
            // Loop through layers in reverse so they are encountered in same order as Photoshop
            for (int i = layers.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                int[] layerIndex = parentIndex;
                if (layerIndex == null)
                    layerIndex = new int[] { i };
                    int lastIndex = layerIndex.Length;
                    Array.Resize(ref layerIndex, lastIndex + 1);
                    layerIndex[lastIndex] = i;

                PsdLayer layer = layers[i] as PsdLayer;
                if (layer == null)

                if (onLayer != null)
                    onLayer(layer, layerIndex);

                if (doYield)
                    yield return(null);

                if (layer.Childs.Length > 0)
                    yield return(EditorCoroutineRunner.StartCoroutine(
                                     ParseLayers(layer.Childs, doYield, onLayer, null, layerIndex)

            if (onComplete != null)
Example #2
        public void Tick()
            if (coroutine != null)
                // First check if we have been canceled by the UI. If so, we need to stop before doing any wait processing
                if (canceled)

                // Did the last Yield want us to wait?
                bool isWaiting = false;
                var  now       = DateTime.Now;
                if (current != null)
                    if (currentType == typeof(WaitForSeconds))
                        // last yield was a WaitForSeconds. Lets update the timer.
                        var delta = now - lastUpdateTime;
                        timer -= (float)delta.TotalSeconds;

                        if (timer > 0.0f)
                            isWaiting = true;
                    else if (currentType == typeof(WaitForEndOfFrame) || currentType == typeof(WaitForFixedUpdate))
                        // These dont make sense in editor, so we will treat them the same as a null return...
                        isWaiting = false;
                    else if (currentType == typeof(WWW))
                        // Web download request, lets see if its done!
                        var www = current as WWW;
                        if (!www.isDone)
                            isWaiting = true;
                    else if (currentType.IsSubclassOf(typeof(CustomYieldInstruction)))
                        // last yield was a custom yield type, lets check its keepWaiting property and react to that
                        var yieldInstruction = current as CustomYieldInstruction;
                        if (yieldInstruction.keepWaiting)
                            isWaiting = true;
                    else if (currentType == typeof(EditorCoroutine))
                        // Were waiting on another coroutine to finish
                        var editorCoroutine = current as EditorCoroutine;
                        if (!editorCoroutine.HasFinished)
                            isWaiting = true;
                    else if (typeof(IEnumerator).IsAssignableFrom(currentType))
                        // if were just seeing an enumerator lets assume that were seeing a nested coroutine that has been passed in without calling start.. were start it properly here if we need to
                        if (nestedCoroutine == null)
                            nestedCoroutine = EditorCoroutineRunner.StartCoroutine(current as IEnumerator);
                            isWaiting       = true;
                            isWaiting = !nestedCoroutine.HasFinished;
                    else if (currentType == typeof(Coroutine))
                        // UNSUPPORTED
                        Debug.LogError("Nested Coroutines started by Unity's defaut StartCoroutine method are not supported in editor! please use EditorCoroutineRunner.Start instead. Canceling.");
                        canceled = true;
                        // UNSUPPORTED
                        Debug.LogError("Unsupported yield (" + currentType + ") in editor coroutine!! Canceling.");
                        canceled = true;
                lastUpdateTime = now;

                // have we been canceled?
                if (canceled)

                if (!isWaiting)
                    // nope were good! tick the coroutine!
                    bool update = coroutine.MoveNext();

                    if (update)
                        // yup the coroutine returned true so its been ticked...

                        // lets see what it actually yielded
                        current = coroutine.Current;
                        if (current != null)
                            // is it a type we have to do extra processing on?
                            currentType = current.GetType();

                            if (currentType == typeof(WaitForSeconds))
                                // its a WaitForSeconds... lets use reflection to pull out how long the actual wait is for so we can process the wait
                                var       wait      = current as WaitForSeconds;
                                FieldInfo m_Seconds = typeof(WaitForSeconds).GetField("m_Seconds", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
                                if (m_Seconds != null)
                                    timer = (float)m_Seconds.GetValue(wait);
                            else if (currentType == typeof(EditorStatusUpdate))
                                // Special case yield that wants to update the UI!
                                var updateInfo = current as EditorStatusUpdate;
                                if (updateInfo.HasLabelUpdate)
                                    Label = updateInfo.Label;
                                if (updateInfo.HasPercentUpdate)
                                    PercentComplete = updateInfo.PercentComplete;
                        // Coroutine returned false so its finally finished!!
Example #3
 public static void ImportLayers(Object psdFile, ImportUserData importSettings, List <int[]> layerIndices, Action <List <Sprite> > callback = null)
         ImportCoroutine(psdFile, importSettings, layerIndices, false, completeCallback: callback)
Example #4
        public static void BuildImportLayerData(Object file, ImportUserData importSettings,
                                                Action <ImportLayerData, DisplayLayerData> callback)
            string filepath = GetPsdFilepath(file);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(filepath))
                if (callback != null)
                    callback(null, null);

            using (PsdDocument psd = PsdDocument.Create(filepath))
                ImportLayerData docImportData = new ImportLayerData()
                    name    = DOC_ROOT,
                    indexId = new int[] { -1 },
                    Childs  = new List <ImportLayerData>()
                DisplayLayerData docDisplayData = new DisplayLayerData()
                    indexId = new int[] { -1 },
                    Childs  = new List <DisplayLayerData>()

                    ParseLayers(psd.Childs, false,
                                onLayer: (layer, indexId) =>
                    // Walk down the index id to get the parent layers
                    // and build the full path
                    string fullPath                = "";
                    ImportLayerData parentLayer    = docImportData;
                    DisplayLayerData parentDisplay = docDisplayData;
                    if (indexId.Length > 1)
                        for (int idIdx = 0; idIdx < indexId.Length - 1; idIdx++)
                            int idx       = indexId[idIdx];
                            parentLayer   = parentLayer.Childs[idx];
                            parentDisplay = parentDisplay.Childs[idx];

                            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fullPath) == false)
                                fullPath += "/";
                            fullPath += parentLayer.name;

                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fullPath) == false)
                        fullPath += "/";
                    fullPath += layer.Name;

                    ImportLayerData layerImportData = new ImportLayerData()
                        name        = layer.Name,
                        path        = fullPath,
                        indexId     = indexId,
                        import      = layer.IsVisible,
                        useDefaults = true,
                        Alignment   = importSettings.DefaultAlignment,
                        Pivot       = importSettings.DefaultPivot,
                        ScaleFactor = importSettings.ScaleFactor,
                        Childs      = new List <ImportLayerData>()

                    DisplayLayerData layerDisplayData = new DisplayLayerData()
                        indexId   = indexId,
                        isVisible = layer.IsVisible,
                        isGroup   = layer.Childs.Length > 0,
                        isOpen    = layer.IsFolderOpen

                    int layerIdx = indexId[indexId.Length - 1];

                    int maxLayers = layerIdx + 1;
                    while (parentLayer.Childs.Count < maxLayers)

                    parentLayer.Childs[layerIdx] = layerImportData;

                    while (parentDisplay.Childs.Count < maxLayers)

                    parentDisplay.Childs[layerIdx] = layerDisplayData;
                                onComplete: () =>
                    if (callback != null)
                        callback(docImportData, docDisplayData);